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Let me see....!........!!!!!!!!!! 
This shows 
the frailty of 
our Earth. We 
have to 
protect it 
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Leinfelder 
Haus der Zukunft (Berlin) gGmbH i.Gr. 
Images: Jaqueline Pulsack, UdK 
The Blue Marble 
Wow! Just see This. 
Earth is rising. How 
Anthropocene Working Group, Freie Universit辰t Berlin 
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Martyna Zalatyte, University of the Arts Berlin , 
(In: A. Hamann, H. Wagenbreth, H. Trischler, R. Leinfelder, 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Wyn Tiedmers, University of the Arts Berlin , 
(in: A. Hamann, H. Wagenbreth, H. Trischler, R. Leinfelder, 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
 Oceans are being used 
since onset of humankind  
but: new quality since 
 Oceans at risk: by direct use and indirect 
impact (e.g. climate change) 
 New options for use and access cause 
additional pressure 
F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' /,-0'K$0$%%'#)'$4L'@IJE'$M?' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
The Ocean as source and infrastructure 
 Food from the sea: fisheries and 
 Energy from the sea: from fossil to 
 Resources from the sea 
 Marine ecosystem services, e.g. genetic 
 Traffic: Shipping and trade 
Use of the Oceans 
from: Hamann et al 2014a 
F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' O' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
 Food from the sea: fisheries and 
 Energy from the sea: from fossil to 
 Resources from the sea 
 Marine ecosystem services, e.g. genetic 
 Traffic: Shipping and trade 
 Oceans as a dump and sink for waste 
of all kind 
Use of the Oceans 
The Ocean as sinkhole 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
from: Hamann et al 2014a 
 Sea-level rise 
 CO2-input and acidification 
 Dead zones 
 Pollution (nutrients, toxic substances, plastic), 
oil spills 
 Ecosystem destruction, 
loss of biodiversity (e.g. coral reefs) 
 Attention to interactions  
synergistic impacts 
The oceans have arrived in the anthropocene 
Threats to the Oceans 
Use of the Oceans 
The ocean as patient 
F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' Q' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
Status and trends of fish stocks worldwide 
Sources: Pauly, 2013; World Bank and FAO, 2009 
 Massive ecological damage 
 Economically unsound: US$ billions are lost 
 Far from sustainability 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Number of stocks [%] 
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Source: Alder and Sumaila, 2009; Worm et al., 2009 
/,-0'AFGH'@IJC' JJ' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
JIII&';' CI';' 
CIWOI';' JI';' 
@IWCI';' N';' 
*S.TUUB(&:$4L4;U0-&)W9$%Y#,-:&W&.#"(#&W0#9()#,,$%#$%' JC' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
8>#)"*'5L^#(%2#49#,' JE' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Anthropocene - Plastic and Coral Reefs 
`$,(-:&'&-:,"#&' JN' 
Source: Plastics Europe 2013 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
Up: Yesenia Thibault-Picazo, CRAFT IN THE 
ANTHROPOCENE - objects and scenarios 
Left: clastic plastiglomerate on Kamilo Beach, Hawaii 
(from Corcoran et al. 2014) 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Climate Change 
Change of Land 
Ocean acidification 
Source: Rockstr旦m et al., Nature, 24. Sept. 2009 
Nitrogen Cycle 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Biodiversity Loss 
Ozone Depletion 
Living with risks and likelihoods: The tipping point problem 
From : Hamann et al 2014a 
From : Lenton et al. 2008, PNAS 105, modified 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Principle of the freedom of the Seas mare liberum & res commis 
(Hugo Grotius,1608) shifted to a mare ordinarium situation 
Spatial scarcity 677$8*.is 91*:$%not 2:#'$ 
solely a technical problem 
but also depends on the social context it operates 
Provided by Bela Buck, AWI 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
e633'85f8'+JF' @E' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
from: Coral Triangle Report 2009 
The Time-Lag Problem 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
from: Coral Triangle Report 2009 
The Time-Lag Problem 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
e.g. Jurassic reef characteristics 
in Bocas del Toro, Panama 
increased sedimentation and 
eutrophication to study atavistic 
anthropogenic impacts result in 
low or medium complex reefs 
similarity of Porites thickets to 
Jurassic reef thickets 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Three guiding principles for future ocean use in the Anthropocene 
1. Precautionary principle (e.g. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992) 
- Ecosystem approach, incl. land/sea interactions 
- Earth system interactions: CO2, pH 
- Marine ecosystems and society 
3. Oceans as common heritage of mankind 
Guiding Principles 
Analysis of Ocean Governance 
Guiding Principles 
Analysis of Ocean Governance 
Threats to the Oceans 
Use of the Oceans 
2. Systemic approach 
Threats to the Oceans 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
Use of the Oceans 
Status Quo 
Source: WBGU, 2013 
+%)*,-.-"#%#T'd*#'Coastal-state sovereign rights 
and national c$,(%#'jurisdiction for 
resource management 
Reformed UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): integrates the implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) 
Int. Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS): extensive responsibility, rights of sanction vis--vis coastal states and RMMOs 
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) incl. implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) 
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) 
EEZb High seasc 
World Oceans Organization (WOO) 
Global stewardship function for marine conservation and sustainable management of all resources 
Integrates the International Seabed Authority and Continental Shelf Commission 
If coastal states or RMMOs fail to meet their remit: access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) 
Regional Marine Management Organizations (RMMOs) 
Regional stewardship function, accountability obligations vis--vis WOO 
Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with coastal states 
Coastal-state sovereign rights 
and national jurisdiction for 
resource management 
Reformed UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): integrates the implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) 
Int. Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS): extensive responsibility, rights of sanction vis--vis coastal states and RMMOs 
World Oceans Organization (WOO) 
Global stewardship EEZb function for marine conservation and sustainable management High seasc 
of all resources 
Integrates the International Seabed Authority and Continental Shelf Commission 
If coastal states or RMMOs fail to meet their remit: access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) 
Regional Marine Management Organizations (RMMOs) 
Regional stewardship function, accountability obligations vis--vis WOO 
Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with coastal states 
Scope of the common heritage of mankind principle 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
National Regional Global 
max. 350 nm 
The Areae 
continental shelfd 
12 nm max. 200 nm 
International Seabed Authority 
Responsible for the mineral 
resources of the Area 
Continental Shelf 
Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs): 
Fisheries management on the high seas including some straddling and highly migratory fish stocks 
Regional cooperation between the coastal states, 
e.g. in the UNEP Regional Seas Programme 
Contracting states of UNCLOS 
Contracting states of the FSA 
Limited accountability obligations vis--vis RFMOs, sustainable management of straddling and highly 
migratory fish stocks 
Mostly coastal-state 
sovereign rights and 
national jurisdiction 
Scope of the common 
heritage of mankind 
National Regional Global 
max. 350 nm 
The Areae 
continental shelfd 
12 nm max. 200 nm 
International Seabed Authority 
Responsible for the mineral 
resources of the Area 
Continental Shelf 
The Area as a 
common heritage of mankind 
Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs): 
Fisheries management on the high seas including some straddling and highly migratory fish stocks 
Regional cooperation between the coastal states, 
e.g. in the UNEP Regional Seas Programme 
Contracting states of UNCLOS 
Contracting states of the FSA 
Limited accountability obligations vis--vis RFMOs, sustainable management of straddling and highly 
migratory fish stocks 
Mostly coastal-state 
sovereign rights and 
national jurisdiction 
Scope of the common 
heritage of mankind 
National stewardship function 
Accountability obligations vis--vis WOO 
Sustainable management of all resources 
Sustainable management of straddling and 
highly migratory fish stocks together with 
Accountability obligations vis--vis RMMOs 
Sustainable management of all resources 
and reporting 
The oceans as the common heritage of mankind 
Regional cooperation with coastal states 
Regional treaties, UNEP Regional Seas Programme 
Marine conservation 
Sustainable management of resources (except mineral 
resources of the Area) 
Access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) 
Contracting states of the reformed UNCLOS 
The Areae 
12 nm 
max. 350 nm 
max. 200 nm 
National Regional Global 
High seasc 
continental shelfd 
Mostly coastal-state 
sovereign rights and 
national jurisdiction Integration area of the common heritage of mankind principle and 
coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction 
National stewardship function 
Accountability obligations vis--vis WOO 
Sustainable management of all resources 
Sustainable management of straddling and 
highly migratory fish stocks together with 
Accountability obligations vis--vis RMMOs 
Sustainable management of all resources 
and reporting 
The oceans as the common heritage of mankind 
Regional cooperation with coastal states 
Regional treaties, UNEP Regional Seas Programme 
Marine conservation 
Sustainable management of resources (except mineral 
resources of the Area) 
Access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) 
Contracting states of the reformed UNCLOS 
d*$%>';-:The Areae 
12 nm 
max. 350 nm 
max. 200 nm 
National Regional Global 
High seasc 
continental shelfd 
Mostly coastal-state 
Scope of the common heritage of mankind principle 
sovereign rights and 
national jurisdiction Integration area of the common heritage of mankind principle and 
coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction 
 Oceans have reached the Anthropocene 
 Oceans are under anthropogenic influence since long, but the Great 
Acceleration (1950) does change sediment characteristics: 
 Decrease in biodiversity, homogenisation trend and lateral shifts in 
biotic patterns, reduction of coral reef complexity and numbers, 
increase in anoxic sediments 
 Sediments with different geochemical signals, high amounts of 
anthropogenic particles (plastic, glass, industrial particles) 
 Starvation of siliciclastic and calciclastic shallow-water sands (owing to 
damming of rivers and excavations of marine sands), non-natural, non-predictable 
sediment patters. 
 BAU: total collapse of coral reefs, extinction phase of other organisms, 
no calcareous sediments, spreading out of anoxic sediments and 
 Mitigation/Adaptation: Human-aided, adapted reef types, continuation 
of calcareous sediments, Human-aided beach bars, mangrove shoals, 
islands, lower rates of plasticlastics. CE' 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 
息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin

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  • 1. !"#$%&'(%')*#'+%)*,-.-"#%#'' /,-0')*#'1#0(&#'-2'3-,$4'5##2&')-')*#'5(&#'-2'64$&7"'8#9(0#%)&' Let me see....!........!!!!!!!!!! This shows the frailty of our Earth. We have to protect it Prof. Dr. Reinhold Leinfelder Haus der Zukunft (Berlin) gGmbH i.Gr. Images: Jaqueline Pulsack, UdK The Blue Marble Wow! Just see This. Earth is rising. How beautiful! Anthropocene Working Group, Freie Universit辰t Berlin Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich !%')*#'<$;')-')*#'+%)*,-.-"#%#'='<#'>%-<'$?-:)')*#'4$%9' 2-,'(%)#,%$4':&#'-%4;' @' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !%')*#'<$;')-')*#'+%)*,-.-"#%#'=' A#'#B#%'>%-<'$?-:)')*#'$)0-&.*#,#' Martyna Zalatyte, University of the Arts Berlin , (In: A. Hamann, H. Wagenbreth, H. Trischler, R. Leinfelder, 2014 C' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !%')*#'A$;')-')*#'+%)*,-.-"#%#'='A*$)'9-'<#'>%-<'$?-:)')*#'&#$&D' Wyn Tiedmers, University of the Arts Berlin , (in: A. Hamann, H. Wagenbreth, H. Trischler, R. Leinfelder, 2014) E' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 2. !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Oceans are being used since onset of humankind but: new quality since industrialisation Oceans at risk: by direct use and indirect impact (e.g. climate change) New options for use and access cause additional pressure F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' /,-0'K$0$%%'#)'$4L'@IJE'$M?' N' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' The Ocean as source and infrastructure Food from the sea: fisheries and aquaculture Energy from the sea: from fossil to renewable Resources from the sea Marine ecosystem services, e.g. genetic resources Traffic: Shipping and trade Use of the Oceans from: Hamann et al 2014a F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' O' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Food from the sea: fisheries and aquaculture Energy from the sea: from fossil to renewable Resources from the sea Marine ecosystem services, e.g. genetic resources Traffic: Shipping and trade Oceans as a dump and sink for waste of all kind Use of the Oceans The Ocean as sinkhole 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' from: Hamann et al 2014a P' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Warming Sea-level rise CO2-input and acidification Dead zones Pollution (nutrients, toxic substances, plastic), oil spills Overfishing Ecosystem destruction, loss of biodiversity (e.g. coral reefs) Attention to interactions synergistic impacts The oceans have arrived in the anthropocene Threats to the Oceans Use of the Oceans The ocean as patient F$&#9'-%'AFGH'@IJC' Q' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 3. !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Status and trends of fish stocks worldwide Collapsed Overexploited Exploited Developing Sources: Pauly, 2013; World Bank and FAO, 2009 Year Massive ecological damage Economically unsound: US$ billions are lost Far from sustainability 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin Number of stocks [%] Rebuilding 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 R' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' *S.TUU<<<L&:#99#:)&"*#L9#U<(&&#%U:0<#4)&"*:)VW$4&W>:%&)W:#?#,X&"*:%YW9#,W0##,#WJLJJOREEI' JI' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' /(&*#,;'9(&4-"$7-%'-2'(%9:&),($4(V#9'"-:%),(#&' ')-'+2,("$'9:,(%Y')*#'RI7#&' Source: Alder and Sumaila, 2009; Worm et al., 2009 /,-0'AFGH'@IJC' JJ' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Z-'&(0.4#'&-4:7-%&'.-&&(?4#L''+[:$":4):,#'-#%'(%",#$&#&'X&*(%Y'.,#&&:,#'' *S.TUU<<<L&:#99#:)&"*#L9#U<(&&#%U:0<#4)&"*:)VW$4&W>:%&)W:#?#,X&"*:%YW9#,W0##,#WJLJJOREEI' J@' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 4. EII'='OII';' JIII&';' CI';' CIIWNII';' @NWCI';' E'<##>&' @IIWNII';' CIWOI';' JI';' ENI';' CII';' JII&';' )-]("M'B$,($?4#' @IWCI';' N';' JIII&';' @N';' *S.TUUB(&:$4L4;U0-&)W9$%Y#,-:&W&.#"(#&W0#9()#,,$%#$%' JC' !"#$%&'($)*+,#-&.'$/0#12#'$ 2+$("#$%#32(#--*+#*+$ JI';' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 8>#)"*'5L^#(%2#49#,' JE' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin ,(_#' Anthropocene - Plastic and Coral Reefs `$,(-:&'&-:,"#&' JN' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Source: Plastics Europe 2013 JO' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 5. a64$&7"4$&7"&b' Up: Yesenia Thibault-Picazo, CRAFT IN THE ANTHROPOCENE - objects and scenarios Left: clastic plastiglomerate on Kamilo Beach, Hawaii (from Corcoran et al. 2014) JP' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin c$,"*'@IJE' JQ' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 6,-?4#0');.#&M'(%)#,$"7-%&'$%9'2##9?$">&' Climate Change Chemical Pollution Change of Land Use Ocean acidification Source: Rockstr旦m et al., Nature, 24. Sept. 2009 Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorous- Cycle 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin Atmosph. Aerosols Biodiversity Loss Stratospheric Ozone Depletion Global Freshwater Use JR' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#'='d#0.-,$4'1;%$0("&' Living with risks and likelihoods: The tipping point problem From : Hamann et al 2014a From : Lenton et al. 2008, PNAS 105, modified @I' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 6. 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin JROR' JRPR' @J' !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Principle of the freedom of the Seas mare liberum & res commis (Hugo Grotius,1608) shifted to a mare ordinarium situation =#-<*+>$ 445$ Spatial scarcity 677$8*.is 91*:$%not 2:#'$ solely a technical problem but also depends on the social context it operates 1#%0$,>' ;6$+<2$ d*#'Z#)*#,4$%9&' Provided by Bela Buck, AWI @@' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' 8:00(%Y':.T'":0:4$7B#'$%)*,-.-Y#%("'#_#")&' ?+:>$1.--#+($0-&@:#<'$h%-'*(&)-,("$4' .,-?4#0&'<()*'#_#")&')-9$;M'%-' 2-,#"$&)&i' ;A$*+("-&0&,#+21$3-2B#-'$"-%&(9#,#9' 67$#1&'>'(#<'$"-%&(9#,#9' 6,-?4#0&'),#$)#9'-%4;'*3329B#:>M' .-&(7B#'2##9?$">&'$%9'7..(%Y'.-(%)&'%-)' "-%&(9#,#9' C&+'#-B*9B#$$..,-$"*' /9::$2+1&<0:#(#$h9(&#$&#&M'K-??;'X&*(%YM' +[:$":4):,#M'"-$&)$4'"-%&),:"7-%'#)"L' %-)';#)'"-%&(9#,#9iL' +'G4-?$4'c$.'-2'K:0$%'e0.$")'-%'c$,(%#'f"-&;&)#0&' F#%g$0(%'8L'K$4.#,%'!"#$%&#'()!*(!#+,-.#-/0#1233045#6789#,3&,,2:;<()!*(!&,,/-+/=' @C' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin c-9#44#9'1(&),(?:7-%'8*(&'-2'c$,(%#'!,Y$%(&0'?;'34(0$)#' 3*$%Y#'@IINW@INI' F-S-0',#4$)#9' &.#"(#&'hj'@III0i' !.#%'A$)#,' 8.#"(#&' F$&#9'-%'?(-"4(0$7"' #%B#4-.#'0-9#4&'2-,' JIOO'&.#"'-2'X&*'$%9' (%B#,)#?,$)#&M':%9#,' e633'85f8'+JF' @E' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 7. @N' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin Acidification @O' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 3-0?(%#9'f_#")&' d#0.#,$):,#'5(&#'$%9'+"(9(X"$7-%' @P' /,-0'K-#Y*WG:49?#,Y'@IIP' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin JMN'k'-2'Y4-?$4'-"#$%'$,#$' POk'-2'$44'"-,$4'&.#"(#&' CPk'-2'$44'"-,$4'X&*'&.#"(#&' 3-,$4'd,($%Y4#' e%9-%#&($%' +,"*(.#4$Y-' ENI'..0W8)$?(4(&$7-%' from: Coral Triangle Report 2009 The Time-Lag Problem @Q' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin
  • 8. JMN'k'-2'Y4-?$4'-"#$%'$,#$' POk'-2'$44'"-,$4'&.#"(#&' CPk'-2'$44'"-,$4'X&*'&.#"(#&' 3-,$4'd,($%Y4#' e%9-%#&($%' +,"*(.#4$Y-' ENI'..0W8)$?(4(&$7-%' from: Coral Triangle Report 2009 The Time-Lag Problem a'3!@WF:&(%#&&'$&':&:$4bT'' PNI'..0W&)$?(4(&$7-%' @R' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 3*$%"#'2-,'0-9#,%',##2&':%9#,'' $%)*,-.-Y#%("'(0.$")&D' e.g. Jurassic reef characteristics in Bocas del Toro, Panama increased sedimentation and eutrophication to study atavistic structures anthropogenic impacts result in low or medium complex reefs similarity of Porites thickets to Jurassic reef thickets CI' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin c-9#,%W);.#',##2&D'a+)$B(&7"b',##2&D'!,'%-',##2&D' /,-0'^#(%2#49#,'#)'$4L'@IJ@' /:):,#'-2',##2&T'' CJ' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin !"#$%&'(%')*#''+%)*,-.-"#%#' Three guiding principles for future ocean use in the Anthropocene 1. Precautionary principle (e.g. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992) - Ecosystem approach, incl. land/sea interactions - Earth system interactions: CO2, pH - Marine ecosystems and society 3. Oceans as common heritage of mankind Guiding Principles Analysis of Ocean Governance Guiding Principles Analysis of Ocean Governance Threats to the Oceans Use of the Oceans 2. Systemic approach Threats to the Oceans 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin Use of the Oceans C@'
  • 9. Status Quo Source: WBGU, 2013 d*#'AFGHW`(&(-%'2-,'!"#$%'G-B#,%$%"#'(%')*#' +%)*,-.-"#%#T'd*#'Coastal-state sovereign rights and national c$,(%#'jurisdiction for K#,()$Y#' resource management Reformed UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): integrates the implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) Int. Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS): extensive responsibility, rights of sanction vis--vis coastal states and RMMOs UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) incl. implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) EEZb High seasc World Oceans Organization (WOO) Global stewardship function for marine conservation and sustainable management of all resources Integrates the International Seabed Authority and Continental Shelf Commission If coastal states or RMMOs fail to meet their remit: access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) Regional Marine Management Organizations (RMMOs) Regional stewardship function, accountability obligations vis--vis WOO Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with coastal states Coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction for resource management Reformed UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): integrates the implementing agreements (FSA, etc.) Int. Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS): extensive responsibility, rights of sanction vis--vis coastal states and RMMOs World Oceans Organization (WOO) Global stewardship EEZb function for marine conservation and sustainable management High seasc of all resources Integrates the International Seabed Authority and Continental Shelf Commission If coastal states or RMMOs fail to meet their remit: access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) Regional Marine Management Organizations (RMMOs) Regional stewardship function, accountability obligations vis--vis WOO Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with coastal states Scope of the common heritage of mankind principle 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin National Regional Global Baseline max. 350 nm The Areae Extended continental shelfd Virtually unlimited sovereignty 12 nm max. 200 nm International Seabed Authority Responsible for the mineral resources of the Area Continental Shelf Commission Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs): Fisheries management on the high seas including some straddling and highly migratory fish stocks Regional cooperation between the coastal states, e.g. in the UNEP Regional Seas Programme Contracting states of UNCLOS Contracting states of the FSA Limited accountability obligations vis--vis RFMOs, sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks Mostly coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction Scope of the common heritage of mankind Territorial seaa National Regional Global Baseline max. 350 nm The Areae Extended continental shelfd Virtually unlimited sovereignty 12 nm max. 200 nm International Seabed Authority Responsible for the mineral resources of the Area Continental Shelf Commission The Area as a common heritage of mankind Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs): Fisheries management on the high seas including some straddling and highly migratory fish stocks Regional cooperation between the coastal states, e.g. in the UNEP Regional Seas Programme Contracting states of UNCLOS Contracting states of the FSA Limited accountability obligations vis--vis RFMOs, sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks Mostly coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction Scope of the common heritage of mankind Territorial seaa National stewardship function Accountability obligations vis--vis WOO Sustainable management of all resources Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with RMMOs Accountability obligations vis--vis RMMOs Sustainable management of all resources Virtually unlimited sovereignty Monitoring and reporting obligations The oceans as the common heritage of mankind Regional cooperation with coastal states Regional treaties, UNEP Regional Seas Programme Marine conservation Sustainable management of resources (except mineral resources of the Area) Access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) Contracting states of the reformed UNCLOS The Areae 12 nm Territorial seaa max. 350 nm max. 200 nm National Regional Global High seasc Extended continental shelfd EEZb Baseline Mostly coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction Integration area of the common heritage of mankind principle and coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction National stewardship function Accountability obligations vis--vis WOO Sustainable management of all resources Sustainable management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks together with RMMOs Accountability obligations vis--vis RMMOs Sustainable management of all resources Virtually unlimited sovereignty Monitoring and reporting obligations The oceans as the common heritage of mankind Regional cooperation with coastal states Regional treaties, UNEP Regional Seas Programme Marine conservation Sustainable management of resources (except mineral resources of the Area) Access to legal remedies/rights of action (ITLOS) Contracting states of the reformed UNCLOS d*$%>';-:The Areae l' 12 nm Territorial seaa max. 350 nm max. 200 nm National Regional Global High seasc Extended continental shelfd EEZb Baseline Mostly coastal-state Scope of the common heritage of mankind principle sovereign rights and national jurisdiction Integration area of the common heritage of mankind principle and coastal-state sovereign rights and national jurisdiction Future CC' 3-%"4:&(-%&' Oceans have reached the Anthropocene Oceans are under anthropogenic influence since long, but the Great Acceleration (1950) does change sediment characteristics: Decrease in biodiversity, homogenisation trend and lateral shifts in biotic patterns, reduction of coral reef complexity and numbers, increase in anoxic sediments Sediments with different geochemical signals, high amounts of anthropogenic particles (plastic, glass, industrial particles) Starvation of siliciclastic and calciclastic shallow-water sands (owing to damming of rivers and excavations of marine sands), non-natural, non-predictable sediment patters. BAU: total collapse of coral reefs, extinction phase of other organisms, no calcareous sediments, spreading out of anoxic sediments and plasticlastics Mitigation/Adaptation: Human-aided, adapted reef types, continuation of calcareous sediments, Human-aided beach bars, mangrove shoals, islands, lower rates of plasticlastics. CE' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin 3-%)$")T',#(%*-49L4#(%2#49#,m2:W?#,4(%L9#' *S.TUU<<<L,#(%*-49W4#(%2#49#,L9#' /-,':&#9'"-0("&'hK$0$%%'#)'$4L'@IJE'$M'?i'&##' *S.TUU<<<L9(#WY,-&&#W),$%&2-,0$7-%L9#' *S.TUU<<<L9#:)&"*#&W0:&#:0L9#U$:&&)#44:%Y#%U&-%9#,$:&&)#44:%Y#%U@IJEU$%)*,-.-V$#%U"-0("&U"-0("W.,-g#>)U' /4$Y&*(.',#.-,)&'-2')*#'G#,0$%'+9B(&-,;'3-:%"(4'-%'G4-?$4'3*$%Y#'hAFGHiM'&##'*S.TUU<<<L<?Y:L9#' CN' 息 Reinhold Leinfelder, for Open Forum Anthropocene Working Group, The Anthropocene Project. A Report, HKW 17. Oct 2014, Berlin