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Open Days
6 to 9 September 2012
Heritage Open Days celebrates               Peterborough has a rich heritage stretching

               England’s fantastic architecture and        back thousands of years. With more than
               culture by offering access to properties    1,000 listed buildings, 29 conservation
               that are usually closed to the public or    areas, 200 locally listed buildings and 60
               normally charge for admission.              scheduled ancient monuments, there is
               Every year on four days in September,       plenty to see all year round.
               buildings of every age, style and           To find out more, visit
               function throw open their doors. This
               means you can enjoy the very best of
               castles to factories, town halls to tithe
               barns and parish churches to Buddhist         Further information about Heritage
               temples.                                      Open Days can also be found at the
                                                             Visitor Information Centre, Bridge Street,
               It is a once-a-year chance to discover        Peterborough. The Visitor Information
               hidden architectural treasures and            Centre is open Monday to Saturday from
               make the most of a wide range of tours,       9.30am until 5pm (closed Bank Holidays).
               events and activities that bring to life      Telephone (01733) 452336.
               local history and culture.

Tour of Bishop’s Palace and
Gardens at Peterborough Cathedral
This is a rare opportunity to explore the delights   Railworld
of the Bishop’s Medieval Hallway (formerly the       Discover the rail heritage of this former locomotive
Abbot’s Undercroft), drawing room, dining room,      shed and coal yard - transformed into a tranquil
study and the Bishop’s private chapel. The           wildlife haven and visitor attraction in the heart of
garden tour includes Bishop Ian’s rose garden,       Peterborough.
the vegetable garden, an orchard and the monk’s
kitchen, which is the oldest building in the
Cathedral Precincts.                                   See this fascinating attraction for free on
                                                       Sunday 9 September from 11am until 4pm.
                                                       Guided tours start at 12 noon and 2pm.
  The 75-minute tours are Saturday 8                   Booking is required.
  September at 11am and Sunday 9
  September at 2.30pm. There is no parking
  at the cathedral.                                  Telephone (01733) 344240,
                                                     email info@railworld.net or visit www.railworld.net
Booking is required by email: amber.homer-wooff      Located alongside the Nene Valley Railway in
@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or by telephone       Peterborough, Railworld is a 15 minute walk from
(01733) 355300.                                      the city centre. It is located on bus route Citi 1
Visit www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk              (Cherry Tree bus stop, then down Cubitt Way).
                                                     There are ample spaces for parking.

Broadway Cemetery guided tour
Located in the heart of Peterborough (Granville
Street), this typical Victorian cemetery was
opened in 1858 with some spectacular
monuments to local dignitaries.

  The guided tour starts on Sunday 9
  September at 2.30pm with the Mayor of
  Peterborough. Children over the age of
  seven are welcome under adult supervision
  and the tour is accessible for wheelchair

From Long Causeway heading north from the
city centre, the cemetery is half a mile from the
cathedral. There is street parking within 30 yards
of the main entrance to the cemetery.
Bus number Citi 2 from Queensgate Bus Station
will stop near The King’s School on Park Road
and the cemetery is a short walk through to
Broadway via Granville Street.

Thorney Heritage Museum
                                                         The Living Heritage photographic exhibition is the
                                                         local landscape and natural history captured by
                                                         four local photographers. There is also a ‘In the
                                                         frame’ pop-up exhibition illustrating framed prints
                                                         from a local museum project. Historic vehicles
                                                         from Wisbech and District Historic Vehicles Club
                                                         will also be on display and refreshments will be
                                                         One-hour Thorney walking tours start from the
                                                         museum at 2pm each day. Learn about the
                                                         medieval abbey, the drainage of the fens and the
                                                         Victorian rebuilt village of Thorney.

                                                                                         Displays open
                                                                                         at 10.30am
                                                                                         until 4.30pm
                                                                                         on Saturday
                                                                                         8 and Sunday
                                                                                         9 September.
    Guided Walk through Milton Park
    Enjoy a two-hour guided walk through historic
    parkland on Sunday 9 September at 2.15pm.
    Booking is essential and is on a first come, first
    served basis. To secure a place (maximum 40
    places), telephone (01733) 267740.
    Walkers should meet at the Estate Office, Milton
    Park off Bretton Way, Peterborough.
                                                         St Margaret’s Church
                                                         St Margaret’s Church, on Fletton Avenue in
                                                         Peterborough, will be open for visitors to view the
                                                         Saxon stones and learn about its history. Light
                                                         refreshments will be available and there will be a
                                                         quiz for children.

                                                           Visitors can enjoy this experience on
                                                           Saturday 8 September and Sunday 9
                                                           September from 1pm until 5pm.

                                                         Cambridgeshire Chattels
                                                         Organised by Milton Estates Company, this is an
                                                         opportunity to view chattels of historic or artistic
                                                         interest in Peterborough.

                                                           The tour takes place on Friday 7
                                                           September from 10.30am until 2.30pm.

                                                         Places on the tour (maximum 15 people) should be
                                                         pre-booked by telephone on (01733) 267740 and
                                                         directions will be supplied on booking. The tour is
                                                         not suitable for children under 14 years.

St Michael’s Church, Chesterton
Situated on Oundle Road in Chesterton,
Peterborough, St Michael’s Church is a Grade I
listed building with an 18th century chancel and
porch and two fine monuments. One monument is
to the Beville family and the other to John Dryden,
the cousin of the Poet Laureate of the same name.
A flower festival celebrating 60 years of
the Queen’s reign will be on display. This is
complemented by a small exhibition illustrating
some of the changes the village has gone through
since the 1950s.
Refreshments will be available and there is
wheelchair access to the church.

  Visitors can enjoy this experience on
  Friday 7 September from 2pm until 5pm,
  Saturday 8 September from 10am until
  4pm and Sunday 9 from 2pm until 5pm.

Chesterton is situated almost on the A1. From
the south take the turning marked Chesterton.
From the north take the turning marked Alwalton,
proceed to a T junction and turn right over the A1.
From the east follow signs to the East of England
showground, pass it and cross the A1. From the
west, follow the A605 to the A1, turn north and
leave at next junction (marked Chesterton).
The journey to Chesterton from Peterborough can
also be made by Stagecoach number 24 from
Peterborough Bus Station.

St Wendreda’s Church, March                              The Prebendal Manor, Nassington
St Wendreda’s Church is the only Grade I listed
building in the town. Almost certainly the current       The early 13th century manor, the award-winning
church is built on the site of an earlier Saxon timber   Tithe Barn Museum and recreated medieval
church. Wendreda was a daughter of the Saxon             gardens will be open for guided tours. Visitors can
King Anna who in the 7th century established a           see an exhibition in the 15th century dovecote and
mission on the site to minister to the poor and          the new 19th century privy exhibition. Tithe Barn
needy.                                                   Museum activities include: corn grinding, quill pen
                                                         writing, dressing up in clothes and playing musical
The church was enlarged in the 1340s to house            instruments.
the shrine of the relics of St Wendreda (translated
from Canterbury Cathedral in 1343) and became a
place of pilgrimage. The church is world renowned          Tours take place on Sunday 9 September
for its ancient double-hammer beamed roof, which           from 2pm until 5pm. Tea will be available.
is adorned with 118 carved angels. A wonderful             The manor is not suitable for wheelchairs;
example of the wood-carvers art, the roof was built        apart from the privy all other areas are
between 1470 and 1520.                                     accessible.

  Tours are Thursday 6 September and                     Take the A47 to Wansford and follow the signs to
  Friday 7 September at 11am and 2pm.                    Nassington. Eight miles south of Stamford, take the
  Visit www.stwendreda.co.uk for more                    A1 to Wansford and follow the signs to Nassington.
  information.                                           Seven miles north of Oundle, follow the brown
                                                         signs from the A605. There is parking for 12 cars.

March Railway Station
                                                        The railway first came to March on 10 December
                                                        1846 and was open to the public in January 1847.
                                                        The platforms were opened on 23 November 1885.
                                                        The Friends of March Station group was formed in
                                                        August 2009 to rejuvenate the disused side of the
                                                        station. The plans are to bring the centre rooms
                                                        back into use as a small meeting room, railway

                                                          The Heritage Weekend Open Day is on
                                                          Saturday 8 September from 10am until
                                                          3pm and will include a number of railway
                                                        museum and art gallery.
                                                          related displays.

                                                        Visit www.fomrs.org.uk for more information.

                                                        Peterborough Museum
                                                        Explore behind the scenes at Peterborough
                                                        Museum and discover the background and story
                                                        to its recent refurbishment. Learn about some of
                                                        the many treasures in the museum’s collections,
                                                        as well as stories from the history of its remarkable
    John Clare Cottage, Helpston
    The cottage is open on Saturday 8 September           Tours take place on Saturday 8 and
    and Sunday 9 September from 10.30am until             Sunday 9 September - 11am and 2pm on
    4pm (last entry is at 3pm on both days).              Saturday, 2pm only on the Sunday. No
    From the A15 take the B1443 (Glinton Road) to         booking is required.
    Helpston. Turn off into Woodgate and the cottage
    is next to The Bluebell public house.               For more information, telephone (01733) 864663,
                                                        email museum@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit
                                                        There is limited disabled parking at the museum
    Peckover House & Garden North                       and there is weekend pay & display car park
                                                        behind it. The museum is walking distance from
    Brink, Wisbech                                      city centre car parks.
    This elegant Georgian town house with wonderful
    walled garden is located in Wisbech town centre.
    It has many fine Victorian features including an
    orangery and summerhouses, celebrated rococo
    plaster and wood carvings.

      Peckover House is open on Saturday 8
      September from 12 noon until 5pm (last
      admission is 4.30pm). Garden is level
      access (gravel paths) and is suitable for
      wheelchairs. There are steps leading up to
      house and a licensed tearoom on site.

    Peckover House has no car park but there are
    several free all day car parks in the town. The
    nearest is Chapel Road car park (sat nav postcode
    PE13 1RG). The Horsefair Bus station is a 10
    minute walk from Peckover House.

Flag Fen Archaeology Park                             Longthorpe Tower
Discover the secrets of Flag Fen by going on a        Enjoy a costumed guided tour of Longthorpe
guided tour of this remarkable and internationally    Tower, recently voted as one of the 100 most
important Bronze Age site. Be transported back in     important historic sites in the UK. With the finest
time and hear about the lives of people who lived     set of medieval wall paintings in a domestic setting
here more than 3,000 years ago.                       anywhere in Western Europe, Longthorpe Tower
                                                      gives a rare insight into the medieval mind.
  Tours are Saturday 8 and Sunday
  9 September at 11am and 2pm. No                       Tours are Saturday 8 and Sunday 9
  booking is required.                                  September at 11am and 2pm. No booking
                                                        is required.
For more information, telephone (01733) 313414,
email flag.fen@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit     Telephone (01733) 864663, email longthorpe.
www.vivacity-peterborough.com                         tower@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit www.
There is ample free parking at the attraction.
Normal admission charges apply.                       The Stagecoach Citi 2 bus goes directly past
                                                      the tower. Car parking for the tower is in nearby
                                                      St. Botolph Church car park. Normal admission
                                                      charges apply.

St Andrew’s Parish Church,
This is a charming Norman Church dating back to
the end of the 12th century with connections to the
Claypole and Cromwell families and the poet John

  The tour takes place on Saturday 8
  September from 11am until 4pm. There
  is level access for wheelchair users into the
  building with a ramp into the Nave.                   FREE
                                                        Heritage bus service running
Northborough is approximately eight miles north
of Peterborough on the A15. The Delaine 101
                                                        8th-9th September connecting
/102 bus from Peterborough Bus Station goes to          Peterborough Museum, Flag Fen
Northborough.                                           and Longthorpe Tower.
Walkers should meet at the Estate Office, Milton        Telephone: (01733) 864663.
Park off Bretton Way, Peterborough.

Visitor Information Centre
9 Bridge Street
Telephone: (01733) 452336

  Opening times
  Monday to Saturday from 9.30am until
  5pm, closed Bank Holiday Monday.
  Website: www.visitpeterborough.com
  Email: tic@peterborough.gov.uk

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Smiling Lungs

Heritage Open Days Peterborough 2012

  • 2. Heritage Open Days celebrates Peterborough has a rich heritage stretching Introduction England’s fantastic architecture and back thousands of years. With more than culture by offering access to properties 1,000 listed buildings, 29 conservation that are usually closed to the public or areas, 200 locally listed buildings and 60 normally charge for admission. scheduled ancient monuments, there is Every year on four days in September, plenty to see all year round. buildings of every age, style and To find out more, visit function throw open their doors. This means you can enjoy the very best of www.heritageopendays.org.uk castles to factories, town halls to tithe barns and parish churches to Buddhist Further information about Heritage temples. Open Days can also be found at the Visitor Information Centre, Bridge Street, It is a once-a-year chance to discover Peterborough. The Visitor Information hidden architectural treasures and Centre is open Monday to Saturday from make the most of a wide range of tours, 9.30am until 5pm (closed Bank Holidays). events and activities that bring to life Telephone (01733) 452336. local history and culture. 2
  • 3. Tour of Bishop’s Palace and Gardens at Peterborough Cathedral This is a rare opportunity to explore the delights Railworld of the Bishop’s Medieval Hallway (formerly the Discover the rail heritage of this former locomotive Abbot’s Undercroft), drawing room, dining room, shed and coal yard - transformed into a tranquil study and the Bishop’s private chapel. The wildlife haven and visitor attraction in the heart of garden tour includes Bishop Ian’s rose garden, Peterborough. the vegetable garden, an orchard and the monk’s kitchen, which is the oldest building in the Cathedral Precincts. See this fascinating attraction for free on Sunday 9 September from 11am until 4pm. Guided tours start at 12 noon and 2pm. The 75-minute tours are Saturday 8 Booking is required. September at 11am and Sunday 9 September at 2.30pm. There is no parking at the cathedral. Telephone (01733) 344240, email info@railworld.net or visit www.railworld.net Booking is required by email: amber.homer-wooff Located alongside the Nene Valley Railway in @peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or by telephone Peterborough, Railworld is a 15 minute walk from (01733) 355300. the city centre. It is located on bus route Citi 1 Visit www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk (Cherry Tree bus stop, then down Cubitt Way). There are ample spaces for parking. Broadway Cemetery guided tour Located in the heart of Peterborough (Granville Street), this typical Victorian cemetery was opened in 1858 with some spectacular monuments to local dignitaries. The guided tour starts on Sunday 9 September at 2.30pm with the Mayor of Peterborough. Children over the age of seven are welcome under adult supervision and the tour is accessible for wheelchair users. From Long Causeway heading north from the city centre, the cemetery is half a mile from the cathedral. There is street parking within 30 yards of the main entrance to the cemetery. Bus number Citi 2 from Queensgate Bus Station will stop near The King’s School on Park Road and the cemetery is a short walk through to Broadway via Granville Street. 3
  • 4. Thorney Heritage Museum The Living Heritage photographic exhibition is the local landscape and natural history captured by four local photographers. There is also a ‘In the frame’ pop-up exhibition illustrating framed prints from a local museum project. Historic vehicles from Wisbech and District Historic Vehicles Club will also be on display and refreshments will be available. One-hour Thorney walking tours start from the museum at 2pm each day. Learn about the medieval abbey, the drainage of the fens and the Victorian rebuilt village of Thorney. Displays open at 10.30am until 4.30pm on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September. Guided Walk through Milton Park Enjoy a two-hour guided walk through historic parkland on Sunday 9 September at 2.15pm. Booking is essential and is on a first come, first served basis. To secure a place (maximum 40 places), telephone (01733) 267740. Walkers should meet at the Estate Office, Milton Park off Bretton Way, Peterborough. St Margaret’s Church St Margaret’s Church, on Fletton Avenue in Peterborough, will be open for visitors to view the Saxon stones and learn about its history. Light refreshments will be available and there will be a quiz for children. Visitors can enjoy this experience on Saturday 8 September and Sunday 9 September from 1pm until 5pm. Cambridgeshire Chattels Organised by Milton Estates Company, this is an opportunity to view chattels of historic or artistic interest in Peterborough. The tour takes place on Friday 7 September from 10.30am until 2.30pm. Places on the tour (maximum 15 people) should be pre-booked by telephone on (01733) 267740 and directions will be supplied on booking. The tour is not suitable for children under 14 years. 4
  • 5. St Michael’s Church, Chesterton Situated on Oundle Road in Chesterton, Peterborough, St Michael’s Church is a Grade I listed building with an 18th century chancel and porch and two fine monuments. One monument is to the Beville family and the other to John Dryden, the cousin of the Poet Laureate of the same name. A flower festival celebrating 60 years of the Queen’s reign will be on display. This is complemented by a small exhibition illustrating some of the changes the village has gone through since the 1950s. Refreshments will be available and there is wheelchair access to the church. Visitors can enjoy this experience on Friday 7 September from 2pm until 5pm, Saturday 8 September from 10am until 4pm and Sunday 9 from 2pm until 5pm. Chesterton is situated almost on the A1. From the south take the turning marked Chesterton. From the north take the turning marked Alwalton, proceed to a T junction and turn right over the A1. From the east follow signs to the East of England showground, pass it and cross the A1. From the west, follow the A605 to the A1, turn north and leave at next junction (marked Chesterton). The journey to Chesterton from Peterborough can also be made by Stagecoach number 24 from Peterborough Bus Station. St Wendreda’s Church, March The Prebendal Manor, Nassington St Wendreda’s Church is the only Grade I listed building in the town. Almost certainly the current The early 13th century manor, the award-winning church is built on the site of an earlier Saxon timber Tithe Barn Museum and recreated medieval church. Wendreda was a daughter of the Saxon gardens will be open for guided tours. Visitors can King Anna who in the 7th century established a see an exhibition in the 15th century dovecote and mission on the site to minister to the poor and the new 19th century privy exhibition. Tithe Barn needy. Museum activities include: corn grinding, quill pen writing, dressing up in clothes and playing musical The church was enlarged in the 1340s to house instruments. the shrine of the relics of St Wendreda (translated from Canterbury Cathedral in 1343) and became a place of pilgrimage. The church is world renowned Tours take place on Sunday 9 September for its ancient double-hammer beamed roof, which from 2pm until 5pm. Tea will be available. is adorned with 118 carved angels. A wonderful The manor is not suitable for wheelchairs; example of the wood-carvers art, the roof was built apart from the privy all other areas are between 1470 and 1520. accessible. Tours are Thursday 6 September and Take the A47 to Wansford and follow the signs to Friday 7 September at 11am and 2pm. Nassington. Eight miles south of Stamford, take the Visit www.stwendreda.co.uk for more A1 to Wansford and follow the signs to Nassington. information. Seven miles north of Oundle, follow the brown signs from the A605. There is parking for 12 cars. 5
  • 6. March Railway Station The railway first came to March on 10 December 1846 and was open to the public in January 1847. The platforms were opened on 23 November 1885. The Friends of March Station group was formed in August 2009 to rejuvenate the disused side of the station. The plans are to bring the centre rooms back into use as a small meeting room, railway The Heritage Weekend Open Day is on Saturday 8 September from 10am until 3pm and will include a number of railway museum and art gallery. related displays. Visit www.fomrs.org.uk for more information. Peterborough Museum Explore behind the scenes at Peterborough Museum and discover the background and story to its recent refurbishment. Learn about some of the many treasures in the museum’s collections, as well as stories from the history of its remarkable building. John Clare Cottage, Helpston The cottage is open on Saturday 8 September Tours take place on Saturday 8 and and Sunday 9 September from 10.30am until Sunday 9 September - 11am and 2pm on 4pm (last entry is at 3pm on both days). Saturday, 2pm only on the Sunday. No From the A15 take the B1443 (Glinton Road) to booking is required. Helpston. Turn off into Woodgate and the cottage is next to The Bluebell public house. For more information, telephone (01733) 864663, email museum@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit www.vivacity-peterborough.com There is limited disabled parking at the museum Peckover House & Garden North and there is weekend pay & display car park behind it. The museum is walking distance from Brink, Wisbech city centre car parks. This elegant Georgian town house with wonderful walled garden is located in Wisbech town centre. It has many fine Victorian features including an orangery and summerhouses, celebrated rococo plaster and wood carvings. Peckover House is open on Saturday 8 September from 12 noon until 5pm (last admission is 4.30pm). Garden is level access (gravel paths) and is suitable for wheelchairs. There are steps leading up to house and a licensed tearoom on site. Peckover House has no car park but there are several free all day car parks in the town. The nearest is Chapel Road car park (sat nav postcode PE13 1RG). The Horsefair Bus station is a 10 minute walk from Peckover House. 6
  • 7. Flag Fen Archaeology Park Longthorpe Tower Discover the secrets of Flag Fen by going on a Enjoy a costumed guided tour of Longthorpe guided tour of this remarkable and internationally Tower, recently voted as one of the 100 most important Bronze Age site. Be transported back in important historic sites in the UK. With the finest time and hear about the lives of people who lived set of medieval wall paintings in a domestic setting here more than 3,000 years ago. anywhere in Western Europe, Longthorpe Tower gives a rare insight into the medieval mind. Tours are Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 September at 11am and 2pm. No Tours are Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 booking is required. September at 11am and 2pm. No booking is required. For more information, telephone (01733) 313414, email flag.fen@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit Telephone (01733) 864663, email longthorpe. www.vivacity-peterborough.com tower@vivacity-peterborough.com or visit www. vivacity-peterborough.com There is ample free parking at the attraction. Normal admission charges apply. The Stagecoach Citi 2 bus goes directly past the tower. Car parking for the tower is in nearby St. Botolph Church car park. Normal admission charges apply. St Andrew’s Parish Church, Northborough This is a charming Norman Church dating back to the end of the 12th century with connections to the Claypole and Cromwell families and the poet John Clare. The tour takes place on Saturday 8 September from 11am until 4pm. There is level access for wheelchair users into the building with a ramp into the Nave. FREE Heritage bus service running Northborough is approximately eight miles north of Peterborough on the A15. The Delaine 101 8th-9th September connecting /102 bus from Peterborough Bus Station goes to Peterborough Museum, Flag Fen Northborough. and Longthorpe Tower. Walkers should meet at the Estate Office, Milton Telephone: (01733) 864663. Park off Bretton Way, Peterborough. 7
  • 8. Visitor Information Centre 9 Bridge Street Peterborough PE1 1HJ Telephone: (01733) 452336 Opening times Monday to Saturday from 9.30am until 5pm, closed Bank Holiday Monday. Website: www.visitpeterborough.com Email: tic@peterborough.gov.uk