3. A microarray can fit 10 000 spots. Let’s assume that each
spot is a gene – how do we organize spots/genes in order
to extract result?
A laser scanner measures one fluorescent label than
another and superimpose one over another… each spot is
measured twice!
intensity of fluorescent signal = quantity of bound DNA
Each spot can be substituted with a number representing
relative change from ‘normal’ levels.
N = R/G …..1 means equal expression in both samples
R=red fluorescence (tumor)
G=green fluorescence (normal cell)
16. Amit igazán akarunk az, hogy a listát hálózattá alakÃtsuk át -
gyakran használják a sejtösszetevők közötti kölcsönhatások
Euler, 1700s, Seven Bridges of Konigsberg
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