1) Canlaon City was originally a wilderness area called Sitio Mabigo populated by migrants in 1808.
2) In 1850, Don Diego de la Vinay de la Rosa and his son Jose crossed Mount Kanlaon and passed through Sitio Mabigo, which later became a progressive village.
3) Sitio Mabigo served as a base for the revolutionary forces during the Philippine Revolution in 1896 and a hideout for resistance fighters during the American occupation in the early 1900s.
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History of canlaon
1. Historyof CanlaonCity
The SpanishEra
Canlaonwasknownthenas SitioMabigowhere the lushvegetationof bigo,treesabound. Itwas
predominantlyawildernessarearuledbyanative chieftaincalledSaniko. The settlementbeganto
grow whenmigrantsfromIloiloandAntiquecame in1808 and laterfollowedin1812 by groupsfrom
Cebuand Bohol toPanubigan.
In 1850, the DonDiegode la Vinay de la Rosa a wealthyHalf SpanishfromManila,migratedtoNegros.
Upon hisarrival,he wonderedwhatlaybehindthe majesticMountKanlaonVolcano.Togetherwithhis
onlyson,Jose de la Vinayde la Cruz,theycrossedthe mountainsonhorseback. TheypassedbySitio
Mabigo (the presentsite of the city) andPanubiganbefore reachingthe easternsideof the islandatthe
mouthof PinokawanRiver(now BarrioBagawines). SitioMabigo,the original settlementwithinthe
hacienda,laterbecame aprogressive village.
Philippine RevolutionEra
At the outbreakof the Philippine Revolutionin1896, DonDiegode la Vinajoinedthe revolutionand
appointedbyGeneral EmilioAguinaldothroughDonJuanAranetaof Bago,NegrosOccidental tolead
the revolutionaryforcesinNegrosOriental withthe rankof BrigadierGeneral. Hisson,Jose de laVina
and KapitanSanikoledthe local revolutionarymovement. The formerbecame the Te単ente Colonelde
la Revolucionmakingone of hisencomiendaatSitioMabigoas hisbase of defense orrefuge.
Whenthe Americanscame inthe early1900s, one of the native chiefsof MabigoandPanubigan,
TranquilinoKilanan,foughtthe Americansandlaterdiedinthe battle of Panubigan. Duringthe
Americanoccupation,Mabigobecame ahideoutof the resistance movement;the notedoneswere Papa
2. Japanese Occupation
Towardsthe endof 1942, CommonwealthPresidentManuel L.Quezonandhisparty made a brief
sojourninBarangay Panubiganontheirwayto Mindanaofor Australiatoescape the Japanese
impendingoccupation. Onthe same year,Japanese fighterplanesbombedthe place includingSitio
Mabigo because theyconsideritasguerillamovementstronghold.
A Townis Born
Whenthe Japanese Imperial Armyunconditionallysurrenderedin1945 and the consequentdeclaration
of PhilippinesIndependenceonJuly4 the followingyear,the effortsof IsidroM.Bautista,Sr.came to
fulfillmentwhenPresidentRoxassignedExecutive OrderNo.19 creatingCanlaona new municipalityon
October11, 1946. The newmunicipalityof CanlaoncoversMabigo,Panubigan,and nine (9) other
formerSitios. The seatof governmentwasSitioMabigo. Itwas finallyinaugurationonJanuary1,1947,
withIsidroM. Bautistaas the firstMunicipal Mayor.
Aware of the townsconceivable growthintoacity,Hon. LorenzoG. Teves,Congressmanof the First
Districtof NegrosOriental,filedHouse Bill4346 callingforthe creationof the Cityof Canlaon.He got full
supportand the backingof 15 othercongressional representativesfromCebu,PanayandNegros
Occidental.The bill passedinthe LowerHouse withoutdifficultybutencounteredstrongresistance from
the Senate.The Senate however,laterpassthe bill thatlaterbecame knownasRepublicAct3445.
FormerPresidentCarlosP.Garcia,however,didnotsignthe approvedbill.However,peoplesdream
finallycame intorealitybyvirtue of ProclamationNo.193,datedApril 20, 1967 signedbyPresident
FerdinandE.Marcos proclaimingthe creationof the Cityof Canlaon.The cityschartertookeffecton
July2, 1967.
The firstCityMayor wasHon. IsidoroM. Bautista,Sr. whowasalso the municipal mayorsince 1947. He
was the citymayor from1967 to 1970. His sonIsidoroV.Bautista,Jr.succeededhimfrom1970 and
throughthe Martial lawyearsfrom 1972 until 1986.
3. AboutCanlaonCity
Historyof CanlaonCity
Facts and Figures
Map of CanlaonCity
Legendof Mt. Kanlaon
Organizational Structure
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