Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver that can be caused by viruses, alcohol, toxins, and certain medications. There are 5 main hepatitis viruses - Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated food or water while Hepatitis B, C, and D can be transmitted through blood or body fluids. In India, hepatitis is highly endemic, with intermediate levels observed nationwide, and approximately 45 million carriers of hepatitis viruses.
? Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver or
necrosis of liver cell. The liver is a vital organ
that processes nutrients, filters the blood ,and
fight infections .
? When the liver is inflamed ,its functions can
be affected .heavy alcohol use ,toxins , some
medications and certain medical conditions
can cause “HAPATITIS”
3. ?Hepatotrophic viruses cause viral hepatitis and
damage to cell. This groups include,
? Hepatitis disease first identified by
Dr.blumberg in 1976 .
1. Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
2. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
3. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
4. Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
5. Hepatitis E virus (HEV)
4. ?Hepatitis classified two types based on the
serology and molecular marks .
sporadically: mainly affect the children and
young adult .transmitted by faecal -oral route.
Jaundice or transfusion hepatitis: transmitted
by inoculation and blood transfusion .
?About 140,000- 320,000 infections occur per
?70,000-1,60,000 are symptomatic infections .
?Of all infections, 8,000-32000 are chronic and
5000-6000 deaths occur per year.
?Intermediate endemicity is observed in India.
?5% -10% adults, 30% children and 90% neonates
act as carriers .
?There are 350 million carriers world wide , out of
those 45 millions are in India .
6. Risk factors:
?Health care workers who come in contact with
contaminated blood and body fluids.
?Male homosexuals.
?People having sexual contact with those
having hepatitis disease
?People under going treatment for leukemia.
?Babies born to infected mother.
?People who receive organ transplantation.
?Hepatitis A is a subacute disease of global distribution.
Occurring in mainly in children and adult .
?Characteristic features :
? Its first demonstrated by feinstone and co workers.-
1973 .
? Its a 27-nmnon –enveloped, symmetrical (+)
? the HAV genome comprises 7500 nucleotides.
?Clinical manifestation: