This document discusses the history and development of human rights from ancient codes of law to modern declarations and conventions. It mentions several important documents and events that established or expanded rights and protections for individuals, including the Code of Hammurabi in 1772 BCE, the Cyrus Cylinder in 539 BCE, the Twelve Tables in Rome in 450 BCE, and the edicts of Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE that promoted tolerance. It continues discussing documents from the Magna Carta in 1215 to the works of John Locke and declarations of rights in the 17th-18th centuries that established concepts of natural and legal rights. International agreements in the 19th-20th centuries such as the Geneva Conventions further advanced
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2. c?vPxbevwejb
bvixiAwaKvi, cyi??liAwaKvi, wk?iAwaKvi, `vm?`iAwaKvij?N?bi????kvw??iee?veY?bvKivn?q?Q|
1772 wL?: c~: (Avby:)
Code of laws of Hammurabi
Louvre museum, Paris Middle East antiques.
3. The cylinder now lies in theBritish Museum, and a replica is kept at theUnited Nations Headquarters.
m?vUmvBivm`v ?M?U evwejbR?qicimvBivmwmwj?viGiBmyK?ib|
539 wL?: c~:
11. fvwR?wbqv?NvlYv(Virginia Declaration of Rights) 1776 wL?t?ekwKQz?g?wjKAwaKviI ?^vaxbZvwba?viYK?i?`q| cieZ?xav?cgvwK?bhy?iv??i ?^vaxbZv?NvlYvi`wjj(United States Declaration of Independence) c?vKwZKAwaKv?iiaviYv?Khy? K?i|
18 kZK
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) divwmwec??ei?g?wjK`wjj, hvc?vKwZKAwaKv?iimv?_ mvg?m?i?Lew?MZ I ?RvUMZfv?egvby?liAwaKv?iiK_vD?j?LK?i?Qhvmve?Rbxb, mKjmgqI mKj????iRbc??hvR|
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