Images on screens are made up of tiny sections called pixels, with more pixels resulting in higher quality images. Each pixel is a color made up of combinations of red, green, and blue in the RGB color system. On web pages, hexadecimal numbers using six characters of letters and numbers are used to denote color values by specifying amounts of red, green, and blue. A color palette for a website should include up to eight colors that work well together and represent the business, to provide consistency across the site.
2. Using our eyes, colours are infinite…
On a screen, they are not.
Images you see on a screen are pixelated, or made up of tiny
sections called pixels:
Therefore, images can be measured in size, but are more likely to be measured
in pixels (px). The more pixels, the better quality the image.
3. Every pixel is a colour…
…and every colour on a screen is made up of a different
combination of:
This is called the ‘RGB Colour System’.
4. Web Colours – Hexadecimal numbers (Hex)
In the context of web pages, Hexadecimal numbers are used on web
pages to set colours.
This is a six figure code (letters and numbers) that denotes how much
red, green and blue is in the colour.
This hex code is often preceded by a hashtag (#).
6. Creating a colour palette
Palette - the range of colours used by a particular artist or in a
particular picture/work.
In the online space - a palette is the selection of colours that are used
throughout the website.
It is useful to have a palette of up to 8 colours/shades at your disposal.
They should work well together and provide a representation of the
core business of the website.