#2: Good practise on how to use social customer service
#3: - I posted a tweet about Radian6 with the #radian6 (sentiment neutral) - Response by account of Radian6 (just letting know where I can find them I had a question after exploring the tool quick response by Radian6
#4: I sent them my contact details via DM (they followed me, I followed them)
#5: Within 10 minutes this guy (Alex Andreas) called me from England on my cell phone. Via gotomeeting.com I could see his screen. I gave him permission to take over my screen. He solved the problem by showing me how it had to be done. I was a happy customer.
#7: And I posted a positive tweet to my 550 followers Again a quick response.
#8: What are critical points in this Good Practise. They were quick to respond They acted pro-active The way he solved my problem was user friendly by using cloud tool Gotomeeting.com And offcourse, he solved my problem