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Directory of Environmental Consultants
                             Under the Category of Greenhouse Gas Management Services
                                                     as at 8/7/2010

     Name of Consultant                               Tel. No.        Fax No.         Web Site Address
1    3TECH CORPORATE LIMITED                          2766 9787       2766 9774       www.3tech.net
2    Accredited Certification International Limited   3583 3330       2806 1940       www.aci-limited.com
3    Acumen Environmental Engineering and             2333 6823       2333 1316       www.acumen-env.com
     Technologies Company Limited
4    AECOM Asia Company Limited                       2893 1551       2891 0305       www.aecom.com
5    Akos Advanced Technology Ltd.                    2947 0332       2947 0116       www.akos.com.hk
6    Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.            2815 7028       2815 5399       www.aechk.com
7    API Audit Limited                                3719 8623       2377 0028       www.apiaudit.com
8    ASIA TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS (H.K.) LTD.           9210 4204       Nil             Nil
9    Atkins China Limited                             2972 1717       2890 6343       www.atkins.com.hk
10   Au Posford Consultants Limited                   2560 8811       2513 1828       www.apcl.com.hk
11   Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited                 2601 1000       2601 3988       www.bv.com
12   BMT Asia Pacific Limited                         2815 2221       2815 3377       www.bmtasia.com.hk
13   BSI Pacific Limited                              3149 3300       2743 8727       www.bsigroup.com
14   Business Environment Council Limited             2784 3900       2784 6699       www.bec.org.hk
15   Carbon Care Asia Limited                         2815 1882       2815 1230       www.carboncareasia.com
16   CINOTECH Consultants Ltd                         2151 2083       3107 1388       www.cinotech.com.hk
17   CityU PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIMITED              3442 6057       2628 2802       www.cps.com.hk
18   CMA Industrial Development Foundation Ltd.       2698 8198       2252 4207       www.cmatcl.com
19   Daniel Chan & Associates Ltd                     2838 1138       2838 2708       www.dcal.com.hk
20   Dept of Civil and Structural Engineering The     2766 6024       2334 6389       www.cse.polyu.edu.hk
     Hong Kong Polytechnic University
21   Dominic Science & Technology Ltd.                2711 6323       2711 2660       www.dsttech.com.hk
22   ECO CONTROL & SOLUTION LTD                       2815 1184/      Nil             www.goinggreenhk.com
                                                      9035 8127
23   ECO ENGINEERING LTD.                             2405 2252       2405 3252       www.ecotech.com.hk
24   EDMS Consulting Ltd                              2869 6018       3007 8556       www.edmsconsulting.com
25   Energy Resources Management                      2528 2285       2834 2983       www.energy-rm.com.hk
26   ENERGYLAB LIMITED                                3583 0557       2335 9862       www.energyLab.hk
27   ENSR Environmental International, Inc.           2547 7177       2547 7466       www.ensr.aecom.com
28   ENVIRON Hong Kong Limited                        3743 0788       3548 6088       www.environcorp.com
29   Environmental Management Technology (HK)         2111 6444       3011 1172       www.re-trac.com
30   EnvironmentalCare Ltd.                           2495 0308       2436 1368       www.environmentalcare.com.hk
31   EVER FORTUNE CONSULTANT LTD.                     2766 9787       3188 0285       Nil
32   Far East Consulting Engineers Limited            2895 3888       2895 5131       www.fecel.com
33   Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG                           0049 711 8995   0049 711 8995   www.fichtner.de
                                                      0               4 59
34   Franklin + Andrews (Hong Kong) Ltd               2815 9411       2815 9348       www.franklinandrews.com
35   GHD LIMITED                                      3658 8000       3658 8088       www.ghd.com.au
36   Global Energy Management Limited                 2322 0101       2322 9985       www.global-em.com
37   GOLDER ASSOCIATES (HK) LIMITED                   2562 3658       2561 3890       www.golder.com
38   GREEN BUILDING CONSULTANT LTD                    2193 9222       2633 6148       luenfatgroup.com
39   Green Building Services Limited                  3520 4103       2805 7373       http://www.greenbuilding.com.hk/
40   Halcrow China Limited                            2802 9228       2827 8352       www.halcrow.com
41   HKEA Group Ltd.                                  2213 4000       2590 9392       www.hkeagroup.com
42   HONG KONG PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL                   2788 5628       2788 5608       www.hkpc.org/emd
43   HONG KONG QUALITY ASSURANCE                      2202 9111       2202 9222       www.hkqaa.org
44   Hyder Consulting Limited                         2911 2233       2805 5028       www.hyderconsulting.com
45   Innovation Design Consultancy Limited            2868 6055       2868 3055       www.innoenviron.com
46   ISO-ING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED                     2635 2268       2635 2028       www.iso-ing.com
47   ISPL CONSULTING LIMITED                          2797 9381       2343 3132       www.ispl.com.hk
48   JCL Consultants Ltd.                             2566 6890       2566 4114       Nil
49   Johnson Controls Hong Kong Limited               2590 0012       2516 5648       www.johnsoncontrols.com
50   KEYSEN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED               3520 2832       3520 2849       Nil
51   Lik Kai Engineering Company Ltd.                 2627 0888       2307 4697       Nil
Directory of Environmental Consultants
                                Under the Category of Greenhouse Gas Management Services
                                                        as at 8/7/2010

     Name of Consultant                                     Tel. No.           Fax No.             Web Site Address
52   MateriaLab Consultants Limited                         2450 8238          2450 6138           www.materialab-consultant.com
53   MCL ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY                           2638 1066          2744 7121           www.mclenvirotech.com.hk
54   Megatech Solutions Limited                             2590 0828          2590 0136           www.megatechsolutions.com.hk
55   Meinhardt Environment Limited                          2858 0738          2559 1613           http://www.meinhardtgroup.com/
56   Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment               2858 0738/         2540 1580/          www.meinhardtgroup.com.hk
     Limited                                                2858 2918          2559 1613
57   MOTT MACDONALD HONG KONG LIMITED                       2828 5757          2827 1823           www.mottmac.com.hk
58   Nature & Technologies (HK) Limited                     2877 3122          2511 0922           www.nt.com.hk
59   OPTEGY LIMITED                                         2559 1174          2559 1140           www.optegy.com
60   Organic Waste Technologies (H.K.) Limited              2696 5740          2697 2956           www.owthk.com.hk
61   Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd.                     2268 3211          2268 3950           www.arup.com
62   Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd.                       2579 8899          2856 9902           www.pbworld.com
63   PolyU Technology and Consultancy Co. Ltd.              3400 2713/         2356 7583           www.ptec.com.hk
                                                            3400 2712
64   Power Control Limited                                  2555 6868          2555 6800           www.power-con.com
65   PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited                         2289 1922/         2297 0101           http://www.pwc.com
                                                            2289 1915
66   Prominent International (Environmental) Ltd.           2676 2545          2676 2860           www.prominent.com.hk
67   Region Fine (HK) Ltd                                   2343 1123          2112 9835           regionfine.com.hk
68   RESET (HK) LIMITED                                     2815 1999          2815 2111           www.resetonline.com
69   RICHARD CHAN & ASSOCIATES LTD                          2851 1638          2851 1484           Nil
70   Scott Wilson Ltd                                       2428 8866          2428 9922           www.scottwilson.com.hk
71   Sealand Environ-Tech Company Limited                   2436 1318          2436 1368           Nil
72   SGS Hong Kong Ltd.                                     2765 3510/         2334 2461/          www.hk.sgs.com
                                                            2765 3633          2303 1184
73   Sunbase Engineering & Consultancy Limited              2865 1511          2865 4293           www.sunbaseprop.com
74   Synergy Engineering Solutions Limited                  2818 6336          3694 2999           www.greenroof.hk
75   Talent Mechanical & Electrical Engineers Ltd.          2838 9133          2836 0750           www.talentme.com
76   TELEMAX ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY                       2252 4601          2757 2886           http://www.telemaxeem.com
77   Tenova Goodfellow Inc. (TGI)                           1 905 567 3030     1 905 567 3899      www.tenovagroup.com
78   THE GREAT EAGLE ENGINEERING                            3520 2838          2509 9138           www.greateagle.com.hk
79   THE GREAT EAGLE PROPERTIES                             3520 2838          3520 2829           www.greateagle.com.hk
80   TIN SHUN CONSULTANTS LIMITED                           9029 5363          2442 2996           www.hktscl.com.hk
81   TQM CONSULTANTS CO. LIMITED                            2569 2883          2569 0108           www.tqm.com.hk
82   VIPAC ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS (TRAD.                  2528 9378          2987 8217           www.VIPAC.com.au
     DIV. TCIL)
83   WELLHOPE ENGINEERING LIMITED                           3487 0068          3487 0069           www.wellhopehk.com
84   Y H YAU & ASSOCIATES LTD                               2312 2988          2312 2113           www.yhyau.com
85   Y.C. Lau & Co., Ltd.                                   2858 7873          2858 7189           Nil
86   ZENITH ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT LIMITED                    6244 6799          2513 6658           Nil


The information contained in the Directory of Environmental Consultants (the Directory) is supplied by the consultants listed
therein and is for reference only. The Directory is not an exhaustive list of all consultants providing consultancy services in relation
to environmental matters. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") does not warrant
or guarantee that the information contained in the Directory is accurate. The inclusion of any consultant in the Directory does not
in any way imply recommendation or approval by the Government. Likewise, non-inclusion of any consultant should not be
construed as disapproval by the Government.

The Government does not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in
connection with the use of the information in the Directory. The Government is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on
the Directory at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason. Users are responsible for making their own
assessments of all information contained in the Directory and are advised to verify such information by making reference
to/clarification with the consultants and by obtaining independent advice before acting on it.

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  • 1. Directory of Environmental Consultants Under the Category of Greenhouse Gas Management Services as at 8/7/2010 Name of Consultant Tel. No. Fax No. Web Site Address 1 3TECH CORPORATE LIMITED 2766 9787 2766 9774 www.3tech.net 2 Accredited Certification International Limited 3583 3330 2806 1940 www.aci-limited.com 3 Acumen Environmental Engineering and 2333 6823 2333 1316 www.acumen-env.com Technologies Company Limited 4 AECOM Asia Company Limited 2893 1551 2891 0305 www.aecom.com 5 Akos Advanced Technology Ltd. 2947 0332 2947 0116 www.akos.com.hk 6 Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd. 2815 7028 2815 5399 www.aechk.com 7 API Audit Limited 3719 8623 2377 0028 www.apiaudit.com 8 ASIA TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS (H.K.) LTD. 9210 4204 Nil Nil 9 Atkins China Limited 2972 1717 2890 6343 www.atkins.com.hk 10 Au Posford Consultants Limited 2560 8811 2513 1828 www.apcl.com.hk 11 Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited 2601 1000 2601 3988 www.bv.com 12 BMT Asia Pacific Limited 2815 2221 2815 3377 www.bmtasia.com.hk 13 BSI Pacific Limited 3149 3300 2743 8727 www.bsigroup.com 14 Business Environment Council Limited 2784 3900 2784 6699 www.bec.org.hk 15 Carbon Care Asia Limited 2815 1882 2815 1230 www.carboncareasia.com 16 CINOTECH Consultants Ltd 2151 2083 3107 1388 www.cinotech.com.hk 17 CityU PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIMITED 3442 6057 2628 2802 www.cps.com.hk 18 CMA Industrial Development Foundation Ltd. 2698 8198 2252 4207 www.cmatcl.com 19 Daniel Chan & Associates Ltd 2838 1138 2838 2708 www.dcal.com.hk 20 Dept of Civil and Structural Engineering The 2766 6024 2334 6389 www.cse.polyu.edu.hk Hong Kong Polytechnic University 21 Dominic Science & Technology Ltd. 2711 6323 2711 2660 www.dsttech.com.hk 22 ECO CONTROL & SOLUTION LTD 2815 1184/ Nil www.goinggreenhk.com 9035 8127 23 ECO ENGINEERING LTD. 2405 2252 2405 3252 www.ecotech.com.hk 24 EDMS Consulting Ltd 2869 6018 3007 8556 www.edmsconsulting.com 25 Energy Resources Management 2528 2285 2834 2983 www.energy-rm.com.hk 26 ENERGYLAB LIMITED 3583 0557 2335 9862 www.energyLab.hk 27 ENSR Environmental International, Inc. 2547 7177 2547 7466 www.ensr.aecom.com 28 ENVIRON Hong Kong Limited 3743 0788 3548 6088 www.environcorp.com 29 Environmental Management Technology (HK) 2111 6444 3011 1172 www.re-trac.com Ltd. 30 EnvironmentalCare Ltd. 2495 0308 2436 1368 www.environmentalcare.com.hk 31 EVER FORTUNE CONSULTANT LTD. 2766 9787 3188 0285 Nil 32 Far East Consulting Engineers Limited 2895 3888 2895 5131 www.fecel.com 33 Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG 0049 711 8995 0049 711 8995 www.fichtner.de 0 4 59 34 Franklin + Andrews (Hong Kong) Ltd 2815 9411 2815 9348 www.franklinandrews.com 35 GHD LIMITED 3658 8000 3658 8088 www.ghd.com.au 36 Global Energy Management Limited 2322 0101 2322 9985 www.global-em.com 37 GOLDER ASSOCIATES (HK) LIMITED 2562 3658 2561 3890 www.golder.com 38 GREEN BUILDING CONSULTANT LTD 2193 9222 2633 6148 luenfatgroup.com 39 Green Building Services Limited 3520 4103 2805 7373 http://www.greenbuilding.com.hk/ 40 Halcrow China Limited 2802 9228 2827 8352 www.halcrow.com 41 HKEA Group Ltd. 2213 4000 2590 9392 www.hkeagroup.com 42 HONG KONG PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL 2788 5628 2788 5608 www.hkpc.org/emd 43 HONG KONG QUALITY ASSURANCE 2202 9111 2202 9222 www.hkqaa.org AGENCY 44 Hyder Consulting Limited 2911 2233 2805 5028 www.hyderconsulting.com 45 Innovation Design Consultancy Limited 2868 6055 2868 3055 www.innoenviron.com 46 ISO-ING TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 2635 2268 2635 2028 www.iso-ing.com 47 ISPL CONSULTING LIMITED 2797 9381 2343 3132 www.ispl.com.hk 48 JCL Consultants Ltd. 2566 6890 2566 4114 Nil 49 Johnson Controls Hong Kong Limited 2590 0012 2516 5648 www.johnsoncontrols.com 50 KEYSEN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED 3520 2832 3520 2849 Nil 51 Lik Kai Engineering Company Ltd. 2627 0888 2307 4697 Nil -1-
  • 2. Directory of Environmental Consultants Under the Category of Greenhouse Gas Management Services as at 8/7/2010 Name of Consultant Tel. No. Fax No. Web Site Address 52 MateriaLab Consultants Limited 2450 8238 2450 6138 www.materialab-consultant.com 53 MCL ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 2638 1066 2744 7121 www.mclenvirotech.com.hk LIMITED 54 Megatech Solutions Limited 2590 0828 2590 0136 www.megatechsolutions.com.hk 55 Meinhardt Environment Limited 2858 0738 2559 1613 http://www.meinhardtgroup.com/ 56 Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment 2858 0738/ 2540 1580/ www.meinhardtgroup.com.hk Limited 2858 2918 2559 1613 57 MOTT MACDONALD HONG KONG LIMITED 2828 5757 2827 1823 www.mottmac.com.hk 58 Nature & Technologies (HK) Limited 2877 3122 2511 0922 www.nt.com.hk 59 OPTEGY LIMITED 2559 1174 2559 1140 www.optegy.com 60 Organic Waste Technologies (H.K.) Limited 2696 5740 2697 2956 www.owthk.com.hk 61 Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd. 2268 3211 2268 3950 www.arup.com 62 Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. 2579 8899 2856 9902 www.pbworld.com 63 PolyU Technology and Consultancy Co. Ltd. 3400 2713/ 2356 7583 www.ptec.com.hk 3400 2712 64 Power Control Limited 2555 6868 2555 6800 www.power-con.com 65 PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited 2289 1922/ 2297 0101 http://www.pwc.com 2289 1915 66 Prominent International (Environmental) Ltd. 2676 2545 2676 2860 www.prominent.com.hk 67 Region Fine (HK) Ltd 2343 1123 2112 9835 regionfine.com.hk 68 RESET (HK) LIMITED 2815 1999 2815 2111 www.resetonline.com 69 RICHARD CHAN & ASSOCIATES LTD 2851 1638 2851 1484 Nil 70 Scott Wilson Ltd 2428 8866 2428 9922 www.scottwilson.com.hk 71 Sealand Environ-Tech Company Limited 2436 1318 2436 1368 Nil 72 SGS Hong Kong Ltd. 2765 3510/ 2334 2461/ www.hk.sgs.com 2765 3633 2303 1184 73 Sunbase Engineering & Consultancy Limited 2865 1511 2865 4293 www.sunbaseprop.com 74 Synergy Engineering Solutions Limited 2818 6336 3694 2999 www.greenroof.hk 75 Talent Mechanical & Electrical Engineers Ltd. 2838 9133 2836 0750 www.talentme.com 76 TELEMAX ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY 2252 4601 2757 2886 http://www.telemaxeem.com MANAGEMENT LIMITED 77 Tenova Goodfellow Inc. (TGI) 1 905 567 3030 1 905 567 3899 www.tenovagroup.com 78 THE GREAT EAGLE ENGINEERING 3520 2838 2509 9138 www.greateagle.com.hk COMPANY LIMITED 79 THE GREAT EAGLE PROPERTIES 3520 2838 3520 2829 www.greateagle.com.hk MANAGEMENT CO. LTD. 80 TIN SHUN CONSULTANTS LIMITED 9029 5363 2442 2996 www.hktscl.com.hk 81 TQM CONSULTANTS CO. LIMITED 2569 2883 2569 0108 www.tqm.com.hk 82 VIPAC ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS (TRAD. 2528 9378 2987 8217 www.VIPAC.com.au DIV. TCIL) 83 WELLHOPE ENGINEERING LIMITED 3487 0068 3487 0069 www.wellhopehk.com 84 Y H YAU & ASSOCIATES LTD 2312 2988 2312 2113 www.yhyau.com 85 Y.C. Lau & Co., Ltd. 2858 7873 2858 7189 Nil 86 ZENITH ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT LIMITED 6244 6799 2513 6658 Nil Disclaimer: The information contained in the Directory of Environmental Consultants (the Directory) is supplied by the consultants listed therein and is for reference only. The Directory is not an exhaustive list of all consultants providing consultancy services in relation to environmental matters. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") does not warrant or guarantee that the information contained in the Directory is accurate. The inclusion of any consultant in the Directory does not in any way imply recommendation or approval by the Government. Likewise, non-inclusion of any consultant should not be construed as disapproval by the Government. The Government does not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with the use of the information in the Directory. The Government is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on the Directory at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason. Users are responsible for making their own assessments of all information contained in the Directory and are advised to verify such information by making reference to/clarification with the consultants and by obtaining independent advice before acting on it. -2-