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Help  please__2
Help  please__2
 To manage your
 to encourage
Help  please__2
1) Know to ask for help before frustration and
 anger take over.
2) Leave behind feelings of shame and
3) Talk to someone who you're close to
4) State clearly what it is that would be helpful
 and be specific.
5) Abstain from whining when you're doing too
6) Say thank you
   Can you give me a hand with this?
   Could you help me for a second?
   Can I ask a favour?
   I wonder if you could help me with this?
   I could do with some help, please.
   I can't manage. Can you help?
   Give me a hand with this, will you?
   Lend me a hand with this, will you?
   Could you spare a moment?
   I need some help, please.
Help  please__2
Can I ask a favor? I dont
 have enough money to call
 my father pick me up. Can
 you lend me some coins? I
 will ask my father to pay
 you back when he arrives.
 Thank you
Help  please__2
   Situation 1: at the ATM
    You are queuing up at the ATM because you
    want to withdraw some money and you are
    having trouble while using the ATM.
    Coincidently, there is a young man behind
    you and he is unhappy because you take too
    much time on the ATM. What can you do to
    resolve the situation?
It's the start of the school holiday for the
coming Eid Mubarak celebration. You are
waiting for the interstate bus to your
hometown. Then, while waiting, you are
confused and you just realised that you have
just missed your bus. From afar, you can see
that your senior is also at the bus station
waiting for a bus to her hometown which is
located 1 hour drive to your hometown. What
will you do to resolve the situation?
You are a tourist from England. During your
stay in Malaysia you decide to dine in a Malay
restaurant in the city. You sit at a table next
to a Malaysian family. There is a
miscommunication between you and the
waiter regarding the name of the food that
you would like to order. What will you do to
resolve the situation?
In two weeks time, you and your friends are
going to have the final semester exam. You
really want to do well this time because you
got average score during the mid year exam.
In the other friend, Rozita Che Wan, your best
friend seems to take everything easily. She
does not want to study for the final because
she got flying colors for her previous exam.
What will you do to resolve the situation?
It is the school's break and you decide to
bring your 5 years old sister to the
huge playground near your house. You are
busy texting (messaging) your best friend
when you realise that your sister is nowhere
to be seen. What will you do to find your
You are alone in the house since your parent
just went out for work. As you are about to
give some food to your cat, you are surprise
to find that she looks sick and you want to
bring the cat to the vet. With nobody at home
besides you, how will you ask for help from
your neighbour so that he/she can bring you
and your cat to the vet?
   For 5 minutes, discuss in groups and create a
    situation which requires people to ask for
   Select representatives from each group to do
    a role-play based on the situations that have
    been created.
   5 minutes to practice.
Help  please__2
Help  please__2

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Help please__2

  • 3. To manage your workload to encourage communication
  • 5. REFER BACK TO HANDOUT 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
  • 6. 1) Know to ask for help before frustration and anger take over. 2) Leave behind feelings of shame and embarrassment. 3) Talk to someone who you're close to 4) State clearly what it is that would be helpful and be specific. 5) Abstain from whining when you're doing too much 6) Say thank you
  • 7. Can you give me a hand with this? Could you help me for a second? Can I ask a favour? I wonder if you could help me with this? I could do with some help, please. I can't manage. Can you help? Give me a hand with this, will you? Lend me a hand with this, will you? Could you spare a moment? I need some help, please.
  • 9. Can I ask a favor? I dont have enough money to call my father pick me up. Can you lend me some coins? I will ask my father to pay you back when he arrives. Thank you
  • 11. Situation 1: at the ATM You are queuing up at the ATM because you want to withdraw some money and you are having trouble while using the ATM. Coincidently, there is a young man behind you and he is unhappy because you take too much time on the ATM. What can you do to resolve the situation?
  • 12. It's the start of the school holiday for the coming Eid Mubarak celebration. You are waiting for the interstate bus to your hometown. Then, while waiting, you are confused and you just realised that you have just missed your bus. From afar, you can see that your senior is also at the bus station waiting for a bus to her hometown which is located 1 hour drive to your hometown. What will you do to resolve the situation?
  • 13. You are a tourist from England. During your stay in Malaysia you decide to dine in a Malay restaurant in the city. You sit at a table next to a Malaysian family. There is a miscommunication between you and the waiter regarding the name of the food that you would like to order. What will you do to resolve the situation?
  • 14. In two weeks time, you and your friends are going to have the final semester exam. You really want to do well this time because you got average score during the mid year exam. In the other friend, Rozita Che Wan, your best friend seems to take everything easily. She does not want to study for the final because she got flying colors for her previous exam. What will you do to resolve the situation?
  • 15. It is the school's break and you decide to bring your 5 years old sister to the huge playground near your house. You are busy texting (messaging) your best friend when you realise that your sister is nowhere to be seen. What will you do to find your sister?
  • 16. You are alone in the house since your parent just went out for work. As you are about to give some food to your cat, you are surprise to find that she looks sick and you want to bring the cat to the vet. With nobody at home besides you, how will you ask for help from your neighbour so that he/she can bring you and your cat to the vet?
  • 17. For 5 minutes, discuss in groups and create a situation which requires people to ask for help. Select representatives from each group to do a role-play based on the situations that have been created. 5 minutes to practice.