Generally, a flat battery is a serious concern in your Audi while driving on the road because it can cause starting issues or your car won't start at all. Moreover, driving your car with a flat battery is very difficult and dangerous. In the worst case, if you are not using your Audi for longer, the battery will discharge completely and flat its whole power. The following slides define the causes behind the battery of your Audi is keeps going flat.
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3. When it happens,
you will notice
that your car
refuses to start or
wont start after
long tries.
4. Moreover, running the electrical
system in the background when the
car is not used can cause flat
batteries such as:
Power doors
On-board computers
Radio, clock, security
Leaving the
headlights on
Climate control
Power locks
11. Many times, the
battery of your car
going to flat
continuously even
if the car is parked
is called a
parasitic drain.
12. On the other hand,
other parasitic drain
issues also make the
battery flat like the:
Damaged relay switch
Failed electrical
Faulty computer
20. If the cables of the
battery become loose,
then it will discharge the
power from the battery
and cause many
problems like:
Damage to
the wire