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a Story of Personal Development
Melita Reiner, M.Sc., Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist,
Croatian-Austrian Training Center fo NLPt, Zagreb, Croatia
The Power of Narratives
Joseph Campbell (March 26th 1904  October 30th
1987), American mythologist, writer and lecturer
If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of
track that has been there all the while, waiting for you,
and the life that you ought to be living is the one you
are living. Wherever you areif you are following your
bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life
within you, all the time
(Going where your Body and Soul want to go
Heroes journey 1
Ordinary World
Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call
Meeting with the Mentor
Crossing the First Threshold
Belly of the Whale
The Road of Trials
Meeting with the Godess油
Apotheosis and the Ultimate Boon
Reward: After surviving death, the hero earns his reward or accomplishes his goal.油
Refusal of the Return
Passing the Return Threshold油
Return with Elixir & Master of Two Worlds
SEPARATION Ordinary World
SEPARATION Call to Adventure
Refusing the Call
The hero is faced with the
unknown. By contrast, home
represents safety and security, a
place the child is loathe to
SEPARATION Refusal of the Call
The hero/ heroine must surrender his/her reliance on logic and
willingly enter the world of emotion and fantasy.
SEPARATION Meeting with the Mentor
Conscious or unconscious
Committment to Quest;
Benign, Positive Powers of
SEPARATION Crossing the First Threshold
SEPARATION Belly of the Whale
Annihilation of Old Self; Re-Birth; Metamorphosis; Womb of the World
INITIATION The Road of Trials
Tests Ordeals Tasks
Archetypal Energies - Examples
INITIATION Meeting with the Goddess
 Mystical Marriage of the Triumphant Hero Soul with the Queen Goddess of the
INITIATION Apotheosis and the Ultimate Boon
Heroes journey 1
 Refusal of Return
 The Crossing of the Return Threshold
RETURN with Elixir 
Master of Two Worlds
Similar concepts
 Fairytales, Stories, Legends, Myths
 Dark Night of the Soul, St John of the Cross
 Eric Berne (Transactional Analysis)  Scripts
 Carl G. Jung  Individuation and Shadow Integration
 Abraham Maslow  Self-Actualization
 Post-traumatic Growth  PTSG
 Heros Journey in NLP: Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan
Robert Dilts & Stephen Gilligan
An invisible presence.....
 There is an inner self that is trying to become conscious.
 There is another intelligence that lives within you (the unconscious, the
spirit, inner being...)
 This inner being is very intelligent.
 It is not part of or the property of your conscious self, it is autonomous
and has its own consciousness
.....is trying to wake up...
- Each stage of awakening is initiated through out of control
disturbances, such as symptoms,crises, altered states, major life changes,
 - The problem is the solution/the attempted solution is the problem
 - When your other than conscious self predominates,listen!
.... from dreamtime....
 Two types of dreamtime: the field of infitite possibilities (the creative
void, the collective unconscious, the spirit world) and neurosis (half-
baked experience, neglected selves, received by somatic self/rejected by
cognitive self...)
....into human consciousness.
-Human consciousness is the second coming, the double-birthed relational
self that practices self-awareness, self acceptance, sponsorship of
 For a problem to become a solution, proper conditions must be present.
 The principle of utilization/cooperation /sponsorship is a cornerstone
 A ritual space must be present (safety, experiental forma, blessings and
guidance, death and rebirth)
 Gilligan defines 'symptoms' as an awakening of the soul
 the purpose of a symptom, such as depression, or panic, might be to call a
person to seriously reexamine their life, to begin a process of reanimating
their life with new found purpose and intensity.
 . The therapist's job is to be there as "sponsor," to touch with love
whatever a person brings.

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Heroes journey 1

  • 1. HEROS/ HEROINES JOURNEY a Story of Personal Development Melita Reiner, M.Sc., Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Croatian-Austrian Training Center fo NLPt, Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2. The Power of Narratives
  • 4. Joseph Campbell (March 26th 1904 October 30th 1987), American mythologist, writer and lecturer If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you areif you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time FOLLOW YOUR BLISS! (Going where your Body and Soul want to go
  • 7. HEROS JOURNEY CALL TO ADVENTURE Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Belly of the Whale INITIATION The Road of Trials Meeting with the Godess油 Apotheosis and the Ultimate Boon Reward: After surviving death, the hero earns his reward or accomplishes his goal.油 RETURN Refusal of the Return Passing the Return Threshold油 Return with Elixir & Master of Two Worlds
  • 9. SEPARATION Call to Adventure
  • 10. Refusing the Call The hero is faced with the unknown. By contrast, home represents safety and security, a place the child is loathe to leave.
  • 12. Threshold The hero/ heroine must surrender his/her reliance on logic and willingly enter the world of emotion and fantasy.
  • 13. SEPARATION Meeting with the Mentor Conscious or unconscious Committment to Quest; Benign, Positive Powers of Guidance
  • 14. SEPARATION Crossing the First Threshold
  • 15. SEPARATION Belly of the Whale Annihilation of Old Self; Re-Birth; Metamorphosis; Womb of the World
  • 16. INITIATION The Road of Trials Tests Ordeals Tasks
  • 18. INITIATION Meeting with the Goddess Mystical Marriage of the Triumphant Hero Soul with the Queen Goddess of the Earth
  • 19. INITIATION Apotheosis and the Ultimate Boon
  • 21. RETURN Refusal of Return The Crossing of the Return Threshold
  • 22. RETURN with Elixir Master of Two Worlds
  • 23. Similar concepts Fairytales, Stories, Legends, Myths Dark Night of the Soul, St John of the Cross Eric Berne (Transactional Analysis) Scripts Carl G. Jung Individuation and Shadow Integration Abraham Maslow Self-Actualization Post-traumatic Growth PTSG Heros Journey in NLP: Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan ..
  • 24. Robert Dilts & Stephen Gilligan
  • 26. An invisible presence..... There is an inner self that is trying to become conscious. There is another intelligence that lives within you (the unconscious, the spirit, inner being...) This inner being is very intelligent. It is not part of or the property of your conscious self, it is autonomous and has its own consciousness
  • 27. .....is trying to wake up... - Each stage of awakening is initiated through out of control disturbances, such as symptoms,crises, altered states, major life changes, etc. - The problem is the solution/the attempted solution is the problem - When your other than conscious self predominates,listen!
  • 28. .... from dreamtime.... Two types of dreamtime: the field of infitite possibilities (the creative void, the collective unconscious, the spirit world) and neurosis (half- baked experience, neglected selves, received by somatic self/rejected by cognitive self...)
  • 29. ....into human consciousness. -Human consciousness is the second coming, the double-birthed relational self that practices self-awareness, self acceptance, sponsorship of life... For a problem to become a solution, proper conditions must be present. The principle of utilization/cooperation /sponsorship is a cornerstone A ritual space must be present (safety, experiental forma, blessings and guidance, death and rebirth)
  • 30. Self-Relations Gilligan defines 'symptoms' as an awakening of the soul the purpose of a symptom, such as depression, or panic, might be to call a person to seriously reexamine their life, to begin a process of reanimating their life with new found purpose and intensity. . The therapist's job is to be there as "sponsor," to touch with love whatever a person brings.