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Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Country of Cambodia

        Situated in the South West of the Indo-China Peninsula, the capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh. With
        a population of 14.8 million, with the average GDP per capital at approximately USD2000 per year.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
The History
      The Khmer Rouge was one of the most violent regimes of the 20th Century. Responsible for approximately
      1.7 million deaths, eliminating as many possible traces of intellectual or capitalism within the country.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Present Day Cambodia
      When the regime ended, it left Cambodia in dire needs economically. Many fled the country as refugees,
      whilst those who stayed faced poverty. There are 7 million children on the streets of Cambodia. Even
      though there is much development today, there is also an ever expanding gap between the rich and poor.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
About Us

           His-Child is one of the many
          organizations set-up to assist
             the children of Cambodia.

                    We are a faith based
                organization who believe
              children are created in the
                 image of God and have
          dignity, honor and worth from
            birth. Regardless of gender,
          race, social standing, religion
               or disability, they possess
            the tremendous potential to
           be guided for the betterment
                                 of society.

                                                 Postcards from Phnom Penh

Saturday, June 26, 2010
About Us

                                              HIS International Services

                     HISChild (NGO)                  HISChurch                    HISschool
                                                   (Ministry for Religion)     (Ministry for Education)

                  Mobile Drop-In Center            Doulos Church                Kindergarten

                     Children’s Center            Village Outreach           Elementary School 6

                           Day Care              Community Center               Junior High 3

                          Youth Center              Kindergarten                Senior High 3

Saturday, June 26, 2010
HISChild (NGO)

                          Mobile Drop-In Center

                            Children’s Center

                              Youth Center

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Mobile Drop In Center
       Offering help for the children living on the streets.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Our Role
  The bus ministry goes to key locations within the city
  center. For one hour, the children are taught lessons
   in Khmer, Bible studies, they watch TV, dance, sing,
                                and make paper crafts.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Nursing & Care
        On the bus, we assist:
        - Cutting finger nails, showering
        - Nursing for cuts or bruises
        - Basic hygiene is also taught

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Education On Wheels
              Children are taught in Khmer & English.
              Each short class is about 10-15 minutes long,
              conducted by local Cambodian teachers.

              Foreign volunteers & missionaries conduct the
              English classes.
              The children are also entertained with:
              -Fairy Tale Time
              -Arts & Crafts
              -Short-Movie Time

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Praise & Worship
   Key verses from the bible is also taught,
   along with praise & worship in Khmer.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
          Days            Mon       Tues          Wed           Thurs        Fri            Sat           Sun
                                                                                                          7-9am Sunday
                          Day Off   7-12noon      6-10am        6:30-11am    5:30-9:30am   7-11:30am
          Morning                   Kocsandaik    Phnom Penh    Toulsomphy   Phonm Penh    Preakamplian
                                    Village                     Village                    Village        Worship @
                                                                                                          Doulous Church

                                    3-4pm         3-4pm         1:30-5pm     4:30-7:30pm    2-4pm
                                    Bible Study   Bible Study   Phnom Penh   Phnom Penh     Cleaning &
                                    KKH           KKH                                       Maintenence
           Afternoon      Day Off
                                    4-7:30pm      4-7:30pm
                                    Phnom Penh    Phnom Penh

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Children’s Center
   A safe home, building long-term stability
   for children aged 5-17 y.os.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Playground for Growth
       The new center, built in 2009, today houses 58
       children between the ages of 5-17 y.os.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kingdom Values
   A ministry for the orphans on the streets, villages
   and children who are victims of human trafficking.
   The children’s center provides daily needs
   (accommodation, clothes and food) public
   education and various extracurricular activities.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Youth Center
   To see young adults be the salt and light
   in their communities.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Nurturing Talent

                                             Set up in 2009, the Youth Center supports young
                                             adolescence, teaching them to cope with society by
                                             providing specific discipleship.

                                             The Youth Center houses boys over 15 years old, who have
                                             grown up in an orphanage or children whose families are in
                                             financial difficulty.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Safe Haven
   Creating an ideal setting for developing Christian
   values, in an atmosphere that encourages a sense
   of belonging. The Youth Center also has
   home-parents who take care of the teenagers.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day Care Center
   Providing education for local homeless
   children and those who do not have
   access to public education because of
   financial difficulties.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day Care
        Teachers come from all over the world, on a
        volunteer basis. Both international and local
        missionaries take care of about 30 children a day.

        Day care runs for 4 hours a day, with children
        coming from the river-side. Classes taught are
        Khmer, Mathematics, English and the gospel.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
                           (Ministry for Religion)

                           Doulos Church

                          Village Outreach

                          Community Center


Saturday, June 26, 2010
Doulos Church

                                          A church for locals, serving both children and adults.
                                          Sunday School is conducted at the back of tuk-tuks
                                          which serve as make-shift classes.

                                          Children’s service brings 200 children.

                                          Children’s service: 7am-8:30am
                                          Adult Service     : 8:30am-10:30am

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Village Programs

                                               Every Thursday, the team goes out to a village to
                                               teach the children Bible stories and programmes
                                             similar to what is taught in Sunday school. Villages
                                                      visited are Toul Samphy and Kok Sundaik.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Youth Center

                      Community Center

       The community center was set-up to help adults
     within the surrounding locale with vocational skills.
       Providing support and training for areas such as
    computer literacy that may aid in their occupations.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

                                                              For children aged 4-6y.os. Kindergarten classes
                                                              teach Math, Arts & Craft, English. Educators are
                                                                       both locals and overseas missionaries.

           Father in Heaven, keep them safe, keep them joyful, keep them in Your protection.
           For His Children, From His Child.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
              (Ministry for Education)


          Elementary School 6

               Junior High 3

               Senior High 3

Saturday, June 26, 2010
New Frontiers: His School

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tomorrow’s children, today’s Hope

             His vision for His-Child is to able to build a Christian International
             School. This school aims to be a full-functioning school from
             Kindergarten till High-School, providing a full proper education for
             Cambodian orphans and underprivileged, who cannot afford

Saturday, June 26, 2010
His School: The Mission

     To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very poor in the region.

     To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and English as the language
     of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in their country as well as with the global market
     place.          To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very
                     poor in the region.

                          To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and
                          English as the language of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in
                          their country as well as with the global market place.

                          To provide children with strong moral and ethical foundations to enable them to
                          develop into mature, well-balanced citizens and future leaders.

                          To provide strong training in a range of subjects, including the sciences, arts, and
                          information technology.

                          To lay the foundations for transition to technical/vocational teaching where appropriate.

                          In the long term, to encourage existing students to be involved in helping to teach the
                          younger students during their free time, and to train up local Khmer teachers who will
                          be able to teach the subjects that the missionary teachers will initially provide.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Mile-Stones To His School

     To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very poor in the region.

     To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and English as the language
     of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in their country as well as with the global market
                                                          April 2003: Planning begins
                                                                           Mar 2004:      Rev. Oak from Sarang community Church
                                                                                          in South Korea bought the school land for
                                                                                          the project. Cost was USD128,000

                                                                           Sep 2004:      Soil for the school land begins to be filled.
                                                                                          Cost was USD100,000

                                                                           Apr 2006:      Walls for the land begins to be built.
                                                                                          Cost was USD10,000

                                                                           Nov 2007:      Completed blueprint & design of
                                                                                          school building

                                                                           Mar 2009:      Elementary school construction starts

                                                                           Jun 2010:      Elementary school open for registration

                                                                           July 2012:     Targeted completion of all buildings

                          Total cost estimated is USD528,000.
                          We are still looking for beneficiaries who would like to contribute to the building of His School.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Serving in His Kingdom today

Saturday, June 26, 2010
For tomorrow’s world

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Your Involvement
                          His-Child welcomes volunteers & funds.
                          Your support for any one of our ministries
                          is much appreciated.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bus Drop-In Center
   The bus has 5 local teachers. If you, or
   anyone you know would like to volunteer,
   we always welcome you. Proficiency in English
   and/or first aid/nursing skills is most welcome.

   Role of Volunteers:
   - Cutting of Nails
   - Nursing needs
   - Teaching elementary english

   Provisions & Volunteers
   The cost of running this ministry is USD2500 a
   month. We are always looking for the following

   Funds Welcome:
   - Fuel support for up to USD1000 per month
   - Second hand clothing for children aged 3-17y.o
   - Snacks

Saturday, June 26, 2010
                                                         There are about 30 children who attend

                                                                          Role of Volunteers:
                                                                      - Music & Worship Dance

          Provisions & Volunteers
          Educating a child costs USD100/month.
          Funds to assist our children’s education are
          most welcome.

          Funds Welcome:
          - Children’s uniform, stationery & education
          - Classroom stationery & craft materials

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Community Center
                                                           Role of Volunteers:
                                                         - Basic computer skills
                                                            -Elementary English
                                                                 -Music classes

       Provisions & Volunteers
        - 10 Computer stations are needed to aid
        the children in computer skills

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Doulos Church

        Approximately 200 children come every Sunday
        to Doulos Church. Services are conducted
        primarily in Khmer.

        Role of Volunteers:
        - Music & Worship Dance

          Provisions & Volunteers
       The cost of running this ministry is USD2500 a
       month. We are always looking for the following

        Funds Welcome:
        - USD25 for 1 Sunday service of children’s snacks
        - To purchase stationery for Sunday school

Saturday, June 26, 2010
His School

      For this vision to come to fruition, His-Child requires much support in the form of prayer, funding, supplies, technical
      teaching expertise. Please do contact us if you would like to be a part of the building blocks of this education system.

      Total Cost of building His School: USD528,000

Saturday, June 26, 2010

        For fund transfers, please be informed that our branch maintains an online Direct Deposit Account
        with Citibank, New York. As such for all TT favoring our customers, kindly remit proceeds to by SWIFT
        to credit our DDA with Citibank, New York according to the following SWIFT field:

        Field: 54
        Citibank N.A
        NEW YORK
        Swift: CITIUS33

       Field: 57
       Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank)
       Phnom Penh Branch

       Field: 59
       Beneficiaries account number: 00001/002/001034/08
       Beneficiaries name: Hischild International Cambodia

       Field: 70
       Details of payment

       Field: 72
       Fill in your sender information

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Funding: For Malaysians

        For Malaysians, if you would like to send funds, please send to:

        Bank:         Maybank Bangsar Baru Branch
        Name:         Lucille Teresa Gasper
        Account: 114124047928

       So that we may keep a record, please also do e-mail office@hischild-international.com
       stating which ministry or missionary you would like the funds to go to.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Missionary Support
      Some missionaries are self-sponsored. Funds
      are most welcome to aid with living expenses
      as they continue their work here.

      - Sponsorship for living expenses which are
      USD600 a month

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Prayer Request

       That God will use the HIS team for His ministries
       For the children on the streets, that they may not lose hope for the future
       For the spiritual and physical health of the children in Kingdom Kids Home
       For the ministry of Doulos Church - that faith of worshippers will be matured in
       Christ as they evangelise to others
       The preparation of the Christian school. Pray that all necessary procedures
       and documents will be managed well among the government and construction firm.
       Pray that all needs will be met in time.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
We encourage visiting us & the children in person:
       P.O Box 1322
       Phnom Penh Cambodia
       Tel: 855 23 425 011
       e-mail: office@hischild-international.com

Saturday, June 26, 2010

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His child

  • 2. The Country of Cambodia Situated in the South West of the Indo-China Peninsula, the capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh. With a population of 14.8 million, with the average GDP per capital at approximately USD2000 per year. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 3. The History The Khmer Rouge was one of the most violent regimes of the 20th Century. Responsible for approximately 1.7 million deaths, eliminating as many possible traces of intellectual or capitalism within the country. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 4. Present Day Cambodia When the regime ended, it left Cambodia in dire needs economically. Many fled the country as refugees, whilst those who stayed faced poverty. There are 7 million children on the streets of Cambodia. Even though there is much development today, there is also an ever expanding gap between the rich and poor. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 5. About Us His-Child is one of the many organizations set-up to assist the children of Cambodia. We are a faith based organization who believe children are created in the image of God and have dignity, honor and worth from birth. Regardless of gender, race, social standing, religion or disability, they possess the tremendous potential to be guided for the betterment of society. Postcards from Phnom Penh Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 6. About Us HIS International Services HISChild (NGO) HISChurch HISschool (Ministry for Religion) (Ministry for Education) Mobile Drop-In Center Doulos Church Kindergarten Children’s Center Village Outreach Elementary School 6 Day Care Community Center Junior High 3 Youth Center Kindergarten Senior High 3 Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 7. HISChild (NGO) Mobile Drop-In Center Children’s Center Youth Center Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 8. Mobile Drop In Center Offering help for the children living on the streets. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 10. Our Role The bus ministry goes to key locations within the city center. For one hour, the children are taught lessons in Khmer, Bible studies, they watch TV, dance, sing, and make paper crafts. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 11. Nursing & Care On the bus, we assist: - Cutting finger nails, showering - Nursing for cuts or bruises - Basic hygiene is also taught Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 12. Education On Wheels Children are taught in Khmer & English. Each short class is about 10-15 minutes long, conducted by local Cambodian teachers. Foreign volunteers & missionaries conduct the English classes. The children are also entertained with: -Fairy Tale Time -Arts & Crafts -Short-Movie Time Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 13. Praise & Worship Key verses from the bible is also taught, along with praise & worship in Khmer. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 14. Schedule Days Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 7-9am Sunday School Day Off 7-12noon 6-10am 6:30-11am 5:30-9:30am 7-11:30am Morning Kocsandaik Phnom Penh Toulsomphy Phonm Penh Preakamplian 9-10:30am Village Village Village Worship @ Doulous Church 3-4pm 3-4pm 1:30-5pm 4:30-7:30pm 2-4pm Bible Study Bible Study Phnom Penh Phnom Penh Cleaning & KKH KKH Maintenence Afternoon Day Off 4-7:30pm 4-7:30pm Phnom Penh Phnom Penh Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 15. Children’s Center A safe home, building long-term stability for children aged 5-17 y.os. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 16. Playground for Growth The new center, built in 2009, today houses 58 children between the ages of 5-17 y.os. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 17. Kingdom Values A ministry for the orphans on the streets, villages and children who are victims of human trafficking. The children’s center provides daily needs (accommodation, clothes and food) public education and various extracurricular activities. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 18. Youth Center To see young adults be the salt and light in their communities. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 19. Nurturing Talent Set up in 2009, the Youth Center supports young adolescence, teaching them to cope with society by providing specific discipleship. The Youth Center houses boys over 15 years old, who have grown up in an orphanage or children whose families are in financial difficulty. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 20. A Safe Haven Creating an ideal setting for developing Christian values, in an atmosphere that encourages a sense of belonging. The Youth Center also has home-parents who take care of the teenagers. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 21. Day Care Center Providing education for local homeless children and those who do not have access to public education because of financial difficulties. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 22. Day Care Teachers come from all over the world, on a volunteer basis. Both international and local missionaries take care of about 30 children a day. Day care runs for 4 hours a day, with children coming from the river-side. Classes taught are Khmer, Mathematics, English and the gospel. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 23. HISChurch (Ministry for Religion) Doulos Church Village Outreach Community Center Kindergarten Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 24. Doulos Church A church for locals, serving both children and adults. Sunday School is conducted at the back of tuk-tuks which serve as make-shift classes. Children’s service brings 200 children. Children’s service: 7am-8:30am Adult Service : 8:30am-10:30am Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 25. Village Programs Every Thursday, the team goes out to a village to teach the children Bible stories and programmes similar to what is taught in Sunday school. Villages visited are Toul Samphy and Kok Sundaik. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 26. Youth Center Community Center The community center was set-up to help adults within the surrounding locale with vocational skills. Providing support and training for areas such as computer literacy that may aid in their occupations. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 27. Kindergarten For children aged 4-6y.os. Kindergarten classes teach Math, Arts & Craft, English. Educators are both locals and overseas missionaries. Father in Heaven, keep them safe, keep them joyful, keep them in Your protection. For His Children, From His Child. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 28. HISschool (Ministry for Education) Kindergarten Elementary School 6 Junior High 3 Senior High 3 Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 29. New Frontiers: His School Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 30. Tomorrow’s children, today’s Hope His vision for His-Child is to able to build a Christian International School. This school aims to be a full-functioning school from Kindergarten till High-School, providing a full proper education for Cambodian orphans and underprivileged, who cannot afford education. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 31. His School: The Mission To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very poor in the region. To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and English as the language of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in their country as well as with the global market place. To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very poor in the region. To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and English as the language of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in their country as well as with the global market place. To provide children with strong moral and ethical foundations to enable them to develop into mature, well-balanced citizens and future leaders. To provide strong training in a range of subjects, including the sciences, arts, and information technology. To lay the foundations for transition to technical/vocational teaching where appropriate. In the long term, to encourage existing students to be involved in helping to teach the younger students during their free time, and to train up local Khmer teachers who will be able to teach the subjects that the missionary teachers will initially provide. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 32. Mile-Stones To His School To provide 14 years of continuous education for children, with a provision for the very poor in the region. To provide a bi-lingual education with equal emphasis on the use of Khmer and English as the language of instruction so that children are equipped to communicate in their country as well as with the global market April 2003: Planning begins place. Mar 2004: Rev. Oak from Sarang community Church in South Korea bought the school land for the project. Cost was USD128,000 Sep 2004: Soil for the school land begins to be filled. Cost was USD100,000 Apr 2006: Walls for the land begins to be built. Cost was USD10,000 Nov 2007: Completed blueprint & design of school building Mar 2009: Elementary school construction starts Jun 2010: Elementary school open for registration July 2012: Targeted completion of all buildings Total cost estimated is USD528,000. We are still looking for beneficiaries who would like to contribute to the building of His School. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 33. Serving in His Kingdom today Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 35. Your Involvement His-Child welcomes volunteers & funds. Your support for any one of our ministries is much appreciated. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 36. Bus Drop-In Center The bus has 5 local teachers. If you, or anyone you know would like to volunteer, we always welcome you. Proficiency in English and/or first aid/nursing skills is most welcome. Role of Volunteers: - Cutting of Nails - Nursing needs - Teaching elementary english Provisions & Volunteers The cost of running this ministry is USD2500 a month. We are always looking for the following provisions: Funds Welcome: - Fuel support for up to USD1000 per month - Second hand clothing for children aged 3-17y.o - Snacks Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 37. Kindergarten There are about 30 children who attend Kindergarten. Role of Volunteers: - Music & Worship Dance Provisions & Volunteers Educating a child costs USD100/month. Funds to assist our children’s education are most welcome. Funds Welcome: - Children’s uniform, stationery & education - Classroom stationery & craft materials Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 38. Community Center Role of Volunteers: - Basic computer skills -Elementary English -Music classes Provisions & Volunteers - 10 Computer stations are needed to aid the children in computer skills Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 39. Doulos Church Approximately 200 children come every Sunday to Doulos Church. Services are conducted primarily in Khmer. Role of Volunteers: - Music & Worship Dance Provisions & Volunteers The cost of running this ministry is USD2500 a month. We are always looking for the following provisions: Funds Welcome: - USD25 for 1 Sunday service of children’s snacks - To purchase stationery for Sunday school Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 40. His School For this vision to come to fruition, His-Child requires much support in the form of prayer, funding, supplies, technical teaching expertise. Please do contact us if you would like to be a part of the building blocks of this education system. Total Cost of building His School: USD528,000 Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 41. Funding For fund transfers, please be informed that our branch maintains an online Direct Deposit Account with Citibank, New York. As such for all TT favoring our customers, kindly remit proceeds to by SWIFT to credit our DDA with Citibank, New York according to the following SWIFT field: Field: 54 Citibank N.A NEW YORK USA Swift: CITIUS33 Field: 57 /367872067 Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) Phnom Penh Branch Cambodia Field: 59 Beneficiaries account number: 00001/002/001034/08 Beneficiaries name: Hischild International Cambodia Field: 70 Details of payment Field: 72 Fill in your sender information Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 42. Funding: For Malaysians For Malaysians, if you would like to send funds, please send to: Bank: Maybank Bangsar Baru Branch Name: Lucille Teresa Gasper Account: 114124047928 So that we may keep a record, please also do e-mail office@hischild-international.com stating which ministry or missionary you would like the funds to go to. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 43. Missionary Support Some missionaries are self-sponsored. Funds are most welcome to aid with living expenses as they continue their work here. - Sponsorship for living expenses which are USD600 a month Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 44. Prayer Request That God will use the HIS team for His ministries For the children on the streets, that they may not lose hope for the future For the spiritual and physical health of the children in Kingdom Kids Home For the ministry of Doulos Church - that faith of worshippers will be matured in Christ as they evangelise to others The preparation of the Christian school. Pray that all necessary procedures and documents will be managed well among the government and construction firm. Pray that all needs will be met in time. Saturday, June 26, 2010
  • 45. We encourage visiting us & the children in person: P.O Box 1322 Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: 855 23 425 011 www.hischild-international.com e-mail: office@hischild-international.com Saturday, June 26, 2010