This study characterized microstructural mutation events (MMEs) in chloroplast genomes of nine chloridoid grass species. High-throughput sequencing was used to obtain complete chloroplast genomes, which were aligned and analyzed for indels and inversions. Phylogenomic analyses of nucleotide sequences and binary matrices of MMEs produced trees with varying levels of support. MMEs provided additional phylogenetic information beyond nucleotide substitutions alone. The analysis of complete chloroplast genomes and MMEs improves understanding of evolutionary relationships among C4 chloridoid grasses.
This document provides information about various elements in the periodic table, including their name, symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, melting point and boiling point. For each element listed, it gives these key details in a standardized format. The document contains information on elements ranging from hydrogen to ruthenium in the periodic table.
- The document discusses the latest issue of The Python Papers journal.
- It thanks contributors and readers for their support over the past year.
- Starting in 2009, articles will be published online as they are accepted rather than being released together in issues.
- The editorial team has changed its name from the "Review Policy" to the "Editorial Policy".
The periodic table organizes the chemical elements by their atomic number, chemical properties, and recurring trends. It contains 7 periods and 18 groups of elements, with the elements arranged in blocks by their electron configuration. The periodic table lists each element's symbol, name, atomic number, and average atomic mass. It provides a useful framework for learning chemical properties and behaviors.
2005 02 14 C2 I S R C O I Brief A K MaitraAmit Maitra
The document discusses the Air Force's strategy to move from privately stored data to an enterprise information environment where authorized users can access and share data. It outlines barriers to identifying, accessing, and understanding data across different organizations. The strategy involves using communities of interest, metadata registries, and web services to make data visible, accessible, and understandable across the Department of Defense.
Pattern Mapping Approach for Detecting Xss Attacks In Multi-Tier Web Applicat...IOSR Journals
This paper proposes a pattern mapping approach using a double guard technique to detect XSS attacks in multi-tier web applications. The double guard deploys intrusion detection systems at both the front-end web server and back-end database server. It uses virtualization to create containers for each user session, mapping patterns between web requests and database queries. A step-wise pattern mapping algorithm is presented to detect XSS attacks by applying rules to identify encoded values and annotations in requests. The approach was tested on sample Java web applications and was able to detect typical XSS attacks.
The Serra Azul Mine is located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The geology consists of banded iron formation deposits within the Quadrilátero FerrÃfero region. Mineralization includes various lithological ore types such as canga, friable and compact itabirite, and friable hematite. Since 2005, over 200 drillholes totaling 18,857 meters have been completed. MMX prepared a resource estimate for the project using ordinary kriging and classified blocks as measured, indicated or inferred based on drill spacing and estimation parameters. The mineral resources as of November 2010 consist of 199,989 tonnes measured and indicated grading 50.58% Fe and 384,164 tonnes measured grading
Innovia Materials Co., Ltd provides information on the properties of two types of PMN-PT crystals: 001PMN-L crystals containing 27-30% PT and 001PMN-H crystals containing 30-33% PT. The document lists various mechanical, electro-mechanical, electrical, and piezoelectric properties of each crystal type, such as density, elastic constants, dielectric constants, piezoelectric constants, and phase transition temperatures. Notes provide additional context on measurement standards and indicate that listed values are typical properties.
This document discusses the efficiency calculations for selected scintillators used in gamma ray and x-ray detection. It provides information on detector counting efficiency, photopeak efficiency of sodium iodide and plastic scintillators, transmission efficiency of window materials, and gamma/x-ray absorption efficiency graphs for various scintillation materials. Examples are given to demonstrate how to calculate detector efficiency based on the geometry of the detector and source, as well as the material properties of any intervening substances.
This paper investigates the impact of exchange rate volatility on bilateral trade flows using monthly export data from 13 countries from 1980 to 1998. It finds that the relationship is nonlinear and depends on the interaction between exchange rate volatility and economic uncertainty in the importing country. In contrast to prior studies using aggregate data, this paper employs a measure of exchange rate volatility calculated from daily exchange rate data. It also controls for uncertainty in foreign income levels and includes an interaction term to capture indirect effects. The results show exchange rate volatility does not have a simple linear relationship with trade flows and that uncertainty in foreign income may significantly impact trade for some country pairs. This suggests the effects of exchange rate volatility are more complex than portrayed in previous empirical work.
This document discusses developing social pedagogy as an academic discipline. It outlines social pedagogy's origins and purpose, and argues that it should be established as a discipline based on its own theoretical questioning and theory formation, rather than just applying theories from other disciplines. The author believes clarifying social pedagogy's basic questions and scope through analyzing its historical and theoretical traditions can help establish it as a distinct academic discipline.
This document summarizes the mechanisms of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in humans. It discusses both acute and chronic HPV. For acute HPV, it describes the role of calcium influx through transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and voltage-gated calcium channels in triggering vasoconstriction. It also discusses the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by mitochondria in modulating potassium channels and causing vasoconstriction. For chronic HPV, it mentions how increased ROS production leads to pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension over time.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the response of 24 sunflower genotypes to charcoal rot disease caused by the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina. The genotypes were planted under different treatment conditions and assessed for various yield attributes and disease incidence. Three genotypes - HBRS-1, A-79, and G-12 - showed moderate resistance to the disease, with disease incidence between 10-24%. Several other genotypes were found to be susceptible or highly susceptible, with over 50% disease incidence. The study aims to identify resistant varieties that can be used for improving sunflower yield under charcoal rot stress conditions.
The document analyzes Greece's debt crisis by comparing it to the US recession of 2007-2009. It finds that Greece's unemployment and GDP per capita were hit harder than the US. While Greece has received bailouts from the EU and IMF totaling over €240 billion, it still faces high unemployment of over 26% in 2014 and reform is needed. The response to the US recession through acts like TARP helped stabilize the economy, while Greece still has progress to make despite recent signs of improvement.
This document describes three studies on gender misattributions in citations. Study 1 found that gender misattributions are rare in scientific articles, but occur more often when ascribing male gender to female authors, especially in fields with more women. Study 2 found that female authors of master's theses are more likely to have their gender misattributed as male, particularly by male authors. Study 3 is analyzing gendered language used to refer to scientific concepts named for women or men on the internet. Preliminary results show experts sometimes use masculine forms for concepts named for women.
This document discusses identification of respiratory tract infections caused by Streptococcus spp, Corynebacterium diphteriae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It describes the media, stains, and tests used to identify these bacteria, including blood agar, chocolate agar, gram stain, optochin test, and bacitracin test. The document focuses on identifying Streptococcus species and differentiating between them using characteristics such as hemolysis patterns (alpha, beta, gamma), optochin test, inulin test, and bile solubility test.
This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements included in 3GPP Release 11. Key areas covered include:
- Improvements to machine type communications, IP interconnection services, emergency services, and voice over LTE.
- Enhancements to network functions like location services, charging management, security, and operations/maintenance.
- Continued development of LTE technologies including carrier aggregation, positioning support, and multimedia broadcast services.
- Work items across different 3GPP groups relating to the Evolved Packet System, the UICC, inter-RAT handover, and testing specifications.
This document provides instructions for using Photoshop to create and edit images. It demonstrates creating a lightning bolt image from scratch using gradient and filter tools. It then shows how to use the rubber stamp and heal tools to retouch images. The rubber stamp tool samples one image area and paints it onto another to remove objects like logos. The heal tool also samples and paints over areas but preserves color and lighting better for removing blemishes or other minor retouching.
The Serra Azul Mine is located in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The geology consists of banded iron formation deposits within the Quadrilátero FerrÃfero region. Mineralization includes various lithological ore types such as canga, friable and compact itabirite, and friable hematite. Since 2005, over 200 drillholes totaling 18,857 meters have been completed. MMX prepared a resource estimate for the project using ordinary kriging and classified blocks as measured, indicated or inferred based on drill spacing and estimation parameters. The mineral resources as of November 2010 consist of 199,989 tonnes measured and indicated grading 50.58% Fe and 384,164 tonnes measured grading
Innovia Materials Co., Ltd provides information on the properties of two types of PMN-PT crystals: 001PMN-L crystals containing 27-30% PT and 001PMN-H crystals containing 30-33% PT. The document lists various mechanical, electro-mechanical, electrical, and piezoelectric properties of each crystal type, such as density, elastic constants, dielectric constants, piezoelectric constants, and phase transition temperatures. Notes provide additional context on measurement standards and indicate that listed values are typical properties.
This document discusses the efficiency calculations for selected scintillators used in gamma ray and x-ray detection. It provides information on detector counting efficiency, photopeak efficiency of sodium iodide and plastic scintillators, transmission efficiency of window materials, and gamma/x-ray absorption efficiency graphs for various scintillation materials. Examples are given to demonstrate how to calculate detector efficiency based on the geometry of the detector and source, as well as the material properties of any intervening substances.
This paper investigates the impact of exchange rate volatility on bilateral trade flows using monthly export data from 13 countries from 1980 to 1998. It finds that the relationship is nonlinear and depends on the interaction between exchange rate volatility and economic uncertainty in the importing country. In contrast to prior studies using aggregate data, this paper employs a measure of exchange rate volatility calculated from daily exchange rate data. It also controls for uncertainty in foreign income levels and includes an interaction term to capture indirect effects. The results show exchange rate volatility does not have a simple linear relationship with trade flows and that uncertainty in foreign income may significantly impact trade for some country pairs. This suggests the effects of exchange rate volatility are more complex than portrayed in previous empirical work.
This document discusses developing social pedagogy as an academic discipline. It outlines social pedagogy's origins and purpose, and argues that it should be established as a discipline based on its own theoretical questioning and theory formation, rather than just applying theories from other disciplines. The author believes clarifying social pedagogy's basic questions and scope through analyzing its historical and theoretical traditions can help establish it as a distinct academic discipline.
This document summarizes the mechanisms of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in humans. It discusses both acute and chronic HPV. For acute HPV, it describes the role of calcium influx through transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and voltage-gated calcium channels in triggering vasoconstriction. It also discusses the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by mitochondria in modulating potassium channels and causing vasoconstriction. For chronic HPV, it mentions how increased ROS production leads to pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary hypertension over time.
This document summarizes a study that evaluated the response of 24 sunflower genotypes to charcoal rot disease caused by the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina. The genotypes were planted under different treatment conditions and assessed for various yield attributes and disease incidence. Three genotypes - HBRS-1, A-79, and G-12 - showed moderate resistance to the disease, with disease incidence between 10-24%. Several other genotypes were found to be susceptible or highly susceptible, with over 50% disease incidence. The study aims to identify resistant varieties that can be used for improving sunflower yield under charcoal rot stress conditions.
The document analyzes Greece's debt crisis by comparing it to the US recession of 2007-2009. It finds that Greece's unemployment and GDP per capita were hit harder than the US. While Greece has received bailouts from the EU and IMF totaling over €240 billion, it still faces high unemployment of over 26% in 2014 and reform is needed. The response to the US recession through acts like TARP helped stabilize the economy, while Greece still has progress to make despite recent signs of improvement.
This document describes three studies on gender misattributions in citations. Study 1 found that gender misattributions are rare in scientific articles, but occur more often when ascribing male gender to female authors, especially in fields with more women. Study 2 found that female authors of master's theses are more likely to have their gender misattributed as male, particularly by male authors. Study 3 is analyzing gendered language used to refer to scientific concepts named for women or men on the internet. Preliminary results show experts sometimes use masculine forms for concepts named for women.
This document discusses identification of respiratory tract infections caused by Streptococcus spp, Corynebacterium diphteriae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It describes the media, stains, and tests used to identify these bacteria, including blood agar, chocolate agar, gram stain, optochin test, and bacitracin test. The document focuses on identifying Streptococcus species and differentiating between them using characteristics such as hemolysis patterns (alpha, beta, gamma), optochin test, inulin test, and bile solubility test.
This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements included in 3GPP Release 11. Key areas covered include:
- Improvements to machine type communications, IP interconnection services, emergency services, and voice over LTE.
- Enhancements to network functions like location services, charging management, security, and operations/maintenance.
- Continued development of LTE technologies including carrier aggregation, positioning support, and multimedia broadcast services.
- Work items across different 3GPP groups relating to the Evolved Packet System, the UICC, inter-RAT handover, and testing specifications.
This document provides instructions for using Photoshop to create and edit images. It demonstrates creating a lightning bolt image from scratch using gradient and filter tools. It then shows how to use the rubber stamp and heal tools to retouch images. The rubber stamp tool samples one image area and paints it onto another to remove objects like logos. The heal tool also samples and paints over areas but preserves color and lighting better for removing blemishes or other minor retouching.
Still life is a painting or drawing of objects that do not move, like figures or landscapes. Artists have created still life works for hundreds of years, gaining popularity in the 17th century. Still life paintings often feature groups of natural objects like food, flowers, or household items arranged together by the artist to look interesting on a surface like a table or bench. Famous artists who have incorporated still life include Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, Giorgio Morandi, Vincent van Gogh, and Georgia O'Keeffe.