The document outlines the stages of the hero's journey, beginning with the ordinary world setting and the hero receiving a call to adventure. It then discusses the potential for refusal of the call and the role of a mentor in guiding the hero. The mentor provides supernatural aid to assist the hero, such as advice, gifts or weapons. The next stage involves encountering a threshold guardian that must be bypassed to enter the supernatural world. Examples are given from stories like Harry Potter, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings to illustrate the concepts.
3. The Call to Adventure
The Hero(ine) is:
Challenged to go on a quest or solve a
Judged by relations with others
Must be willing to sacrifice for ideals
Usually male of lowly birth, absent parents
OR set apart (extraordinary birth)
More than one call is possible: Hero
might not accept at first.
4. The Ordinary World
The Ordinary World is:
Thrown off balance
Missing or in need of something
Within the heros comfort zone
Can be a physical place or a
mental/emotional state
7. Take a Minute
Explain the problems involved in
these heroes adventures.
Do you think the two ordinary
worlds are both physical
places? Why or why not?
What is your ordinary world? Is
it physical, mental, or
8. The Heros Journey
Call to Adventure/Extraordinary Birth
Refusal of the Call
Ordinary World
9. Refusal of the Call
The Hero(ine) can accept OR refuse the
When he/she refuses:
Express hesitation or fear
Afraid to leave life behind
Not willing to change
Not ready to accept
Too selfish
11. Take a Minute
How is Lukes attitude about
the journey different than ObiWan Kenobis?
How does Obi-Wan Kenobis
attitude tie back into the idea
of community?
12. The Heros Journey
Call to Adventure/Extraordinary Birth
Refusal of the Call
Ordinary World
13. Mentor
The mentor:
Guides the hero(ine)
Gives insight
(Magical) gifts
Seeks to
empower the hero
14. Take a Minute
What mentors have you had
in your life?
Do you have a mentor that
guides you or seeks to
empower you? How do they
do this?
16. Take a Minute
How does Gandalf giving
advice influence Frodo
differently than giving him a
physical gift?
Do you personally find gifts or
advice more important? Why?
17. The Heros Journey
Call to Adventure/Extraordinary Birth
Refusal of the Call
Supernatural Aid
Ordinary World
18. Supernatural Aid
Usually given by the mentor to help the
The mentor knows whats coming
The Aid may be:
20. Take a Minute
How do Galadriels gifts to the
Fellowship reveal information
about her?
How is Galadriels aid
different than Gandalfs?
22. The Heros Journey
Call to Adventure/Extraordinary Birth
Refusal of the Call
Supernatural Aid
Ordinary World
Threshold Guardian
23. The Threshold Guardian
The Threshold Guardian:
Guards the way into the Supernatural World
Protects the Supernatural World
Tests the hero(ine)
The Hero(ine):
Must bypass obstacles
Prove him/herself to pass