This document discusses key facts about 5 Southeast Asian countries - Brunei Darussalam is the biggest exporter of oil, Thailand has the capability to be the automotive hub of Southeast Asia, Malaysia's financial business is growing, Singapore is the business center of Southeast Asia, and Indonesia is a major manufacturer.
Este documento habla sobre la importancia de la alimentaci坦n para la salud humana. Explica que una mala alimentaci坦n puede conducir a enfermedades como la anorexia nerviosa, la bulimia nerviosa u obesidad. Brevemente describe cada una de estas enfermedades y sus caracter鱈sticas principales. Tambi辿n menciona algunas normas b叩sicas de etiqueta en la mesa y recomienda una dieta sana basada en el consumo moderado de alimentos como pescado, carne y verduras.
Este documento describe c坦mo la Eucarist鱈a es la fuente de vida de la Congregaci坦n de Misioneras del Sant鱈simo Sacramento y Mar鱈a Inmaculada. Se fundaron en 1896 en Granada para vivir profundamente el misterio eucar鱈stico y ser prolongaci坦n de Jes炭s como alimento para los dem叩s. Su misi坦n es adorar a Cristo en la Eucarist鱈a y animar a los dem叩s a contemplar Su rostro, especialmente a los m叩s necesitados.
Electromagnetic radiation analysis with mathematical modeiling of microwave ovenKiran Phalak
The document presents a mathematical model of electromagnetic radiation from a microwave oven. It describes a 6-step approach to model the microwave oven signal, which includes modeling the transient pulses at the start and end of the "on" period, modeling the frequency modulated sweep signal during the on period, and modeling the amplitude modulation effect whereby the signal envelope follows the 60 Hz power signal. The mathematical model represents the microwave oven signal using 13 independent variables and allows for simulating the effects of the frequency modulated sweep and transient pulses. The model and simulations can help design materials for microwave ovens and mitigate interference with wireless technologies.
This document provides an overview of common navigation system patterns for websites, including horizontal bars, drop-downs, mega-navs, ribbons, accordion side menus, and breadcrumbs. It discusses the pros and cons of different approaches and emphasizes selecting patterns that meet business and user needs.
Este documento resume los diferentes tipos de determinantes en espa単ol, incluyendo determinantes posesivos, numerales e indefinidos. Explica que los determinantes posesivos indican posesi坦n, los numerales expresan cantidad u orden, e indefinidos expresan cantidades imprecisas. Proporciona ejemplos de cada tipo y ejercicios de pr叩ctica para identificarlos.
El documento resume los principales sistemas operativos para smartphones como iOS, Android, Bada, Windows Phone y BlackBerry. Explica que Ubuntu es un sistema operativo de c坦digo abierto basado en Linux que incluye el entorno de escritorio Unity y se financia a trav辿s de servicios y soporte t辿cnico. Finalmente, muestra im叩genes de los entornos gr叩ficos de Ubuntu, varias versiones de Windows y iOS.
Safety Flag Co. manufactures and supplies a wide range of personal protective equipment and safety gear for workers in industries like police, fire, construction and airports. They offer products like reflective vests, barricades, cones, lights, safety tapes, signs, banners and more. Safety Flag aims to be a trusted resource for quality safety products and provides excellent customer service.
Language Arts: Bloggings, Pinning, and Tweetingjhollatz
This document discusses using technology like blogging, Pinterest, and Twitter to support writing instruction. It provides examples of how these tools can be used throughout the writing process, from rehearsal and drafting to revising and publishing. Quotes emphasize that technology should enhance what teachers and students do best, not replace the teacher, and that students are motivated when they have opportunities for blended learning and social communication online. The goals of writing instruction are described as providing immersive experiences and making the writing personal.
1. While many students are interested in entrepreneurship, only a small percentage actually become entrepreneurs within 3 years of graduating. However, most enterprises do survive for at least 2 years in some form.
2. There is significant interest in social enterprises among students across disciplines, but this interest does not often translate into sustainable enterprises for new graduates.
3. Effective enterprises typically involve a balanced partnership between a "creative practitioner" and a "salesman/manager" with complementary skills.
Nuevo presentaci坦n de microsoft office power point (6)je-itiyi
Este documento habla sobre los riesgos que enfrentan los menores en las redes sociales, como caer v鱈ctimas de delincuentes que los enga単an para involucrarse en cibersexo y luego los chantajean con esas im叩genes. Se recomienda a las v鱈ctimas pedir ayuda en lugar de ceder al chantaje y guardar pruebas de lo sucedido. En algunos casos, ni siquiera hay un desnudo real detr叩s sino solo una grabaci坦n.
Experts by Experience--A compilation of patients storiesInspire
This document is a compilation of patient stories published in the Stanford University School of Medicine's Scope medical blog. It includes introductions from the publisher Inspire and foreword from Dr. Aanand Naik. The document then presents 12 patient stories describing various medical conditions and experiences. The stories address topics like rare diagnoses, using online information to support care, participating in clinical trials, living with chronic illnesses, communicating with doctors, and more. Overall, the document aims to provide patient perspectives on healthcare to help improve patient-centered care.
La materia ocupa un espacio y tiene masa y volumen. Existe en tres estados: s坦lido, l鱈quido y gas. El s坦lido mantiene su forma, el l鱈quido puede cambiar de forma pero no se comprime, y el gas se comprime y expande cambiando de forma. Los cambios de estado incluyen la evaporaci坦n, condensaci坦n, fusi坦n y solidificaci坦n.
El documento describe el aparato genitourinario y sus componentes, as鱈 como varias enfermedades y condiciones relacionadas con este sistema. Se mencionan infecciones como la ITU y cistitis, c叩lculos renales, diversos tipos de c叩ncer como de pr坦stata, 炭tero y vejiga, y otras afecciones como vaginitis, fibromas y enfermedades inflamatorias p辿lvicas. Tambi辿n se detalla el sistema endocrino y hormonal, y trastornos como insuficiencias suprarrenales e hipotiroidismo. Final
This document is a scanned receipt from a grocery store purchase on January 15th, 2022. It details the items bought which include milk, eggs, bread, bananas, and ground beef. The total for the grocery purchase came to $36.87.
Nuevo presentaci坦n de microsoft power point (2)Jorge Garcia
El documento habla sobre diferentes tipos de ataques inform叩ticos como el phishing (env鱈o de correos falsos), pharming (modificar nombres de dominio), spam (correos no deseados), mishing (ataque por sms) y vishing (ataque a trav辿s de llamadas de voz por IP). Explica brevemente en qu辿 consiste cada uno de estos ataques.
El documento habla sobre la historia del patito feo y c坦mo fue rechazado por su familia por ser feo. Aunque al principio se sinti坦 humillado y triste por el rechazo, eventualmente se convirti坦 en el pato m叩s hermoso. A pesar de haber sido burlado, logr坦 perdonar a su familia y regresar con ellos.
A scattered radiation survey in a radiology department is an essential process for ensuring radiation safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Scattered radiation, which is secondary radiation deflected from its original path after interacting with a patient or other objects, poses a potential hazard to healthcare professionals, patients and general public.
Protection for Healthcare Workers and General Public: Scattered radiation surveys pinpoint areas where scattered radiation levels are highest. This helps in identifying workspaces or equipment where additional shielding or protective measures may be needed.
Since prolonged exposure to scattered radiation increases the risk of conditions like cancer and cataracts, surveys help to ensure that exposure stays within safe limits, adhering to regulatory standards and minimizing long-term health risks. Survey helps to protect Workers and General Public.
Radiation Survey data for safety improvements: The data collected in these surveys allows the X-ray department to make informed decisions about room layout, equipment placement, and workflow adjustments to further reduce exposure.
Surveys help identify where lead aprons, thyroid shields, and lead glasses are most effective, and when extra protective barriers or shields might be necessary for staff safety.
Radiation Survey for image quality: Clear, high-contrast images are essential for accurate diagnoses. When scattered radiation is minimized, the images are of higher diagnostic quality, helping radiologists detect abnormalities and make precise evaluations.
The Paradox of Perfection - Publecture (EOS VU Amsterdam)Wico Mulder
"The Paradox of Perfection: Why Does Performance Pressure Hold Us Back?" with Wico Mulder, a youth doctor for adolescents and public health physician (Arts M&G). 咋
Gain valuable insights into how perfectionism and performance pressure impact personal growth and how to navigate them effectively. - 17 maart 2025.pdf
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddyrittehasbul
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Financial Forms, Awards & Appeals for Families & CounselorsCyndy McDonald
How can families maximize financial awards & pursue appeals? What happens once financial aid forms land at the college? Learn directly from financial aid officers what goes into award committee decisions & how financial aid offers are made. Discuss how to compare aid offers, and the correct way to approach appeals.
#cyndyfridayforums #cyndymcdonald #financialaid #collegeadmissions #collegecounseling
PLAY: Types, value and selection of play material PLAY THERAPY.pptxPRADEEP ABOTHU
Play: Play is a fun and natural activity that children do on their own for enjoyment. It helps them grow and learn. Even adults can benefit from play in different ways. Play Therapy: Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps children express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences through play. It is used to support their emotional and psychological well-being.
Este documento resume los diferentes tipos de determinantes en espa単ol, incluyendo determinantes posesivos, numerales e indefinidos. Explica que los determinantes posesivos indican posesi坦n, los numerales expresan cantidad u orden, e indefinidos expresan cantidades imprecisas. Proporciona ejemplos de cada tipo y ejercicios de pr叩ctica para identificarlos.
El documento resume los principales sistemas operativos para smartphones como iOS, Android, Bada, Windows Phone y BlackBerry. Explica que Ubuntu es un sistema operativo de c坦digo abierto basado en Linux que incluye el entorno de escritorio Unity y se financia a trav辿s de servicios y soporte t辿cnico. Finalmente, muestra im叩genes de los entornos gr叩ficos de Ubuntu, varias versiones de Windows y iOS.
Safety Flag Co. manufactures and supplies a wide range of personal protective equipment and safety gear for workers in industries like police, fire, construction and airports. They offer products like reflective vests, barricades, cones, lights, safety tapes, signs, banners and more. Safety Flag aims to be a trusted resource for quality safety products and provides excellent customer service.
Language Arts: Bloggings, Pinning, and Tweetingjhollatz
This document discusses using technology like blogging, Pinterest, and Twitter to support writing instruction. It provides examples of how these tools can be used throughout the writing process, from rehearsal and drafting to revising and publishing. Quotes emphasize that technology should enhance what teachers and students do best, not replace the teacher, and that students are motivated when they have opportunities for blended learning and social communication online. The goals of writing instruction are described as providing immersive experiences and making the writing personal.
1. While many students are interested in entrepreneurship, only a small percentage actually become entrepreneurs within 3 years of graduating. However, most enterprises do survive for at least 2 years in some form.
2. There is significant interest in social enterprises among students across disciplines, but this interest does not often translate into sustainable enterprises for new graduates.
3. Effective enterprises typically involve a balanced partnership between a "creative practitioner" and a "salesman/manager" with complementary skills.
Nuevo presentaci坦n de microsoft office power point (6)je-itiyi
Este documento habla sobre los riesgos que enfrentan los menores en las redes sociales, como caer v鱈ctimas de delincuentes que los enga単an para involucrarse en cibersexo y luego los chantajean con esas im叩genes. Se recomienda a las v鱈ctimas pedir ayuda en lugar de ceder al chantaje y guardar pruebas de lo sucedido. En algunos casos, ni siquiera hay un desnudo real detr叩s sino solo una grabaci坦n.
Experts by Experience--A compilation of patients storiesInspire
This document is a compilation of patient stories published in the Stanford University School of Medicine's Scope medical blog. It includes introductions from the publisher Inspire and foreword from Dr. Aanand Naik. The document then presents 12 patient stories describing various medical conditions and experiences. The stories address topics like rare diagnoses, using online information to support care, participating in clinical trials, living with chronic illnesses, communicating with doctors, and more. Overall, the document aims to provide patient perspectives on healthcare to help improve patient-centered care.
La materia ocupa un espacio y tiene masa y volumen. Existe en tres estados: s坦lido, l鱈quido y gas. El s坦lido mantiene su forma, el l鱈quido puede cambiar de forma pero no se comprime, y el gas se comprime y expande cambiando de forma. Los cambios de estado incluyen la evaporaci坦n, condensaci坦n, fusi坦n y solidificaci坦n.
El documento describe el aparato genitourinario y sus componentes, as鱈 como varias enfermedades y condiciones relacionadas con este sistema. Se mencionan infecciones como la ITU y cistitis, c叩lculos renales, diversos tipos de c叩ncer como de pr坦stata, 炭tero y vejiga, y otras afecciones como vaginitis, fibromas y enfermedades inflamatorias p辿lvicas. Tambi辿n se detalla el sistema endocrino y hormonal, y trastornos como insuficiencias suprarrenales e hipotiroidismo. Final
This document is a scanned receipt from a grocery store purchase on January 15th, 2022. It details the items bought which include milk, eggs, bread, bananas, and ground beef. The total for the grocery purchase came to $36.87.
Nuevo presentaci坦n de microsoft power point (2)Jorge Garcia
El documento habla sobre diferentes tipos de ataques inform叩ticos como el phishing (env鱈o de correos falsos), pharming (modificar nombres de dominio), spam (correos no deseados), mishing (ataque por sms) y vishing (ataque a trav辿s de llamadas de voz por IP). Explica brevemente en qu辿 consiste cada uno de estos ataques.
El documento habla sobre la historia del patito feo y c坦mo fue rechazado por su familia por ser feo. Aunque al principio se sinti坦 humillado y triste por el rechazo, eventualmente se convirti坦 en el pato m叩s hermoso. A pesar de haber sido burlado, logr坦 perdonar a su familia y regresar con ellos.
A scattered radiation survey in a radiology department is an essential process for ensuring radiation safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Scattered radiation, which is secondary radiation deflected from its original path after interacting with a patient or other objects, poses a potential hazard to healthcare professionals, patients and general public.
Protection for Healthcare Workers and General Public: Scattered radiation surveys pinpoint areas where scattered radiation levels are highest. This helps in identifying workspaces or equipment where additional shielding or protective measures may be needed.
Since prolonged exposure to scattered radiation increases the risk of conditions like cancer and cataracts, surveys help to ensure that exposure stays within safe limits, adhering to regulatory standards and minimizing long-term health risks. Survey helps to protect Workers and General Public.
Radiation Survey data for safety improvements: The data collected in these surveys allows the X-ray department to make informed decisions about room layout, equipment placement, and workflow adjustments to further reduce exposure.
Surveys help identify where lead aprons, thyroid shields, and lead glasses are most effective, and when extra protective barriers or shields might be necessary for staff safety.
Radiation Survey for image quality: Clear, high-contrast images are essential for accurate diagnoses. When scattered radiation is minimized, the images are of higher diagnostic quality, helping radiologists detect abnormalities and make precise evaluations.
The Paradox of Perfection - Publecture (EOS VU Amsterdam)Wico Mulder
"The Paradox of Perfection: Why Does Performance Pressure Hold Us Back?" with Wico Mulder, a youth doctor for adolescents and public health physician (Arts M&G). 咋
Gain valuable insights into how perfectionism and performance pressure impact personal growth and how to navigate them effectively. - 17 maart 2025.pdf
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddyrittehasbul
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Data Structures and Applications: A Simple and Systematic Approach Padma Reddy
Financial Forms, Awards & Appeals for Families & CounselorsCyndy McDonald
How can families maximize financial awards & pursue appeals? What happens once financial aid forms land at the college? Learn directly from financial aid officers what goes into award committee decisions & how financial aid offers are made. Discuss how to compare aid offers, and the correct way to approach appeals.
#cyndyfridayforums #cyndymcdonald #financialaid #collegeadmissions #collegecounseling
PLAY: Types, value and selection of play material PLAY THERAPY.pptxPRADEEP ABOTHU
Play: Play is a fun and natural activity that children do on their own for enjoyment. It helps them grow and learn. Even adults can benefit from play in different ways. Play Therapy: Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps children express their emotions, thoughts, and experiences through play. It is used to support their emotional and psychological well-being.
Breastfeeding is a fundamental right for both baby and mother, offering complete nutrition and vital immunological support. It's hygienic, economical, and shields infants from diseases. Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a strong mother-child bond, promoting overall well-being. Breastfeeding is the natural process of feeding an infant with breast milk, providing essential nutrients and immunity, promoting growth, strengthening mother-child bonding, and reducing disease risks.
Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding an infant only breast milk, without any additional food or drink for the first six months.
Non-Parametric Tests: Chapter-IV- Business Research MethodsDayanand Huded
The document consists of non-parametric tests in Business Research Methods. The chapter includes other details such as Meaning, Advantages; The Chi-square Test, The Sign Test, The Mann-Whitney U Test (in case of Large Sample only), the Kruskal Wallis H Test (in case of Large Sample only), the Runs Test for Randomness (in case of Large Sample only), The Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks Test (in case of Large Sample only).
Chi-Square Tests: 1. Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test
Used to determine if observed frequencies differ significantly from expected frequencies.
The test statistic (2) is always non-negative because it is based on squared differences.
A large 2 value indicates a significant deviation from the null hypothesis, so the rejection region lies in the right tail.
2. Chi-Square Test for Independence
Used to determine if two categorical variables are independent.
Again, the 2 statistic is always non-negative, and a large value suggests dependence between variables.
The sign Test: The Sign Test is a non-parametric statistical test used to evaluate the hypothesis about the median of a population or to compare paired data, particularly when the assumptions of parametric tests (like normal distribution) are not met. It is based solely on the signs of the differences between paired observations, making it distribution-free.
The Mann-whitney U Test: The sign test for comparing two population distributions ignores the actual magnitude of the paired observations and thereby discards information that would be useful in detecting a departure from the null hypothesis.
Kruskal Wallis H Test: The Kruskal-Wallis H Test is a non-parametric statistical test used to determine whether there are statistically significant differences between the medians of three or more independent groups. It extends the Mann-Whitney U test to more than two groups.
Run Test for randomness: The various tests discussed above are based on the assumption that we are dealing with random samples, i.e., samples chosen without bias. However, there are many situations in which this assumption is not justifiable. This is particularly true when we have little or no control over the selection of the data.
Wilcoxon mathced paired-sign-rank: When you can determine both direction and magnitude of difference between carefully matched pairs, use the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test. This test has excellent efficiency and can be more powerful than the t-test in cases where the latter is not particularly appropriate.
Kothari Commission Recommendations And Their Implementation.pptxDr. JN Gorai, PhD
Mind Map
Introduction to Kothari Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Recommendations on Higher Education
Vocational Education and Training
Educational Structure and System
UIDP 7Rs and AI 20250319 v4. digital twinspptxhome
20250319 7Rs and AI
Jim Twin V1 (English video) -
Jim Twin V1 (French video) -
Jim Twin OpenSource
Jim Twin Platform
Jim Blog Post -
Jim EIT Article (Real Jim) -
Jim EIT Talk (Real Jim) -
Reid Hoffman (English video) -
John Wolpert wrote: Hey, if you want to work with me on making your twin Twinzie-style, let me know. I'm implementing Twinzie (trained AIs that can interact with each other, discover win/win opportunities without disclosing the session directly to the respective users) in Valuable -- buyer/seller negotiation without exposing the seller's item before a mutually agreeable price can be proposed.油 Also starting to get traction for same model with the consulting firm I work with, where they have Twinzies of each of the participants of an experience do private 1-1 sessions to create their own Twinzie, and when group sessions are conducted, ideas in the session can get a score on whether they truly resonate with the participants' gestalt intentions or whether the idea might do violence to someone's intention...without revealing those intentions or outing people. Even in a session with three or four people, the live scoring doesn't provide any real sense of who might not like the idea. It just gives the room a sense of true alignment or a sense that something hidden might need to be addressed.
Subscription plan in odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
This slide will show the subscription plan in Odoo 17. A subscription plan can be used as a template for creating a new subscription for the customers. And using the subscription plan, we create a new subscription for the customers.
Q-Factor Mythology Quiz-1st March 2025, Quiz Club NITWQuiz Club NITW
The Mythology Quiz conducted by Quiz Club NITW on 1st of March 2025, as a part of the duology of quizzes for the college fest SpringSpree 2025. The set has both the Prelims and Finals which include various questions on topics related to Mythology ranging from Hindu mythology to Greek and Norse mythology!
How to Manage Reporting in Events of Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to Manage Reporting in Events of Odoo 18. Odoo's Event module offers robust reporting tools to help you analyze event performance and make data-driven decisions.
Thinktech 2025 is the Biz-Tech quiz of Ureckon the techno-management fest of the University of Engineering and Management Kolkata. The quiz was conducted by Pragya the official quiz club of UEMK.
How to Configure Authorized Signatory on Invoice in Odoo 18Celine George
Odoo 18 Sign allows you to send, sign, and approve documents online, using electronic signatures. An electronic signature shows a persons agreement to the content of a document. Just like a handwritten signature, the electronic one represents a legal binding by the terms of the signed document.
How to Simplify Reconciliation Process using Reconciliation Models using odoo...Celine George
In a firm, daily transactions are invoiced, but the accounting department may not enter all details immediately. Weekly, account statements are reviewed for reconciliation, ensuring accuracy and transparency by comparing cash transactions with bank records.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.