Sally Holt is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre on Human Rights in Conflict at the University of East London. She has over 25 years of experience in human rights, conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Her expertise includes minority rights, cultural diversity, land rights, and women's participation. She has undertaken consultancies for numerous international organizations and published widely. Her CV details educational background, areas of specialization, skills, consultancy experience, previous roles, publications and referees.
The document discusses plans to host the 6th World Social Forum on Migrations in 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The forum will provide a space for civil society and social movements to discuss migration issues and policies. A technical secretariat and local organizing committee made up of migration experts, activists, and government representatives will oversee organization of the 3-day event focused on themes like integration, refugee protection, health and migration, and environmental migration. They hope the forum, which will include workshops, performances, and debates, contributes to strengthening responses to migration issues in Africa.
Eleonora Insalaco - Head of Intercultural Research and ProgrammingCrew Project
Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) is a flagship youth network aimed at empowering young people across Europe and neighboring countries through debate training, advocacy skills development, and facilitating intercultural dialogue. The program builds on the successful predecessor Young Arab Voices and seeks to enhance youth participation in public policy, shape media narratives, and address common challenges. YMV provides debate training, leadership opportunities, and platforms for youth to influence decision-makers, while evaluating outcomes at the individual, group, and societal levels to create long-term social change.
The United Nations aims to bring all nations together to work for peace and development based on principles of justice and human dignity. It currently has 192 member states that meet in the General Assembly, where each country has an equal vote. The UN also has specialized agencies like UNESCO, which aims to contribute to peace through international collaboration in education, science, and culture. UNESCO pursues objectives through programs in education, sciences, social/human sciences, culture, and communication/information.
During World War 2, governments from several European countries met in the UK to discuss ways to reconstruct education after the war. This led to the proposal to establish an international organization focused on education and culture. UNESCO was officially founded in 1945 with the aims of contributing to peace through education, science, culture and communication, and building solidarity among nations by promoting education, cultural diversity, freedom of expression and scientific cooperation.
15th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Periodic Reporting as a Strategic Tool for Safeguarding Living Heritage in South-East Europe
Online, 6-7 July 2021
Integration of unaccompanied migrant children in Europe MIEUX
Presentation delivered by Barbara Kohalmi from the Ministry of Interior in Hungary at MIEUX Regional Workshop on Assistance and Protection of Unaccompanied Migrant Children (Mexico City, 30 May - 1 June 2016)
The document discusses several United Nations specialized agencies, including UNESCO, UNICEF, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank. It provides details on the structure, objectives, and activities of each agency. UNESCO works to promote international collaboration in education, science, and culture to further human rights. UNICEF focuses on meeting children's basic needs and expanding their potential worldwide. The ILO aims to improve labour conditions, promote employment, and raise living standards globally.
This document summarizes key EU policies and legal instruments on counter terrorism. It outlines the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy and its objectives to adapt laws to evolving terrorist threats. It describes the EU strategy for combating radicalization and recruitment and guidelines for member states. It also discusses the fight against terrorist financing through directives aimed at improving transparency. Additionally, it covers EU integrated crisis response arrangements, civil protection legislation, engagement with international partners like the UN, and roles of EU authorities and agencies in counterterrorism efforts.
Candidature of Finland to the
Executive Board of UNESCO
for 20172021
Towards 2030 through actions
Candidature of Finland to the Executive Board of UNESCO for 2017-2021.
As a member of the Executive Board Finland will work for
- an effective and active UNESCO based on
policy coherence
efficient governance
functional inter-sectoral linkages
strong partnerships
- the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- gender equality in all walks of life
- an inclusive and equitable high-quality education
- an integrated approach to sustainability in sciences
- safeguarding tangible and intangible heritage
- freedom of information and pluralistic media
- unique added value of UNESCOs work
This document provides personal and professional information about Issa Yousef Samandar. It includes his contact information, education history, work experience, skills and references. Over his career, he has worked for NGOs advocating for land and housing rights in Palestine, including as the Director General of the Palestinian National Committee for Register of Damage. He has extensive experience managing projects, conducting advocacy campaigns, and building relationships with local and international organizations.
Conclusions: Eighth Annual Meeting of the South East European Experts Network...UNESCO Venice Office
Additional Documents
Eighth Annual Meeting of the South East European Experts Network
on Intangible Cultural Heritage
15-16 May 2014. Limassol, Cyprus
The ideas and opinions expressed in the above presentations are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the documents do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city of area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Apprenticeships 2017The Pathway Group
Focusing on the Counter Terrorism and Security Act, 2015; this presentation is about 'stopping people from supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists' in the apprenticeship and education sector.
Information about safeguarding, risk assessments, planning, and staff training has also been included.
The document discusses cyber security issues at the United Nations. It outlines that new technologies have led to new security problems as malicious state and non-state actors launch cyber attacks against government and private networks. While the UN aims to prevent war and agree on norms of behavior, states have differing interests and ideological approaches to these issues. The document examines the work of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on cyber security, noting successes in establishing cyberspace is not lawless but challenges remain in reaching agreement due to ideological divides and limited state cooperation and preparedness to address cyber attacks. Sources for further information on these UN cyber security discussions are provided.
Resumen proyecto living together ingl辿s 10IntegraLocal
This document outlines a proposal for a transnational project aimed at promoting tolerance and combating racism and xenophobia in Europe. The project would involve organizations from Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland. Over 18 months, it would identify prejudices and stereotypes, collect models of tolerance from different countries, create arguments against racism and xenophobia, and establish a network to monitor for new discriminatory discourse. The goals are to better understand attitudes driving racism, share approaches to promoting diversity and inclusion, and develop resources to challenge intolerance.
The document introduces the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Conference of University Presidents (CPU). IAU is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1950 under UNESCO that brings together universities and higher education institutions from around the world. It focuses on issues in higher education through global forums, information services, and publications. The CPU is a consultative body in France comprised of university presidents and directors that aims to build collective autonomy, encourage public debate, and help modernize institutions.
15th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Periodic Reporting as a Strategic Tool for Safeguarding Living Heritage in South-East Europe
Online, 6-7 July 2021
Monitoring Social Movements Messages through Social Media SitesShadi Abu-Ayyash
Abu-Ayyash, S 2013, Examining Social Movements Messages Through Social Media Sites, paper presented at the Media Monitoring in the Digital Age Symposium, Galway, 23-24 May
Case studies of open access initiatives for access to information in developi...BioMedCentral
This document summarizes open access initiatives in developing countries. It discusses how open access publishing can increase access to research for scientists in developing nations. It provides examples of initiatives by organizations like EIFL to support open access repositories and advocacy in Africa and other regions. Specific initiatives at universities in Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa are also outlined. The document recommends that universities publish open access journals and advocate for authors to publish in open access.
Overview of the process on the Human Rights Guiding Principles on private act...Sylvain Aubry
Overview of the process on the Human Rights Guiding Principles on private actors in education.
More on:
It is a presentation illustrating the main highlights of Beijing Conference helpful for many others who wish to learn about it quickly at a glance. I hope your kind feedbacks.
This document discusses the core values and importance of teamwork in FLL competitions. It begins by explaining what FLL is and how it differs from other STEM programs in focusing not just on robots but also core values and skills. It then details the core values of FLL which guide team attitudes and emphasize friendly competition, mutual learning, and helping one another. The document provides examples of leadership and soft skills developed through FLL and gives suggestions for creating a cohesive team atmosphere. It concludes with examples of teamwork exercises involving building creatures out of LEGOs and ranking items for survival.
This document describes an Android application called Smart Class that aims to simplify learning of data structures for students. It was developed by three students and covers basics of data structures. The application provides an expandable view of different data structure types and subtypes. Key features include following Google development standards and material design guidelines. It works across a wide range of Android versions and has advantages of being accessible to most students and visualizing complex structures. Future improvements could include better animations and adding practice questions.
Social-Me is an Android application for creating and managing events. It allows users to create event invitations and send notifications to group members. The purpose is to simplify event management in an easy and efficient way. It is compatible with Android versions 4.2 to 6.0.1 and was developed using Android Studio, Java, PHP, XML, and a MySQL database hosted on Cloud9. The app allows users to create groups, events, and send notifications to group members who can respond with yes, no, or maybe responses.
O documento descreve a Plataforma Saber Mais, um recurso online lan巽ado pelo Centro de M鱈dias do Amazonas em 2016 para fornecer conte炭do educacional via sat辿lite para alunos em 62 munic鱈pios do estado. A plataforma oferece v鱈deo aulas, slides de estudo e outros recursos tecnol坦gicos para professores e alunos.
Este trabajo esta con el objetivo de una buena nota q se pueda obtener y ganar el a単o muy ien sin quedar raspando bamos subi hpta as kenin d eingfklndbnin ojnmodnoenon onenfosgnrginsdgkinsfdgnsg
El documento describe tres tipos de circuitos el辿ctricos: circuitos en serie, circuitos en paralelo y circuitos mixtos. Un circuito en serie conecta los dispositivos de forma secuencial, mientras que un circuito en paralelo tiene una entrada y salida com炭n para todos los dispositivos. Un circuito mixto es una combinaci坦n de elementos en serie y paralelo.
- This report analyzes Zions Bancorporation (ZION), a financial services company operating in 11 western states, and recommends buying ZION stock.
- Key reasons for the recommendation are ZION's strong sustainable loan growth prospects, conservative underwriting and appropriate loan loss reserves, and potential for increased fee income from growing its wealth management business.
- The report sets a 12-month price target of $49.95 per share based on valuation models, representing a potential return of 13.9%. This is supported by factors such as rising interest rates, lower operating costs from efficiency initiatives, and higher net interest margins.
The document discusses several United Nations specialized agencies, including UNESCO, UNICEF, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank. It provides details on the structure, objectives, and activities of each agency. UNESCO works to promote international collaboration in education, science, and culture to further human rights. UNICEF focuses on meeting children's basic needs and expanding their potential worldwide. The ILO aims to improve labour conditions, promote employment, and raise living standards globally.
This document summarizes key EU policies and legal instruments on counter terrorism. It outlines the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy and its objectives to adapt laws to evolving terrorist threats. It describes the EU strategy for combating radicalization and recruitment and guidelines for member states. It also discusses the fight against terrorist financing through directives aimed at improving transparency. Additionally, it covers EU integrated crisis response arrangements, civil protection legislation, engagement with international partners like the UN, and roles of EU authorities and agencies in counterterrorism efforts.
Candidature of Finland to the
Executive Board of UNESCO
for 20172021
Towards 2030 through actions
Candidature of Finland to the Executive Board of UNESCO for 2017-2021.
As a member of the Executive Board Finland will work for
- an effective and active UNESCO based on
policy coherence
efficient governance
functional inter-sectoral linkages
strong partnerships
- the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- gender equality in all walks of life
- an inclusive and equitable high-quality education
- an integrated approach to sustainability in sciences
- safeguarding tangible and intangible heritage
- freedom of information and pluralistic media
- unique added value of UNESCOs work
This document provides personal and professional information about Issa Yousef Samandar. It includes his contact information, education history, work experience, skills and references. Over his career, he has worked for NGOs advocating for land and housing rights in Palestine, including as the Director General of the Palestinian National Committee for Register of Damage. He has extensive experience managing projects, conducting advocacy campaigns, and building relationships with local and international organizations.
Conclusions: Eighth Annual Meeting of the South East European Experts Network...UNESCO Venice Office
Additional Documents
Eighth Annual Meeting of the South East European Experts Network
on Intangible Cultural Heritage
15-16 May 2014. Limassol, Cyprus
The ideas and opinions expressed in the above presentations are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the documents do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city of area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Apprenticeships 2017The Pathway Group
Focusing on the Counter Terrorism and Security Act, 2015; this presentation is about 'stopping people from supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists' in the apprenticeship and education sector.
Information about safeguarding, risk assessments, planning, and staff training has also been included.
The document discusses cyber security issues at the United Nations. It outlines that new technologies have led to new security problems as malicious state and non-state actors launch cyber attacks against government and private networks. While the UN aims to prevent war and agree on norms of behavior, states have differing interests and ideological approaches to these issues. The document examines the work of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on cyber security, noting successes in establishing cyberspace is not lawless but challenges remain in reaching agreement due to ideological divides and limited state cooperation and preparedness to address cyber attacks. Sources for further information on these UN cyber security discussions are provided.
Resumen proyecto living together ingl辿s 10IntegraLocal
This document outlines a proposal for a transnational project aimed at promoting tolerance and combating racism and xenophobia in Europe. The project would involve organizations from Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland. Over 18 months, it would identify prejudices and stereotypes, collect models of tolerance from different countries, create arguments against racism and xenophobia, and establish a network to monitor for new discriminatory discourse. The goals are to better understand attitudes driving racism, share approaches to promoting diversity and inclusion, and develop resources to challenge intolerance.
The document introduces the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Conference of University Presidents (CPU). IAU is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1950 under UNESCO that brings together universities and higher education institutions from around the world. It focuses on issues in higher education through global forums, information services, and publications. The CPU is a consultative body in France comprised of university presidents and directors that aims to build collective autonomy, encourage public debate, and help modernize institutions.
15th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Periodic Reporting as a Strategic Tool for Safeguarding Living Heritage in South-East Europe
Online, 6-7 July 2021
Monitoring Social Movements Messages through Social Media SitesShadi Abu-Ayyash
Abu-Ayyash, S 2013, Examining Social Movements Messages Through Social Media Sites, paper presented at the Media Monitoring in the Digital Age Symposium, Galway, 23-24 May
Case studies of open access initiatives for access to information in developi...BioMedCentral
This document summarizes open access initiatives in developing countries. It discusses how open access publishing can increase access to research for scientists in developing nations. It provides examples of initiatives by organizations like EIFL to support open access repositories and advocacy in Africa and other regions. Specific initiatives at universities in Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa are also outlined. The document recommends that universities publish open access journals and advocate for authors to publish in open access.
Overview of the process on the Human Rights Guiding Principles on private act...Sylvain Aubry
Overview of the process on the Human Rights Guiding Principles on private actors in education.
More on:
It is a presentation illustrating the main highlights of Beijing Conference helpful for many others who wish to learn about it quickly at a glance. I hope your kind feedbacks.
This document discusses the core values and importance of teamwork in FLL competitions. It begins by explaining what FLL is and how it differs from other STEM programs in focusing not just on robots but also core values and skills. It then details the core values of FLL which guide team attitudes and emphasize friendly competition, mutual learning, and helping one another. The document provides examples of leadership and soft skills developed through FLL and gives suggestions for creating a cohesive team atmosphere. It concludes with examples of teamwork exercises involving building creatures out of LEGOs and ranking items for survival.
This document describes an Android application called Smart Class that aims to simplify learning of data structures for students. It was developed by three students and covers basics of data structures. The application provides an expandable view of different data structure types and subtypes. Key features include following Google development standards and material design guidelines. It works across a wide range of Android versions and has advantages of being accessible to most students and visualizing complex structures. Future improvements could include better animations and adding practice questions.
Social-Me is an Android application for creating and managing events. It allows users to create event invitations and send notifications to group members. The purpose is to simplify event management in an easy and efficient way. It is compatible with Android versions 4.2 to 6.0.1 and was developed using Android Studio, Java, PHP, XML, and a MySQL database hosted on Cloud9. The app allows users to create groups, events, and send notifications to group members who can respond with yes, no, or maybe responses.
O documento descreve a Plataforma Saber Mais, um recurso online lan巽ado pelo Centro de M鱈dias do Amazonas em 2016 para fornecer conte炭do educacional via sat辿lite para alunos em 62 munic鱈pios do estado. A plataforma oferece v鱈deo aulas, slides de estudo e outros recursos tecnol坦gicos para professores e alunos.
Este trabajo esta con el objetivo de una buena nota q se pueda obtener y ganar el a単o muy ien sin quedar raspando bamos subi hpta as kenin d eingfklndbnin ojnmodnoenon onenfosgnrginsdgkinsfdgnsg
El documento describe tres tipos de circuitos el辿ctricos: circuitos en serie, circuitos en paralelo y circuitos mixtos. Un circuito en serie conecta los dispositivos de forma secuencial, mientras que un circuito en paralelo tiene una entrada y salida com炭n para todos los dispositivos. Un circuito mixto es una combinaci坦n de elementos en serie y paralelo.
- This report analyzes Zions Bancorporation (ZION), a financial services company operating in 11 western states, and recommends buying ZION stock.
- Key reasons for the recommendation are ZION's strong sustainable loan growth prospects, conservative underwriting and appropriate loan loss reserves, and potential for increased fee income from growing its wealth management business.
- The report sets a 12-month price target of $49.95 per share based on valuation models, representing a potential return of 13.9%. This is supported by factors such as rising interest rates, lower operating costs from efficiency initiatives, and higher net interest margins.
This document provides guidance on completing a research project in 13 weeks. It outlines the key steps, including brainstorming topics, narrowing the focus, researching sources, developing a solution, and creating a presentation. Students are encouraged to try different brainstorming techniques, leverage local experts, use a variety of research materials, collaborate as a team, examine existing solutions, and practice their presentation multiple times before the final due date. The timeline suggests allocating the first few weeks to understanding the project and selecting a topic, the middle weeks for in-depth research, and the final weeks for developing the presentation and practicing delivery.
This document contains the resume of June M Portillo. She has over 15 years of accounting and finance experience in various industries including aerospace/defense, healthcare, government, and automotive. Her most recent role is Assistant Controller for Precision Aviation Group, where she oversees financial reporting, process improvements, and a team of 10 accountants across multiple locations.
This document summarizes opportunities for law firms in the sports sector in Spain and Portugal. Some of the key opportunities discussed include:
- Advising football clubs that have significantly increased revenues from the new collective broadcasting rights negotiations in Spain. This is allowing clubs to professionalize their structures and acquire more players.
- Brexit creating uncertainty around employment, tax, and acquisitions of UK football clubs that firms can advise on.
- Growing interest from investors in acquiring football clubs and opportunities for M&A work.
- Emergence of e-sports creating need for regulation and employment law advice.
- New online betting rules in Portugal opening the market and generating advisory work for firms.
So in
The document discusses using the Hough transform for edge detection and boundary linking in images. [1] The Hough transform is a technique that can find edge points that lie along a straight line or curve without needing prior knowledge about the position or orientation of lines in the image. [2] It works by transforming each edge point in the image space to a line in the parameter space, and the intersection of lines corresponds to parameters of the line on which multiple edge points lie. [3] The Hough transform can handle cases like vertical lines that pose problems for other edge linking techniques.
What is Lahore Metro Train Project - Overviewuvahidy
The current Orange Line Metro Train Project destroys the possibility of the integrated Lahore Mass Transport System as conceived in 2005-10.
Buses on grade will solve Lahores transport problems,. They can be supported by the revival of existing North South rails for commuter traffic. Underground trains using Tunnel Boring Machine can be an on going Long Term investment for the future.
The current plan destroys Lahore. It destroys livelihoods , homes and communities, it destroys heritage, it destroys the environment and the economy
Pierangelo Isernia and Alessandro G. Lamonica - University of SienaCrew Project
This document outlines the CReW Cultural Relations at Work project, which aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in cultural relations. It discusses the project goals, events held in Rabat, London, and Stuttgart on sustainable development, cultural heritage, and intercultural dialogue. The research design section explains how a theoretical framework was constructed and case studies were selected, collected, and analyzed. Preliminary findings suggest projects reflect the strategic framework through organizational and relational dimensions. Challenges include strategic approach contradictions and consequences of a changing international order. The next steps will analyze pracademic activities and develop implications and recommendations.
This document provides information on Mohammed Askar, a 33-year-old married male from Yemen currently working as a Ministerial Advisor for the Ministry of Human Rights in Yemen. He has over 10 years of experience in roles related to human rights, international cooperation, and public administration for international organizations. He is seeking opportunities in GCC or Middle Eastern countries with a monthly salary expectation of $5,000.
The document summarizes the Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP) offered by United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) and Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG). The 3-month programme includes courses on migration management and protection, migration and development, and migration policy. It uses interactive teaching methods like problem-based learning and hands-on exercises. Participants are assessed through written assignments, presentations, and group work. Upon completion, participants will receive a diploma in Migration Management and have gained practical skills in areas like policy analysis and scenario building. The programme also provides some scholarships for government officials from developing countries.
This presentation was delivered by UK National Agency Senior Project Manager, Corrina Hickman, during the widening participation workshop of the December 2015 Learning Networks event held in Cardiff.
No sands castles - Earth architecture and peace caravans: Learning from the p...Rhys Williams
This document summarizes a presentation on researching the role of culture in development in Niger. It discusses two cultural projects in Niger funded by the EU: 1) a youth cultural development program and 2) promoting earth architecture. It proposes a multimedia methodology using storytelling to understand how these projects impact development. Challenges include differentiating research from advocacy and ensuring political correctness and confidentiality. The goal is to produce multidimensional data and make research accessible to diverse audiences.
Within positions ranging from research, media relations and communication, I am an expert in designing and monitoring the implementation of communication strategies that target diverse groups. I developed unlimited number of communication strategies and action plans at BBC Media Action, the British Embassy and UNICEF respectively. Each strategy resulted in positive and measurable impact while, retaining the objectives and goals of the organizations.
The document summarizes the objectives and activities of E.N.S.A, the European Network of Social Authorities. E.N.S.A aims to encourage international cooperation and knowledge sharing on social issues. It has over 50 member organizations from across Europe. E.N.S.A's thematic networks focus on key areas like the elderly, youth, disabilities, children and inclusion. It coordinates several EU-funded projects run by its members on these topics, such as improving services for the disabled, training for youth workers, and supporting independent living for older adults.
The document summarizes the objectives and activities of E.N.S.A, the European Network of Social Authorities. E.N.S.A aims to encourage international cooperation and knowledge sharing on social issues. It has over 50 member organizations from across Europe. E.N.S.A's thematic networks focus on key areas like the elderly, youth, disabilities, children and inclusion. It coordinates several EU-funded projects run by its members on these topics, such as improving services for the disabled, training for youth workers, and supporting independent living for the elderly.
Anahi Ayala Iacucci has extensive experience in humanitarian aid, human rights, and information management. She currently serves as the Humanitarian Director for Internews in South Sudan, overseeing humanitarian projects providing information to communities affected by conflict. Previously, she held positions with the World Bank, Freedom House, and Ushahidi, focusing on using new technologies and crowdsourcing to support humanitarian efforts and monitor human rights issues.
Valuing Children's Potential - How children's participation contributes to fighting poverty and social exclusion To order your free (you will only need to pay for Package & Mailing) copy, get in touch with
Valentina Collazzo is an Italian national with experience working for humanitarian organizations in Colombia. She has a Master's degree in International Humanitarian Action and International Humanitarian Law. Her work experience includes coordinating projects for Terre des Hommes Germany on environmental child rights and evaluating a child recruitment prevention project for Save the Children. She also has experience as a project officer and assistant for War Child Holland in Colombia.
The "ChangeLog" Foundation is a volunteer non-governmental organization in Mykolaiv, Ukraine focused on European integration. It conducts volunteer projects in areas like social services, education, environmental protection, and youth development. The organization aims to promote spiritual and moral values in Ukrainian society through volunteer work. It has received state registration and recognition as a volunteer organization from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. The foundation also participates in the European Union's Erasmus+ program to coordinate international volunteer projects and exchanges for youth.
The Open Society Foundations is seeking proposals to evaluate their Network Debate Program from the past 15 years and develop an evaluation framework for the next 3-5 years. Specifically, the evaluation will (1) assess the outcomes and impact of the debate programs, (2) review the strategy of the International Debate Education Association, and (3) make recommendations to strengthen the debate programs and develop learning, monitoring, and evaluation tools for the future. The scope will cover debates in over 70 countries and engage stakeholders from OSF, IDEA, debate participants, and external experts.
IELOL_SDG #10-油Reduced Inequalities Stories on OER.pptxEbba Ossiannilsson
My presentation today 3 October 2022 on SDG #10:油Reduced InequalitiesStories on OER.
Guest speaker for the 2022 Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL) Global program
The UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples' Rights reflected on his six years of work. He emphasized the fragile situation of Indigenous peoples' rights and the need to strengthen UN human rights mechanisms for Indigenous peoples. While there has been some progress, the human rights movement globally faces challenges. The Special Rapporteur aims to have practical discussions on advancing Indigenous peoples' rights through cooperation between Indigenous groups, UN agencies, and governments.
This is one of result of Rights for Young project, which was founded by Erasmus+ program. Contains the most important aspect of the project, activities and some facts about youth rights.
Introducing Orn辿 Louw, she has over 40 years of experience in human and organizational development, with a focus on training, counseling, coaching and facilitating change. She has extensive experience developing and implementing national and international programs in areas like HIV/AIDS prevention, substance abuse, and organizational development. Some of the organizations she has worked with include the International Labour Organization, government departments in South Africa, and NGOs. She currently runs her own consultancy firm, providing services like training, mediation, life coaching and community outreach programs.
Council of europe developing intercultural competence thorough educationTatiany Sabaini Dalben
This document provides an introduction to developing intercultural competence through education. It defines key concepts such as identity, culture, and intercultural competence. Intercultural competence involves having attitudes, knowledge, understanding, and skills that allow one to understand and respect those with different cultural affiliations and interact with them appropriately. The document was created by the Council of Europe to provide guidance on developing intercultural competence in educational contexts.
UNESCO.pptx health agencies community health nursingAnjithaChandran8
Holt CV
1. Curriculum Vitae Sally Holt
Senior Research Fellow, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London, University Square
Stratford, London E15 1NF, United Kingdom.
Tel. + 44 (0)20 8223 3230, Mobile + 44 (0)7923 690 720, E-mail, Website:
Nationality United Kingdom
Diploma, Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights, bo Akademie Institute for
Human Rights, Turku/bo University, Finland, 1999
MA (with Distinction) in Understanding and Securing Human Rights, University of London, Institute of
Commonwealth Studies, 1998
BA (Hons.) 2 (i) in Ancient History & Archaeology, Nottingham University, 1989
International human rights law, specialising in minority rights
Conflict prevention, management and resolution
Peacebuilding and long-term security challenges, including the women, peace and security agenda
Expertise in the following thematic areas: non-discrimination and equality; managing cultural, linguistic
and religious diversity; participation in public and economic life; land and natural resources
Research and analysis (academic, legal and policy) leading to identification of effective practices and
development of recommendations and guidelines
Drafting materials (report, briefing, training, etc.) tailored to audience
Course development and delivery (academic, training, e-learning, etc.)
Review and evaluation of programmes across diverse countries/contexts, including survey design
Project planning, development, implementation, monitoring, and reporting
Networking and liaison, including establishment and maintenance of key contacts/relationships
CONSULTANCIES (last 5 years)
EuropeAid funded project Youthopia! August 2014January 2015
Designing and delivering a series of workshops on human rights in conflict situations for youth from the
Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. Sub-contracted by Famagusta Youth Center (MAGEM). For
information on the project see:
UN Staff System College MayOctober 2014
Preparing an e-learning course for the UN Staff System College on Participation and Inclusion of
Minorities in UN and National Programming. Sub-contracted by Minority Rights Group International. See:
European Commission External Action Service JulySeptember 2013
Participating in an ExpertMission to theRussian Federation in the context of the EU-Russia visa dialogue
to assess compliance with relevant international standards and recommendations in the areas of anti-
discrimination, protection of minorities, and combat against hate crimes. Preparing a report and
recommendations. Final synthesis report available at:
2. 2
UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) FebJune 2013
Preparing an e-learning moduleon AddressingDisputesand Conflicts overthe Tenure of NaturalResources in
support of the implementation of UN FAO Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure.
UN Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary General (OSASG) Yemen May 2013
Preparing a paper on Restitution of Land and Property for the National Dialogue Process, Yemen
United States Agency for international Development March 2013
Preparing a Quick Guideversion of the handbook on Land and Conflict Prevention. Sub-contracted by
Initiativeon QuietDiplomacy. See:
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) MayJune 2011
Drafting thebackground paper and participating as a panelist and speaker at the Regional Conference on
Advancing the Participation Rights of Minorities in Central Asia Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 21-22 June 2011.
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) AprilMay & SeptOct 2010
Preparing a first draft of guidelines on Integration of Diverse Societies for OSCE participating states and
undertaking revisions in consultation with HCNM staff. Guidelines available at:
Senior Research Fellow & Deputy Director, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London
Aug 2015present
Undertaking policy-oriented research and consultancies at the intersection of human rights,
development, and peace and security. Current research projects and related activities include:
Developing platforms of support for women in public life in countries in transition in the Middle East
and North Africa (with the International Forum for Islamic Dialogue and the Jasmine Foundation).
Research and advocacy to supportdevelopment of a UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights General Comment on Land Rights (with Amnesty International and Minority Rights Group
Research on the participation of minorities and indigenous peoples in peace processes (with
Minority Rights Group International).
Co-designing and coordinating a new MA in Human Rights Practice and Advocacy, teaching on the
Human Rights LLM and designing and delivering trainings for external audiences.
Preparing funding proposals, including developing research project methodologies.
Drafting policy-focused documents(literaturereviews,conceptnotes,workingpapers, briefings, etc.) and
academic outputs (chapters, journal articles, etc.).
Participating as an expert/panelist/resource person at events (workshops, conferences, seminars, etc.).
Adviser, Initiative on Quiet Diplomacy (IQd), University of Essex Human Rights Centre Oct 2008Dec 2012
Coordinating the development and use of a toolkit of conflict prevention resources for policy-makers
and practitioners including: authoring,commissioning and editing issue-based handbooks,quick guides
and related materials and delivering outreach events.
Designing and developing training modules and other capacity-building tools based on the toolkit and
delivering tailored trainings for diverse audiences (IGO, government, opposition movements, etc.).
Managing a Cordaid-funded programmeof work on women, peace and security, focused particularly on
womens participation in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding processes.
Providing assistance to parties in conflict situations, by acting as a resource person focused on
problem-solving around specific issues (e.g. non-discrimination and equality, forms of governance and
political participation, language, education, and land).
3. 3
Social Inclusion Programme Manager, Aga Khan Foundation (UK) Sept 2007Sept 2008
Designing and managing a programme of work to inform an institutional decision regarding potential AKF
(UK) engagement in a social inclusion capacity in Western Europe, involving:
Designing, commissioning and managing research studies, including comparative analysis of selected
European countries approaches to the integration/inclusion of communities of immigrant origin.
Reviewing and evaluating Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and Ismaili community-supported
interventions in North America and Europe to extract lesson learned.
Assessing AKDNs potential strengths (and weaknesses) with regard to social inclusion drawing on
relevant health, education and micro-finance programmes in developing countries and considering the
ethos, values and approach of the network more broadly.
Consulting with a rangeof stakeholders that influence and/or work on social inclusion of populations of
foreign origin (particularly Muslims) in Europe generally and the UK and Germany, especially.
Preparing a synthesis report and final recommendations to the AKDN Board.
Research Fellow, Centre for International Cooperation and Security, Peace Studies Dept., University of
Bradford Sept 2004Sept 2007
Applied policy research for government agencies, IGOs and NGOs in the fields of human rights,
development and conflict.
Developing and delivering training courses e.g. for the UKs Ministry of Defense and Foreign and
Commonwealth Office/British Council Chevening Fellowship Programmes.
Maintaining donor, project partner, and other key external relationships e.g. with UK DFID, Canadian
and Swedish international development agencies.
Academic research and analysis leading to publication.
Legal Officer, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Jan 2000Sept 2004
Researching and preparing reports on legal, thematic and conceptual issues relating to human rights,
conflict prevention, and related fields.
Reviewing and analysing international and national legal materials in the areas of human rights and
protection of minorities.
Contributing to the thematic work of the HCNM involving elaboration of guidelines and
recommendations for law and policy-makers on minority-related issues (effective participation in public
life, language use, education, citizenship).
Coordinating HCNMwork on Roma and Sinti including supportfora network of Roma and Sinti women,
contributing to the OSCE Action Plan on Roma and Sinti, editing publications, and networking with IGO,
NGO, and community representatives.
Representing the HCNM at meetings, workshops, seminars, and conferences and in intergovernmental
fora, including preparation and delivery of presentations and formal interventions.
Researcher, Rights and Humanity JuneDec 1999
Researching and drafting briefings and background papers and compiling meeting reports.
Legal Assistant, OSCE HCNM (short-term temporary assistance) MarchMay 1999
Editing reports and articles and preparing conference materials for publication.
Legal Clerk, Howe and Co. Solicitors Oct. 1998Feb 1999
Accompanying asylum-seekers to interviews conducted by the Home Office and Immigration Services,
liaising with clients and solicitors and completing paperwork.
Rangeofarchaeological postsforMuseums andArchaeologicalUnits intheUKandNorway 19901997
4. 4
Native English speaker
French Intermediate Level (Alliance Fran巽aise, 2003)
The Role of Soft Law in Minority Rights Protection and Diversity Management: Reflections from
Practice (with Zdenka Machnyikova & John Packer), in: Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen and Stephanie
Lagoutte (eds.) The roles of Soft Law in International Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press,
forthcoming 2016.
The Role of Human Rights in Diversity Management and Conflict Prevention, in: Corinne Lennox (ed.)
Contemporary Challenges in Securing Human Rights, Human Rights Consortium/Institute of
Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2015, pp. 59-66
Overview of Minority-related Activities in the UN system in 2013 (with Rajiv Jebodh & Jeremie Gilbert),
in: EuropeanYearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 12, 2013/2014Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill, 2015, pp. 280-314.
"Managing Diversity: Culture", Conflict Prevention Handbook Series, No. 7, Initiative on Quiet Diplomacy,
forthcoming 2016.
"Culturefor Shared Societies" (with Zdenka Machnyikova), in: Mari Fitzduff (ed.) Public Policies in Shared
Societies: A Comparative Approach, Palgrave, 2013, pp. 167-214.
"Land and Conflict in Shared Societies" (with John Bruce), in: Mari Fitzduff (ed.) Public Policies in Shared
Societies: A Comparative Approach, Palgrave, 2013, pp. 215-240.
"Land and ConflictPrevention"(with John Bruce), Conflict Prevention Handbook Series, No. 6, Initiative
on Quiet Diplomacy, 2011. Available at:
"Impact of the Public Expression of Identity on Social Cohesion" (with John Packer), Background Paper
for the Club of Madrid's Shared Societies Project, November 2008. Available at:
"OSCE Developments and Linguistic Minorities" (with John Packer), in: Matthias Koenig and Paul de
Guchteneire (eds.) Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural Societies, Ashgate/UNESCO, 2007, pp.
"Family, Private Life and Cultural Rights", in: Marc Weller and Alcidia Moucheboeuf (eds.) Universal
Minority Rights: A Commentary on the Jurisprudence of International Courts and Treaty Bodies, European
Centre forMinority Issues & Centre of International Studies, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 203-252.
"TheLund Recommendations in theActivities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities", in:
Krzysztof Drzewicki(ed.), InternationalJournalof Minorityand Group Rights, Vol. 12: 2-3, 2005, pp. 169-188.
"Commentary on Article 9", (with John Packer), in: ECMI (ed.), Advancing the Efficiency of the Global
Structures of Minority Rights Protection on the Basis of the Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 256-291.
"The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, June 2003May 2004", in:
European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 3, 2003/4, Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill, 2004, pp. 429456.
"Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Minority Languages in the Broadcast Media, Baden bei
Wein, 24-25 October 2003", (contributor and guest editor with John Packer), Special Issue of Mercator
Media Forum, University of Wales Press, 2004.
"The Use of Minority Languages in the Broadcast Media: Introducing New Guidelines", (with John
Packer), in: Helsinki Monitor, 2004, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 103-126.
"The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, January 2001May 2002", in:
EuropeanYearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 1, 2001/2, London:KluwerLaw International, 2003, pp. 563-589.
"Romani Women - A Priority for European Public Health Policy" (with Anna Pomykala), in: Open Society
Institute EU Accession Monitoring Program, Feature on Roma Access to Public Health, September 2002.
Available at:
5. 5
John Strawson Chandra Lekha Sriram
Honorary Professor Professorof InternationalLaw & International Relations
Centre on Human Rights in Conflict Director, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict
University of East London University of East London
University Square Stratford University Square Stratford
1 Salway Road 1 Salway Road
London E15 1NF London E15 1NF
E-mail: E-mail:
Tel: + 44 (0)20 8223 3661 +44 (0)20 8223 2189
Former Centre director and line manager Current line manager
John Packer
Associate Professor of Law
Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre
University of Ottawa
Faculty of Law
Pavillon Fauteux Hall
57 Louis-Pasteur, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1N 6N5
Tel: +1 613-562-5800 (3462)
Former line manager OSCE HCNM and Essex University