Extending the season for raspberries and blackberries in cold climates can be achieved through several strategies using high tunnels and cultural manipulations. High tunnels allow for season extension of late cultivars into fall by protecting fruit from frost and rain. Planting primocane-fruiting raspberries and manipulating their growth through pruning or tying can provide fruit into fall. Overwintering tender blackberry varieties under high tunnels enables harvesting them earlier in the season. Growing primocane-fruiting blackberries in tunnels can also yield a fall crop. Yields are significantly higher using these methods compared to field production, and prices tend to be higher in fall, improving the potential profitability for growers.
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Extending the Season for Raspberries and Blackberries in Cold Climates
45. Equivalents20,000 lbs/acre in tunnels vs. 2,000 in fieldrow spacing (2X)harvest season (2.5X)physiology (2X)Price is $5.00/pt in fall vs. $2.50 in seasonGross revenues: $150,000 per acre equivalent
49. Yield comparisonApplying the plastic in September for extended fall harvestApplying the plastic in early spring for accelerated harvest2,860 half-pints per tunnel2,855 half-pints per tunnel
56. Blackberry Variety TrialPlanting established in 2006. Chester added in 2007.Varieties: Ouachita, Triple Crown, Chester, Doyle.Preplant prep – compost amendment.Dormant cuttings.Two replications (4 plants, 16 ft row)Yield, berry weight, % marketable fruit data collected for field and HT production.HT blackberries girdled by rabbits during winter 2009 – no data. Exclusion fencing added in 2010; no damage, plants performed well.
81. Prime JanPlanting established in 2007.Plants were manipulated in 2009 with 1 tying and 2 tipping treatments to determine effects on yield and timing of fruiting.Four replications (3 plants,12 ft row ). Treatments:Early Pinch – plants soft pinched/ tipped at 1m.Late Pinch – plants soft pinched/ tipped at 1.5m (July just before flowering)Tying – Floricanes were tied laterally to wire (1.5m) just prior to floweringControl – untreated
100. ConclusionsRaspberries and blackberries can be manipulated in different ways to fruit over a very long period of timeTunnels, coupled with cultural manipulations, can dramatically extend the season and increase yields, even in cold climates.
101. High Tunnel Raspberries andBlackberriesDepartment of Horticulture Publication No.47 (2007)Authors: Cathy Heidenreich, Marvin Pritts, Mary Jo Kelly, and Kathy DemchakOn line at: http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/berry.html
102. Questions?Dr. Marvin Pritts, Professor and ChairCornell University Department of Horticulture607-255-1778mpp3@cornell.edu