Statoil selected four media partners to reach targeted audiences: The Economist, Energy Debate, and shale gas in the US. Engagement was highest when content was country-specific, exclusive, linked InMail content to group content like polls, and integrated media partnership content into InMails. InMails saw the highest conversion rates compared to standard messages.
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4. Statoils Media Partnerships
Statoil selected four media partnerships to align themselves with authoritative
credible voices that reach their audience in targeted environments:
4 2012-04-26
5. Informed Elite respond to media partnership content
Explore the visual
The Economist guide to global
Energy Debate: energy needs
choose the motion
450 Shale Gas 3.0%
in the US
350 What does the Arab
Spring mean for
300 Is the future of the North 2.0%
European gas?
Sea renewable?
150 1.0%
0 0.0%
1.08 8.08 15.08 22.08 29.08 5.09 12.09 19.09 26.09 3.10 10.10 17.10 24.10 31.10 7.11 14.11 21.11
weekly new sign ups conversion rate
Standard InMails send out date
Current News/Partner Content send out date
Key learning what works
Country specific topics when targeting 1 region e.g. US
Using exclusivity message e.g. be the 1st to view/ only chosen by you
Linking InMail content to group content e.g. voting on the Economist poll
Integrating media partnership content Inmails gain the highest % joining rate
Graph shows conversion rate based on amount of InMails sent vs. weekly new sign ups
5 2012-04-26
6. Telling a complicated story
Erik Haaland
Sr. Consultant
Tel: +47 954 21 770
6 2012-04-26