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Volume 15 Issue 4 JULY/AUGUST 2014
hings are changing in Mexico. Government
promotion of marine 鍖sh culture is picking
up thanks to e鍖orts by the National
Aquaculture and Fishing Commission, the National
Fisheries Institute, and public policies being
implemented by the Secretariat of Agriculture,
Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food.
This is by way of background to a new marine
鍖sh hatchery recently built for Ocean Baja Labs
(OBL), a Baja Seas company, at Er辿ndira on the
Paci鍖c coast just over 200 km south of the US-
Mexican border at Tijuana.
Baja Seas has already constructed an ocean
growout site at Bahia Magdalena, 1100 km further
south in Baja California Sur, where they are
currently growing yellowtail amberjack or Hirams
(Seriola lalandi). Fingerlings were initially purchased
from Hubbs Research Institute of Carlsbad,
California, and transported by boat to the growout
site.They are now being harvested as Baja Seas 鍖rst
commercial crop.
Thus, the two developments, hatchery and
growout, proceeded in parallel: growout began at the
same time as hatchery construction started and the
breeding program commenced.They have now come
together with the 鍖rst spawnings at the hatchery
this year, but Baja Seas plans to continue purchasing
鍖ngerlings to maintain genetic diversity among the
broodstock, and also to guarantee a backup source
of 鍖ngerlings.
First spawnings
for new hatchery
in Mexico
Juvenile yellowtail ready for shipment to ocean site.
Gill Health
or several years the research institute SINTEF in
Trondheim, Norway has been cultivating a copepod
species, Acartia tonsa, which researchers have been
feeding to newly hatched fry of several marine species.
Now, on the back of this, SINTEF has established
a new company C-Feed AS, to produce copepods and
copepod eggs for sale as a commercial product.
The company estimates that in the course of ten years,
the global market for this type of feed will be around NOK
2 billion (Euro 244 million). Of the total, about half will go
to species already being farmed and half to new species for
A Norwegian research institute helps
launch new company to cultivate
copepods for global markets
Research director
Gunvor ie holds a jar
filled with copepods.
Looking on are
research scientist
Andreas Hagemann,
investment manager
Jostein Bj淡ndal of
SINTEFs investment
company Sinvent,
and Rune Bjerke,
managing director
of C-Feed, which will
turn the feed into an
industrial product.
(Photo: SINTEF/Thor
The main function of gills is that of gas exchange,
but this multipurpose organ is also the dominant
site for osmoregulation, ammonia excretion and
acidbase regulation. For more on how to monitor
the health of gills and what to do when things go
wrong turn to page 14.
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Supporting	 the	 Culture	 of	 Fish
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Growing demand
According to Luis Astiazar叩n, Director
General of Baja Seas, there was a clearly
perceived and growing demand for high
quality seafood north of the border, and a
lack of development in M辿xico.
Seriola lalandi was selected because
it is a high value species that is not yet a
commodity, and would compete directly
with other high value 鍖n鍖sh and give
economic stability during startup. As a
species it has good conversion rates, has
been cultured elsewhere, and, importantly,
is native to Baja California. However, there
are challenges: the species is di鍖cult to
breed, and requires very high quality feeds.
There is not much room for error and the
investment required is very high.
Ocean Baja Labs engaged Roberto
Flores  an oceanographer researcher
with over 25 years experience  who
worked closely with Hatchery Manager
Mauricio Moreno and a multidisciplinary
team of consultants, and researchers,
to develop the concept, and begin the
planning. Fortunately Seriola species are
widely distributed and much experience
has been gained internationally in their
domestication and culture. Fingerlings are
available on the international market, and
in time, Baja Seas plans to o鍖er 鍖ngerlings
for sale as well as supply its own farm.
Hatchery design and operation
According to Astiazar叩n, the 鍖rst
step was to hire consulting services
from the AKVA group, Sagiv Kolvovsky
from Australia, and other international
consultants, who provided the technical
foundation for the project. Some
equipment came from AKVA but
as much conventional equipment as
possible was purchased locally in order
to facilitate maintenance and parts-
supply, and keep overall investment as
low as possible, without sacri鍖cing state-
ofthe-art technology. Construction
started in September 2012, once all of the
environmental impact permits had been
Asked about the thoroughness of
the permitting process Astiazar叩n said
that some 23 local, state and federal
agencies were involved, including
Fisheries,Taxation, Land-use, Health,
Environment, Communications, etc., but
in general the process was very e鍖cient.
The governmental agencies were very
open and clearly aware of the opportunity
to have better regulation and support for
the industry.The process took about eight
months, and required substantial e鍖ort by
the company to prepare the comprehensive
and detailed documentation that was
Construction of the 2500 m2
was completed and the equipment installed
in March 2013.Testing the equipment
started in April and May and the 鍖rst
larvae were received for a trial run in June.
These were purchased from ACUINOR 
a Chilean yellowtail hatchery, well known
for its research, and year-round availability
of 鍖sh.They were grown to an average
weight of 100 grams and a small sample
shipped to the farm at Bahia Magdalena
for growout and observation.
Water Supply
Seawater is drawn directly from the
Paci鍖c ocean via an intake that is about 3
m below sea level and protected against
storms. Water passes through sand 鍖lters
before entering the hatchery building.The
temperature ranges from 18-21属Cin the
summer to 15-18属C in winter.
The recirculation systems include
components such, as UV 鍖lters, bio-鍖lters,
drum 鍖lters, degassers, oxygenators, etc.,
which in various combinations maintain
water quality.There is additional oxygen
generation equipment and back-up O2
Oxygen, temperature, 鍖ow and PH
are monitored regularly by the sta鍖, and
water samples are taken for bacterial
culture to ensure there is no pathogenic
contamination. Emergency backup systems
for pumps, oxygen, electricity, and other
critical systems are in place. Mexican
wastewater discharge regulations include
some e鍖uent quality conditions, which the
company currently meets comfortably due
to their present 鍖ltering systems.
The whole operation is monitored by
three Point Four systems: two monitoring
two broodstock and 12 larval-rearing tanks
each, and the other controlling six weaning
and three rotifer tanks. Overall pumping
capacity is 800 l/min, and there is a backup
water storage capacity of 230 m3
Feeds and feeding
Brood鍖sh are fed with high quality
fresh sardines and squid, mixed with
commercial marine broodstock feeds
from Skretting, plus extra vitamins and
HUFAs. OBL is also investigating a
natural broodstock diet enhancer with the
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
In the nursery area there is ongoing
research with CICESE into soy-based
replacements for 鍖sh-meal and 鍖sh-oil. To
date, there have been 鍖ve formal research
projects with each of these institutes, plus
two with the state government and two
more with the federal government, all with
speci鍖c production-related objectives.
First spawnings for new yellowtail hatchery in M辿xico
Visitors to the hatchery observe broodstock
Larval production
The hatchery is equipped to grow
a continuous supply of live rotifers,
and Artemia in batch production, and
they are also using a microalgae paste
to complement 鍖rst feeding with live
feed. However, there is a new plan to
produce microalgae on site using high-
tech methods jointly developed with
collaborating research institutes. Compared
with other marine 鍖sh species, raising
Seriola is complex because of the large
numbers of rotifers and Artemia needed,
and in turn, the large volume of microalgae
needed for enrichment.
The facility uses both recirculation-
and 鍖ow-through tanks: early larval and
juvenile stages are in 鍖ow-through tanks
where they are fed initially on rotifers in a
green-water environment, transferring to
Artemia nauplii as they grow, and 鍖nally
moved into recirculation tanks once they
are weaned onto formulated feeds.
Fingerlings are typically grown
through to about 20g, which may take
from 30 to 60 days, depending on size
at which they are ready for shipping to
the cage site (some may be shipped as
small as 5g). Shipping has been done
by boat using water drawn directly
from the sea, when dissolved oxygen is
monitored and augmented as needed.
The company is currently developing a
truck-mounted 鍖ngerling transport unit.
Annual production capacity is estimated at
1,000,000 20g juveniles.
Fully operational
Having made some adjustments to
the system based on experience gained
during the trial run, the hatchery is now
fully operational. Nevertheless there
remain some signi鍖cant challenges.
Astiazar叩n noted that being one of the 鍖rst
commercial full-cycle, marine 鍖sh hatchery
facilities in Mexico means that many
critical activities, technical assistance, or
specialized services cannot be outsourced.
They just dont exist in Mexico, and will
have to developed by Baja Seas sta鍖,
or brought in by consultants, until the
industry becomes much larger.
Because full-cycle marine 鍖sh
production is basically new in M辿xico,
government regulation, technical assistance,
feed and aquaculture-supply providers are
extremely limited.The company is clearly
at the bottom of a long learning curve, but
their success to date in designing, building,
equipping and getting the hatchery
running has built con鍖dence for their
ongoing success.
For more information visit the company
website at: http://bajaseas.com, or contact Luis
Astiazar叩n at: lastiazaran@bajaseas.com
Baja Seas breeding program
The breeding program started before the hatchery was built, with the capture of
wild yellowtail, average weight 3 kg, o鍖 the coast of Ensenada, 100 km to the north.
These were housed at CICESE (Centro de Investigaci坦n Cient鱈鍖ca y de Educaci坦n
Superior de Ensenada) for approximately eight months, and then moved to the OBL
hatchery to start their conditioning program.The 鍖sh are now mature and average
9-10kg in weight. Each has been tagged and sampled for a genetic identi鍖cation
program, which will commence shortly. A second lot of wild-caught brood鍖sh is
scheduled to occupy the second and third tanks.The fourth tank will be stocked with
鍖sh from the 鍖rst broodstock; the start of a selective breeding program.
At the moment one lot of brood鍖sh has been allowed to spawn naturally, but in
future spawning will be induced by controlling temperature and photoperiod using a
program designed for optimum spawning and 鍖sh well-being.
Brood鍖sh are sexed and tagged before they are put in to tanks (except for the 鍖rst
lot which went directly into the tanks for conditioning). Fish spawn while they are
free-swimming and the fertilized eggs are collected in containers connected to the
tank via a water 鍖ow system that carries the eggs to them.
The aim is to provide a stress-free environment, and adequate nourishment
for growth and maturation, and year-round larval production. Each brood鍖sh is
monitored, and its progress recorded.The company has developed strict health- and
biosecurity programs, with frequent visits by and recommendations from expert
veterinarians and pathologists.
The hatchery at Er辿ndira is located on anejido:
rural village lands held in a traditional Mexican
system combining communal ownership with
individual use.
Larval rearing tanks.
The OBL hatchery building at Er辿ndira.
Seriola lalandi broodstock: Easy to see why
they are called yellowtail.
Newly hatched yellowtail larva. At this point
the mouth is not open. Feeding begins at
about 2 dph.
Below: Illustration of the first larval production
run showing growth and survival, and indicating
the feeding regime used.
Larval survival of the first run in hatchery
Survival (no. of fish)
Growth (mm)
EWOS fattening diet
fish to
fish to
Since 1958 Faivre company develops and manufactures high quality
equipments for the aquaculture industry.
HATCHERY INTER 2013 260WX80H.indd 1 13/11/13 9:01:36

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  • 1. Volume 15 Issue 4 JULY/AUGUST 2014 NEW DIRECTIONS YELLOWTAIL continuedonpage6 FISH HEALTH continuedonpage12 BY DAVID SCARRATT hings are changing in Mexico. Government promotion of marine 鍖sh culture is picking up thanks to e鍖orts by the National Aquaculture and Fishing Commission, the National Fisheries Institute, and public policies being implemented by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food. This is by way of background to a new marine 鍖sh hatchery recently built for Ocean Baja Labs (OBL), a Baja Seas company, at Er辿ndira on the Paci鍖c coast just over 200 km south of the US- Mexican border at Tijuana. Baja Seas has already constructed an ocean growout site at Bahia Magdalena, 1100 km further south in Baja California Sur, where they are currently growing yellowtail amberjack or Hirams (Seriola lalandi). Fingerlings were initially purchased from Hubbs Research Institute of Carlsbad, California, and transported by boat to the growout site.They are now being harvested as Baja Seas 鍖rst commercial crop. Thus, the two developments, hatchery and growout, proceeded in parallel: growout began at the same time as hatchery construction started and the breeding program commenced.They have now come together with the 鍖rst spawnings at the hatchery this year, but Baja Seas plans to continue purchasing 鍖ngerlings to maintain genetic diversity among the broodstock, and also to guarantee a backup source of 鍖ngerlings. First spawnings for new hatchery in Mexico T Juvenile yellowtail ready for shipment to ocean site. Monitoring Gill Health BY SIRI ELISE DYBDAL or several years the research institute SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway has been cultivating a copepod species, Acartia tonsa, which researchers have been feeding to newly hatched fry of several marine species. Now, on the back of this, SINTEF has established a new company C-Feed AS, to produce copepods and copepod eggs for sale as a commercial product. The company estimates that in the course of ten years, the global market for this type of feed will be around NOK 2 billion (Euro 244 million). Of the total, about half will go to species already being farmed and half to new species for cultivation. FCultivating Copepods A Norwegian research institute helps launch new company to cultivate copepods for global markets Research director Gunvor ie holds a jar filled with copepods. Looking on are research scientist Andreas Hagemann, investment manager Jostein Bj淡ndal of SINTEFs investment company Sinvent, and Rune Bjerke, managing director of C-Feed, which will turn the feed into an industrial product. (Photo: SINTEF/Thor Nielsen) The main function of gills is that of gas exchange, but this multipurpose organ is also the dominant site for osmoregulation, ammonia excretion and acidbase regulation. For more on how to monitor the health of gills and what to do when things go wrong turn to page 14.
  • 2. HATCHERY INTERNATIONAL12 >> JULY/AUGUST 2014 COVER OUR PRODUCTS YOUR SUCCESS! Call for your FIAP Catalogue today! +49 96 28 92 13-0 or info@鍖ap.com Box 1149, 109 St. Andrew Street, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Toll Free: 1-877-738-4384 Tel: 519-348-8491 Fax: 519-348-9519 www.tags4all.com sales@tags4all.net T4S2013 Scanner with memory Bluetooth on board 12 x 2 mm and 23 x 3 mm PIT tags Mini 8 mm Pit tags, many other sizes, scales and measuring devices available Ask About Our Pit Tag Reading Scale Technology PIT TAGS & SCANNERS HHR3000 Pro Scanner Water Resistant Record data to PIT tag, Tank number, Treatments, Weight, etc. 1-866-676-5975 INFO@AQUATACTICS.COM Supporting the Culture of Fish with integrated services & products Growing demand According to Luis Astiazar叩n, Director General of Baja Seas, there was a clearly perceived and growing demand for high quality seafood north of the border, and a lack of development in M辿xico. Seriola lalandi was selected because it is a high value species that is not yet a commodity, and would compete directly with other high value 鍖n鍖sh and give economic stability during startup. As a species it has good conversion rates, has been cultured elsewhere, and, importantly, is native to Baja California. However, there are challenges: the species is di鍖cult to breed, and requires very high quality feeds. There is not much room for error and the investment required is very high. Ocean Baja Labs engaged Roberto Flores an oceanographer researcher with over 25 years experience who worked closely with Hatchery Manager Mauricio Moreno and a multidisciplinary team of consultants, and researchers, to develop the concept, and begin the planning. Fortunately Seriola species are widely distributed and much experience has been gained internationally in their domestication and culture. Fingerlings are available on the international market, and in time, Baja Seas plans to o鍖er 鍖ngerlings for sale as well as supply its own farm. Hatchery design and operation According to Astiazar叩n, the 鍖rst step was to hire consulting services from the AKVA group, Sagiv Kolvovsky from Australia, and other international consultants, who provided the technical foundation for the project. Some equipment came from AKVA but as much conventional equipment as possible was purchased locally in order to facilitate maintenance and parts- supply, and keep overall investment as low as possible, without sacri鍖cing state- ofthe-art technology. Construction started in September 2012, once all of the environmental impact permits had been issued. Asked about the thoroughness of the permitting process Astiazar叩n said that some 23 local, state and federal agencies were involved, including Fisheries,Taxation, Land-use, Health, Environment, Communications, etc., but in general the process was very e鍖cient. The governmental agencies were very open and clearly aware of the opportunity to have better regulation and support for the industry.The process took about eight months, and required substantial e鍖ort by the company to prepare the comprehensive and detailed documentation that was needed. Construction of the 2500 m2 building was completed and the equipment installed in March 2013.Testing the equipment started in April and May and the 鍖rst larvae were received for a trial run in June. These were purchased from ACUINOR a Chilean yellowtail hatchery, well known for its research, and year-round availability of 鍖sh.They were grown to an average weight of 100 grams and a small sample shipped to the farm at Bahia Magdalena for growout and observation. Water Supply Seawater is drawn directly from the Paci鍖c ocean via an intake that is about 3 m below sea level and protected against storms. Water passes through sand 鍖lters before entering the hatchery building.The temperature ranges from 18-21属Cin the summer to 15-18属C in winter. The recirculation systems include components such, as UV 鍖lters, bio-鍖lters, drum 鍖lters, degassers, oxygenators, etc., which in various combinations maintain water quality.There is additional oxygen generation equipment and back-up O2 supplies. Oxygen, temperature, 鍖ow and PH are monitored regularly by the sta鍖, and water samples are taken for bacterial culture to ensure there is no pathogenic contamination. Emergency backup systems for pumps, oxygen, electricity, and other critical systems are in place. Mexican wastewater discharge regulations include some e鍖uent quality conditions, which the company currently meets comfortably due to their present 鍖ltering systems. The whole operation is monitored by three Point Four systems: two monitoring two broodstock and 12 larval-rearing tanks each, and the other controlling six weaning and three rotifer tanks. Overall pumping capacity is 800 l/min, and there is a backup water storage capacity of 230 m3 . Feeds and feeding Brood鍖sh are fed with high quality fresh sardines and squid, mixed with commercial marine broodstock feeds from Skretting, plus extra vitamins and HUFAs. OBL is also investigating a natural broodstock diet enhancer with the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California (UABC). In the nursery area there is ongoing research with CICESE into soy-based replacements for 鍖sh-meal and 鍖sh-oil. To date, there have been 鍖ve formal research projects with each of these institutes, plus two with the state government and two more with the federal government, all with speci鍖c production-related objectives. First spawnings for new yellowtail hatchery in M辿xico continuedfromcover Visitors to the hatchery observe broodstock feeding. www.aquascan.com www.aquascan.com
  • 3. HATCHERY INTERNATIONAL JULY/AUGUST 2014 >> 13 Larval production The hatchery is equipped to grow a continuous supply of live rotifers, and Artemia in batch production, and they are also using a microalgae paste to complement 鍖rst feeding with live feed. However, there is a new plan to produce microalgae on site using high- tech methods jointly developed with collaborating research institutes. Compared with other marine 鍖sh species, raising Seriola is complex because of the large numbers of rotifers and Artemia needed, and in turn, the large volume of microalgae needed for enrichment. The facility uses both recirculation- and 鍖ow-through tanks: early larval and juvenile stages are in 鍖ow-through tanks where they are fed initially on rotifers in a green-water environment, transferring to Artemia nauplii as they grow, and 鍖nally moved into recirculation tanks once they are weaned onto formulated feeds. Fingerlings are typically grown through to about 20g, which may take from 30 to 60 days, depending on size at which they are ready for shipping to the cage site (some may be shipped as small as 5g). Shipping has been done by boat using water drawn directly from the sea, when dissolved oxygen is monitored and augmented as needed. The company is currently developing a truck-mounted 鍖ngerling transport unit. Annual production capacity is estimated at 1,000,000 20g juveniles. Fully operational Having made some adjustments to the system based on experience gained during the trial run, the hatchery is now fully operational. Nevertheless there remain some signi鍖cant challenges. Astiazar叩n noted that being one of the 鍖rst commercial full-cycle, marine 鍖sh hatchery facilities in Mexico means that many critical activities, technical assistance, or specialized services cannot be outsourced. They just dont exist in Mexico, and will have to developed by Baja Seas sta鍖, or brought in by consultants, until the industry becomes much larger. Because full-cycle marine 鍖sh production is basically new in M辿xico, government regulation, technical assistance, feed and aquaculture-supply providers are extremely limited.The company is clearly at the bottom of a long learning curve, but their success to date in designing, building, equipping and getting the hatchery running has built con鍖dence for their ongoing success. For more information visit the company website at: http://bajaseas.com, or contact Luis Astiazar叩n at: lastiazaran@bajaseas.com Baja Seas breeding program The breeding program started before the hatchery was built, with the capture of wild yellowtail, average weight 3 kg, o鍖 the coast of Ensenada, 100 km to the north. These were housed at CICESE (Centro de Investigaci坦n Cient鱈鍖ca y de Educaci坦n Superior de Ensenada) for approximately eight months, and then moved to the OBL hatchery to start their conditioning program.The 鍖sh are now mature and average 9-10kg in weight. Each has been tagged and sampled for a genetic identi鍖cation program, which will commence shortly. A second lot of wild-caught brood鍖sh is scheduled to occupy the second and third tanks.The fourth tank will be stocked with F1 鍖sh from the 鍖rst broodstock; the start of a selective breeding program. At the moment one lot of brood鍖sh has been allowed to spawn naturally, but in future spawning will be induced by controlling temperature and photoperiod using a program designed for optimum spawning and 鍖sh well-being. Brood鍖sh are sexed and tagged before they are put in to tanks (except for the 鍖rst lot which went directly into the tanks for conditioning). Fish spawn while they are free-swimming and the fertilized eggs are collected in containers connected to the tank via a water 鍖ow system that carries the eggs to them. The aim is to provide a stress-free environment, and adequate nourishment for growth and maturation, and year-round larval production. Each brood鍖sh is monitored, and its progress recorded.The company has developed strict health- and biosecurity programs, with frequent visits by and recommendations from expert veterinarians and pathologists. The hatchery at Er辿ndira is located on anejido: rural village lands held in a traditional Mexican system combining communal ownership with individual use. Larval rearing tanks. The OBL hatchery building at Er辿ndira. Seriola lalandi broodstock: Easy to see why they are called yellowtail. Newly hatched yellowtail larva. At this point the mouth is not open. Feeding begins at about 2 dph. Below: Illustration of the first larval production run showing growth and survival, and indicating the feeding regime used. Larval survival of the first run in hatchery Survival (no. of fish) Growth (mm) Rotifers Atemia Microdiet EWOS fattening diet fish to No.oforganisms(x1000) fish to Since 1958 Faivre company develops and manufactures high quality equipments for the aquaculture industry. HATCHERY INTER 2013 260WX80H.indd 1 13/11/13 9:01:36