
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
We are Certified in Crystal,
Reiki,Shamanic Therapies we also a
certified Health Professionals spe-
cializing in helping you release
emotional trauma or patterns.
I had an unbelievably amazing healing.They are
extremely powerful and beautiful twin souls. I
felt so great afterwards it was unreal. And my
energy body has been craving them ever since
Victoria C. from Fullerton Ca.
H I D D E N 2 H A P P P Y
Long beach Ca. 90815
We started taking classes in Spirituality and
learned that our thoughts
About how we were told we were un-
worthy, too nice, too rowdy were embedded
into or life patterns. We realized that those
thoughts were incorrect and that is when we
started on our path to Happiness.
Empowerment Guides
Happiness Genies
Spirit Healers
Feeling stuck in yourlife
Wanting to change your relationship patterns
Wanting to bounce back from losing yourjob
Wanting to come back from a divorce or break
up or
Just wanting more happiness in your life?
We will assist yourspirit in making the right
decisions,job or relationships,empowering you
to be confident in your decisions and help you
to search for the right mate with happiness and
Our goal for you by the end of our sessions is to
feel great with who you are and to be able to
fully express with truth, love and happiness.
After the free consultation we will discuss your
specific needs and at which time frame suit
your needs:
Free Consultationto discuss why youcame to us andhow
would like to start your pathto happiness
Our goal for you by the end of your session is to feel great with who you are and to be able to fully
express with truth, love happiness and joy.
Shamanic Healing is an ancient practice based on native
traditions for accessing spiritual realms for guidance and
healing. The practitioner acts as an interpreter for the
universal field of consciousness we are all part of, using
spiritual guides, power animals, angels and other spir-
itual helpers to help resolve issues for the client.
Definition of Chakras: they are the energy centers in
our body in which energy flows through. Blocked energy
in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important
to understand what each Chakra represents and what we
can do to keep this energy flowing freely.
Reiki : The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei
which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki
which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually
guided life force energy. We help your own life force energy
work and heal you.
KI = Chi = Prana
Crystal Therapy is defined as assorted stones are placed on
and around the body in a pattern designed to resonate with
chakras or energy vortexes of the body. These patterns cre-
ate a matrix of energy that assists the body in releasing block-
ages and refining the energy flow. Crystal therapy puts the
client into a deep state of relaxed meditation in which he or
she can process deeply held issues and patterns at an acceler-
ated rate.
Here is a listing of the 7 Chakras:
Root,Sacral,Solar,Heart,Throat, Third Eye (between
brows) and Crown
Feelings and Emotions: We hold emotions in our
mind,cells, body and heart, we use specialized techniques to
help you clear emotions that are holding you back from you
being you, advancing in your career or life.

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Hidden2Happy Brochure.word

  • 1. KATHI N KAREN We are Certified in Crystal, Reiki,Shamanic Therapies we also a certified Health Professionals spe- cializing in helping you release emotional trauma or patterns. TESTIMONIALS I had an unbelievably amazing healing.They are extremely powerful and beautiful twin souls. I felt so great afterwards it was unreal. And my energy body has been craving them ever since Victoria C. from Fullerton Ca. H I D D E N 2 H A P P P Y Long beach Ca. 90815 562.743.9170 www.Hidden2Happy.com WE TOOK CARE OF EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT OURSELVES! We started taking classes in Spirituality and learned that our thoughts About how we were told we were un- worthy, too nice, too rowdy were embedded into or life patterns. We realized that those thoughts were incorrect and that is when we started on our path to Happiness. Hidden2Happy.com Empowerment Guides Happiness Genies Spirit Healers
  • 2. Feeling stuck in yourlife Wanting to change your relationship patterns Wanting to bounce back from losing yourjob Wanting to come back from a divorce or break up or Just wanting more happiness in your life? We will assist yourspirit in making the right decisions,job or relationships,empowering you to be confident in your decisions and help you to search for the right mate with happiness and ease. Our goal for you by the end of our sessions is to feel great with who you are and to be able to fully express with truth, love and happiness. After the free consultation we will discuss your specific needs and at which time frame suit your needs: Free Consultationto discuss why youcame to us andhow would like to start your pathto happiness H ID D EN 2H A P P Y.C O M Our goal for you by the end of your session is to feel great with who you are and to be able to fully express with truth, love happiness and joy. Shamanic Healing is an ancient practice based on native traditions for accessing spiritual realms for guidance and healing. The practitioner acts as an interpreter for the universal field of consciousness we are all part of, using spiritual guides, power animals, angels and other spir- itual helpers to help resolve issues for the client. Definition of Chakras: they are the energy centers in our body in which energy flows through. Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely. Reiki : The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy. We help your own life force energy work and heal you. KI = Chi = Prana Crystal Therapy is defined as assorted stones are placed on and around the body in a pattern designed to resonate with chakras or energy vortexes of the body. These patterns cre- ate a matrix of energy that assists the body in releasing block- ages and refining the energy flow. Crystal therapy puts the client into a deep state of relaxed meditation in which he or she can process deeply held issues and patterns at an acceler- ated rate. Here is a listing of the 7 Chakras: Root,Sacral,Solar,Heart,Throat, Third Eye (between brows) and Crown Feelings and Emotions: We hold emotions in our mind,cells, body and heart, we use specialized techniques to help you clear emotions that are holding you back from you being you, advancing in your career or life.