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Madison Heppe
College Address: Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa 19081
Permanent Address: 11059 Merrill Ct, Nevada City, Ca 95959
mheppe1@swarthmore.edu, 530-575-7502
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa May 2016
 BS in Engineering, Environmental Studies (minor), GPA: 3.72
 Relevant Courses: Engineering Mechanics, Water Quality and Pollution Control, Geotechnical Engineering, Thermofluid
Mechanics, Solar Energy Analysis, Numerical Methods, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Experimentation for Engineering Design,
Linear Physical System Analysis, Engineering Methodology
University of Cape Town, South Africa Jan.-June 2015
 Globalization, Environment, and Society study abroad program
 Relevant Courses: Elemental Surveying, Water Resource Management, Globalization Environment & Society, Water for Livable
and Resilient Cities
Engineering Experience
Civil Engineering & Planning Intern, SCO Planning & Engineering, Grass Valley, Ca June-Aug. 2015
 Developed site/phasing/utility/grading/trail/erosion control plans, road cross sections & tentative maps using AutoCAD Civil 3D
 Prepared two SWPPPs (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans) for construction activities, including determining appropriate
BMPs (Best Management Practices) for the sites
Independent Research, University of Cape Town, South Africa Jan.-May 2015
 Examined a water recycling system and storm water system at a bus depot via comprehensive analysis, with the purpose of assisting
the University of Cape Towns civil engineering department with future studies on the site
 Identified/interviewed the people who designed the system, evaluated the design plans, compiled a literature review, analyzed
utilities/cost data in order to conduct a water balance, and diagnosed possible improvements
Civil Engineering Intern, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Grass Valley, Ca May-Aug. 2014
 Rapidly taught myself AutoCAD Civil 3D, enabling me to contribute to drafting more challenging survey and civil projects
 Drew property/easement lines & utilities, created surfaces/alignments/corridors/profiles, xreffed, edited topography data, used data
shortcuts & point importing/exporting/orienting
 Conducted survey fieldwork, including tying together property lines, staking & topography data collection
Structural Engineering Intern, Fellows Structural Engineering, Nevada City, Ca May-Aug. 2013
 Calculated the vertical/lateral stresses on buildings
 Sized beams/columns/footings, determined seismic/wind forces, designed shear walls/hold downs/drag struts
Chemistry Lab Intern, Burst Laboratories, Grass Valley, Ca June-Aug. 2013
 Injected sound waves into highly pressured metal spheres filled with water or another liquid to cause sonoluminescence
 Filtrated, soldered, assembled drivers, set up electrical systems & took inventory
Engineering Lab Assistant, Swarthmore College, Pa Sept.-Dec 2013
 Monitored laboratories on model solar car construction, biofuel synthesis/exhaust analysis, disassembling/testing an engine
Forest Service Externship, Tonto National Forest, AZ Jan. 2014
 Shadowed the On-Scene Coordinator for Arizona, gained insight about being an engineer for the Forest Service
 Collected soil gas samples, helped with a utility sustainability project, and learned how to clean up chemical waste at old mines
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter President, Swarthmore College, Pa Jan. 2016-present
 Attended Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders; planned meetings/field trips; prepared for ASCE competitions
Varsity Volleyball, Swarthmore College Aug. 2012-present
 Team Captain, coordinated team logistics and developed social skills, time management, motivation, composure & leadership
 Program leader with 1,584 digs (2015), 1st Team All Conference (2013, 2014), Capital One Academic All-District First Team
(2014), Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area Team (2014), Centennial Conference Fall Academic Honor Roll (2013, 2014,
2015), MVP of two tournaments, Conference Player of the Week (2012)
Green Advisor, Swarthmore College, Pa Jan. 2013-present
 Campus leader on environmental issues, advised my dormitory hall on sustainability & in charge of my halls compost
Skills, Awards & Interests
Computer: AutoCAD Civil 3D, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, Python, TRNSYS, EES, Mathcad, Kaleidagraph, QGIS, Bluebeam, Igor
Awards: Harrison M. Wright Scholarship
Interests: Backpacking, skiing, rock climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, reading, knitting, baking & environmental sustainability

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  • 1. Madison Heppe College Address: Swarthmore College, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa 19081 Permanent Address: 11059 Merrill Ct, Nevada City, Ca 95959 mheppe1@swarthmore.edu, 530-575-7502 Education Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa May 2016 BS in Engineering, Environmental Studies (minor), GPA: 3.72 Relevant Courses: Engineering Mechanics, Water Quality and Pollution Control, Geotechnical Engineering, Thermofluid Mechanics, Solar Energy Analysis, Numerical Methods, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Experimentation for Engineering Design, Linear Physical System Analysis, Engineering Methodology University of Cape Town, South Africa Jan.-June 2015 Globalization, Environment, and Society study abroad program Relevant Courses: Elemental Surveying, Water Resource Management, Globalization Environment & Society, Water for Livable and Resilient Cities Engineering Experience Civil Engineering & Planning Intern, SCO Planning & Engineering, Grass Valley, Ca June-Aug. 2015 Developed site/phasing/utility/grading/trail/erosion control plans, road cross sections & tentative maps using AutoCAD Civil 3D Prepared two SWPPPs (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans) for construction activities, including determining appropriate BMPs (Best Management Practices) for the sites Independent Research, University of Cape Town, South Africa Jan.-May 2015 Examined a water recycling system and storm water system at a bus depot via comprehensive analysis, with the purpose of assisting the University of Cape Towns civil engineering department with future studies on the site Identified/interviewed the people who designed the system, evaluated the design plans, compiled a literature review, analyzed utilities/cost data in order to conduct a water balance, and diagnosed possible improvements Civil Engineering Intern, KPFF Consulting Engineers, Grass Valley, Ca May-Aug. 2014 Rapidly taught myself AutoCAD Civil 3D, enabling me to contribute to drafting more challenging survey and civil projects Drew property/easement lines & utilities, created surfaces/alignments/corridors/profiles, xreffed, edited topography data, used data shortcuts & point importing/exporting/orienting Conducted survey fieldwork, including tying together property lines, staking & topography data collection Structural Engineering Intern, Fellows Structural Engineering, Nevada City, Ca May-Aug. 2013 Calculated the vertical/lateral stresses on buildings Sized beams/columns/footings, determined seismic/wind forces, designed shear walls/hold downs/drag struts Chemistry Lab Intern, Burst Laboratories, Grass Valley, Ca June-Aug. 2013 Injected sound waves into highly pressured metal spheres filled with water or another liquid to cause sonoluminescence Filtrated, soldered, assembled drivers, set up electrical systems & took inventory Engineering Lab Assistant, Swarthmore College, Pa Sept.-Dec 2013 Monitored laboratories on model solar car construction, biofuel synthesis/exhaust analysis, disassembling/testing an engine Forest Service Externship, Tonto National Forest, AZ Jan. 2014 Shadowed the On-Scene Coordinator for Arizona, gained insight about being an engineer for the Forest Service Collected soil gas samples, helped with a utility sustainability project, and learned how to clean up chemical waste at old mines Leadership American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter President, Swarthmore College, Pa Jan. 2016-present Attended Workshop for Student Chapter Leaders; planned meetings/field trips; prepared for ASCE competitions Varsity Volleyball, Swarthmore College Aug. 2012-present Team Captain, coordinated team logistics and developed social skills, time management, motivation, composure & leadership Program leader with 1,584 digs (2015), 1st Team All Conference (2013, 2014), Capital One Academic All-District First Team (2014), Philadelphia Inquirer Academic All-Area Team (2014), Centennial Conference Fall Academic Honor Roll (2013, 2014, 2015), MVP of two tournaments, Conference Player of the Week (2012) Green Advisor, Swarthmore College, Pa Jan. 2013-present Campus leader on environmental issues, advised my dormitory hall on sustainability & in charge of my halls compost Skills, Awards & Interests Computer: AutoCAD Civil 3D, MATLAB, Microsoft Excel, Python, TRNSYS, EES, Mathcad, Kaleidagraph, QGIS, Bluebeam, Igor Awards: Harrison M. Wright Scholarship Interests: Backpacking, skiing, rock climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, reading, knitting, baking & environmental sustainability