Provided a simple to use technique to increase productivity, efficiency, wealth of indians and pakistanis.
Decoded complex economics and psychology to create this solution.
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High performance economics for indians and pakistanis.
1. High performance economics for Indians and Pakistanis.
By: B.N.Ramesh
Twitter: @raga2560
2. The south asians are highly talented, but we find americans doing always
better than us.
americans are able to create lot of innovation and products
americans are becoming richer and richer.
Indians are still struggling to understand what is development.
No big ticket innovations, products coming out of india.
People in india are not able to create assets, wealth as americans are creating.
People in india are still not earning as much as americans.
I have decoded this problem and come up with solution.
This is specifically designed to work for Indians and Pakistanis to become richer,
productive, efficient.
3. Expected output from this video
People will be able to create highly valuable products, services
People become very efficient
Become rich
Countries become rich
More job creation
Highly productive teams
4. Economics
High productivity, efficiency, innovation is fueled by enabling economics and
Constructive psychology in america.
Low productivity, inefficiency is fueled by confusing economics(policies, disorder), and
Obstructive psychology in india.
You will understand later.
5. Consider a experiment:-
There are only 5 people A,B,C,D,E in a nation.
Let us see how they work.
We need to see
how much wealth they are building for the nation
how much wealth they are making for them selves.
how much GDP is created by them
what is the currency value of there nation.
6. A B
B-> C
C-> D
D-> E
E-> A
A worked for B. B paid 1 Lacs Rupees to A. A built a house for B
B worked for C. C paid 1 Lacs rupees to B. B built a Shop for C.
C worked for D. D paid 1 Lacs rupees to C. C built a mall for D.
D worked for E. E paid 1 Lacs rupees to D. D built a hospital for E.
E worked for A. A paid 1 Lacs rupees to E. E built roads for A.
Now, tell, who became rich, who became poor?
8. Answer:-
All of them became rich.
A had cash gain from B. B had capital gain because he got a house built.
B had cash gain from C. C had capital gain because he got a shop built.
So on
All became rich.
Let us see what happens if this is followed 5 times by all of them.
9. B has a 5 level house
C has a 5 level shop
D has a 5 level mall
E has a 5 level hospital
A has a 5 areas of good roads.
In each iteration wealth of everybody is increasing.
Europeans and Americans are working this way.
So richness is growing in every iteration.
So their currency is growing stronger.
10. Let us see what happens in India after 5 iterations (for A,B,C,D,E).
B has a broken house
C has a broken shop
D has a broken mall
E has a broken hospital
A has a broken road.
We also worked to build house, shops etc.
We did not build it properly.
We did not maintain.
We did not think of ensuring value is maintained.
So no wealth to show off.
11. Points to learn (For Indians and Pakistanis).
We need to give valuable products and services to our customers.
We need to demand price for good products and services provided.
You should have constructive engagement with our people.
Not to do
- Run away by selling useless products
- We should not refuse to appreciate good services obtained.
12. The 5 person economics I have already explained.
If you have 5 people who can work on such a plan,
get working.
The same thing can be tried with 2 people (ping pong economics)
A will commit to work for B and complete work-1 (B will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
B will commit to work for A and complete work-2 (A will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
A will commit to work for B and complete work-3 (B will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
B will commit to work for A and complete work-4 (A will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
A will commit to work for B and complete work-5 (B will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
B will commit to work for A and complete work-6 (A will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
A will commit to work for B and complete work-7 (B will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
B will commit to work for A and complete work-8 (A will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
A will commit to work for B and complete work-9 (B will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
B will commit to work for A and complete work-10 (A will agree to pay 5000Rs to A)
13. Points to note:-
Make sure, each work other person does will be an asset for you.
Make sure, it adds up to become an asset.
After 10 iterations.
A has assets created by works (work-2 + work-4 + work-6 + work-8 + work-10)
B has assets created by works (work-1 + work-3 + work-5 + work-7 + work-9)
If A built a 1 crores worth of software to B B has become rich
If B built a 1 crore worth different software for A A has become rich.
5000Rs you exchanged between each other is just a mind-trick.
Nation became rich by 2 crores.
14. Now you decide how to become rich.
How to make your nation rich.