This document summarizes Simon Bagreev's experience at the Heroku Waza 2013 conference. It includes:
1) Simon attended talks on various topics related to building applications on Heroku including performance, databases, APIs, and mobile development.
2) Simon found the talks on performance optimization, Heroku secrets, Postgres features, and mobile development to be the most interesting and informative.
3) The Postgres talk in particular made Simon realize how many powerful features are available in Postgres beyond the basic functionality, such as arrays, JSON, full text search and more.
2. I attended
Keynote - Michael Lopp
? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor
? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske
? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary
? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith
? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg
? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson
? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
3. liked the most
? Keynote - Michael Lopp
? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor
? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske
? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary
? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith
? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg
? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson
? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
5. postgres: 12 bits you
haven¡¯t found
? psql -- postgres console -- very powerful
? need to upgrade to 9.2
? tons of tools, extensions, types
? tools for monitoring, BI
6. WITH operator
Auxiliary statements for use in larger queries
WITH status_with_next AS (
SELECT *, lead(state, 1) OVER (partition by agent_uuid order by time) as next from
oops AS (
SELECT * from status_with_next WHERE state = 'training' and next = 'captured'
SELECT name, count(*) as training_captures from oops join agents on agents.uuid =
agent_uuid GROUP BY name ORDER by training_captures DESC;
7. ARRAys
-- create
CREATE TABLE jobseekers (
email text,
industries integer[],
-- insert
INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('', '23453', '{1,2,3}', 'EG', now(), now());
INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES
('', '23453', '{4,5,6}', 'EG', now(), now());
-- query by inclusion @>
SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries @> ARRAY[3,1];
-- >
-- query by intersection &&
SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries && ARRAY[4];
-- >
8. dblink
Connect to other Postgres Databases
-- add extension
-- connect to the external database
SELECT dblink_connect('quasar_connection','dbname=quasar_development');
(1 row)
-- query remote database
SELECT * FROM dblink('quasar_connection', 'select id, email from users') AS
quasar_users(id int, email varchar(255));
id | email
24 |
23 |
29 |
25 |
9. listen / notify
Postgres¡¯ own queueing, used to send notifications to clients
-- create listener
/* send notification to listeners
can be done from trigger */
NOTIFY USER_UPDATES, 'User with id=23 just changed email';
-- on the listener
Asynchronous notification "user_updates" with payload "User with id=23 just changed
email" received from server process with PID 81016.
10. regexes
-- pattern matching
SELECT 'foo bar baz' ~ 's+baz' as matches_pattern;
-- search and replace
UPDATE jobseekers SET zip = regexp_replace(zip, '23', '45');
SELECT zip FROM jobseekers;
11. -- add extension
-- create table with uuid as PK
CREATE TABLE t (uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name text);
d t
Table "public.t"
Column | Type | Modifiers
uuid | uuid | not null default uuid_generate_v4()
name | text |
INSERT INTO t(name) VALUES ('foo');
uuid | name
7f7941f3-6705-4c28-8028-d1ee5e8d3b8b | foo
12. -- add extension
hstore !!!
-- create applications table with custom attributes
CREATE TABLE job_applications(uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
attrs hstore,
company_id integer);
-- company 1 wants only name and email in their applications
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (1, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email => ""');
-- company 2 also wants address
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (2, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email =>
"", address => "123 Broadwalk St"');
-- company 3 wants phone number too
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (3, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email =>
"", address => "123 Broadwalk St", phone => "7570000000"');
SELECT * from job_applications;
attrs | company_id
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"" | 1
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"| 3
13. hstore
Can add / delete keys
-- company 1 decides to add a phone number to the app
UPDATE job_applications SET attrs = attrs || 'phone=>7573518500'::hstore WHERE company_id=1;
SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications;
attrs | company_id
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"| 3
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"7570000000" | 1
14. hstore
-- what companies are using address on their application?
SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs ? 'address';
attrs | company_id
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 3
-- find all applicants with address 123 Broadwalk
SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs @> 'address=>"123 Broadwalk St"'::hstore;
attrs | company_id
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2
"name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 3
16. postgres has more to offer
? full-text search
? TOAST - store large values
? pgcrypto - encryption for your DB
? pg_stat_activity, pg_stat_statements - stats
? postGIS - geographical awesomeness
? JSON and PL/V8 -- schemaless SQL
17. heroku secrets presentation
? use --version=9.2 flag when adding Postgres addon on Heroku
? encrypt your app¡¯s config, store it on AWS
? use multi-processed and multi-threaded servers
? dataclips! - read-only, easy-to-share quick database queries, exportable to
many formats, can export data to Google docs
18. Before / After
Questions I had going there:
? Q: Want to hear more explanations about recent ¡°dumb routing issue¡±, and suggestions from
Heroku to make it ¡°smarter¡±, especially on Cedar stack.
? A: Doesn¡¯t affect Cedar multi-threaded environment
? Q: Want to learn more about multi-threading and multi-processing on Heroku (does it make
sense to do it in Rails/Heroku? If so, how?).
? A: Unicorn for multi-process, JRuby + JVM for multi-threading
? Q: When is Rails 4.0 / Ruby 2.0 will be officially supported by Heroku?
? A: Already is.
? Q: Will Heroku support multiple availability zones (US-West, Asia)?
? A: In Beta (US West, EU)
19. Before / After
Questions I had going there:
? Q: Will the SLA (99.99% uptime) be improved any time soon?
? A: Constantly working on it
? Q: Want learn more tricks for increasing performance on Heroku, and running large enterprise-
scale applications.
? A: Many-many options