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Standards in Practice:Standards in Practice:
A Case Study of Voice MessagingA Case Study of Voice Messaging
John P. ChinJohn P. Chin
Usability Goals and ObjectivesUsability Goals and Objectives
Design IssuesDesign Issues
UI StandardsUI Standards
ISO 13714ISO 13714
Voice Messaging User Interface ForumVoice Messaging User Interface Forum
Usability Test ResultsUsability Test Results
Goals and ObjectivesGoals and Objectives
Existing User Interface (UI) A incompatibleExisting User Interface (UI) A incompatible
with UI Bwith UI B
Customers object to replacing existing UI ACustomers object to replacing existing UI A
with UI Bwith UI B
Create third UI C that is more compatible withCreate third UI C that is more compatible with
UI C to comply with standards as much asUI C to comply with standards as much as
Listen MenuListen Menu
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward
EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave
Envelope InfoEnvelope Info
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
Reply/ForwardReply/Forward PausePause DeleteDelete
Access MenuAccess Menu
SofterSofter SlowerSlower FasterFaster
RepeatRepeat LouderLouder Fast ForwardFast Forward
Interface BInterface B
Interface AInterface A
Listen MenuListen Menu
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
RepeatRepeat SaveSave DeleteDelete
Backup orBackup or
RewindRewind ResumeResume Fast ForwardFast Forward
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
PlayPlay SaveSave DeleteDelete
Access MenuAccess Menu
RewindRewind Fast ForwardFast Forward
Listen MenuListen Menu
ISO 13714ISO 13714
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward
EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave
Envelope InfoEnvelope Info
RepeatRepeat ForwardForward
Backup orBackup or
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
PlayPlay SaveSave DeleteDelete
Access MenuAccess Menu
RewindRewind Fast ForwardFast Forward
Interface BInterface B
Interface AInterface A
ISO 13714ISO 1371453%53% 46%46%
Listen MenuListen Menu
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward
EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave
Envelope InfoEnvelope Info
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
** 00 ##
RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward
Backup orBackup or
DeleteDelete Reply/ForwardReply/Forward SaveSave
Envelope InfoEnvelope Info
RepeatRepeat RepeatRepeat
Backup orBackup or
Interface BInterface B
Interface AInterface A
61%61% 15%15%
User Interface CUser Interface C
Interface BInterface B
Interface AInterface A
61%61% 15%15%
User Interface CUser Interface C
ISO 13714ISO 13714
53%53% 46%46%
Nine expert users of UI A rated ease of use ofNine expert users of UI A rated ease of use of
Performed 17 different tasks forPerformed 17 different tasks for
Administration, Get Messages, SendAdministration, Get Messages, Send
Rated tasks and overall systemRated tasks and overall system
Scale:1 = Extremely difficult to 7 = ExtremelyScale:1 = Extremely difficult to 7 = Extremely
Wrote additional comments whenWrote additional comments when
UI C was rated neither harder or easier than UIUI C was rated neither harder or easier than UI
Rate task moderate (6) or extremely easy (7)Rate task moderate (6) or extremely easy (7)
85% rate frequent and critical tasks85% rate frequent and critical tasks
Save, Erase and SkipSave, Erase and Skip
80% rate typical features80% rate typical features
Overall, 77% of the goals were achievedOverall, 77% of the goals were achieved
Lessons LearnedLessons Learned
Subjective measures are an importantSubjective measures are an important
Deviate from standards to avoid destructiveDeviate from standards to avoid destructive
Users won¡¯t over generalize negative ratingsUsers won¡¯t over generalize negative ratings
Ratings will vary from one task to anotherRatings will vary from one task to another
Overall assessment of the UI will reflect theOverall assessment of the UI will reflect the
majority of the ratings.majority of the ratings.

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  • 1. Standards in Practice:Standards in Practice: A Case Study of Voice MessagingA Case Study of Voice Messaging John P. ChinJohn P. Chin
  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction Usability Goals and ObjectivesUsability Goals and Objectives Design IssuesDesign Issues UI StandardsUI Standards ISO 13714ISO 13714 Voice Messaging User Interface ForumVoice Messaging User Interface Forum (VMUIF)(VMUIF) Usability Test ResultsUsability Test Results
  • 3. Goals and ObjectivesGoals and Objectives SituationSituation Existing User Interface (UI) A incompatibleExisting User Interface (UI) A incompatible with UI Bwith UI B Customers object to replacing existing UI ACustomers object to replacing existing UI A with UI Bwith UI B SolutionSolution Create third UI C that is more compatible withCreate third UI C that is more compatible with UI AUI A UI C to comply with standards as much asUI C to comply with standards as much as possiblepossible
  • 4. Listen MenuListen Menu UI AUI A UI BUI B 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward HelpHelpCancelCancel EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave Envelope InfoEnvelope Info 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## Reply/ForwardReply/Forward PausePause DeleteDelete PlayPlay ControlControl Access MenuAccess Menu SofterSofter SlowerSlower FasterFaster RewindRewind SkipSkip RepeatRepeat LouderLouder Fast ForwardFast Forward SkipSkip ForwardForward
  • 6. Listen MenuListen Menu ISO 13714ISO 13714 VMUIFVMUIF 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## RepeatRepeat SaveSave DeleteDelete HelpHelp Backup orBackup or CancelCancel RewindRewind ResumeResume Fast ForwardFast Forward SkipSkip ReplyReply PausePause 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## PlayPlay SaveSave DeleteDelete ControlControl Access MenuAccess Menu RewindRewind Fast ForwardFast Forward SkipSkip
  • 7. Listen MenuListen Menu UI AUI A ISO 13714ISO 13714 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward HelpHelp EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave Envelope InfoEnvelope Info SkipSkip RepeatRepeat ForwardForward Backup orBackup or CancelCancel 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## PlayPlay SaveSave DeleteDelete ControlControl Access MenuAccess Menu RewindRewind Fast ForwardFast Forward SkipSkip
  • 8. AssessmentAssessment UserUser Interface BInterface B UserUser Interface AInterface A 11%11% ISO 13714ISO 1371453%53% 46%46%
  • 9. Listen MenuListen Menu UI AUI A UI CUI C 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward HelpHelp EraseErase ReplyReply SaveSave Envelope InfoEnvelope Info 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 ** 00 ## RewindRewind PausePause Fast ForwardFast Forward HelpHelp Backup orBackup or CancelCancel DeleteDelete Reply/ForwardReply/Forward SaveSave Envelope InfoEnvelope Info SkipSkip RepeatRepeat RepeatRepeat SkipSkip ForwardForward Backup orBackup or CancelCancel
  • 10. AssessmentAssessment UserUser Interface BInterface B UserUser Interface AInterface A 11%11% 61%61% 15%15% User Interface CUser Interface C
  • 11. AssessmentAssessment UserUser Interface BInterface B UserUser Interface AInterface A 11%11% 61%61% 15%15% User Interface CUser Interface C ISO 13714ISO 13714 53%53% 46%46% VMUIFVMUIF 45%45% 37%37%
  • 12. MethodMethod Nine expert users of UI A rated ease of use ofNine expert users of UI A rated ease of use of UI CUI C Performed 17 different tasks forPerformed 17 different tasks for Administration, Get Messages, SendAdministration, Get Messages, Send MessagesMessages Rated tasks and overall systemRated tasks and overall system Scale:1 = Extremely difficult to 7 = ExtremelyScale:1 = Extremely difficult to 7 = Extremely easyeasy Wrote additional comments whenWrote additional comments when appropriateappropriate
  • 13. ResultsResults UI C was rated neither harder or easier than UIUI C was rated neither harder or easier than UI AA Rate task moderate (6) or extremely easy (7)Rate task moderate (6) or extremely easy (7) 85% rate frequent and critical tasks85% rate frequent and critical tasks Save, Erase and SkipSave, Erase and Skip 80% rate typical features80% rate typical features Overall, 77% of the goals were achievedOverall, 77% of the goals were achieved
  • 14. Lessons LearnedLessons Learned Subjective measures are an importantSubjective measures are an important considerationconsideration Deviate from standards to avoid destructiveDeviate from standards to avoid destructive actionsactions Users won¡¯t over generalize negative ratingsUsers won¡¯t over generalize negative ratings Ratings will vary from one task to anotherRatings will vary from one task to another Overall assessment of the UI will reflect theOverall assessment of the UI will reflect the majority of the ratings.majority of the ratings.