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Heroku waza 2013
      Lessons Learned
                                Simon Bagreev
                        Twitter: @status_200
                               Github: semmin
I attended
Keynote - Michael Lopp
? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor
? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske
? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary
? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith
? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg
? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson
? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
liked the most
? Keynote - Michael Lopp
? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor
? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske
? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary
? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith
? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg
? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson
? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
postgres: 12 bits you
   haven¡¯t found
       Made me realize
postgres: 12 bits you
              haven¡¯t found
? psql -- postgres console -- very powerful
? need to upgrade to 9.2
? tons of tools, extensions, types
? tools for monitoring, BI
WITH operator
                      Auxiliary statements for use in larger queries

WITH status_with_next AS (
   SELECT *, lead(state, 1) OVER (partition by agent_uuid order by time) as next from
oops AS (
   SELECT * from status_with_next WHERE state = 'training' and next = 'captured'
SELECT name, count(*) as training_captures from oops join agents on agents.uuid =
agent_uuid GROUP BY name ORDER by training_captures DESC;
-- create
CREATE TABLE jobseekers (
    email           text,
    industries      integer[],

-- insert
INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('
sbagreev@gmail.com', '23453', '{1,2,3}', 'EG', now(), now());
INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES
('simon.bagreev@gmail.com', '23453', '{4,5,6}', 'EG', now(), now());

-- query by inclusion @>
SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries @> ARRAY[3,1];
-- > sbagreev@gmail.com

-- query by intersection &&
SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries && ARRAY[4];
-- > simon.bagreev@gmail.com
                      Connect to other Postgres Databases
-- add extension

-- connect to the external database
SELECT dblink_connect('quasar_connection','dbname=quasar_development');
(1 row)

-- query remote database
SELECT * FROM dblink('quasar_connection', 'select id, email from users') AS
quasar_users(id int, email varchar(255));

 id |                 email
 24 | user1@gmail.com
 23 | sbagreev@gmail.com
 29 | simon.bagreev@gmail.com
 25 | user5@employmentguide.com
listen / notify
            Postgres¡¯ own queueing, used to send notifications to clients
-- create listener

/* send notification to listeners
   can be done from trigger */
NOTIFY USER_UPDATES, 'User with id=23 just changed email';

-- on the listener
Asynchronous notification "user_updates" with payload "User with id=23 just changed
email" received from server process with PID 81016.
-- pattern matching
SELECT 'foo bar baz' ~ 's+baz' as matches_pattern;

-- search and replace
UPDATE jobseekers SET zip = regexp_replace(zip, '23', '45');

SELECT zip FROM jobseekers;
-- add extension

-- create table with uuid as PK
CREATE TABLE t (uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name text);

d t
                  Table "public.t"
 Column | Type |              Modifiers
 uuid   | uuid | not null default uuid_generate_v4()
 name   | text |

INSERT INTO t(name) VALUES ('foo');

                 uuid                 | name
 7f7941f3-6705-4c28-8028-d1ee5e8d3b8b | foo
-- add extension
                                           hstore !!!
-- create applications table with custom attributes
CREATE TABLE job_applications(uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
                              attrs hstore,
                              company_id integer);

-- company 1 wants only name and email in their applications
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (1, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email => "

-- company 2 also wants address
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (2, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email =>
"sbagreev@gmail.com", address => "123 Broadwalk St"');

-- company 3 wants phone number too
INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (3, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email =>
"sbagreev@gmail.com", address => "123 Broadwalk St", phone => "7570000000"');

SELECT * from job_applications;
                                                    attrs                                                    | company_id
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com"                                                      |          1
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"                       |          2
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"|          3
                                              Can add / delete keys

-- company 1 decides to add a phone number to the app
UPDATE job_applications SET attrs = attrs || 'phone=>7573518500'::hstore WHERE company_id=1;

SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications;
                                                    attrs                                                    | company_id
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"                       |          2
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"|          3
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000"                               |          1

-- what companies are using address on their application?
SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs ? 'address';
                                                    attrs                                                     | company_id
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"                        |          2
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" |          3

-- find all applicants with address 123 Broadwalk
SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs @> 'address=>"123 Broadwalk St"'::hstore;
                                                    attrs                                                     | company_id
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"                        |          2
 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" |          3
? can be indexed
? searchable
postgres has more to offer
?   full-text search
?   TOAST - store large values
?   pgcrypto - encryption for your DB
?   pg_stat_activity, pg_stat_statements - stats
?   postGIS - geographical awesomeness
?   JSON and PL/V8 -- schemaless SQL
heroku secrets presentation
?   use --version=9.2 flag when adding Postgres addon on Heroku
?   encrypt your app¡¯s config, store it on AWS
?   use multi-processed and multi-threaded servers
?   dataclips! - read-only, easy-to-share quick database queries, exportable to
    many formats, can export data to Google docs
Before / After
                                Questions I had going there:
? Q: Want to hear more explanations about recent ¡°dumb routing issue¡±, and suggestions from
    Heroku to make it ¡°smarter¡±, especially on Cedar stack.
?   A: Doesn¡¯t affect Cedar multi-threaded environment
?   Q: Want to learn more about multi-threading and multi-processing on Heroku (does it make
    sense to do it in Rails/Heroku? If so, how?).
?   A: Unicorn for multi-process, JRuby + JVM for multi-threading
?   Q: When is Rails 4.0 / Ruby 2.0 will be officially supported by Heroku?
?   A: Already is.
?   Q: Will Heroku support multiple availability zones (US-West, Asia)?
?   A: In Beta (US West, EU)
Before / After
                               Questions I had going there:
? Q: Will the SLA (99.99% uptime) be improved any time soon?
? A: Constantly working on it
? Q: Want learn more tricks for increasing performance on Heroku, and running large enterprise-
    scale applications.
?   A: Many-many options

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Heroku Waza 2013 Lessons Learned

  • 1. Heroku waza 2013 Lessons Learned Simon Bagreev Twitter: @status_200 Github: semmin
  • 2. I attended Keynote - Michael Lopp ? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor ? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske ? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary ? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith ? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg ? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson ? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
  • 3. liked the most ? Keynote - Michael Lopp ? Why Python, Ruby and Javascript are Slow - Alex Gaynor ? Heroku Secrets - Noah Zoske ? API VS Game: Fight! - Wesley Beary ? Predictable Failure - Ryan Smith ? Postgres: The bits you haven¡¯t found - Peter Van Hardenberg ? Mobile is Not Different - Matt Thompson ? Everything is a Remix - Kirby Ferguson
  • 4. postgres: 12 bits you haven¡¯t found Made me realize
  • 5. postgres: 12 bits you haven¡¯t found ? psql -- postgres console -- very powerful ? need to upgrade to 9.2 ? tons of tools, extensions, types ? tools for monitoring, BI
  • 6. WITH operator Auxiliary statements for use in larger queries WITH status_with_next AS ( SELECT *, lead(state, 1) OVER (partition by agent_uuid order by time) as next from agent_statuses ), oops AS ( SELECT * from status_with_next WHERE state = 'training' and next = 'captured' ) SELECT name, count(*) as training_captures from oops join agents on agents.uuid = agent_uuid GROUP BY name ORDER by training_captures DESC;
  • 7. ARRAys -- create CREATE TABLE jobseekers ( email text, industries integer[], ... ); -- insert INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (' sbagreev@gmail.com', '23453', '{1,2,3}', 'EG', now(), now()); INSERT INTO jobseekers(email, zip, industries, source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('simon.bagreev@gmail.com', '23453', '{4,5,6}', 'EG', now(), now()); -- query by inclusion @> SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries @> ARRAY[3,1]; -- > sbagreev@gmail.com -- query by intersection && SELECT email FROM jobseekers WHERE industries && ARRAY[4]; -- > simon.bagreev@gmail.com
  • 8. dblink Connect to other Postgres Databases -- add extension CREATE EXTENSION dblink; -- connect to the external database SELECT dblink_connect('quasar_connection','dbname=quasar_development'); dblink_connect ---------------- OK (1 row) -- query remote database SELECT * FROM dblink('quasar_connection', 'select id, email from users') AS quasar_users(id int, email varchar(255)); id | email ----+---------------------------------------- 24 | user1@gmail.com 23 | sbagreev@gmail.com 29 | simon.bagreev@gmail.com 25 | user5@employmentguide.com
  • 9. listen / notify Postgres¡¯ own queueing, used to send notifications to clients -- create listener LISTEN USER_UPDATES; /* send notification to listeners can be done from trigger */ NOTIFY USER_UPDATES, 'User with id=23 just changed email'; -- on the listener Asynchronous notification "user_updates" with payload "User with id=23 just changed email" received from server process with PID 81016.
  • 10. regexes -- pattern matching SELECT 'foo bar baz' ~ 's+baz' as matches_pattern; -- search and replace UPDATE jobseekers SET zip = regexp_replace(zip, '23', '45'); SELECT zip FROM jobseekers; zip ------- 45451 45451
  • 11. -- add extension UUIDs CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; -- create table with uuid as PK CREATE TABLE t (uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name text); d t Table "public.t" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+------+------------------------------------- uuid | uuid | not null default uuid_generate_v4() name | text | INSERT INTO t(name) VALUES ('foo'); SELECT * FROM t; uuid | name --------------------------------------+------ 7f7941f3-6705-4c28-8028-d1ee5e8d3b8b | foo
  • 12. -- add extension hstore !!! CREATE EXTENSION hstore; -- create applications table with custom attributes CREATE TABLE job_applications(uuid uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), attrs hstore, company_id integer); -- company 1 wants only name and email in their applications INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (1, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email => " sbagreev@gmail.com"'); -- company 2 also wants address INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (2, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email => "sbagreev@gmail.com", address => "123 Broadwalk St"'); -- company 3 wants phone number too INSERT INTO job_applications (company_id, attrs) VALUES (3, 'name => "Simon Bagreev", email => "sbagreev@gmail.com", address => "123 Broadwalk St", phone => "7570000000"'); SELECT * from job_applications; attrs | company_id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------ "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com" | 1 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"| 3
  • 13. hstore Can add / delete keys -- company 1 decides to add a phone number to the app UPDATE job_applications SET attrs = attrs || 'phone=>7573518500'::hstore WHERE company_id=1; SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications; attrs | company_id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------ "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St"| 3 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7570000000" | 1
  • 14. hstore Querying -- what companies are using address on their application? SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs ? 'address'; attrs | company_id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------ "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 3 -- find all applicants with address 123 Broadwalk SELECT attrs, company_id FROM job_applications WHERE attrs @> 'address=>"123 Broadwalk St"'::hstore; attrs | company_id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------ "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 2 "name"=>"Simon Bagreev", "email"=>"sbagreev@gmail.com", "phone"=>"7573518500", "address"=>"123 Broadwalk St" | 3
  • 15. HSTore ? can be indexed ? searchable
  • 16. postgres has more to offer ? full-text search ? TOAST - store large values ? pgcrypto - encryption for your DB ? pg_stat_activity, pg_stat_statements - stats ? postGIS - geographical awesomeness ? JSON and PL/V8 -- schemaless SQL
  • 17. heroku secrets presentation ? use --version=9.2 flag when adding Postgres addon on Heroku ? encrypt your app¡¯s config, store it on AWS ? use multi-processed and multi-threaded servers ? dataclips! - read-only, easy-to-share quick database queries, exportable to many formats, can export data to Google docs
  • 18. Before / After Questions I had going there: ? Q: Want to hear more explanations about recent ¡°dumb routing issue¡±, and suggestions from Heroku to make it ¡°smarter¡±, especially on Cedar stack. ? A: Doesn¡¯t affect Cedar multi-threaded environment ? Q: Want to learn more about multi-threading and multi-processing on Heroku (does it make sense to do it in Rails/Heroku? If so, how?). ? A: Unicorn for multi-process, JRuby + JVM for multi-threading ? Q: When is Rails 4.0 / Ruby 2.0 will be officially supported by Heroku? ? A: Already is. ? Q: Will Heroku support multiple availability zones (US-West, Asia)? ? A: In Beta (US West, EU)
  • 19. Before / After Questions I had going there: ? Q: Will the SLA (99.99% uptime) be improved any time soon? ? A: Constantly working on it ? Q: Want learn more tricks for increasing performance on Heroku, and running large enterprise- scale applications. ? A: Many-many options