This document discusses several topics related to the digestive system:
1. It describes the spatial and temporal variations in microbial composition throughout the gastrointestinal tract and over time.
2. It outlines two opposing models of how taste qualities are encoded in the peripheral nervous system - the labelled-line model and the across-fibre pattern model.
3. It provides an overview of the histological organization of the digestive tube, including descriptions of cells in the digestive tract like enterocytes.
2. Spatial and temporal aspects of intestinal microbiota composition.
A: variations in microbial numbers and composition across the length of the gastrointestinal tract.
B: longitudinal variations in microbial composition in the intestine.
C: temporal aspects of microbiota establishment and maintenance and factors influencing
microbial composition.
Sekirov Inna; Shannon L. Russell; L. Caetano M. Antunes and B. Brett Finlay.
2010. Gut Microbiota in Health and Disease. Physiological Reviews 90: 859-
11. El enterocito es parte de la unidad estructural y funcional del sistema digestivo.
Membrana especializada en el transporte de moléculas
Tipos de celulas en el tracto digestivo
Las Células Madre de los
enterocitos se encuentran en
«las criptas de lieberkûhn»
los enterocitos tienen un
tiempo de vida de 3 a 5 dias
Yeyuno: ácido fólico o vitamina B9