This document outlines information about a business opportunity presented by Ramani. It includes contact information for Ramani, an agenda for the presentation, and details about the MyVideoTalk platform. The platform allows users to create and share videos, conduct video conferences, and earn income through a compensation plan including fast start bonuses, team builder bonuses, and cycle bonuses. Users can launch their business by participating, learning, teaching, and enjoying their earnings. The opportunity boasts a weekly ceiling of 14 lakhs rupees per identification number.
11. Why MyVideoTalk1) Be in the Right Place2) At the Right Time3) and Take All Out Massive Action
12. Team Effort International Formed way back in 2002.Operational in 72 Countries across the GlobeMr. Saravan GillMD IndiaMrs and Mr. Mel GillFounder and CEO
17. High - Impact Email Marketing A Full -Colour Screenshot of Your video delivered right into the inbox Dramatically Increases your Click- Through Rates
38. 4) Cycle BonusYouIndependent RepresentativeEvery HighFlyer Coming into Your team on Left Side You Get Credited 1000 RupeesEvery HighFlyer Coming into Your team on Right Side You Get Credited 1000 RupeesThe Company pays you a cycle bonus of 6000 every time it can take out 4000 from your credited value on one side and 2000 from the credited value on the other sideIn short for every 4: 2 or 2: 4 of your entire team life long you will make 6000 Rupees. 4:260002:4