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Extreme Makeover - ICD-10 Code Edition:
  Demystifying the Conversion Toolkit
  Principal - Dak Systems Consulting, San Mateo CA
  DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of HIMSS.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
             Deborah Kohn
       has no real or apparent
     conflicts of interest to report.

                  息 2012 HIMSS
Learning Objectives
By attending this session, attendees will be able to:
 describe the differences between the plethora of
  available tools to assist in the ICD-10
  implementation and conversion processes
 define the various types of vendor-provided and
  government-provided ICD-10 conversion tools
 develop a legacy database "purpose-built map" for
  ICD-10 conversion, if required
 determine the requirements for acquiring and
  using computer-assisted coding (CAC) software
Welcome to the Plethora
    of ICD-10 Conversion Tools!
   Translation engine tools
   Code mapping tools
   Code simulation tools
   Medical language / content management tools
   Computer-assisted coding software
   and more 
      What's a healthcare organization to use?
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
   Before and/or After Conversion
 Translation / Mapping Engines
   Code Mapping Tools
     Reference Maps
     Purpose-built Maps
   Code Simulation Tools
   Medical Language / Terminology /
    Content Management Tools
 Computer-assisted Coding (CAC)
 Business Analytics / Modeling
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
   Before and/or After Conversion
Translation / Mapping Engines
Tools that provide all plausible translation
  alternatives or one best translation
  alternative for each code in the target
 system based on the complete meaning
     of the code in the source system
Code Mapping Tools
 The designation of all plausible code
  alternatives or one best code alternative
  depends on:
   the use to which the map will be put
   the external data, such as volumes or prices,
     that are particular to the application that will use
     the map
 are NOT substitutes for learning how to use
  ICD-10 CM/PCS or for coding medical records
Code Mapping Tools
               REFERENCE MAPS
 are tools to assist users with the conversion of
  large ICD-9 CM (or SNOMED or other) databases
  to ICD-10 CM / PCS
  錫find and replace codes or lists of codes in large databases

 help users navigate the complexity of translating
  meanings from large ICD-9 (or SNOMED or other)
  databases to ICD-10
 present all plausible code translation alternatives
Code Mapping Tools
             e.g., GEMS
The General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) is
the public domain REFERENCE MAP product
developed over several years by a coordinated
effort between the Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Centers for Disease
Control & Prevention (CDC), the National Center
for Health Statistics (NCHS), an encoder vendor,
and other organizations.
Code Mapping Tools
              e.g., GEMS
            ICD-9-CM       ICD-10-CM
            ICD-9-CM       ICD-10-PCS
 CMS tested the effectiveness of the GEMs by
  converting v26.0 of the MS-DRGs (one of CMS
  more complex payment systems) to a native
  ICD-10-based application
   added to the CMS website
   will be refined as needed!
GEMs are used to:
 convert and test (i.e., normalize the data in)
  large database systems, such as ICD-9 CM
  databases to ICD-10 CM / PCS databases
 link trending data in long-term clinical /
  research studies
 analyze data collected during the conversion
  period and beyond
 track quality measures
 record morbidity & mortality
GEMs are NOT substitutes
  for learning how to use
       ICD-10 CM/PCS
           and / or
for coding medical records.
GEMs vs. Crosswalks
 There is NO straightforward, one-to-one
  crosswalk (i.e., one-to-one match ) between
  all the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes.
   One-to-one (but values might be different)
   One-to-many (each of which is a possible translation)
   Clusters (one-to-multiple codes, all of which are
    required to be complete)
   No match (there is no equivalent meaning from one
    code set to the other)
GEMs vs. Crosswalks
 The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable
  Care Act (ACA - Healthcare Reform) required
  the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS),
   in consultation with stakeholders, shall post on the
   CMS website a crosswalk between the previous
   and subsequent versions of ICD

  any revised crosswalk be treated as a HIPAA
   code set standard adopted by the Secretary
GEMs vs. Crosswalks
 On September 15, 2010, the ICD-9 CM
  Coordination & Maintenance Committee:
   clarified that the crosswalks mentioned in
    the ACA refer to the GEMs posted on the CMS
   legislated that the GEMs posted on the CMS
    website are the nations HIPAA code set
    standard map between ICD-9 CM and ICD-10
Code Mapping Tools
 maps in which decisions have been made to
  identify the closest matching code from all
  possible codes (e.g., the one best alternative)
 typically are backward maps  mapping from
  multiple ICD-10 CM/PCS codes back to ICD-9 CM
 can use the GEM REFERENCE MAPS as
  starting points to develop PURPOSE-BUILT
Code Mapping Tools
        OTHER MAPS
Code Mapping Tools
 CMS developed backward ICD-10 REIMBURSEMENT MAPS
  for Medicare inpatient reimbursement from the GEM
  in response to other payers requests
      potential tool for payers, not providers
  to help other payers prepare for the conversion and support
     the phase-out of ICD-9 after the conversion.
      temporary mechanism for backward mapping records
       containing ICD-10 codes to reimbursement-equivalent
       ICD-9 codes.
Code Mapping Tools
 are posted to the CMS website
 CMS has stated:
   that it does not plan to use the Reimbursement
    Maps for any purpose
   that they were created to demonstrate the
    GEMs could be used to develop a crosswalk
Code Mapping Tools

 Important for renegotiating payer contracts
 Expect to see more Purpose-Built Maps after
  the ICD-10 Conversion.
Code Simulation Tools
 are substitutes for learning how to use ICD-10
  CM / PCS or for coding medical records

 typically developed by the encoder vendors

 typically include a toggle between the two
  classification systems

 can be used before and after conversion
Code Simulation Tools
 Watch for current versions!
   On September 15, 2010, the ICD-9 CM
    Coordination & Maintenance Committee
    partially froze both the ICD-9 CM and ICD-
    10 CM / PCS code sets.
   On September 14, 2011, the ICD-9 CM
    Coordination & Maintenance Committee
    released the 2012 release of ICD-10-CM.
Medical Language / Terminology /
   Content Management Tools
 attempt to standardize terminology using dozens
  of international code sets (SNOMED-CT, LOINC,
  RxNorm, ICD-10, CPT, etc.)
      e.g., SNOMED or ICD-10 for problem lists to meet Meaningful Use
 able to codify the clinical content of a health
  record at the point-of-care
 typically are embedded in other tools
      e.g., Code Mapping Tools, Code Simulation Tools, and Healthcare
       Information Systems
Medical Language / Terminology /
   Content Management Tools
  Consider acquiring!
    Helps to create a single source of Language
     or Terminology truth (via a server) for the
      e.g., Is it ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease?
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
   Before and/or After Conversion
 Translation / Mapping Engines
   Code Mapping Tools
     Reference Maps
     Purpose-built Maps
   Code Simulation Tools
   Medical Language / Terminology /
    Content Management Tools
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
Before and/or After Conversion
Computer-Assisted Coding
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Automatically generate codes
 CAC uses
   natural language processing (NLP) /
    natural language understanding (NLU)
   structured data input
    or both
Computer-Assisted Coding
 NLP / NLU helps boost a coding
  professionals productivity by using
  artificial intelligence to identify concepts in
  free text and to associate codes from
  controlled vocabularies to the relevant
  phrases in the text.
Computer-Assisted Coding

 NLP / NLU Engines
     Symbolic Rules-based
     Pattern Matching-based
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Using NLP / NLU in CAC systems
   Steps in the workflow can prevent coders
    from receiving the health record until key
    documents are available.
   Coding professionals still need to review
    the codes generated by the CAC to ensure
    accuracy and proper reimbursement.
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Structured data input is driven by
  healthcare providers documenting care in
  electronic health / medical records.
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Using structured data in CAC systems
   HIM professionals expertise is required
    regarding health record content
   Coding professionals still need to review the
    codes generated by CAC to ensure accuracy
    and proper reimbursement.
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Additional features can include:
     Improving concurrent coding
     Improving remote coding
     Integrating coding workflow
     Reimbursement analysis
     Enhanced business intelligence
Computer-Assisted Coding
 MUST be INTEGRATED with your:
   Encoder System
   Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI)
    System (with Clinician Queries)
     This system guides the clinician through the
       documentation process, automatically
       capturing the clinician documentation.
   Voice / Text / Speech System
   Coding Workflow Application
     If you dont have this app in your abstracting
       system, either get it or determine if it is
       included in CAC system!
Computer-Assisted Coding
Many vendors have or are developing CAC tools!
  Currently, all are built for ICD-9 use
  To date, some CAC products have been installed
     inpatient environments
     outpatient (ambulatory care) environments
     ancillary departments (e.g., radiology, cardiology)
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Consider acquiring!
   With CACs emphasis that the data must be
    in an electronic format (structured), the
    ARRA/HITECH incentive payments not
    only will drive adoption of the meaningful
    use of certified EHRs, but also it will drive
    adoption of CACs.
Computer-Assisted Coding
 Consider acquiring!
   With the overwhelming increase in the
    quantity of ICD-10 codes, enhancing the
    productivity of coders with CAC will
    become critical.
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
       Before Conversion
Business Analytics / Modeling
Business Analytics / Modeling
  Many vendors have or are developing tools that:
 help users create a map to migrate/convert historical
  ICD-9 data to ICD-10 for modeling and predicting

 identify areas were ICD-9 codes are utilized within
  current business applications and will need to be
  converted to ICD-10

 can be used for many types of analytic purposes

 test software changes (and include test scripts)
How Many Coders Will You Need?                       Source: ELIPSe, Inc., 2011

                                            Projected Need for Coders


Number of coders

                   20.0             17.9                                                 17.7
                           16.1                                                                 Current Coders
                   15.0                                                           12.7          Add'l Coders Needed

                   10.0                                         8.1

                          Current   10%       20%        30%                      40%    50%
                                           Decreased Productivity
ICD-10 Implementation Cost Prediction
            Modeling Tool
                                         Source: HIMSS 2011 ICD-10 Task Force
      Year:                           2011            2012 2013 (to 3Q) 2013 (3Q) - 201 2014 (??-)                2015
      Status:                   Preparation     Preparation   Preparation   Transition     Permanent         Permanent
      Cost Category
      Compensation                                         Low          High          Med
      Training                                Low          High         Med           Med              Low
      Productivity                                         Low          High          Med              Med
      Recruiting                              Low          Med          High          Med              Med
      Accuracy                                                          High          Med              Low

      Training                                Low          Low          Med
      Productivity                                                      High          Med              Low
      Accuracy                                                          High          Med              Low
      Renegotiate contracts                                Med          High          High             Med
      Revenue /Claim                                                                  Med              Low
      Denial Rate                                                       High          Med              Med

      IT                      Med             Med          High         Med           Low              Low

      PM                      Low             Med          High         Med           Low              Low
ICD-10 Implementation Cost Prediction
            Modeling Tool
                                         Source: HIMSS 2011 ICD-10 Task Force

   Sources of cost                    2012             2013            2014            2015            2016   TOTAL
   Coding                    $     630,000   $      732,500   $     562,250   $     362,250   $     362,250    $ 2,649,250
   Revenue Cycle             $       2,500   $       14,500   $   3,744,800   $   2,166,438   $   1,000,000    $ 6,928,238
   Project Management        $   1,000,000   $    1,000,000   $         -     $         -     $         -      $ 2,000,000
   IT                        $         -     $   21,375,000   $         -     $         -     $         -      $ 21,375,000
   Total ICD-10 Transition   $   1,632,500   $   23,122,000   $   4,307,050   $   2,528,688   $   1,362,250    $ 32,952,488
Business Analytics / Modeling
 Why not utilize?
 Data analytics are practical!
ICD-10 Tools To Consider
   Before and/or After Conversion
 Translation / Mapping Engines
   Code Mapping Tools
     Reference Maps
     Purpose-built Maps
   Code Simulation Tools
   Medical Language / Terminology /
    Content Management Tools
 Computer-assisted Coding (CAC)
 Business Analytics / Modeling
For further information, please contact:

            Deborah Kohn

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HIMSS 2012

  • 1. Extreme Makeover - ICD-10 Code Edition: Demystifying the Conversion Toolkit Deborah Kohn, MPH, RHIA, FACHE, CPHIMS, FHIMSS Principal - Dak Systems Consulting, San Mateo CA DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily represent official policy or position of HIMSS.
  • 2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Deborah Kohn has no real or apparent conflicts of interest to report. 息 2012 HIMSS
  • 3. Learning Objectives By attending this session, attendees will be able to: describe the differences between the plethora of available tools to assist in the ICD-10 implementation and conversion processes define the various types of vendor-provided and government-provided ICD-10 conversion tools develop a legacy database "purpose-built map" for ICD-10 conversion, if required determine the requirements for acquiring and using computer-assisted coding (CAC) software
  • 4. Welcome to the Plethora of ICD-10 Conversion Tools! Translation engine tools Code mapping tools Crosswalks GEMs Code simulation tools Medical language / content management tools Computer-assisted coding software and more What's a healthcare organization to use?
  • 5. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before and/or After Conversion Translation / Mapping Engines Code Mapping Tools Reference Maps Purpose-built Maps Code Simulation Tools Medical Language / Terminology / Content Management Tools Computer-assisted Coding (CAC) Business Analytics / Modeling
  • 6. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before and/or After Conversion Translation / Mapping Engines Tools that provide all plausible translation alternatives or one best translation alternative for each code in the target system based on the complete meaning of the code in the source system
  • 7. Code Mapping Tools The designation of all plausible code alternatives or one best code alternative depends on: the use to which the map will be put (REFERENCE or PURPOSE-BUILT) the external data, such as volumes or prices, that are particular to the application that will use the map are NOT substitutes for learning how to use ICD-10 CM/PCS or for coding medical records
  • 8. Code Mapping Tools REFERENCE MAPS are tools to assist users with the conversion of large ICD-9 CM (or SNOMED or other) databases to ICD-10 CM / PCS 錫find and replace codes or lists of codes in large databases help users navigate the complexity of translating meanings from large ICD-9 (or SNOMED or other) databases to ICD-10 present all plausible code translation alternatives
  • 9. Code Mapping Tools REFERENCE MAPS e.g., GEMS The General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) is the public domain REFERENCE MAP product developed over several years by a coordinated effort between the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), an encoder vendor, and other organizations.
  • 10. Code Mapping Tools REFERENCE MAPS e.g., GEMS ICD-9-CM ICD-10-CM ICD-9-CM ICD-10-PCS CMS tested the effectiveness of the GEMs by converting v26.0 of the MS-DRGs (one of CMS more complex payment systems) to a native ICD-10-based application added to the CMS website will be refined as needed!
  • 11. GEMs are used to: convert and test (i.e., normalize the data in) large database systems, such as ICD-9 CM databases to ICD-10 CM / PCS databases link trending data in long-term clinical / research studies analyze data collected during the conversion period and beyond track quality measures record morbidity & mortality
  • 12. GEMs are NOT substitutes for learning how to use ICD-10 CM/PCS and / or for coding medical records.
  • 13. GEMs vs. Crosswalks There is NO straightforward, one-to-one crosswalk (i.e., one-to-one match ) between all the ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. One-to-one (but values might be different) One-to-many (each of which is a possible translation) Clusters (one-to-multiple codes, all of which are required to be complete) No match (there is no equivalent meaning from one code set to the other)
  • 14. GEMs vs. Crosswalks The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA - Healthcare Reform) required that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), in consultation with stakeholders, shall post on the CMS website a crosswalk between the previous and subsequent versions of ICD any revised crosswalk be treated as a HIPAA code set standard adopted by the Secretary
  • 15. GEMs vs. Crosswalks On September 15, 2010, the ICD-9 CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee: clarified that the crosswalks mentioned in the ACA refer to the GEMs posted on the CMS website legislated that the GEMs posted on the CMS website are the nations HIPAA code set standard map between ICD-9 CM and ICD-10 CM/PCS
  • 16. Code Mapping Tools PURPOSE-BUILT MAPS maps in which decisions have been made to identify the closest matching code from all possible codes (e.g., the one best alternative) typically are backward maps mapping from multiple ICD-10 CM/PCS codes back to ICD-9 CM codes can use the GEM REFERENCE MAPS as starting points to develop PURPOSE-BUILT MAPS
  • 18. Code Mapping Tools PURPOSE-BUILT MAPS e.g., REIMBURSEMENT MAPS CMS developed backward ICD-10 REIMBURSEMENT MAPS for Medicare inpatient reimbursement from the GEM REFERENCE MAPS in response to other payers requests potential tool for payers, not providers to help other payers prepare for the conversion and support the phase-out of ICD-9 after the conversion. temporary mechanism for backward mapping records containing ICD-10 codes to reimbursement-equivalent ICD-9 codes.
  • 19. Code Mapping Tools PURPOSE-BUILT MAPS e.g., REIMBURSEMENT MAPS are posted to the CMS website CMS has stated: that it does not plan to use the Reimbursement Maps for any purpose that they were created to demonstrate the GEMs could be used to develop a crosswalk
  • 20. Code Mapping Tools REFERENCE MAPS PURPOSE-BUILT MAPS -Observations- Important for renegotiating payer contracts Expect to see more Purpose-Built Maps after the ICD-10 Conversion.
  • 21. Code Simulation Tools are substitutes for learning how to use ICD-10 CM / PCS or for coding medical records typically developed by the encoder vendors typically include a toggle between the two classification systems can be used before and after conversion
  • 22. Code Simulation Tools -Observations- Watch for current versions! On September 15, 2010, the ICD-9 CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee partially froze both the ICD-9 CM and ICD- 10 CM / PCS code sets. On September 14, 2011, the ICD-9 CM Coordination & Maintenance Committee released the 2012 release of ICD-10-CM.
  • 23. Medical Language / Terminology / Content Management Tools attempt to standardize terminology using dozens of international code sets (SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm, ICD-10, CPT, etc.) e.g., SNOMED or ICD-10 for problem lists to meet Meaningful Use requirements? able to codify the clinical content of a health record at the point-of-care typically are embedded in other tools e.g., Code Mapping Tools, Code Simulation Tools, and Healthcare Information Systems
  • 24. Medical Language / Terminology / Content Management Tools -Observations- Consider acquiring! Helps to create a single source of Language or Terminology truth (via a server) for the enterprise! e.g., Is it ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease?
  • 25. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before and/or After Conversion Translation / Mapping Engines Code Mapping Tools Reference Maps Purpose-built Maps Code Simulation Tools Medical Language / Terminology / Content Management Tools
  • 26. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before and/or After Conversion Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC)
  • 27. Computer-Assisted Coding Automatically generate codes CAC uses either natural language processing (NLP) / natural language understanding (NLU) or structured data input or both
  • 28. Computer-Assisted Coding NLP / NLU helps boost a coding professionals productivity by using artificial intelligence to identify concepts in free text and to associate codes from controlled vocabularies to the relevant phrases in the text.
  • 29. Computer-Assisted Coding NLP / NLU Engines Symbolic Rules-based Statistical-based Pattern Matching-based Blended ..
  • 30. Computer-Assisted Coding Using NLP / NLU in CAC systems Steps in the workflow can prevent coders from receiving the health record until key documents are available. Coding professionals still need to review the codes generated by the CAC to ensure accuracy and proper reimbursement.
  • 31. Computer-Assisted Coding Structured data input is driven by healthcare providers documenting care in electronic health / medical records.
  • 32. Computer-Assisted Coding Using structured data in CAC systems HIM professionals expertise is required regarding health record content management. Coding professionals still need to review the codes generated by CAC to ensure accuracy and proper reimbursement.
  • 33. Computer-Assisted Coding Additional features can include: Improving concurrent coding Improving remote coding Integrating coding workflow Reimbursement analysis Enhanced business intelligence
  • 34. Computer-Assisted Coding MUST be INTEGRATED with your: Encoder System Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) System (with Clinician Queries) This system guides the clinician through the documentation process, automatically capturing the clinician documentation. Voice / Text / Speech System Coding Workflow Application If you dont have this app in your abstracting system, either get it or determine if it is included in CAC system!
  • 35. Computer-Assisted Coding Many vendors have or are developing CAC tools! CAVEATS! Currently, all are built for ICD-9 use To date, some CAC products have been installed ONLY IN inpatient environments OR outpatient (ambulatory care) environments OR ancillary departments (e.g., radiology, cardiology)
  • 36. Computer-Assisted Coding -Observations- Consider acquiring! With CACs emphasis that the data must be in an electronic format (structured), the ARRA/HITECH incentive payments not only will drive adoption of the meaningful use of certified EHRs, but also it will drive adoption of CACs.
  • 37. Computer-Assisted Coding -Observations- Consider acquiring! With the overwhelming increase in the quantity of ICD-10 codes, enhancing the productivity of coders with CAC will become critical.
  • 38. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before Conversion Business Analytics / Modeling
  • 39. Business Analytics / Modeling Many vendors have or are developing tools that: help users create a map to migrate/convert historical ICD-9 data to ICD-10 for modeling and predicting identify areas were ICD-9 codes are utilized within current business applications and will need to be converted to ICD-10 can be used for many types of analytic purposes test software changes (and include test scripts)
  • 40. How Many Coders Will You Need? Source: ELIPSe, Inc., 2011 Projected Need for Coders 2013-2014 40.0 35.0 33.8 30.0 28.8 Number of coders 24.2 25.0 19.7 20.0 17.9 17.7 16.1 Current Coders 15.0 12.7 Add'l Coders Needed 10.0 8.1 5.0 3.6 1.8 0 0.0 Current 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Decreased Productivity
  • 41. ICD-10 Implementation Cost Prediction Modeling Tool COST IMPACT AND TIMING OF THE ICD-10 CONVERSION BY CATEGORY Source: HIMSS 2011 ICD-10 Task Force Year: 2011 2012 2013 (to 3Q) 2013 (3Q) - 201 2014 (??-) 2015 Status: Preparation Preparation Preparation Transition Permanent Permanent Cost Category Coding Compensation Low High Med Training Low High Med Med Low Productivity Low High Med Med Recruiting Low Med High Med Med Accuracy High Med Low Revenue Training Low Low Med Productivity High Med Low Accuracy High Med Low Renegotiate contracts Med High High Med Revenue /Claim Med Low Denial Rate High Med Med IT Med Med High Med Low Low PM Low Med High Med Low Low
  • 42. ICD-10 Implementation Cost Prediction Modeling Tool PROJECTED IMPACT OF THE ICD-10 CONVERSION ON YOUR ORGANIZATION Source: HIMSS 2011 ICD-10 Task Force Sources of cost 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TOTAL Coding $ 630,000 $ 732,500 $ 562,250 $ 362,250 $ 362,250 $ 2,649,250 Revenue Cycle $ 2,500 $ 14,500 $ 3,744,800 $ 2,166,438 $ 1,000,000 $ 6,928,238 Project Management $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000,000 IT $ - $ 21,375,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 21,375,000 Total ICD-10 Transition $ 1,632,500 $ 23,122,000 $ 4,307,050 $ 2,528,688 $ 1,362,250 $ 32,952,488
  • 43. Business Analytics / Modeling -Observations- Why not utilize? Data analytics are practical!
  • 44. ICD-10 Tools To Consider Before and/or After Conversion Translation / Mapping Engines Code Mapping Tools Reference Maps Purpose-built Maps Code Simulation Tools Medical Language / Terminology / Content Management Tools Computer-assisted Coding (CAC) Business Analytics / Modeling
  • 45. Questions????? For further information, please contact: Deborah Kohn dkohn@daksystcons.com http://www.daksystemsconsulting.com