This document provides 10 tips for teachers to utilize instructional tools and technology in the classroom, including visiting the TechSource page for ideas and step-by-step guides, collaborating with the library media specialist, providing examples and expectations to students, taking technology classes, reviewing copyright guidelines, and asking for help from the Ed Tech Team when unsure.
5. Collaborate with your library media
specialist. Two heads are better than one
when learning a new tool; your librarian
may have insight and expertise in this
6. Provide examples to your
students. Visit the education
section of a website for other
classroom examples.
7. Provide a checklist or rubric of your
expectations. Kathy Schrock provides
a detailed list of rubrics including
podcasting, video creation and other
8. Take a technology class. Sign up
through My Learning Plan. To view
click here for Trending with
Technology class events and
9. Explain copyright guidelines when
publishing digital content. Provide links
to copyright friendly images and music.
Click here for resources.