The pumpkin originated from the Cucurbita family including squash and cucumbers. Pumpkin seeds contain strong therapeutic effects, helping to eliminate intestinal parasites, clean blood vessels, adjust cholesterol levels, and stimulate kidney activity. They have an energizing role in treating hard to cure cancers, leukemia, sclerosis, and other diseases. Pumpkin oil can help reduce excess cholesterol and pumpkin offers protection against heart disease with its antioxidant properties.
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6. The pumpkin, a member ofThe pumpkin, a member of
the Cucurbita familythe Cucurbita family
including squash andincluding squash and
cucumbers, got its namecucumbers, got its name
from the Greek wordfrom the Greek word
"pepon" for large melon."pepon" for large melon.
7. Pumpkin seeds contain thePumpkin seeds contain the
strongest therapeuticstrongest therapeutic
These help in eliminatingThese help in eliminating
intestinal parasites, cleaningintestinal parasites, cleaning
blood vessels, adjustingblood vessels, adjusting
cholesterol level andcholesterol level and
stimulating kidney activity.stimulating kidney activity.
8. In treating cancer,In treating cancer,
leukemia, sclerosis,leukemia, sclerosis,
or various diseasesor various diseases
which are hard towhich are hard to
cure, pumpkincure, pumpkin
seeds have anseeds have an
energizing role.energizing role.
9. Pumpkin oil extractedPumpkin oil extracted
from the seeds isfrom the seeds is
recommended forrecommended for
reducing excessreducing excess
Pumpkin offersPumpkin offers
protection against heartprotection against heart
diseases by containingdiseases by containing
10. The vegetable hasThe vegetable has
a laxative action,a laxative action,
being useful inbeing useful in
case of dyspepsiacase of dyspepsia
and constipation.and constipation.
Fried pumpkin isFried pumpkin is
healthy for thosehealthy for those
who suffer fromwho suffer from
heart diseases.heart diseases.
11. Pumpkin juice isPumpkin juice is
indicated for ulcer andindicated for ulcer and
high acidity.high acidity.
It is also useful inIt is also useful in
cases of insomnia,cases of insomnia,
having sedativehaving sedative
12. In external use,In external use,
pumpkin ispumpkin is
recommended forrecommended for
treating burns,treating burns,
inflammations andinflammations and
It softens the skinIt softens the skin
and diminishes theand diminishes the
processes of mucousprocesses of mucous..
15. Theblackradishhas been used inTheblackradishhas been used in
Asia for many years to treatAsia for many years to treat
various afflictionsvarious afflictions
It was introduced in Europe duringIt was introduced in Europe during
the latter half of the 20th century.the latter half of the 20th century.
Its juice or extract is commonlyIts juice or extract is commonly
ingested as a tonic that is good foringested as a tonic that is good for
the liver and beneficial for thethe liver and beneficial for the
entire gastrointestinal tract.entire gastrointestinal tract.
16. Itcontains antioxidant properties thatItcontains antioxidant properties that
eliminate the free radicals ofteneliminate the free radicals often
responsible for lowering a personsresponsible for lowering a persons
resistance to disease.resistance to disease.
Its diuretic effects stimulate urination,Its diuretic effects stimulate urination,
which helps eliminate toxins from thewhich helps eliminate toxins from the
Italso contains high amounts of someItalso contains high amounts of some
vitamins and minerals, and is sometimevitamins and minerals, and is sometime
used to treat nutritional deficiencies.used to treat nutritional deficiencies.
17. Thismedicinalradishhelps theThismedicinalradishhelps the
body remove bladder and kidneybody remove bladder and kidney
stones. It promotes the productionstones. It promotes the production
of bile to aid in digestion, andof bile to aid in digestion, and
detoxifies the liver.detoxifies the liver.
The detoxification benefits of thisThe detoxification benefits of this
root vegetable extend to theroot vegetable extend to the
circulatory system, since it alsocirculatory system, since it also
helps purify the blood.helps purify the blood.
18. Drinkingblackradishjuice isDrinkingblackradishjuice is
considered beneficial during theconsidered beneficial during the
winter months when some peoplewinter months when some people
are prone to suffer fromare prone to suffer from
respiratory infections.respiratory infections.
It is used in Asia to treatIt is used in Asia to treat
bronchitis and coughs. The extractbronchitis and coughs. The extract
or juice contains antimicrobial andor juice contains antimicrobial and
antiviral properties.antiviral properties.
19. These help protect the immuneThese help protect the immune
system from afflictions like soresystem from afflictions like sore
throats, bacterial infections, andthroats, bacterial infections, and
viruses such as colds and flu.viruses such as colds and flu.
One study showedOne study showed
thatblackradishjuice providedthatblackradishjuice provided
more protection than penicillinmore protection than penicillin
againstE. colibacteria.againstE. colibacteria.
20. Thismedicinalvegetable is a goodThismedicinalvegetable is a good
source of fiber and also lubricatessource of fiber and also lubricates
the digestive tract.the digestive tract.
This lubrication and increasedThis lubrication and increased
peristalsis help those sufferingperistalsis help those suffering
from constipation since thesefrom constipation since these
actions improve, and can evenactions improve, and can even
eliminate, this disorder.eliminate, this disorder.
21. It contains a high vitamin C contentIt contains a high vitamin C content
that has been used to treat scurvy,that has been used to treat scurvy,
and most of the vitamin B complex.and most of the vitamin B complex.
Thisradishhas a high potassiumThisradishhas a high potassium
content in addition to other minerals,content in addition to other minerals,
including calcium, magnesium, andincluding calcium, magnesium, and
It also contains zinc and traceIt also contains zinc and trace
amounts of copper, manganese, andamounts of copper, manganese, and