The document summarizes a lesson plan for a 9th grade class on using the past simple and past perfect tenses in English. It outlines objectives to review use of the past simple and introduce the past perfect tense. Example sentences are provided to demonstrate forming sentences in the past simple and past perfect tenses. Students will practice writing their own sentences in pairs using vocabulary words given. Homework assigned is a grammar exercise from their textbook.
20. (irregular) +object My friend play ed tennis yesterday. John bought new computer last week.
21. The Past Perfect tense Sub+had+Verb(PII) 丐仂亟仂仂亶 仆亞 舒亞, 仄唏,(唏亟唏, 舒, 亢亳仍, 亰仆) 亞亟 弍仂仍亢 唏仆亞唏亳唏唏亟 弍舒亶舒仆 勵亶仍 磦亟仍亞 亳仍亳亶仍仆. 丶舒亞 亞舒舒舒 亰舒舒舒仆 勵亞亳亶仆 唏仄仆唏 by 亞于舒 勵亞 亞仍仆.
22. 丶舒亞 亞舒舒舒 亰舒舒舒仆 勵亞仆勵勵亟: By the end of the year- By the end of June- By 2009- By 6 o'clock- By the first of January- By the end of semester- By the end of the week- By the end of the day- We had finished our homework by the end of day.
24. Infinitive have find take build pass know go buy start write To be help hide eat make tell read meet Past Simple had found took built passed knew went bought started wrote was/were helped hid ate made told read met ran Past Perfect/Past participle had found taken built passed known gone bought started written been helped hidden eaten made told read met run #際際滷 19