This document summarizes a presentation about the famous Heineken advertising campaign from the 1970s. The summary includes:
1) The campaign broke conventions of beer advertising by focusing on how Heineken "refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach" but initial research advised against the campaign.
2) However, the agency persevered not just for creative reasons but because of business factors like Heineken targeting women buyers and expanding off-trade sales.
3) While the ads were widely discussed, research showed Heineken's market share did not significantly increase relative to competitors taking advantage of the same market growth. The campaign was successful to a point but other brands eventually surpassed Heineken.
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'Hit or myth', the real story behind Heineken's famous 'refreshes the parts' ad campaign
The truth about the
Heineken ad campaign
A presentation by
Kevin McLean
8. The Great Heineken
Advertising Myth
Heinekens Refreshes the parts other beers cannot
reach met with huge resistance on first showing, as it
broke all the rules of beer advertising.The team was
brave enough to ignore the results (of the qualitative
research) That intuition proved to be right and the
campaign went on to be one of the most successful
ever, building both sales and brand image over many
David Taylor, The Brand Gym
9. 1. Heinekens advertising was
courageous and different to
what had gone before
Things are better after
its really a bit like Double Diamond works
wonders Whitbread research, 1974
10. 2. The research said dont do it after
the first couple of ads were made
The first research - Paul Gildon
Sample: 30 interviews, male lager drinkers
Ads shown:
Piano Tuner,
evaluate the 3 commercials in terms of communication and
identify any particular strengths and weaknesses
provide creative guidance for development
11. The research said dont do it
Researched days after ads launched
whats beer got to do with ears?
Ads on strategy
Refreshment as an advertising idea
concentrates exclusively on the restorative
effect of Heineken at the expense of its
appeal as an enjoyable drink
will the advertising vehicle deliver enough
brand equity?
12. The research said dont do it
more research carried out five months later
(Strategic Planning Unit)
20 interviews, similar objectives
showed first two ads plus Potter and Frankenstein
ads found clever, amusing, they stood out...
strong, but qualified endorsement of the campaign
13. The research said dont do it
Also pointed out the ads:
enjoyed as advertising, position the brand
away from everyday
a strong creative idea - a brand property?
NB product quality cues and user values - the
residual communication
The Myth Created that research cannot deal
with creative ideas
in this case, showed that it can
and maybe got it more or less right
14. 3. The agency persevered, for creative
reasons, so strongly did they believe in
the campaign
They were right to persevere
but it had much more to do with business
than creative reasons
At Whitbread:
the tied estate - brewer domination
15. D看稼
t w
pin rt
, the qua
h y t s a
rop ks i
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set to change
17. The agency persevered for creative reasons?
At Whitbread:
a revolution under way
off-trade customer profile (women)
Thresher: 235 shops in 1974, 1500 in 1993
marketing wins brewery power struggle
At the Agency
strong marketing backing - vested interests
carte blanche - why do research?
18. The campaign
Phase One: 1974 - 1988
Refreshes the parts
68 executions
Phase Two: 1989 - 1998
Only Heineken can do this
33 executions
Phase Three: 1998 - 2002
How refreshing, how Heineken
9 executions, including
Buy a pint of Heineken or well keep running
this commercial
19. 4. The campaign was highly
successful and increased
awareness and consumption
Certainly talked about
No. 29 in Channel 4s 100 Greatest Ads
also much talked up at the time
Huge sales increase of Heineken
could not make enough of it
so the ads are selling pints?
20. But.. Remember the
summer of 76?
74 and 75 were
nearly as hot!
market grew by 25%
CBL, Harp, Skol, Carlsberg..
.. all grew considerably
Heinekens share did not
appreciably increase
21. The campaign was highly successful?
Heineken did not gain significant share
relative to the competition
Surely the advertising improved brand
awareness and perceptions?
Not as much as you would think...
22. The campaign was highly successful?
The brand did score higher than average on
but tracking studies showed that other
image measures hardly changed in this first
campaign phase
Better scores later in the campaign?
26. The campaign was highly successful?
Highly successful, or successful up to a point
that point being around mid-80s?
John Wanamaker, WalMart founder, said in 1905
I know that half of my advertising dollars are wasted, but I
dont know which half
27. 5. Owning refreshment provided a
strong platform for the advertising
and for the brand
Refreshes - an advertising idea
More refreshing - product proposition
But Heineken was 3.2% abv (= gnats)
weaker than the competition
ads reinforced this
28. refreshment as a brand platform...
Viewer-as-viewer vs viewer-as-drinker
Ads reference world of stories, TV, film etc
Dixon of Dock Green Little Red Riding Hood
Frankenstein Leslie Phillips + Charles Hawtree
Star Trek Percy Thrower
Emperor Nero Norman Wisdom
makes connections, but...
29. refreshment as a long-term brand platform...
Do you remember the one about
Sally the musical seal
The Onion seller
The Snake charmer
The kebab singing oh Donna
The priest who blows a party popper?
What about
the scary movie with Julie Andrews
the annoying yuppie smothered by a red phone box
the Morris dancers who knock each other out?
33. refreshment as a long-term brand platform...
The residual communication of the ads:
user values (middle class, feminine, effete)
how drole, how Heineken
supported by weak product
and packaging cues (can, light green)
Heineken as the safe option
vs Royal Dutch or Hangoverbrau
or, a beer for ws
New brands and new values emerging...
35. refreshment as a long-term brand platform...
1992 launch of Heineken Export
Stephen Fry, smooth talking bar steward
But Whitbread switching focus to Stella
and Heineken gets into rugby sponsorship
1998 Heineken returns with new ads
how refreshing
characters acting against stereotype
eg helpful workmen, successful Blues man
36. 6. Heinekens advertising helped the
brand become a long-term success
In 2000 Interbrew took over Whitbread
brewing interests
license to brew Heineken expires
Heineken withdrawn from UK in Feb 2003
Joins Skol, Hofmeister, Harp
rather than Carling, Carlsberg, Fosters
37. a long-term success?
Heineken BV said...
During the 90s, Heineken Cold
Filtered continued to be a key
player in the standard lager
market however, tastes of
British drinkers were changing
As a result Heineken resumed
responsibility for its brand and
for the first time, the authentic,
Dutch-brewed Heineken (5%)
became available in the UK.
(well, wouldnt you?)
38. a long-term success?
So, farewell, then, standard Heineken
gone but not forgotten
thanks to all the ads
What did the advertising contribute to
the brands fortunes
part of its success and/or its downfall?
hardly as good as it was claimed (by ad
industry) at the expense of researchers
39. Conclusions
We said good qualitative research helps
to make great advertising
(at WARC presentation, there followed a
video with Surfer and Swimblack)
41. How does it work? Its a mystery
give me that
you have to
42. Conclusions
Use the tools, like the Creative Idea
useful discipline for ad development
provides focus, common ground
people see
the execution
and find the meaning
creative idea
43. Planners and
work together
Learn from each other
More training
Less attitude
better teamwork could
have saved Cold Filtered..