John Herbert is an elderly man with a hunched back who wears a blue robe. During World War 2, he served in the army but was captured by Nazis after crashing his plane and was sent to a concentration camp because they found pictures of young boys and thought he was gay, rather than placing him in a POW camp. Now retired, Herbert frequently waits for the newspaper boy and lures them into his house with popsicles.
3. He served in the United States Army Air Forces during
World War II.
He was then captured by Nazi soldiers when he
crashed his plane. Although the Nazis could have
placed Herbert into a prisoner-of-war camp, they
instead through him in a concentration camp because
they found several pictures of young boys in his wallet
and thought he was gay.
Friday, August 30, 13
4. Herbert is a retired elderly man. He frequently awaits for
the newspaper boy to bring him his newspaper, oftenly
baiting them into his house with popsicles.
Friday, August 30, 13