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TRAVELS WITH FRUITY PEBBLE  Fruity pebble was having a good time .
Oh no Fruity Pebble is rolling down the hill by the wind !!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh !!
Then Fruity Pebble got closer and closer and it was tough for him cause Fruity Pebble never was in an event like this !!!!! Help I want my mommy
Then next thing you know Fruity Pebble sunk down and it is really scary for him so bless his little stone heart ! Oh sorry that I smelt scary wrong.
Then Fruity Pebble sunk in a group of rocks and Fruity Pebble hit the rocks so fast that Fruity pebble is know a grain of sand !
Do you see the circle that is were Fruity Pebble  remained  as a grain of sand forever oh and know I'm going to cry cause Fruity Pebble is not a rock any more so I'm changing Fruity Pebble's name to Fruity Sandal. Oh the pain it hurts !!!!!!!
The End Of  Adventures with Fruity Pebble !! You are a good audience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi My Alex

  • 1. TRAVELS WITH FRUITY PEBBLE Fruity pebble was having a good time .
  • 2. Oh no Fruity Pebble is rolling down the hill by the wind !!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh !!
  • 3. Then Fruity Pebble got closer and closer and it was tough for him cause Fruity Pebble never was in an event like this !!!!! Help I want my mommy
  • 4. Then next thing you know Fruity Pebble sunk down and it is really scary for him so bless his little stone heart ! Oh sorry that I smelt scary wrong.
  • 5. Then Fruity Pebble sunk in a group of rocks and Fruity Pebble hit the rocks so fast that Fruity pebble is know a grain of sand !
  • 6. Do you see the circle that is were Fruity Pebble remained as a grain of sand forever oh and know I'm going to cry cause Fruity Pebble is not a rock any more so I'm changing Fruity Pebble's name to Fruity Sandal. Oh the pain it hurts !!!!!!!
  • 7. The End Of Adventures with Fruity Pebble !! You are a good audience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!