Ancient societies had simple hair styles like long or cropped hair held with bands. Aristocrats had more complex styles, like Sumerian noblewomen who dressed their hair in plaits and nets. In the Muslim world and East, men's hair was modestly covered while women's hair was washed at public baths. African hair styles indicated status through techniques like shaving, dyeing, bleaching or stiffening hair. Modern hairdressing involves styling healthy hair, washing it regularly, coloring it safely, and cutting it with scissors or razors to shape short styles.
2. Ancient World
In early and primitive societies the simplest hair style, worn by the
common people, was long or cropped hair usually held in a fillet or
band. Aristocrats developed distinctive and more complex styles.
Sumerian noblewomen. for example, dressed their hair in a heavy,
netted chignon, rolls, and plaits around the head or Ietting it fall thickly
over the shoulders.
3. • The Non-Western World-Tbe Muslim World
and the East Among Muslims
- traditionally, the hair was modestly concealed in public
under the man's headdoth, turban, or fez or the woman's
veil. Both men and women, however, attended their
respective hammams (public baths), where the men
were shaved (sometimes the whole head except for the
long topknot) and their beards were trimmed. The
women's long hair was washed and often given
a henna rinse.
4. Africa
-Africans developed complex hair styles indicative of status. Some
involved shaving the head, dyeing the hair with red earth and grease,
bleaching it with ammonia, Or stiffening it with dung. Among the Masai,
for example, non warriors and women shaved their heads while
warriors tied their front hair into three sections of tiny braids.
6. Washing. Clean, healthy hair is the basis of any hair style. In addition
to brushing, dry hair requires shampooing once a week, oily hair
perhaps every day.
Coloring Because hair coloring is constantly being improved and
tested scientifically and is subject to rigid quality controls, more women
than ever before can color their hair safely and achieve a natural effect.
Most errors stem from the user's carelessness.
7. Cutting Fundamental to a short hair style is the cut. A blunt cut with
scissors makes the ends -.of the hair straight. Cutting with a razor
tapers the ends so that they cling close to the head.
Setting and Waving. Most hair, especially if it is short, needs to be
arranged in a certain position while wet to give it shape when dry