Heng Hiap Industries Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian plastics company that was approved for a RM3,745,000 CRDF 4(a) grant in January 2009 to commercialize locally developed R&D in plastic waste recycling and production of high performance resins. The company converts scrap plastic into standard base blends and high performance plastic resins using proprietary technology. Between 2010-2012, Heng Hiap Industries received several prestigious awards including the Enterprise 50 Award in 2010, a Gold Award at the International Quality Summit in 2011, the PUMM Green Award and Platinum Enterprise Award in 2011, and The Outstanding Young Malaysian award in 2012.
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Heng hiap industries sdn bhd award
Name of Company : Type of Grant : Malaysian Plan:
Heng Hiap Ind. Sdn Bhd CRDF 4(a) 9th MP
Date Approval : Date of Agreement : Date of Expiry:
13 January 2009 (AC Meeting BIL. 01/2009) 16 February 2009 15 February 2013
Title of Funded Project : Commercialisation of Locally Development R&D in Preservation
Standardisation and Enhancement of Plastic Properties In Order to
Produce Standardised Base Blend And High Performance Plastic Resins.
Company’ Activity:
Formed in 2002, Heng Hiap Industries Sdn Bhd (HHISB), was approved the CRDF 4(a) grant
amounting to RM3,745,000.00 to commercialise locally developed R&D in preservation
standardisation and enhancement of plastic properties in order to produce standardisation base
blend and high performance plastic resins.
The company involved in plastic waste to wealth technology that converts scrap to high
performance plastic resins.
Local: The winner of 2002 Malaysia Integrity Enterprise Keris Award, The Outstanding Young
Malaysian 2012 Award, PUMM Green Award & Platinum Enterprise Award 2011, Celebrating
Malaysia's Enterprising Spirit Award, Winner of Enterprise 50 Award Programme 2010.
International: Winner of the Gold Category Award at International Quality Summit in New York, USA,
in 2011
Certifications: REACH compliance and ISO9001: 2008 under independent European Certification
and InnoCERT Certification by MiGHT 2010
Award received (2010-2012):
1) Winner of Enterprise 50 Award Programme 2010
2) International Quality Summit Award (Gold Award) 2011
3) PUMM Green Award & Platinum Enterprise Award 2011
4) The Outstanding Young Malaysian 2012
2. Pictures:
Winner of Enterprise 50 Award Programme 2010
PUMM Green Award & Platinum Enterprise Award 2011