The students used a sextant to measure the height of buildings and trees. They measured the height of their school building, which was 15 meters tall. They also measured the height of an inaccessible tree by taking angle measurements from different distances and using trigonometry calculations. The students concluded the project by crediting the participants and sharing photos of their measurements.
3. We process
The sextant is an instrument that measures angles between two lines.
We could use it to measure the hight of buildings , trees etc...
We decided to use it to solve two problems in trigonometry.
4. Calculation of standing height available:
Check the height of our institute.
We got to 15 m away from some wall
obtaining a correct result.
What we did was look in a certain
line and thereafter every
taking an angle depending on your height.
With a height of 1.64 obtained an
angle of 33 尊. (measuring
to the eyes)
With a height of 1.74 obtained an
angle of 32.5 尊. (measuring
to the eyes).
5. Calculation of standing height inaccessible:
After we returned to check a height but this time a tree.
We set to any distance, and measuring a person with a height
of 1.74 over his eyes got a angle of 24尊. 19m move and got an angle
of 40尊.
8. Here we are measuring distance
between the tree and Valtteri
W dniu 21.03.2011 udalimy si ca klas
mierzy sup przed szko. Nasza grupa
mierzya go metod fotogrametryczn.
On 21.03.2011 we went with the
whole class to measure a post near
the school. Our group measuresd it
with a photogrametric method.
13. I pomiar na odlegoci 20,46 m.
- wymiary rzeczywiste / real size
- wymiary ze zdjcia / photo size
X - wysoko supa w rzeczywistoci /
real height of a post
14. II pomiar na odlegoci 50,82 m
wymiary rzeczywiste / real size
- wymiary ze zdjcia / photo size
15. III pomiar ze szkolnego okna na
wysokoci ok. 6 m
wymiary ze zdjcia / photo
- wymiary rzeczywiste / real