The document provides tips for writing an effective syllabus. It recommends that the syllabus serve as a first impression of the instructor and clearly set expectations for the course. The syllabus should provide an overview of the course structure and map out what will be covered when. It also suggests personalizing the syllabus to give students insight into the classroom environment and proofreading the syllabus to avoid confusion. The document further describes the sections that should be included in the syllabus and strategies for ensuring students read the entire syllabus, such as including a syllabus quiz.
3. Before We Move On...
Please check with
your individual
departments about
subdivision specific
guidelines on your
4. Purpose of a Syllabus
1st Impression of Instructor
Set Expectations
Course Map/Checklist
Communication Tool
5. If Your Syllabus Could Talk....
Model the behavior you expect from your student
Display your instructor style to students
Using details looks approachable & helpful
Gives students a sneak peak preview of the class
Proofread and spell check
Prevent the "I Didn't Know" Phenomenon
6. Moraine Syllabus Template
Part 1. Instructor and Section Information
Enter the basic details about yourself. Obtain information from department
Part 2. Course Information
This area allows you to layout the course. Most of the information in this
section can be taken from the Master Course Outline of your course.
Part 3. Classroom Information
This is the area where you personalize the syllabus and make it speak to the
climate of your class. The student can get a sneak peek of what the class will be
like from this section.
7. Strategies to Ensure Students are
Reading Your Syllabus
Syllabus Quiz (individual or group)
Essay response (i.e. in your own words, explain)
Hold a question/answer session on the syllabus
Talk about the syllabus in more than the first class
Refer to syllabus when discussing new assignments
Ask for feedback on revising the syllabus