The document discusses Syria's rich cultural heritage and some of the destruction that has occurred to historical and religious sites during Syria's ongoing conflict. It provides details about several iconic Syrian locations, including the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, the first alphabet tablets found in Ugarit, and poems by Nizar Qabbani celebrating Damascus. It then highlights damage done to significant sites like the mosques of Aleppo and Bosra, the Krak des Chevaliers castle, and the ancient city of Palmyra. The author expresses their hope that preserved heritage can educate about the past while ruined sites stand as a warning against violence.
2. Syria is a culturally rich country steeped in history with cities dating
back to the 10th millenium BC. It is named the cradle of civilization with
many cultures basing themselves within its borders, diversifying its
already significant laws, creating its unique architecture and
demonstrating its unparalleled art. These civilizations include the Holy
Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic empires. Syria has been the birthplace
of numerous thinkers, engineers, poets and artists since time
immemorial and continues to do so even through its current conflict.
If I had the ability of encapsulating everything I would but the following
heritage icons resonate the greatest with me.
3. This immortal building was erected as
a temple in the Iron Age to the god
Haddad-Ramman. The Romans
appreciated it so greatly that they
assimilated Haddad with their own god
of Thunder, Jupiter.
After several expansions, it became the
largest temple in Roman Syria and was
renowned for its size and beauty.
In 391 CE, it was converted into the
Cathedral of Saint John, who was
buried there. After that, in 705, the
cathedral was converted once again to
the beautiful Omayyad Mosque that
we all know in Damascus.
Omayyad Mosque of Damascus
4. In my country, the first alphabet, written by the Phoenicians, and the first musical clay
tablet was found in Ugarit north of Latakia. Im exceptionally proud of these tablets
and such important history must be preserved without exception.
First Alphabet & Musical Clay Tablets
5. The Damascene Jasmine is
a beloved symbol of
beauty and adoration,
which is well known to all
city lovers and dwellers of
Damascus. It hugs almost
every building and
perfumes the whole city
with its romantic and
gentle scent.
Damascene Jasmine
6. Nizar Qabbani, the quintessential
Syrian poet of modern times,
diplomat, and author, was a great
admirer of Damascus. As a
progressive intellectual and
advocate of feminist reform he also
described in Arabic the charm of my
beloved city.
Nizar Qabbani Poems
7. Damascus Jasmine & Water Festival
I cant write about Damascus without getting jasmine creeping up my
nor can I utter its name without getting the juice of apricot, pomegranate,
berries and quince cramming into my mouth
Recalling it always lets thousands of doves alight on the walls of memory
while other thousands fly
Damascus , Is not a picture of paradise
It is paradise
Nor is it a copy of poem , It is the poem
Nor an Umayyad sword on the wall of Arabness , It is Arabness
8. Ablution with Adoration and Jasmine Water
I enter the courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque and greet everything in
it, tile to tile, and dove to dove
I wander in the gardens of Kufi script and I pluck beautiful flowers from
the discourse of God
I hear with my eyes the voice of the mosaics and the music of agate
prayer beads
A state of revelation and bliss overtakes me, so I climb the steps of the
first minaret I encounter and call out:
Come to the jasmine Come to the jasmine.*
*Come to Prayer, Come to Prayer is part of the adhan, or the Islamic call to prayer, announced five times a day from mosque minarets.
9. Devastatingly, the loss that Syria continues to bear is
priceless; everyday lives are lost, heritage destroyed and
tomorrow's hope dwindles.
The following examples showcase the destruction of great
historical, artistic, and architecturally significant icons and
monuments that I truly wish I could contain in a time capsule
at their most unsullied.
10. Omayyad Mosque of
As a UNESCO World Heritage Site
and one of the oldest and most
influential mosques in the world.
It individually impacted Islamic
architecture by erecting the first
minaret in Islam that all mosques
exhibit today. Sadly the minaret
crumbled during a battle that
took place inside this magnificent
11. Krak des Chevaliers
Another of Syria`s UNESCO Heritage Sites and one of the most important, and
well preserved, medieval castles. It is considered the largest military castle in the
world. First inhabited in the 11th century by Kurds it was renovated by the
Hospitallers in 1140 and witnessed ages of glories and eras of culture. Sadly, it
was bombed in October 2013.
12. Palmyra, known as Tadmor in the
native Arabic language, and also
The Bride of the Desert, is one of
UNESCOs Heritage Sites and was
founded in the 2nd millennium BC
as part of the Holy Roman
These spectacular stone temple
ruins, and columns, have been
brutally bombed during this
horrible conflict but, thankfully,
still survive in tact to some
The City of Palmyra
13. The Old Souk of Aleppo (Souk Al-Madina)
It was constructed during the 12th to 16th century, and it is counted as a
UNESCO World Heritage site. It was one of the most charming souks (markets)
in the Middle East and Turkey and the largest covered old souk in the world. A
place where you could find oriental spices, hand made copper trinkets, and silk
fabrics. This charming place was ruined by fire and bombing in September 2012.
14. Al-Omari Mosque (Bosra)
It was one of the oldest
surviving mosques in
Islamic history and
represented archetypal
Islamic architecture
with its minaret,
courtyard, and arcade.
Bombing and total
destruction were the
unfortunate destiny of
this minaret in 2013.
15. Khalid Ibn Alwalid Mosque
A beautiful Ottoman style mosque, known for its captivating domes and charming
Mamluk Ablaq-style stonework in the courtyard. It was built around Khalid Ibn Alwalids
mausoleum, an Islamic general and hero, during the reign of the Mamluks, and restored
several times thereafter, the last during Ottoman rule. The Mosque was targeted by
shells several times during the current civil war, a travesty for the regions history and
16. With all the cultural icons and monuments that exist in Syria it is very
difficult to pick a select few for this time capsule. I believe that covering
all eras is equally difficult but it is my long-lasting hope that what is
preserved stays so while what has been lost is set as an example to
human folly.
17. References:
Flood, Finbarr Barry (2001). The Great Mosque of Damascus: studies on the makings of an Umayyad visual culture
George Mitchell, ed. (1978). Architecture of the Islamic World. Thames and Hudson.
Qabbani, Nizar )1995( Dimashq Nizar Qabbani. Damascus: Al-Ahali lil Nashr.