This document contains sections for collecting a patient's personal and family medical history. It includes areas to document their name, age, gender, occupation, motivation for the consultation, childhood and adolescent development, adult and elderly development, health, school, work, family, and sexual histories. Current context, habits, physical and mental state, and histories of loss and crisis are also addressed. The purpose is to comprehensively understand the patient's background and current presentation.
FORMATO HISTORIA CLÍNICAPriscilla PinedaThis document contains a clinical history form from the School of Medicine at the Technical University of Machala. The form collects identifying and demographic information about a patient such as their name, age, sex, ethnicity, occupation, and medical history. It documents the patient's chief complaints, current illness, past medical history, habits, and socioeconomic status. The second half of the form contains the results of the patient's physical examination including vital signs, general appearance, and a systems review. [/SUMMARY]
Formato de Historia ClinicaroogaonaThis document contains a clinical history form for a patient, collecting information about their family medical history, personal medical history, current complaints, and physical exam findings. Sections include ancestry, habits, gynecological history, review of symptoms by body system, and vital signs. The physical exam section documents the general impression and assessments of head, neck, and other body areas.
Historia Clínica Medicina Frederick MelaraThe document contains a patient's medical history and physical examination report. It includes personal details, present illness, past medical history, social history, review of systems, physical exam findings for major body systems, diagnosis, and clinical impression. The physical exam section is highly detailed, covering vital signs, general appearance, skin, head, eyes, ears, nose/throat, neck, lungs, heart, abdomen, joints, muscles, extremities, and neurological system.
JMA English Class ID StudentsEdison ClaseThis document is a basic personal information form requesting a person's name, last name, age, date of birth, sex, city, country, nationality, contact information, class, email, address, and includes a space for a photo. The form collects essential biographical and contact details about an individual.
Anamnese musicoterápica integralidadesAlexandre AraujoThis document contains an anamnesis form for music therapy, collecting information such as the patient's name, age, address, medical and psychological diagnoses, symptoms, family history, life events, relationships, and musical experiences. It gathers socioeconomic data, medical history, developmental history from childhood through adulthood, and current symptoms to help evaluate the patient and their suitability for music therapy. Non-verbal observations of the patient are also noted. The goal is to understand the full clinical picture for treatment planning.
history performa.docx.docxHafsaKhalid64This document contains sections for collecting a patient's personal history and background information, including their name, age, occupation, family history, medical history, and presenting complaints. It also includes sections to document the patient's personality, relationships, response to stress, life goals, and to outline a management plan and treatment goals.
Ccym application formAngela FranciscoThis document is an application form for the Catholic Charismatic Youth Ministry at the University of San Jose-Recoletos for the 2015-2016 school year. It requests personal information like name, birthdate, address, family details, as well as scholastic history, hobbies, reasons for joining the ministry, and previous organizations involved in. The applicant signs and dates the bottom of the form.
Ficha clinica odilyzonia Odily Ramirez PeñaThis document appears to be a form for collecting personal and family history information from a patient for a psychology assessment. The form includes sections for personal details, reason for consultation, medical history, personal and family medical histories, social history, employment history, psycho-sexual history, examination results, psychological studies, clinical diagnosis and code, treatment and evolution, prognosis, and sources of information. A psychologist or student would fill out this extensive form to gather a holistic understanding of a patient's background to inform their diagnosis and treatment.
1 historia psicopedagogicaHomecenter SODIMACThis document contains sections for general information, history, family history, expectations, diagnostic presumption, and treatment plan for a student. It collects data on prenatal and birth history, developmental milestones, medical history, school performance, family structure and education levels. Test results are listed for intelligence, motor skills, emotions, and other areas. The final sections provide space for diagnosis, recommended psychological treatment, and additional notes.
Formato de Historia Psicopedagógica.docx.pdfNoheliaVidal2This document contains sections for collecting a student's personal information, medical and family history, educational background, parent expectations and support, results of psychological assessments, a presumed diagnosis, recommended psychological treatment, and additional notes. Specifically, it requests details on the student's name, age, birthdate, school, grades, address, informant contact information. It also includes spaces to describe the student's prenatal history, birth, feeding, development of motor skills, illnesses, and schooling progression. Finally, it outlines sections for parent feedback and perspectives on their child's strengths and needs.
Case presentation for nursing studentPatel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history, including their identification details, chief complaints, history of present and past illnesses, social history, physical examination findings, diagnostic test results, current medications, details of their condition, nursing care plan, and progress notes. It was created to comprehensively document all relevant information about a patient's health and treatment.
Case study for nursing studentsPatel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history and physical examination findings. It records identifying information about the patient like name, age, address. It documents the patient's chief complaints, medical history, social history, family history, habits, physical examination findings including vital signs, systems examinations of head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdomen and more. The physical examination section contains very detailed findings of assessments of multiple body systems and areas.
Caes performa for vet studnets of IUBUsman KhalidThis veterinary case recording form collects information about an animal patient's owner, the animal's description and medical history, clinical examination findings, potential diagnoses, treatment, and the veterinarian's signature. It includes fields for the owner's name and contact details, the animal's species, breed, sex, age, and color, the history provided by the owner, physical exam measurements of temperature, pulse, respiration, and notes on palpation and aspiration, a list of potential diagnoses, the veterinarian's tentative diagnosis, and the treatment plan prescribed.
Fichade avaliação geriatriaLindalva AraujoThe document is a physiotherapy evaluation of a patient. It includes information about the patient such as name, age, medical history, symptoms, medications, and vital signs. The evaluation examines the patient's neurological, respiratory, musculoskeletal, mobility, skin, digestive, and genitourinary systems. Based on the evaluation, the physiotherapist provides a diagnosis, treatment objectives, and treatment plan.
Candidacy formFelino DatinguinooThis document contains a candidacy form for a student government election. It requests personal information from the candidate such as name, grade level, address, and birthdate. It also asks for contact information and occupations of the candidate's father and mother. The candidate must write a letter of candidacy pledging to serve for the common good rather than power. The candidate's parents must permit their child to run and pledge support. School officials must verify the candidate's eligibility, which includes being a student in good academic and moral standing without disciplinary issues.
Anamnese Adulto uso psicologico na terapiaPollianaCristina1This document contains a form collecting personal and medical information about a patient. It requests details such as the patient's name, date of birth, contact information, medical history, family history, symptoms, and developmental milestones. The form is used to gather information from the patient for assessment and treatment.
Write for Rights- International Day of Human Rights- 2014:USAMercy M. M. CamposThis letter is addressed to President Obama requesting the immediate release of Chelsea Manning from prison. It summarizes that Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified US government documents to Wikileaks, some of which revealed potential human rights abuses. The letter argues that Manning's treatment during detention, including 11 months in conditions described as cruel and inhuman, were unnecessary and disproportionate. It urges the president to ensure any abuses exposed are investigated, protect whistleblowers, and release Manning immediately.
historia clinicayulissa pomaThis document contains a multimodal clinical history form for adults. It collects information about the patient's name, age, profession, address, phone number, date, chief complaint, triggering factors for the current episode, family history, social and family support systems, and observations. It also includes sections to summarize the patient's cognitive, affective, somatic, and interpersonal areas, and provides space for a diagnosis.
BVLC Membership Application RevisedChauntain ShieldsThis document contains a membership application for the Boise Vista Lions Club. It requests personal information such as name, contact details, occupation, date of birth, and spouse's name. It outlines various membership fees for new, transfer, student, and family members. It includes a section for applicants to provide additional information about themselves, their hobbies, employment, family, and past volunteer experience. The final section requires the applicant's signature to agree to the membership terms and conditions.
Advance figure intelligence test (answer sheet)Polytechnic University of the PhilippinesThis document appears to be an intelligence test consisting of 5 sets of figures (A, B, C, D, E) with 40 questions total. The participant is asked to provide identifying information and the test is timed. Their raw score and percentile are calculated after completion.
Student trackingEDITHA HONRADEZThis document contains personal information about a 9-year-old Filipino girl named Lorraine Lumawod including her family background, educational performance, health, and home environment. She lives with her family who assists with her homework. Her family owns their home and has basic appliances and utilities. Records show no absenteeism or dropout history for Lorraine who attends a Catholic elementary school within distance of her home. Health records note she has received routine immunizations and has no reported illnesses or accidents.
Care plan format for nursing students Patel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history and examination report. It includes sections on the patient's identification data, chief complaints, history of present illness, past medical history, habits, physical examination findings, and current medications. The physical examination section documents observations about the patient's general appearance, vital signs, and examination of major body systems.
Form for documentationMichelle CelestinoThis is the form which you will use in your documentation.Do not forget to fill all the information about the informant. This is very important.
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVANThis presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Presentació "Projecte Benestar". MWC 2025Badalona Serveis AssistencialsPresentació que va acompanyar la demostració pràctica de metge d'Innovació José Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de març de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
Solubilization in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts, Mechanisms & Enhancement...KHUSHAL CHAVANThis presentation provides an in-depth understanding of solubilization and its critical role in pharmaceutical formulations. It covers:
Definition & Mechanisms of Solubilization
Role of surfactants, micelles, and bile salts in drug solubility
Factors affecting solubilization (pH, polarity, particle size, temperature, etc.)
Methods to enhance drug solubility (Buffers, Co-solvents, Surfactants, Complexation, Solid Dispersions)
Advanced approaches (Polymorphism, Salt Formation, Co-crystallization, Prodrugs)
This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical scientists, formulation experts, regulatory professionals, and students interested in improving drug solubility and bioavailability.
Macafem Reviews 2024 - Macafem for Menopause SymptomsMacafem SupplementAt Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
1 historia psicopedagogicaHomecenter SODIMACThis document contains sections for general information, history, family history, expectations, diagnostic presumption, and treatment plan for a student. It collects data on prenatal and birth history, developmental milestones, medical history, school performance, family structure and education levels. Test results are listed for intelligence, motor skills, emotions, and other areas. The final sections provide space for diagnosis, recommended psychological treatment, and additional notes.
Formato de Historia Psicopedagógica.docx.pdfNoheliaVidal2This document contains sections for collecting a student's personal information, medical and family history, educational background, parent expectations and support, results of psychological assessments, a presumed diagnosis, recommended psychological treatment, and additional notes. Specifically, it requests details on the student's name, age, birthdate, school, grades, address, informant contact information. It also includes spaces to describe the student's prenatal history, birth, feeding, development of motor skills, illnesses, and schooling progression. Finally, it outlines sections for parent feedback and perspectives on their child's strengths and needs.
Case presentation for nursing studentPatel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history, including their identification details, chief complaints, history of present and past illnesses, social history, physical examination findings, diagnostic test results, current medications, details of their condition, nursing care plan, and progress notes. It was created to comprehensively document all relevant information about a patient's health and treatment.
Case study for nursing studentsPatel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history and physical examination findings. It records identifying information about the patient like name, age, address. It documents the patient's chief complaints, medical history, social history, family history, habits, physical examination findings including vital signs, systems examinations of head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdomen and more. The physical examination section contains very detailed findings of assessments of multiple body systems and areas.
Caes performa for vet studnets of IUBUsman KhalidThis veterinary case recording form collects information about an animal patient's owner, the animal's description and medical history, clinical examination findings, potential diagnoses, treatment, and the veterinarian's signature. It includes fields for the owner's name and contact details, the animal's species, breed, sex, age, and color, the history provided by the owner, physical exam measurements of temperature, pulse, respiration, and notes on palpation and aspiration, a list of potential diagnoses, the veterinarian's tentative diagnosis, and the treatment plan prescribed.
Fichade avaliação geriatriaLindalva AraujoThe document is a physiotherapy evaluation of a patient. It includes information about the patient such as name, age, medical history, symptoms, medications, and vital signs. The evaluation examines the patient's neurological, respiratory, musculoskeletal, mobility, skin, digestive, and genitourinary systems. Based on the evaluation, the physiotherapist provides a diagnosis, treatment objectives, and treatment plan.
Candidacy formFelino DatinguinooThis document contains a candidacy form for a student government election. It requests personal information from the candidate such as name, grade level, address, and birthdate. It also asks for contact information and occupations of the candidate's father and mother. The candidate must write a letter of candidacy pledging to serve for the common good rather than power. The candidate's parents must permit their child to run and pledge support. School officials must verify the candidate's eligibility, which includes being a student in good academic and moral standing without disciplinary issues.
Anamnese Adulto uso psicologico na terapiaPollianaCristina1This document contains a form collecting personal and medical information about a patient. It requests details such as the patient's name, date of birth, contact information, medical history, family history, symptoms, and developmental milestones. The form is used to gather information from the patient for assessment and treatment.
Write for Rights- International Day of Human Rights- 2014:USAMercy M. M. CamposThis letter is addressed to President Obama requesting the immediate release of Chelsea Manning from prison. It summarizes that Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking classified US government documents to Wikileaks, some of which revealed potential human rights abuses. The letter argues that Manning's treatment during detention, including 11 months in conditions described as cruel and inhuman, were unnecessary and disproportionate. It urges the president to ensure any abuses exposed are investigated, protect whistleblowers, and release Manning immediately.
historia clinicayulissa pomaThis document contains a multimodal clinical history form for adults. It collects information about the patient's name, age, profession, address, phone number, date, chief complaint, triggering factors for the current episode, family history, social and family support systems, and observations. It also includes sections to summarize the patient's cognitive, affective, somatic, and interpersonal areas, and provides space for a diagnosis.
BVLC Membership Application RevisedChauntain ShieldsThis document contains a membership application for the Boise Vista Lions Club. It requests personal information such as name, contact details, occupation, date of birth, and spouse's name. It outlines various membership fees for new, transfer, student, and family members. It includes a section for applicants to provide additional information about themselves, their hobbies, employment, family, and past volunteer experience. The final section requires the applicant's signature to agree to the membership terms and conditions.
Advance figure intelligence test (answer sheet)Polytechnic University of the PhilippinesThis document appears to be an intelligence test consisting of 5 sets of figures (A, B, C, D, E) with 40 questions total. The participant is asked to provide identifying information and the test is timed. Their raw score and percentile are calculated after completion.
Student trackingEDITHA HONRADEZThis document contains personal information about a 9-year-old Filipino girl named Lorraine Lumawod including her family background, educational performance, health, and home environment. She lives with her family who assists with her homework. Her family owns their home and has basic appliances and utilities. Records show no absenteeism or dropout history for Lorraine who attends a Catholic elementary school within distance of her home. Health records note she has received routine immunizations and has no reported illnesses or accidents.
Care plan format for nursing students Patel DharmendraThis document contains a patient's medical history and examination report. It includes sections on the patient's identification data, chief complaints, history of present illness, past medical history, habits, physical examination findings, and current medications. The physical examination section documents observations about the patient's general appearance, vital signs, and examination of major body systems.
Form for documentationMichelle CelestinoThis is the form which you will use in your documentation.Do not forget to fill all the information about the informant. This is very important.
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVANThis presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Presentació "Projecte Benestar". MWC 2025Badalona Serveis AssistencialsPresentació que va acompanyar la demostració pràctica de metge d'Innovació José Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de març de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
Solubilization in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Concepts, Mechanisms & Enhancement...KHUSHAL CHAVANThis presentation provides an in-depth understanding of solubilization and its critical role in pharmaceutical formulations. It covers:
Definition & Mechanisms of Solubilization
Role of surfactants, micelles, and bile salts in drug solubility
Factors affecting solubilization (pH, polarity, particle size, temperature, etc.)
Methods to enhance drug solubility (Buffers, Co-solvents, Surfactants, Complexation, Solid Dispersions)
Advanced approaches (Polymorphism, Salt Formation, Co-crystallization, Prodrugs)
This resource is valuable for pharmaceutical scientists, formulation experts, regulatory professionals, and students interested in improving drug solubility and bioavailability.
Macafem Reviews 2024 - Macafem for Menopause SymptomsMacafem SupplementAt Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
Acute & Chronic Inflammation, Chemical mediators in Inflammation and Wound he...Ganapathi VankudothA complete information of Inflammation, it includes types of Inflammation, purpose of Inflammation, pathogenesis of acute inflammation, chemical mediators in inflammation, types of chronic inflammation, wound healing and Inflammation in skin repair, phases of wound healing, factors influencing wound healing and types of wound healing.
Asthma: Causes, Types, Symptoms & Management – A Comprehensive OverviewDr Aman Suresh TharayilThis presentation provides a detailed yet concise overview of Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. It covers the definition, etiology (causes), different types, signs & symptoms, and common triggers of asthma. The content highlights both allergic (extrinsic) and non-allergic (intrinsic) asthma, along with specific forms like exercise-induced, occupational, drug-induced, and nocturnal asthma.
Whether you are a healthcare professional, student, or someone looking to understand asthma better, this presentation offers valuable insights into the condition and its management.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar – USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAireBest Sampling Practices Webinar – USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
💡 Key Topics Covered:
✔️ Viable air & surface sampling best practices
✔️ USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
✔️ How to analyze & trend viable sample data
✔️ Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
🎥 Watch Now:
📢 Stay informed—follow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
MLS 208 - UNIT 1- Lecture Notes - ETANDO AYUK - SANU - Secured.pdfEswatini Medical Christian University - EMCU / Southern Nazarene University - SANUUnit 1: Introduction to Histological and Cytological techniques
Differentiate histology and cytology
Overview on tissue types
Function and components of the compound light microscope
Overview on common Histological Techniques:
o Fixation
o Grossing
o Tissue processing
o Microtomy
o Staining
o Mounting
Application of histology and cytology
MALE REPRODUCTIVE PHYSIOLOGY up load.pptxYIHENEW CHALLIE LIYEWMale animal reproductive physiology including sexual maturity ,reproductive hormone ,sperm production
Renal Physiology - Regulation of GFR and RBFMedicoseAcademics1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
Cardiac Arrhythmias for paramedical students.helanmariaarockkiasaCardiac Arrhythmia definition, classification, normal sinus rhythm, characteristics , types and management with medical ,surgical & nursing, health education and nursing diagnosis for paramedical students.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza AminnejadLocal anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, we’ll explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PNEUMONIA.....maheenmazhar021This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
💡 Key Topics Covered:
✅ Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
✅ Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
✅ Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
✅ Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
✅ Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
✅ Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
🔬 Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonia’s morphological aspects.
Nombre: ____________________________________________________
Edad: ______________________________________________________
Género: __________________ Estado civil: ________________________
Religión: ____________________________________________________
Domicilio: ___________________________________________________
Ocupación: __________________________________________________
Nivel socioeconómico: _________________________________________
Escolaridad: _________________________________________________
a) Conciencia: (lúcido, confuso, comatoso, somnoliento, etc)
b) Atención: (atento, ausente, distraído, preocupado, relajado, disperso,
c) Sensopercepción: (alucinaciones visuales, auditivas, gustativas,
táctiles, etc)
d) Orientación: (tiempo: día de la semana, mes, espacio, cuidado, lugar,
e) Memoria: ____________________________________________________