Fruity Pebble goes for a roll down a hill but finds it scary as it gets closer to rocks. Fruity Pebble hits the rocks so hard that it turns into a grain of sand forever, changing its name to Fruity Sandal due to the pain of no longer being a pebble.
Chippy Muffin, a toy, fell into a river after being thrown in by a boy hiking nearby. Chippy Muffin was swept down the river and out to sea, crashing against farms along the way, until finally washing ashore on a beach, safe at last.
A child goes on an underwater adventure searching for treasure in the deep blue sea. Along the way, they encounter and say hello to various sea creatures like seahorses, starfish, crabs, turtles, octopuses, dolphins, swordfish, and whales. Finally, they find pirate treasure at the bottom of the sea. When they return up from the sea, they tell their waiting mother that they found treasure during their adventure in the deep blue sea.
The document tells the story of a child going on an underwater adventure in the deep blue sea. The child sees and greets various sea creatures like seahorses, starfish, crabs, turtles, octopuses, dolphins, swordfish, and whales. At the end, the child finds a pirate treasure and shows it to their waiting mother after returning from their ocean journey.
Kira, a rock, was resting on a mountain top when a landslide caused her to tumble down the mountain screaming for help. Though no help came, she survived the fall by landing in a river, but the landslide had reduced her greatly in size. Now called Penny the Pebble, the current carried her down the river until the wind blew her out and transported her through the air to end up as only a grain of sand on the beach.
Grouchy Granite tells the story of his journey from a mountain to becoming a kitchen counter top. He was separated from his family who were turned into granite. After being swept into the ocean by a wave, Grouchy Granite swam to an island to escape a shark. He then swam in search of land but could only find more land when a girl crushed him with a hammer, reducing his size until he became a granite counter top for her kitchen, just like his family.
A little boy threw ChippyMuffin into the river while hiking. ChippyMuffin was swept down the river, getting smashed against boulders, until he finally washed ashore safely on the beach. The story followed ChippyMuffin's perilous trip down the river to the ocean and his eventual rescue.
The document is a summary of the lyrics to the traditional folk song "Goin' Down the Road". The song is about a man who is unhappy with his current situation and is leaving to find a place where he will be treated better, where the sun always shines and the water tastes like wine instead of turpentine as in his home. He repeats that he is going down the road feeling bad and will not tolerate being mistreated anymore.
Camille's Culinary Cruises offers food-focused boat excursions that allow guests to enjoy meals while also participating in activities like fishing, snorkeling, diving or spending time with locals; the cruises aim to provide a fun experience for families, friends or individuals through quality dining and various recreational options.
Emeraude Classic Cruises' Updated Itinerary Guidelines in December 2013Hang Do
This itinerary provides details for a two-day cruise through Halong Bay on the Emeraude cruise ship. Day 1 includes check-in, a cruise through Halong Bay with stops for lunch, a guided shore excursion, activities like kayaking and cooking classes, and dinner. Evening activities include a movie and optional squid fishing. Day 2 starts with breakfast and Tai Chi, then more cruising and sightseeing before disembarking with breakfast and check-out before departure. Safety information, services available, and contact details for Emeraude Cruises are also noted.
This flyer announces a fundraising event at Ruby's Diner in Queen Ka'ahumanu Center on Tuesday, September 21st from 5-9pm. 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales (excluding gift cards or other discounts) will be donated to Emmanuel Lutheran when the flyer is presented. Flyers must be distributed before the event and cannot be distributed at the restaurant on the day of the fundraiser.
The document expresses love and appreciation for the Philippines, describing it as a beautiful isle with hospitable people, wonderful scenery like sandy beaches, rivers, mountains, and waterfalls, and delicious food. The Philippines is remembered fondly in the writer's heart as feeling like a real home, despite the possibility of being anywhere else in the world.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales to Emmanuel Lutheran School on Tuesday, May 21st from 5pm to 10pm if customers present the flyer. The flyer must be brought by customers and cannot be distributed at the restaurant on the day of the event. Purchases made with gift cards will not qualify for the donation.
The document describes a trip to Santa Marta where the author rode a boat, fell into the sea from a worm, and visited monuments at night in a Chiva Rumbera tour. They were happy on the beach because it was beautiful and did not wear stockings or a coat, finding flip flops more comfortable in the heat.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales between 5pm and 9pm on October 14, 2010 to St. Anthony Grade School's Music Program when customers present a flyer. Flyers must be distributed before the event and cannot be distributed at the restaurant during the event. Gift cards and discounts cannot be used with the fundraiser.
The song is about finding comfort and strength from God during difficult times. It describes God walking with the singer when they were alone and helping them through challenges. The singer promises that even when their heart is full of sorrow, God will always be there to carry them and give them strength, represented by finding footprints in the sand.
The document provides examples of questions using the verbs "to be" and "were/was" in the simple past tense. For each subject - I, you, he, she, it, we, they - it asks a yes/no question about what the subject was or was not, and provides the answers "yes, (subject) was" and "no, (subject) wasn't". The purpose is to illustrate forming questions and short answers using these common verbs and verb tenses.
The document contains a collection of rhyming poems and tongue twisters using various phonetic sounds including [ai], [ei], [l], [p], [慮], [n], [d], [b], [w], [r], [s], and []. The poems explore themes like weather, animals, food, activities, and nonsense words. They are intended to be read aloud for enjoyment and to exercise phonetic skills.
The document is an invitation to celebrate the author's 40th birthday with either a barbecue at their home on August 22nd or joining them for camping trips from August 15th-21st at Mellow Farm or the week of August 24th at Eweleaze Farm. RSVPs can be sent to the provided email address or by calling or Skyping the contact information given.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales on Monday, August 16th from 5-9pm to Maui High School Robotics Team 2443, Blue Thunder. Diners must present the flyer during purchase and gift cards cannot be used. Flyers must be distributed before the event and not at the restaurant during the fundraiser.
The document discusses the evolving objectives and strategies of EU regional policy. It notes that the objectives of regional policy have changed over time based on different development theories, starting from growth pole and center-periphery theories to newer focuses on issues like innovation, human capital, and sustainable growth. The strategies and funds used to achieve regional policy goals have also undergone constant mutation, but have been hampered by a complex system and budget paralysis. National strategies are seen as crucial but often suboptimal in effectively using funds and accountability. Upcoming budget reforms aim to better align regional policy with current priority issues like energy and R&D while improving oversight.
Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020Alma Cardi
Regional policy aims to align Cohesion Policy funding with the Europe 2020 strategy to promote smart growth across EU regions. It encourages all regions to design 'smart specialization strategies' to identify competitive strengths and focus resources on developing key innovation priorities. A new Smart Specialization Platform will provide expertise to help member states and regions develop and review their strategies. The goal is to optimize the impact of EU funds for research and innovation and avoid duplication by concentrating on each region's unique competitive advantages.
Presentation on Improving Statistics for Effective REgional Policy: Experiences from OECD Countries, by Monica Brezzi, Head Regional Analysis and Statistics, at the Conference Portugal 2020: Public Policies and Statistics, 13 May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
Fajardo the case for re-balancing philippine regional development (revised)fernando fajardo
This document summarizes Perry Fajardo's reaction to a presentation on Philippine regional development. It discusses how, despite economic growth, poverty and lack of jobs remain problems due to failure to disperse development outside of Metro Manila. It then reviews historical policies that concentrated development in Manila and outlines current regional imbalances. It argues that reducing poverty requires rebalancing regional development policies, reviewing the effectiveness of RDCs and local government codes, and increasing infrastructure investment outside of major urban areas.
Evidence - Based Regional Policy: Lessons and Challenges / Duarte Rodrigues C...EUROsociAL II
This document discusses evidence-based regional policymaking. It outlines an informed regional policy cycle using data and analysis to improve policy design and evaluation. Findings from OECD work show heterogeneous regional growth patterns are influenced by factors like human capital, innovation, infrastructure, and institutions. Complementarities among these factors are also important. The document notes challenges like accounting for functional regions beyond administrative boundaries and better linking evidence and analysis to policy needs. Overall, it advocates using data and knowledge to pursue place-based strategies and strengthen regional policymaking.
This document outlines the topics that will be covered in a regional policy course over five weeks. It provides an overview of the learning objectives and readings for the first topic - the case for regional policy. This topic examines the equity and efficiency justifications for regional policy and discusses market-based and interventionist approaches to reducing economic disparities between regions. The market-based approach argues that allowing market forces to operate will equalize wages and employment, while the interventionist approach favors direct state intervention through policies like public investment.
This document discusses innovation and regional policy in the European Union. It outlines how the EU focuses regional policy on research and innovation, information and communication technologies, supporting small and medium businesses, and moving to a low-carbon economy. Regional policy is implemented through the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, and managed by national and regional authorities in cooperation with the European Commission.
This document provides information about an upcoming lecture on EU regional policy, including the lecturer's contact details and office hours, intended learning outcomes, required readings, and the content and slides for the lecture. The lecture will cover current disparities in economic performance across the EU, arguments for and against an EU-wide regional policy, the objectives and instruments of the current EU regional policy, and evidence regarding its impact. Maps and charts are included to illustrate regional economic data.
Evaluating an experiment. The Case of Fare-Free Public Transportation System ...Daniel Gabad坦n-Estevan
In this research, we focus on the case of an environmental innovation regarding transport policy, the implementation of the free fare policy on public transport (PT) for all inhabitants of Tallinn, Estonia. Tallinn, with 439,000 inhabitants in 2015, is the capital of Estonia and the largest city in the country. However, over the last two decades the share of PT trips decreased dramatically. After a public opinion poll in 2012, in which over 75% of the participants voted for a fare-free transportation system (FFPTS) in Tallinn, the new policy was implemented on 1st January 2013. From that date residents registered in Tallinn could use all PT services (buses, trams, trolley-buses) operated by city-run operators for free. Later the free fare system was implemented also on trains within Tallinn. For this we have undertaken a project to evaluate the implementation of the free fare policy on PT in Tallinn as a case of an experiment regard-ing innovation in transport policy with potential environmental consequences. We evaluate this experi-ment by comparing the previous with the actual situation regarding several indicators such as PT use, change in modal split, pollution, etc. This is done by interviewing relevant informers (stakeholders) to identify the main enablers of and obstacles to the use of the FFPTS in Tallinn as well as possible limita-tions of this experiment to contribute to sustainable development. In exploring the main enablers of and obstacles to the implementation of the FFPTS in Tallinn, we apply the multi-level model of social innova-tion (Geels et al 2001) that allows for systematic exploration of the role of institutional regime (market, policy and science interactions) and the impact of the so-called landscape level of societal values, over-all paradigms and megatrends that both shape the success of innovation in socio-technical systems. The research allows us to deepen our understanding on innovation governance in relation to mitigation and adaptation, as well as identifying effective ways of stimulating and diffusing experiments on policy and governance innovations. Our results show that the interlink between local and national politics have a determinant effect not only on the initiatives taken and the support they achieve but also on the interpretation of the success of those initiatives and their stability. Also, the discourses build around those initiatives and unexpected consequences of the policy are reported.
This document provides an updated regional development plan for SOCCSKSARGEN for 2013-2016. It begins with an assessment of the region's economic performance, development challenges, and goals over the past three years. Key topics covered include inclusive growth and poverty reduction, industry and services, agriculture and fisheries, infrastructure, financial systems, governance, social development, peace and security, and the environment. For each area, it discusses accomplishments and challenges, sets new development goals and strategic outcomes, and provides targets to measure progress over the next four years. The overall aim is to guide development in SOCCSKSARGEN through sustainable and inclusive economic growth that benefits all residents of the region.
Emeraude Classic Cruises' Updated Itinerary Guidelines in December 2013Hang Do
This itinerary provides details for a two-day cruise through Halong Bay on the Emeraude cruise ship. Day 1 includes check-in, a cruise through Halong Bay with stops for lunch, a guided shore excursion, activities like kayaking and cooking classes, and dinner. Evening activities include a movie and optional squid fishing. Day 2 starts with breakfast and Tai Chi, then more cruising and sightseeing before disembarking with breakfast and check-out before departure. Safety information, services available, and contact details for Emeraude Cruises are also noted.
This flyer announces a fundraising event at Ruby's Diner in Queen Ka'ahumanu Center on Tuesday, September 21st from 5-9pm. 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales (excluding gift cards or other discounts) will be donated to Emmanuel Lutheran when the flyer is presented. Flyers must be distributed before the event and cannot be distributed at the restaurant on the day of the fundraiser.
The document expresses love and appreciation for the Philippines, describing it as a beautiful isle with hospitable people, wonderful scenery like sandy beaches, rivers, mountains, and waterfalls, and delicious food. The Philippines is remembered fondly in the writer's heart as feeling like a real home, despite the possibility of being anywhere else in the world.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales to Emmanuel Lutheran School on Tuesday, May 21st from 5pm to 10pm if customers present the flyer. The flyer must be brought by customers and cannot be distributed at the restaurant on the day of the event. Purchases made with gift cards will not qualify for the donation.
The document describes a trip to Santa Marta where the author rode a boat, fell into the sea from a worm, and visited monuments at night in a Chiva Rumbera tour. They were happy on the beach because it was beautiful and did not wear stockings or a coat, finding flip flops more comfortable in the heat.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales between 5pm and 9pm on October 14, 2010 to St. Anthony Grade School's Music Program when customers present a flyer. Flyers must be distributed before the event and cannot be distributed at the restaurant during the event. Gift cards and discounts cannot be used with the fundraiser.
The song is about finding comfort and strength from God during difficult times. It describes God walking with the singer when they were alone and helping them through challenges. The singer promises that even when their heart is full of sorrow, God will always be there to carry them and give them strength, represented by finding footprints in the sand.
The document provides examples of questions using the verbs "to be" and "were/was" in the simple past tense. For each subject - I, you, he, she, it, we, they - it asks a yes/no question about what the subject was or was not, and provides the answers "yes, (subject) was" and "no, (subject) wasn't". The purpose is to illustrate forming questions and short answers using these common verbs and verb tenses.
The document contains a collection of rhyming poems and tongue twisters using various phonetic sounds including [ai], [ei], [l], [p], [慮], [n], [d], [b], [w], [r], [s], and []. The poems explore themes like weather, animals, food, activities, and nonsense words. They are intended to be read aloud for enjoyment and to exercise phonetic skills.
The document is an invitation to celebrate the author's 40th birthday with either a barbecue at their home on August 22nd or joining them for camping trips from August 15th-21st at Mellow Farm or the week of August 24th at Eweleaze Farm. RSVPs can be sent to the provided email address or by calling or Skyping the contact information given.
Ruby's Diner will donate 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales on Monday, August 16th from 5-9pm to Maui High School Robotics Team 2443, Blue Thunder. Diners must present the flyer during purchase and gift cards cannot be used. Flyers must be distributed before the event and not at the restaurant during the fundraiser.
The document discusses the evolving objectives and strategies of EU regional policy. It notes that the objectives of regional policy have changed over time based on different development theories, starting from growth pole and center-periphery theories to newer focuses on issues like innovation, human capital, and sustainable growth. The strategies and funds used to achieve regional policy goals have also undergone constant mutation, but have been hampered by a complex system and budget paralysis. National strategies are seen as crucial but often suboptimal in effectively using funds and accountability. Upcoming budget reforms aim to better align regional policy with current priority issues like energy and R&D while improving oversight.
Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020Alma Cardi
Regional policy aims to align Cohesion Policy funding with the Europe 2020 strategy to promote smart growth across EU regions. It encourages all regions to design 'smart specialization strategies' to identify competitive strengths and focus resources on developing key innovation priorities. A new Smart Specialization Platform will provide expertise to help member states and regions develop and review their strategies. The goal is to optimize the impact of EU funds for research and innovation and avoid duplication by concentrating on each region's unique competitive advantages.
Presentation on Improving Statistics for Effective REgional Policy: Experiences from OECD Countries, by Monica Brezzi, Head Regional Analysis and Statistics, at the Conference Portugal 2020: Public Policies and Statistics, 13 May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
Fajardo the case for re-balancing philippine regional development (revised)fernando fajardo
This document summarizes Perry Fajardo's reaction to a presentation on Philippine regional development. It discusses how, despite economic growth, poverty and lack of jobs remain problems due to failure to disperse development outside of Metro Manila. It then reviews historical policies that concentrated development in Manila and outlines current regional imbalances. It argues that reducing poverty requires rebalancing regional development policies, reviewing the effectiveness of RDCs and local government codes, and increasing infrastructure investment outside of major urban areas.
Evidence - Based Regional Policy: Lessons and Challenges / Duarte Rodrigues C...EUROsociAL II
This document discusses evidence-based regional policymaking. It outlines an informed regional policy cycle using data and analysis to improve policy design and evaluation. Findings from OECD work show heterogeneous regional growth patterns are influenced by factors like human capital, innovation, infrastructure, and institutions. Complementarities among these factors are also important. The document notes challenges like accounting for functional regions beyond administrative boundaries and better linking evidence and analysis to policy needs. Overall, it advocates using data and knowledge to pursue place-based strategies and strengthen regional policymaking.
This document outlines the topics that will be covered in a regional policy course over five weeks. It provides an overview of the learning objectives and readings for the first topic - the case for regional policy. This topic examines the equity and efficiency justifications for regional policy and discusses market-based and interventionist approaches to reducing economic disparities between regions. The market-based approach argues that allowing market forces to operate will equalize wages and employment, while the interventionist approach favors direct state intervention through policies like public investment.
This document discusses innovation and regional policy in the European Union. It outlines how the EU focuses regional policy on research and innovation, information and communication technologies, supporting small and medium businesses, and moving to a low-carbon economy. Regional policy is implemented through the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, and managed by national and regional authorities in cooperation with the European Commission.
This document provides information about an upcoming lecture on EU regional policy, including the lecturer's contact details and office hours, intended learning outcomes, required readings, and the content and slides for the lecture. The lecture will cover current disparities in economic performance across the EU, arguments for and against an EU-wide regional policy, the objectives and instruments of the current EU regional policy, and evidence regarding its impact. Maps and charts are included to illustrate regional economic data.
Evaluating an experiment. The Case of Fare-Free Public Transportation System ...Daniel Gabad坦n-Estevan
In this research, we focus on the case of an environmental innovation regarding transport policy, the implementation of the free fare policy on public transport (PT) for all inhabitants of Tallinn, Estonia. Tallinn, with 439,000 inhabitants in 2015, is the capital of Estonia and the largest city in the country. However, over the last two decades the share of PT trips decreased dramatically. After a public opinion poll in 2012, in which over 75% of the participants voted for a fare-free transportation system (FFPTS) in Tallinn, the new policy was implemented on 1st January 2013. From that date residents registered in Tallinn could use all PT services (buses, trams, trolley-buses) operated by city-run operators for free. Later the free fare system was implemented also on trains within Tallinn. For this we have undertaken a project to evaluate the implementation of the free fare policy on PT in Tallinn as a case of an experiment regard-ing innovation in transport policy with potential environmental consequences. We evaluate this experi-ment by comparing the previous with the actual situation regarding several indicators such as PT use, change in modal split, pollution, etc. This is done by interviewing relevant informers (stakeholders) to identify the main enablers of and obstacles to the use of the FFPTS in Tallinn as well as possible limita-tions of this experiment to contribute to sustainable development. In exploring the main enablers of and obstacles to the implementation of the FFPTS in Tallinn, we apply the multi-level model of social innova-tion (Geels et al 2001) that allows for systematic exploration of the role of institutional regime (market, policy and science interactions) and the impact of the so-called landscape level of societal values, over-all paradigms and megatrends that both shape the success of innovation in socio-technical systems. The research allows us to deepen our understanding on innovation governance in relation to mitigation and adaptation, as well as identifying effective ways of stimulating and diffusing experiments on policy and governance innovations. Our results show that the interlink between local and national politics have a determinant effect not only on the initiatives taken and the support they achieve but also on the interpretation of the success of those initiatives and their stability. Also, the discourses build around those initiatives and unexpected consequences of the policy are reported.
This document provides an updated regional development plan for SOCCSKSARGEN for 2013-2016. It begins with an assessment of the region's economic performance, development challenges, and goals over the past three years. Key topics covered include inclusive growth and poverty reduction, industry and services, agriculture and fisheries, infrastructure, financial systems, governance, social development, peace and security, and the environment. For each area, it discusses accomplishments and challenges, sets new development goals and strategic outcomes, and provides targets to measure progress over the next four years. The overall aim is to guide development in SOCCSKSARGEN through sustainable and inclusive economic growth that benefits all residents of the region.
The document discusses the Philippines' educational crisis and efforts to address it through alternative learning programs. It outlines the poor performance and high dropout rates in the Philippine education system. It then introduces the eSkwela project, a pioneering effort between the Commission on ICT and the Department of Education's Bureau of Alternative Learning System to provide ICT-enabled learning opportunities for out-of-school youth and adults through community eLearning centers. The document describes the project components, pilot sites, and preparations to expand the program nationwide by establishing more eLearning centers and training teachers, network administrators, and center managers.
Here are a few examples of areas where public policy could be developed or improved:
- Healthcare policy - policies around access to healthcare, costs of healthcare, Medicare/Medicaid could be developed or revised.
- Education policy - policies around K-12 or higher education funding, school choice, curriculum standards, teacher pay could be addressed.
- Housing policy - policies around affordable housing, homelessness, rent control, or property taxes could be examined.
- Transportation policy - policies around infrastructure funding, public transit, vehicle fuel efficiency, or road usage fees may need updates.
- Environmental policy - policies around climate change, renewable energy, pollution, or conservation could be strengthened.
- Criminal justice policy -
This document presents the Results Matrices (RMs) for monitoring and evaluating the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016. The RMs structure the planning process by linking the PDP's strategies and programs to indicators and targets. They incorporate the government's five major guideposts and present the results chain from subsector to sector outcomes to the overarching societal goal of inclusive growth and poverty reduction. The RMs will be used as the primary tool for managing development results across all stages of public sector management, from planning to budgeting to implementation to monitoring and evaluation. They are meant to strengthen the PDP's results orientation and will be enhanced annually through collaboration between government agencies, statistical offices, and other stakeholders.
2. Oh no Fruity Pebble is rolling down the hill by the wind !!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh !!
3. Then Fruity Pebble got closer and closer and it was tough for him cause Fruity Pebble never was in an event like this !!!!! Help I want my mommy
4. Then next thing you know Fruity Pebble sunk down and it is really scary for him so bless his little stone heart ! Oh sorry that I smelt scary wrong.
5. Then Fruity Pebble sunk in a group of rocks and Fruity Pebble hit the rocks so fast that Fruity pebble is know a grain of sand !
6. Do you see the circle that is were Fruity Pebble remained as a grain of sand forever oh and know I'm going to cry cause Fruity Pebble is not a rock any more so I'm changing Fruity Pebble's name to Fruity Sandal. Oh the pain it hurts !!!!!!!
7. The End Of Adventures with Fruity Pebble !! You are a good audience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!