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Histology Of CirculatoryHistology Of Circulatory
Dr. Mohammed Ahamed AbuelnorDr. Mohammed Ahamed Abuelnor
The Functions of the circulatoryThe Functions of the circulatory
 1- Transport of the oxygen and nutrient1- Transport of the oxygen and nutrient
substance to the tissue.substance to the tissue.
 2- Transport of the carbon dioxide and wast2- Transport of the carbon dioxide and wast
product from the tissuesproduct from the tissues
 3- regulation of the body temperature3- regulation of the body temperature
 4- Transport of hormones and large molecules4- Transport of hormones and large molecules
The parts of the circulatory systemThe parts of the circulatory system
 TheThe BloodBlood vascularvascular systemsystem: which is: which is
responsible for the circulation of the bloodresponsible for the circulation of the blood
 TheThe lymphlymph vascularvascular systemsystem: responsible for: responsible for
circulation of the lymphcirculation of the lymph
The blood vascular SystemThe blood vascular System
 DefinitionDefinition: It is system of vessels through: It is system of vessels through
which the blood passes to the tissues by thewhich the blood passes to the tissues by the
continuous contraction of the heartcontinuous contraction of the heart
 The blood vascular system formed of:The blood vascular system formed of:
- The heart- The heart
- The arteries- The arteries
- The veins- The veins
- The capillaries- The capillaries
The Basic Layers of the circulatoryThe Basic Layers of the circulatory
 The inner layer called the tunica intimaThe inner layer called the tunica intima
 The middle layer called the tunica mediaThe middle layer called the tunica media
 The outer layer called the tunica adventitiaThe outer layer called the tunica adventitia
The HeartThe Heart
 DefinitionDefinition: It is muscular organ which is: It is muscular organ which is
located at the middle of the chest. It is functionlocated at the middle of the chest. It is function
pumping of the bloodpumping of the blood
 It is formed of four chambers, tow atria and towIt is formed of four chambers, tow atria and tow
ventricles they communicate withventricles they communicate with
atrioventricular orificeatrioventricular orifice
 The right side of the heart carry non oxygenatedThe right side of the heart carry non oxygenated
blood and the left carry oxygenatedblood and the left carry oxygenated
The Histological structures of theThe Histological structures of the
 TheThe tunicatunica intimaintima: It is the inner layer called: It is the inner layer called
the endocardium it formed of simple squamusthe endocardium it formed of simple squamus
epithelium it separated from the tunica media byepithelium it separated from the tunica media by
elastic fiberselastic fibers
 TheThe TunicaTunica mediamedia: called the myocardium. It: called the myocardium. It
is muscular layer formed of cardiac muscle. Itis muscular layer formed of cardiac muscle. It
thick in the ventriclesthick in the ventricles
 TheThe tunicatunica adventitiaadventitia: called the epicardium: called the epicardium
formed of mesotheliumformed of mesothelium
The HeartThe Heart
The conducting system of the heartThe conducting system of the heart
 DefinitionDefinition: It is formed modification of areas in: It is formed modification of areas in
the myocardium of the heart to regulate thethe myocardium of the heart to regulate the
contraction of the atria and ventriclescontraction of the atria and ventricles
 The conducting system formed of Sino atrialThe conducting system formed of Sino atrial
node (S.A.N) and atrioventricular node (A.V.N)node (S.A.N) and atrioventricular node (A.V.N)
and atrio ventricular bundle (A.V.B)and atrio ventricular bundle (A.V.B)
The arterial systemThe arterial system
 DefinitionDefinition: The arterial system carry the: The arterial system carry the
oxygenated blood from the heart to theoxygenated blood from the heart to the
 According to the size of the arteries there areAccording to the size of the arteries there are
three types :three types :
- Large arteries ( elastic arteries)Large arteries ( elastic arteries)
- Medium arteries (muscular arteries)Medium arteries (muscular arteries)
- Small arteries (arterioles)Small arteries (arterioles)
The histological structure of theThe histological structure of the
large arterieslarge arteries
 It is formed of the three basic layers:It is formed of the three basic layers:
 TheThe tunicatunica intimaintima: formed of simple squamuse: formed of simple squamuse
epithelium called the endothelium rest onepithelium called the endothelium rest on
basement membrane of elastic fibersbasement membrane of elastic fibers
 TunicaTunica mediamedia: It is thick layer formed of: It is thick layer formed of
smooth muscle with elastic fibers distributedsmooth muscle with elastic fibers distributed
between itbetween it
 TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagen fibers: formed of collagen fibers
and small vessels called vasa vasorumand small vessels called vasa vasorum
Histology of circulatory system
Large artery (cross sectionLarge artery (cross section((
The histological structure mediumThe histological structure medium
 TunicaTunica intimaintima: formed of endothelium separated: formed of endothelium separated
from the tunica media by the internal elastic layerfrom the tunica media by the internal elastic layer
 tunicatunica mediamedia: It is muscular layer of smooth muscle it: It is muscular layer of smooth muscle it
is thin than of the large arteries separated from theis thin than of the large arteries separated from the
adventitia by the external elastic layeradventitia by the external elastic layer
 TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagenous fibers: formed of collagenous fibers
support the artery with surrounded structuresupport the artery with surrounded structure
Histology of circulatory system
Medium arteryMedium artery
(longitudinal section(longitudinal section((
The histological structure of smallThe histological structure of small
 It is the terminal branches it is diameter less than 0,3It is the terminal branches it is diameter less than 0,3
 TunicaTunica intimaintima: it is thin and formed of endothelium: it is thin and formed of endothelium
 TunicaTunica mediamedia: formed of smooth muscle arranged: formed of smooth muscle arranged
into six layersinto six layers
 TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagen fibers fused: formed of collagen fibers fused
with the surrounded structurewith the surrounded structure
 The flow of the blood through the capillaries isThe flow of the blood through the capillaries is
regulated mainly by this arteriesregulated mainly by this arteries
Small artery (cross sectionSmall artery (cross section((
The capillariesThe capillaries
 DefinitionDefinition: It is an inter connected thin walled: It is an inter connected thin walled
vessels through which the material exchangevessels through which the material exchange
between the blood and the tissuebetween the blood and the tissue
 The blood reach the capillaries through smallThe blood reach the capillaries through small
arteries called pre capillary and leave it througharteries called pre capillary and leave it through
small venules called post venulessmall venules called post venules
Histological structure of capillariesHistological structure of capillaries
 The wall of the capillaries is thin and formed of layer ofThe wall of the capillaries is thin and formed of layer of
endothelium of flat cells rest on basement membraneendothelium of flat cells rest on basement membrane
 The capillaries formed of many types according to theThe capillaries formed of many types according to the
 The diameter of the capillaries: the are tow types.The diameter of the capillaries: the are tow types. SmallSmall
capillariescapillaries which formed most of the body capillaries.which formed most of the body capillaries.
LargeLarge capillariescapillaries has large diameter and calledhas large diameter and called
sinusoid it found in the liver, kidney and bone marrow.sinusoid it found in the liver, kidney and bone marrow.
Type of capillariesType of capillaries
 According to the endothelium lining the capillaries: theAccording to the endothelium lining the capillaries: the
are three type of capillariesare three type of capillaries
 A-A- continuouscontinuous capillariescapillaries: there is no opening: there is no opening
between the endothelium cells this type formed thebetween the endothelium cells this type formed the
most of the body capillariesmost of the body capillaries
 B-B- fenestratedfenestrated capillariescapillaries: in this type there are: in this type there are
opening between the endothelium cellsopening between the endothelium cells
 C-C- discontinuousdiscontinuous capillariescapillaries: part of the capillaries: part of the capillaries
formed by surrounding tissue found in the liverformed by surrounding tissue found in the liver
Type of capillariesType of capillaries
 According to the arteriovenouse shunt: someAccording to the arteriovenouse shunt: some
capillaries has shunt to rapid the process ofcapillaries has shunt to rapid the process of
exchange of material between the blood and theexchange of material between the blood and the
Formation of capillariesFormation of capillaries
Continuous capillariesContinuous capillaries
Fenestrated capillariesFenestrated capillaries
The venous systemThe venous system
 The venous system carry the non oxygenatedThe venous system carry the non oxygenated
blood to the heart the veins collected to drainageblood to the heart the veins collected to drainage
at the heartat the heart
 The blood passes in the venous system by theThe blood passes in the venous system by the
external pressure due to muscle contractions,external pressure due to muscle contractions,
respiration and the valves found in the veinsrespiration and the valves found in the veins
Histological structures of the smallHistological structures of the small
 -- tunicatunica intimaintima: formed of endothelium and: formed of endothelium and
not contain elastic fibersnot contain elastic fibers
-- tunicatunica mediamedia: formed of tow layers of smooth: formed of tow layers of smooth
muscle and it is very thinmuscle and it is very thin
-- tunicatunica adventitiaadventitia: it is formed of collagen: it is formed of collagen
fibers connected the vein with the surroundedfibers connected the vein with the surrounded
Small vein (cross sectionSmall vein (cross section((
Histological structures of theHistological structures of the
medium veinsmedium veins
 The medium veins formed by the collection ofThe medium veins formed by the collection of
the small veins and drainage into the large veinsthe small veins and drainage into the large veins
 The histological structure is similar to the smallThe histological structure is similar to the small
veins but the tunica media is thicker and containveins but the tunica media is thicker and contain
elastic fiberselastic fibers
The medium veinThe medium vein
The large veinThe large vein
 This like the femoral vein, renal vein the formedThis like the femoral vein, renal vein the formed
by the collection of the medium veinby the collection of the medium vein
 It is structure similar to the medium vein but theIt is structure similar to the medium vein but the
tunica media very thick and contain collagentunica media very thick and contain collagen
fibers and the internal elastic layer may presentfibers and the internal elastic layer may present
Large vein (longitudinal sectionLarge vein (longitudinal section((
Histology of circulatory system

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Histology of circulatory system

  • 1. Histology Of CirculatoryHistology Of Circulatory SystemSystem ByBy Dr. Mohammed Ahamed AbuelnorDr. Mohammed Ahamed Abuelnor
  • 2. The Functions of the circulatoryThe Functions of the circulatory SystemSystem 1- Transport of the oxygen and nutrient1- Transport of the oxygen and nutrient substance to the tissue.substance to the tissue. 2- Transport of the carbon dioxide and wast2- Transport of the carbon dioxide and wast product from the tissuesproduct from the tissues 3- regulation of the body temperature3- regulation of the body temperature 4- Transport of hormones and large molecules4- Transport of hormones and large molecules
  • 3. The parts of the circulatory systemThe parts of the circulatory system TheThe BloodBlood vascularvascular systemsystem: which is: which is responsible for the circulation of the bloodresponsible for the circulation of the blood TheThe lymphlymph vascularvascular systemsystem: responsible for: responsible for circulation of the lymphcirculation of the lymph
  • 4. The blood vascular SystemThe blood vascular System DefinitionDefinition: It is system of vessels through: It is system of vessels through which the blood passes to the tissues by thewhich the blood passes to the tissues by the continuous contraction of the heartcontinuous contraction of the heart The blood vascular system formed of:The blood vascular system formed of: - The heart- The heart - The arteries- The arteries - The veins- The veins - The capillaries- The capillaries
  • 5. The Basic Layers of the circulatoryThe Basic Layers of the circulatory systemsystem The inner layer called the tunica intimaThe inner layer called the tunica intima The middle layer called the tunica mediaThe middle layer called the tunica media The outer layer called the tunica adventitiaThe outer layer called the tunica adventitia
  • 6. The HeartThe Heart DefinitionDefinition: It is muscular organ which is: It is muscular organ which is located at the middle of the chest. It is functionlocated at the middle of the chest. It is function pumping of the bloodpumping of the blood It is formed of four chambers, tow atria and towIt is formed of four chambers, tow atria and tow ventricles they communicate withventricles they communicate with atrioventricular orificeatrioventricular orifice The right side of the heart carry non oxygenatedThe right side of the heart carry non oxygenated blood and the left carry oxygenatedblood and the left carry oxygenated
  • 7. The Histological structures of theThe Histological structures of the heartheart TheThe tunicatunica intimaintima: It is the inner layer called: It is the inner layer called the endocardium it formed of simple squamusthe endocardium it formed of simple squamus epithelium it separated from the tunica media byepithelium it separated from the tunica media by elastic fiberselastic fibers TheThe TunicaTunica mediamedia: called the myocardium. It: called the myocardium. It is muscular layer formed of cardiac muscle. Itis muscular layer formed of cardiac muscle. It thick in the ventriclesthick in the ventricles TheThe tunicatunica adventitiaadventitia: called the epicardium: called the epicardium formed of mesotheliumformed of mesothelium
  • 9. The conducting system of the heartThe conducting system of the heart DefinitionDefinition: It is formed modification of areas in: It is formed modification of areas in the myocardium of the heart to regulate thethe myocardium of the heart to regulate the contraction of the atria and ventriclescontraction of the atria and ventricles The conducting system formed of Sino atrialThe conducting system formed of Sino atrial node (S.A.N) and atrioventricular node (A.V.N)node (S.A.N) and atrioventricular node (A.V.N) and atrio ventricular bundle (A.V.B)and atrio ventricular bundle (A.V.B)
  • 10. The arterial systemThe arterial system DefinitionDefinition: The arterial system carry the: The arterial system carry the oxygenated blood from the heart to theoxygenated blood from the heart to the capillariescapillaries According to the size of the arteries there areAccording to the size of the arteries there are three types :three types : - Large arteries ( elastic arteries)Large arteries ( elastic arteries) - Medium arteries (muscular arteries)Medium arteries (muscular arteries) - Small arteries (arterioles)Small arteries (arterioles)
  • 11. The histological structure of theThe histological structure of the large arterieslarge arteries It is formed of the three basic layers:It is formed of the three basic layers: TheThe tunicatunica intimaintima: formed of simple squamuse: formed of simple squamuse epithelium called the endothelium rest onepithelium called the endothelium rest on basement membrane of elastic fibersbasement membrane of elastic fibers TunicaTunica mediamedia: It is thick layer formed of: It is thick layer formed of smooth muscle with elastic fibers distributedsmooth muscle with elastic fibers distributed between itbetween it TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagen fibers: formed of collagen fibers and small vessels called vasa vasorumand small vessels called vasa vasorum
  • 13. Large artery (cross sectionLarge artery (cross section((
  • 14. The histological structure mediumThe histological structure medium arteryartery TunicaTunica intimaintima: formed of endothelium separated: formed of endothelium separated from the tunica media by the internal elastic layerfrom the tunica media by the internal elastic layer tunicatunica mediamedia: It is muscular layer of smooth muscle it: It is muscular layer of smooth muscle it is thin than of the large arteries separated from theis thin than of the large arteries separated from the adventitia by the external elastic layeradventitia by the external elastic layer TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagenous fibers: formed of collagenous fibers support the artery with surrounded structuresupport the artery with surrounded structure
  • 16. Medium arteryMedium artery (longitudinal section(longitudinal section((
  • 17. The histological structure of smallThe histological structure of small arteriesarteries It is the terminal branches it is diameter less than 0,3It is the terminal branches it is diameter less than 0,3 mm.mm. TunicaTunica intimaintima: it is thin and formed of endothelium: it is thin and formed of endothelium TunicaTunica mediamedia: formed of smooth muscle arranged: formed of smooth muscle arranged into six layersinto six layers TunicaTunica adventitiaadventitia: formed of collagen fibers fused: formed of collagen fibers fused with the surrounded structurewith the surrounded structure The flow of the blood through the capillaries isThe flow of the blood through the capillaries is regulated mainly by this arteriesregulated mainly by this arteries
  • 18. Small artery (cross sectionSmall artery (cross section((
  • 19. The capillariesThe capillaries DefinitionDefinition: It is an inter connected thin walled: It is an inter connected thin walled vessels through which the material exchangevessels through which the material exchange between the blood and the tissuebetween the blood and the tissue The blood reach the capillaries through smallThe blood reach the capillaries through small arteries called pre capillary and leave it througharteries called pre capillary and leave it through small venules called post venulessmall venules called post venules
  • 20. Histological structure of capillariesHistological structure of capillaries The wall of the capillaries is thin and formed of layer ofThe wall of the capillaries is thin and formed of layer of endothelium of flat cells rest on basement membraneendothelium of flat cells rest on basement membrane The capillaries formed of many types according to theThe capillaries formed of many types according to the following:following: The diameter of the capillaries: the are tow types.The diameter of the capillaries: the are tow types. SmallSmall capillariescapillaries which formed most of the body capillaries.which formed most of the body capillaries. LargeLarge capillariescapillaries has large diameter and calledhas large diameter and called sinusoid it found in the liver, kidney and bone marrow.sinusoid it found in the liver, kidney and bone marrow.
  • 21. Type of capillariesType of capillaries According to the endothelium lining the capillaries: theAccording to the endothelium lining the capillaries: the are three type of capillariesare three type of capillaries A-A- continuouscontinuous capillariescapillaries: there is no opening: there is no opening between the endothelium cells this type formed thebetween the endothelium cells this type formed the most of the body capillariesmost of the body capillaries B-B- fenestratedfenestrated capillariescapillaries: in this type there are: in this type there are opening between the endothelium cellsopening between the endothelium cells C-C- discontinuousdiscontinuous capillariescapillaries: part of the capillaries: part of the capillaries formed by surrounding tissue found in the liverformed by surrounding tissue found in the liver
  • 22. Type of capillariesType of capillaries According to the arteriovenouse shunt: someAccording to the arteriovenouse shunt: some capillaries has shunt to rapid the process ofcapillaries has shunt to rapid the process of exchange of material between the blood and theexchange of material between the blood and the tissuestissues
  • 26. The venous systemThe venous system The venous system carry the non oxygenatedThe venous system carry the non oxygenated blood to the heart the veins collected to drainageblood to the heart the veins collected to drainage at the heartat the heart The blood passes in the venous system by theThe blood passes in the venous system by the external pressure due to muscle contractions,external pressure due to muscle contractions, respiration and the valves found in the veinsrespiration and the valves found in the veins
  • 27. Histological structures of the smallHistological structures of the small veinsveins -- tunicatunica intimaintima: formed of endothelium and: formed of endothelium and not contain elastic fibersnot contain elastic fibers -- tunicatunica mediamedia: formed of tow layers of smooth: formed of tow layers of smooth muscle and it is very thinmuscle and it is very thin -- tunicatunica adventitiaadventitia: it is formed of collagen: it is formed of collagen fibers connected the vein with the surroundedfibers connected the vein with the surrounded structuresstructures
  • 28. Small vein (cross sectionSmall vein (cross section((
  • 29. Histological structures of theHistological structures of the medium veinsmedium veins The medium veins formed by the collection ofThe medium veins formed by the collection of the small veins and drainage into the large veinsthe small veins and drainage into the large veins The histological structure is similar to the smallThe histological structure is similar to the small veins but the tunica media is thicker and containveins but the tunica media is thicker and contain elastic fiberselastic fibers
  • 30. The medium veinThe medium vein
  • 31. The large veinThe large vein This like the femoral vein, renal vein the formedThis like the femoral vein, renal vein the formed by the collection of the medium veinby the collection of the medium vein It is structure similar to the medium vein but theIt is structure similar to the medium vein but the tunica media very thick and contain collagentunica media very thick and contain collagen fibers and the internal elastic layer may presentfibers and the internal elastic layer may present
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