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Making the Decision
Am I the right kind of person?
Do you care deeply about other people, their problems and their pain?
Do you enjoy learning and gaining new understanding of things? Do you
often dig deeper than teachers require? Do you understand the value of
learning beyond just making good grades?
Do you enjoy helping people with your skills and knowledge? Do you enjoy
using your hands, eyes and mind to gather information?
Are you interested in how the human body functions? Are you intrigued by
the ways medicine can be used to improve life?
If you have answered yes to most of these questions, chances
are you have the right stuff to take on a career in medicine.
Careers in Medicine
 Opportunity Allows you to help people
 Action Doesnt tie you to a desk all the time
 Respect You are an important part of the community
 Security Allows you a good living with a secure future
 Excitement Changes daily, hardly ever boring
 Mobility You are in demand wherever you choose to live
 Flexibility Gives you many career options from the same education base
Medical Career Options
Professional Occupations
in Health
 General Practitioners and Family
Physicians, Specialist Physicians
Professional Occupations in
Health Diagnosing and Treating
 Dietitians and Nutritionists
Therapy and Assessment
 Audiologists and Speech-Language
 Occupational Therapists
Nurse Supervisors and
Registered Nurses
 Head Nurses and Supervisors
 Registered Nurses
Technical and Skilled
Occupations in Health
 Medical Laboratory Technologists and
Pathologists' Assistants
 Medical Laboratory Technicians
 Veterinary and Animal Health Technologists
 Respiratory Therapists, Clinical
Perfusionists and Cardio-Pulmonary
 Medical Radiation Technologists
 Medical Sonographers
 Cardiology Technologists
 Electroencephalographic and Other
Diagnostic Technologists, n.e.c.
 Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists
 Dental Technologists, Technicians and
 Other Technical Occupations in Health Care
(Except Dental)
 Midwives and Practitioners of Natural
 Licensed Practical Nurses
 Ambulance Attendants and Other
Paramedical Occupations
Assisting Occupations
in Support of
Health Services
 Dental Assistants
 Nurse Aides, Orderlies and Patient
Service Associates
Career Overview
General Practitioners
Family Physicians
Specialist Physicians
Probably the first hands that touched you were
the confident hands of a doctor.
The doctor was there to care for you through a
sore throat or stomach ache or put a cast on your
broken arm.
A doctor may have saved your life or the life of
someone you love.
While growing up you wanted to be a doctor.
At some point, most of us have
But, now you are in high school
and it is becoming more of a
reality than ever.
Now what?
What do you need to know?
What should you know?
Lets dig a little deeper
Whats a doctors career like?
The field of medicine and the career of a doctor is
incredibly diverse and flexible.
Few fields offer a wider variety of opportunities.
Most doctors' professional lives are filled with caring for
people and continuously learning more about the human
Every day in communities around the country, doctors
work in neighborhood clinics, hospitals, offices, even
homeless shelters and schools to care for people in
Physicians do many things:
Physician researchers are at work today developing
exciting new treatments for cancer, genetic disorders,
and infectious diseases like AIDS.
Academic physicians share their skills and wisdom by
teaching medical students and residents.
Others work with health maintenance organizations,
pharmaceutical companies, medical device
manufacturers, health insurance companies, or in
corporations directing health and safety programs.
People with medical skills are in demand everywhere.
What can I do now in high
school to prepare for medical
 Basic Science Courses (Physics 40S and
Chemistry 40S
 Math 40S (Pre-calculus or applied)
 Biology 40S or 40G (optional  a but wise
 English 40S or French 40s
High School Academics
 Advanced Placement programs
 Special interest clubs
Take advantage of opportunities
for enrichment such as:
The competition for a position
in medical school is tough!
Use your time in high school to
develop good study habits, manage your
time effectively and learn about the world
around you!
Not just for science nerds!
A well-rounded education is just as
appropriate as one that focuses
solely on science, computers and
History, drama and religion all have
a place in a medical career.
How long does it take to get a
medical education?
Most would say a lifetime.
Doctors are always learning as new discoveries are
made and new technologies develop.
However, it usually takes four years after college to
obtain the M.D. degree.
After that, you will choose a medical specialty and
spend three years or more as a resident physician in
a teaching hospital, where you train for certification
in a specialty and will be paid, usually about $35,000
a year, to care for patients.
Volunteer and work experience as well as hobbies and sports will strengthen interpersonal and academic skills, and help you deal
with diverse stressful situations. The Admissions Committee will look beyond academic potential to be satisfied regarding your
suitability for a career in medicine.
Physicians have both demanding and rewarding lifestyles. You should use volunteer opportunities and networking to help you
decide whetehr medicine is a way of life you will be happy with in the long term and to learn about some of the career choices you
will have while you are training to become a physician.
4 years3 - 4 years 2 - 5+ yearsto grade 12
- Chemistry 40S
- Physics 40S
- Math 40S
- English or
French 40S
- Biology 40 S or 40G
- Take advantage of
- Any degree
(BSc, BA, - BEng)
- Required:
English or French
Literature and
- Recommended:
physics, gentetics,
microbiology, and
Medical Education Timeline
Print-outs available upon request
Where do I go for my
pre-medical education?
As you select a college remember that just as in high school, a good liberal arts
education is a key ingredient to becoming a physician.
You'll need a strong foundation in mathematics and the sciences that relate
most to medicine: biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics.
It is important for your college experience to be broad. Taking courses in the
humanities or liberal arts will help you prepare for the "people" side of medicine.
We will provide you with some questions to ask while you consider a college or
Your career guidance counselor or science teacher can help you find the
You also should consult the many college guidebooks found in your school's
guidance office, local libraries, and bookstores.
Does the school have a good faculty and a reputation for high academic standards?
Is it accredited?
Does it offer a broad range of courses in the humanities and in the social,
behavioral, and natural sciences?
Does it have strong science departments with good laboratory facilities?
Does it offer all of the required courses I need for acceptance to medical school?
Does the college have a designated advisor specifically trained to help students
interested in the health professions?
Does it have a good track record for having its students accepted to medical school?
Does it offer extracurricular activities that appeal to me? Are there programs to do
volunteer work at local hospitals or clinics?
Are there programs where I can demonstrate leadership and compassion?
Does it "feel right" for me? Am I comfortable with its size, location, social life, and
general atmosphere?
Is it affordable for me and my family?
Canadian Medical Schools
University of Manitoba
University of BC
University of Alberta
University of Calgary
University of Saskatchewan
McGill University
Universit辿 de Montr辿al
Universit辿 de Sherbrooke
Universit辿 Laval
Dalhousie University
University of Ottawa
University of Western Ontario
Queens University
McMaster University
University of Toronto
Memorial University
of Newfoundland
Is medical school expensive?
Average Canadian Tuition Fees1
2012/13 2013/14 2012/13 to 2013/14
Current $ % change
Dentistry 16,678 17,324 3.9
Medicine 12,012 12,438 3.5
Nursing 4,985 5,103 2.4
Pharmacy 10,463 10,942 4.6
Social & Behavioral
Sciences 4,966 5,107 2.8
1 Using the most current enrolment data available, average tuition fees have been weighted by the
number of students. Fees at both public and private institutions have been included in the calculations.
(Statcan.gc.ca: 09/2013)
Manitobas Undergraduate
University Costs
Reasonable Costs Breakdown
Cost Item Cost for 1 year( 2 semesters/8 months)
Tuition, Faculty & Student Fees $5,000  16,750
Books & Supplies $1,000  5,000
Accommodation $4,800  12,000
Food $2,700
Health Insurance (single) $270
Clothing $600
Transportation (city bus pass) $750
Entertainment $750
Miscellaneous $750
Estimated Total $ 16,620  39,570
NOTE: This table represents an estimate of costs in Canadian dollars, for a single student living at a
very modest level for one calendar year period at the University of Manitoba. Non-resident and
International student will be more. (5/2014)
A wide array of loans and grants are available to
those who are determined to get a medical
About 60% of medical students in Manitoba
borrow money to cover their expenses.
They receive financial assistance through the
Federal Government Loan Program and the
Manitoba Government Loan Program.
When do I apply for
medical school?
At the University of Manitoba about 80% of
students apply to medical school during the third
year of their degree program and begin medical
school after they graduate with their Bachelor's
Others finish university and work for several
years before they begin their medical education.
Is getting in as tough
as they say?
Medical schools are looking for the finest minds
and the most motivated students who have a
strong and demonstrated interest in working with
It takes hard work and commitment to be
admitted to medical school.
What is medical school like?
Medical school is challenging.
If you want to take responsibility for people's
health and well-being, you have to be serious
about learning.
Once you are accepted, the medical school faculty
and staff will do everything they can to help you
In fact, in Canada, more than 97% of entering
medical students are successful in obtaining their
MD degrees.
Will medicine provide
me with a good living?
Your first salary is during your residency training.
This small salary is generally sufficient to support
yourself. This salary increases each year of
training until you are done.
How much you will make as a doctor will depend
on many factors; What type of medicine you
practise, what part of the country you live in, how
many hours you work to name a few.
Regardless of these factors, physicians generally
make a sufficient income to live comfortably.
Most Doctors would probably agree that the work
and training process is too difficult to be
attempted solely as a means of earning money.
Instead, medicine is a career that should be
pursued out of a passion for caring for members
of your community and an interest in science 
not financial gain.
Why become a practitioner in a
rural or northern community?
Family practice combines internal medicine,
pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, and
A family physician is responsible for the health
care of patients of all ages, both sexes, and is not
limited to an organ system or disease.
Physicians in this field serve as a counselor,
personal physician, diagnostic evaluator and
problem solvers.
RealityMake it

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  • 2. 2 Am I the right kind of person? Do you care deeply about other people, their problems and their pain? Do you enjoy learning and gaining new understanding of things? Do you often dig deeper than teachers require? Do you understand the value of learning beyond just making good grades? Do you enjoy helping people with your skills and knowledge? Do you enjoy using your hands, eyes and mind to gather information? Are you interested in how the human body functions? Are you intrigued by the ways medicine can be used to improve life? If you have answered yes to most of these questions, chances are you have the right stuff to take on a career in medicine.
  • 3. 3 Careers in Medicine Opportunity Allows you to help people Action Doesnt tie you to a desk all the time Respect You are an important part of the community Security Allows you a good living with a secure future Excitement Changes daily, hardly ever boring Mobility You are in demand wherever you choose to live Flexibility Gives you many career options from the same education base
  • 5. 5 Professional Occupations in Health General Practitioners and Family Physicians, Specialist Physicians Dentists Veterinarians Optometrists Chiropractors
  • 6. 6 Professional Occupations in Health Diagnosing and Treating Pharmacists Dietitians and Nutritionists
  • 7. 7 Therapy and Assessment Professionals Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists
  • 8. 8 Nurse Supervisors and Registered Nurses Head Nurses and Supervisors Registered Nurses
  • 9. 9 Technical and Skilled Occupations in Health Medical Laboratory Technologists and Pathologists' Assistants Medical Laboratory Technicians Veterinary and Animal Health Technologists and Respiratory Therapists, Clinical Perfusionists and Cardio-Pulmonary Technologists Medical Radiation Technologists Medical Sonographers Cardiology Technologists Electroencephalographic and Other Diagnostic Technologists, n.e.c. Denturists Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists Dental Technologists, Technicians and Laboratory Other Technical Occupations in Health Care (Except Dental) Opticians Midwives and Practitioners of Natural Healing Licensed Practical Nurses Ambulance Attendants and Other Paramedical Occupations
  • 10. 10 Assisting Occupations in Support of Health Services Dental Assistants Nurse Aides, Orderlies and Patient Service Associates
  • 11. 11 Career Overview General Practitioners Family Physicians Specialist Physicians
  • 12. 12 Probably the first hands that touched you were the confident hands of a doctor. The doctor was there to care for you through a sore throat or stomach ache or put a cast on your broken arm. A doctor may have saved your life or the life of someone you love. While growing up you wanted to be a doctor. At some point, most of us have
  • 13. 13 But, now you are in high school and it is becoming more of a reality than ever. Now what? What do you need to know? What should you know? Lets dig a little deeper
  • 14. 14 Whats a doctors career like?
  • 15. 15 The field of medicine and the career of a doctor is incredibly diverse and flexible. Few fields offer a wider variety of opportunities. Most doctors' professional lives are filled with caring for people and continuously learning more about the human body. Every day in communities around the country, doctors work in neighborhood clinics, hospitals, offices, even homeless shelters and schools to care for people in need.
  • 16. 16 Physicians do many things: Physician researchers are at work today developing exciting new treatments for cancer, genetic disorders, and infectious diseases like AIDS. Academic physicians share their skills and wisdom by teaching medical students and residents. Others work with health maintenance organizations, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, health insurance companies, or in corporations directing health and safety programs. People with medical skills are in demand everywhere.
  • 17. 17 What can I do now in high school to prepare for medical school?
  • 18. 18 Basic Science Courses (Physics 40S and Chemistry 40S Math 40S (Pre-calculus or applied) Biology 40S or 40G (optional a but wise choice) English 40S or French 40s High School Academics
  • 19. 19 Advanced Placement programs Exchanges Special interest clubs Take advantage of opportunities for enrichment such as:
  • 20. 20 DO WELL IN SCHOOL! The competition for a position in medical school is tough! Use your time in high school to develop good study habits, manage your time effectively and learn about the world around you!
  • 21. 21 Not just for science nerds! A well-rounded education is just as appropriate as one that focuses solely on science, computers and math. History, drama and religion all have a place in a medical career.
  • 22. 22 How long does it take to get a medical education?
  • 23. 23 Most would say a lifetime. Doctors are always learning as new discoveries are made and new technologies develop. However, it usually takes four years after college to obtain the M.D. degree. After that, you will choose a medical specialty and spend three years or more as a resident physician in a teaching hospital, where you train for certification in a specialty and will be paid, usually about $35,000 a year, to care for patients.
  • 24. 24 EducationandLicensing HighSchool HighSchoolDiplomaorGED UniversityUndergraduate Studies Bachelor'sDegree MedicalSchool 2yearspreclerkship;2yearclerkship LicensingExaminationbytheMedical CouncilofCanada Residency examples:familymedicine; gastrontology;surgery;pediatrics, radiology LicensingexaminaionsbytheRoyal CollegeofPhysiciansandSurgeonsof CanadaortheCollegeofFamily PhysiciansofCanada Employmentand ContinuingEducation Experienceand Extracurricular Career Exploration Volunteer and work experience as well as hobbies and sports will strengthen interpersonal and academic skills, and help you deal with diverse stressful situations. The Admissions Committee will look beyond academic potential to be satisfied regarding your suitability for a career in medicine. Physicians have both demanding and rewarding lifestyles. You should use volunteer opportunities and networking to help you decide whetehr medicine is a way of life you will be happy with in the long term and to learn about some of the career choices you will have while you are training to become a physician. 4 years3 - 4 years 2 - 5+ yearsto grade 12 - Chemistry 40S - Physics 40S - Math 40S - English or French 40S - Biology 40 S or 40G - Take advantage of enrichment opportunities. - Any degree (BSc, BA, - BEng) - Required: English or French Literature and Biochemistry - Recommended: physics, gentetics, microbiology, and physiology Medical Education Timeline Print-outs available upon request
  • 25. 25 Where do I go for my pre-medical education?
  • 26. 26 As you select a college remember that just as in high school, a good liberal arts education is a key ingredient to becoming a physician. You'll need a strong foundation in mathematics and the sciences that relate most to medicine: biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. It is important for your college experience to be broad. Taking courses in the humanities or liberal arts will help you prepare for the "people" side of medicine. We will provide you with some questions to ask while you consider a college or university. Your career guidance counselor or science teacher can help you find the answers. You also should consult the many college guidebooks found in your school's guidance office, local libraries, and bookstores.
  • 27. 27 Does the school have a good faculty and a reputation for high academic standards? Is it accredited? Does it offer a broad range of courses in the humanities and in the social, behavioral, and natural sciences? Does it have strong science departments with good laboratory facilities? Does it offer all of the required courses I need for acceptance to medical school? Does the college have a designated advisor specifically trained to help students interested in the health professions? Does it have a good track record for having its students accepted to medical school? Does it offer extracurricular activities that appeal to me? Are there programs to do volunteer work at local hospitals or clinics? Are there programs where I can demonstrate leadership and compassion? Does it "feel right" for me? Am I comfortable with its size, location, social life, and general atmosphere? Is it affordable for me and my family?
  • 28. 28 Canadian Medical Schools University of Manitoba University of BC University of Alberta University of Calgary University of Saskatchewan McGill University Universit辿 de Montr辿al Universit辿 de Sherbrooke Universit辿 Laval Dalhousie University University of Ottawa University of Western Ontario Queens University McMaster University University of Toronto Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • 29. 29 Is medical school expensive?
  • 30. 30 Average Canadian Tuition Fees1 2012/13 2013/14 2012/13 to 2013/14 Current $ % change Dentistry 16,678 17,324 3.9 Medicine 12,012 12,438 3.5 Nursing 4,985 5,103 2.4 Pharmacy 10,463 10,942 4.6 Social & Behavioral Sciences 4,966 5,107 2.8 1 Using the most current enrolment data available, average tuition fees have been weighted by the number of students. Fees at both public and private institutions have been included in the calculations. (Statcan.gc.ca: 09/2013)
  • 31. 31 Manitobas Undergraduate University Costs Reasonable Costs Breakdown Cost Item Cost for 1 year( 2 semesters/8 months) Tuition, Faculty & Student Fees $5,000 16,750 Books & Supplies $1,000 5,000 Accommodation $4,800 12,000 Food $2,700 Health Insurance (single) $270 Clothing $600 Transportation (city bus pass) $750 Entertainment $750 Miscellaneous $750 Estimated Total $ 16,620 39,570 NOTE: This table represents an estimate of costs in Canadian dollars, for a single student living at a very modest level for one calendar year period at the University of Manitoba. Non-resident and International student will be more. (5/2014)
  • 32. 32 A wide array of loans and grants are available to those who are determined to get a medical education. About 60% of medical students in Manitoba borrow money to cover their expenses. They receive financial assistance through the Federal Government Loan Program and the Manitoba Government Loan Program.
  • 33. 33 When do I apply for medical school?
  • 34. 34 At the University of Manitoba about 80% of students apply to medical school during the third year of their degree program and begin medical school after they graduate with their Bachelor's degree. Others finish university and work for several years before they begin their medical education.
  • 35. 35 Is getting in as tough as they say?
  • 36. 36 Medical schools are looking for the finest minds and the most motivated students who have a strong and demonstrated interest in working with people. It takes hard work and commitment to be admitted to medical school.
  • 37. 37 What is medical school like?
  • 38. 38 Medical school is challenging. If you want to take responsibility for people's health and well-being, you have to be serious about learning. Once you are accepted, the medical school faculty and staff will do everything they can to help you succeed. In fact, in Canada, more than 97% of entering medical students are successful in obtaining their MD degrees.
  • 39. 39 Will medicine provide me with a good living?
  • 40. 40 Your first salary is during your residency training. This small salary is generally sufficient to support yourself. This salary increases each year of training until you are done. How much you will make as a doctor will depend on many factors; What type of medicine you practise, what part of the country you live in, how many hours you work to name a few. Regardless of these factors, physicians generally make a sufficient income to live comfortably.
  • 41. 41 Most Doctors would probably agree that the work and training process is too difficult to be attempted solely as a means of earning money. Instead, medicine is a career that should be pursued out of a passion for caring for members of your community and an interest in science not financial gain.
  • 42. 42 Why become a practitioner in a rural or northern community?
  • 43. 43 Family practice combines internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, and psychiatry. A family physician is responsible for the health care of patients of all ages, both sexes, and is not limited to an organ system or disease. Physicians in this field serve as a counselor, personal physician, diagnostic evaluator and problem solvers.

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Allows you to help people, doesnt tie you to a desk all the time, you are an important part of the community, allows you a good living with a secure future, changes occur daily so it is hardly ever boring. Your in demand wherever you choose to live. Gives you lots of career options from the same education base.