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Home Health
Tech is Here to
StayAre You?
In an economy where markets are
drying up left and right, theres one
market that we can guarantee will only
grow: The Aging & Technology
Industry. This year alone, 7000
boomers will turn 65 every day while
demanding a NEW and sustainable
AGING IN PLACE model of care.
Delivered by a true integration expert,
the solution combines standard home
automation and smart home
technologies  complete with wireless
tele-medicine, brain fitness and
socialization features. Learn about the
future of aging and technology, why you
should get involved and how to start.
 The Opportunity
 The Technology Arena
    Why This is a Good Time to be involved
    Basic Overview of Technologies Available
    How to get started?
    Successful Marketing Campaigns
    Getting your foot in the door
    The Pitch
    The Installation/Follow-up
 Question/Answer     Session
About Your Moderator
                        Laura Mitchell
                        VP Marketing
                        GrandCare Systems

                                      Join our Online Communities!
   GC Website: www.grandcare.com
   GC Forums: http://dealerweb.grandcare.com
   GC Blog: http://grandcare.wordpress.com/
   LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=2043956&trk=anet_ug_grppro
   Twitter: @grandcare
   Boomer Authority: GrandCare :
   Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/GrandCare-Systems-Corporate-HQ/163121913734858
   Squidoo: http://www.squidoo.com/grandcare-systems
   YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/gcsys
   Blog: http://grandcare.wordpress.com
   Convore: https://convore.com/grandcare-home-health-tech/
   Digg: http://digg.com/grandcare

Industry Aging/Tech Webinar:
GrandCare hosts an industry-wide Aging/Technology Webinar (the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month) at
2pm Eastern Time (http://grandcaresystems.webex.com) for aging/technology industry participants,
GrandCare Distributors, GC-Partners and other interested individuals. Its a free webinar and GrandCare
staff is always available to field questions, take suggestions, offer answers, etc. This webinar has been
available since 2008 and is thought of as a key aging/technology resource.
Your Esteemed Panel

Tom Morgan

Peter Radsliff

Jim Gleason
The Opportunity

   What is the
            The Opportunity

Who is affected?

Why this industry

 Why this industry
is GOOD for YOU!
Disruptive Demographics

For almost every Disruptive
Demographic, there is almost
always an enabling solution
The Opportunity

"I believe the seniors are our Future"
What is the Opportunity

2/3 of all people that have ever lived to age 65 are

By 2050 there will be one million people over 100
years of age

90% of Americans believe caregiving is a family

A Recent Study showed the majority of Seniors
polled feared Nursing Homes worse than death

More than 44 million Americans are family
caregivers for a spouse, parent, relative or friend
About Your Panel
                   Tom Morgan
                   CTO and VP Worthington University
                   Worthington Distribution

                        Worthington Distribution Can Provide
      Competitive Pricing
      200 Page Catalog
   Great Stocking Levels
      Tafton, PA
      Las Vegas, NV
   Knowledgeable, Helpful Staff
      Worthington University
      Knowledge Base
      Technical Support
   System Design Support
Technology Arena: Overview


                                                         Personal Emergency
Activities of Daily Living
                                                          Response (PERS)

                                                                   Fall Detection

Wellness Monitoring           Technology Objectives
                               Communication                    Communication
Technology Arena: PERS

    Personal Emergency Response System
   A communication system which links
    an individual to emergency response
    even if that person is unable to use the
   A transmitter causes a receiver to
    automatically dial a monitoring station.        Personal Emergency
    A highly-trained emergency rescue                Response (PERS)
    dispatcher is responsible for evaluating
    the situation and requesting the
    appropriate help.

                                                          Fall Detection
Technology Arena: ADL Monitoring

   ADL: Activities of Daily Living Monitoring
   Small, wireless electronic sensors are
    placed in strategic areas of the
    residence. These sensors monitor typical
    daily living activities of the occupant
      Both proprietary, and open standard                                  RF
       technologies are used depending on
       the system
   An intelligent device monitors the             Activities of Daily Living
    transmission and reports activity or the                 Sensors
    lack of activity to family members or a
    monitoring station
      Things to watch for
          Movement during day hours
              Everything is Ok
          Movement at night
              Sleep Walking
          House Temperature
          Phone Calls to the home
Technology Arena: Wellness Monitoring

     The failure to take drugs on time in the
      dosages prescribed, is as dangerous and
      costly as many illnesses
     3 Processes for medication management
          Manual Administration
            Personnel = Expensive                             Medication Reminders
          Self Administered
            Complete faith in the user
          ADL Monitored Self Administered
            Provides reminders to the users and
             notification to Caregivers for
                Less expensive than manual administration
                 with effective checks and balances

                                                               Medication Dispensers
Technology Arena: Wellness Monitoring

   Wellness Data
     If your company is going to be involved with
      personal medical data your company must be
      HIPAA compliant
           Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
       Chronic Disease: Early Detection is Important                 Blood Pressure
           Regular readings allows a patient to be viewed on a
            wider timeline showing trends
           Wellness data can be shared with physicians during
            regular vists
       Caregivers can view wellness data to look for
        trends                                                         Blood Oxygen
           The collecting wellness data shows the Loved one is
            adhering to the routine and is working to stay well

                                                                       Blood Glucose

Technology Arena: Communication

     Often the forgotten element of aging
     As sense of purpose is an important element in
      the will to live, constant communication is as
      effective as any medication
           E-mail Messages
             Not all Loved ones can run a computer: Presto
           PC Services
             You Tube, Skype, FaceBook, The Web,
              Photographs                                       Communication
             Some Systems combined these into simple to
              use interfaces: GrandCare
       Keep the Loved one part of the family by
        including them in family life
Technology Arena: Brain Fitness

   Brian fitness
     Every seventy-one seconds, another senior is diagnosed with
       Alzheimers disease*
     Researchers found that stimulating leisure activities were associated
       with a 50% reduction in risk of dementia**
     Among a subset of participants that developed dementia,
       researchers found that participant(s) who reported frequent
       participation in cognitive activities had accelerated decline
       delayed by 1.29 years***
   The Solution: Stay mentally challenged
           Checkers, Chess, Solitaire, Sudoku, Etc.
           Word Skills, Image Recognition, Memory Skills, Etc.

                  * www.dakim.com
                  ** Leisure activities and the risk of dementia in the elderly: The Three-City study (2009)
                  *** Cognitive activities delay onset of memory decline in persons who develop dementia (2009)
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

  What do you need to know?
  How to get started?
  Successful Marketing Campaigns
  Examples of Real Life Marketing Success
About Your Panel

                 Peter Radsliff
                 CEO, Presto Services Inc.
                 Chairman, Aging Technology Alliance

   Computerless Email ( Presto.com )      Your Aging Industry Trade Group
    - Proven product & service              Promoting the awareness, benefits
                                            and value of member products &
    - Great door opener                     services for our aging society
    - Recurring revenue opportunity
                                           Member Benefits ( AgeTek.org )
                                            - Access to like-minded
                                              business leaders
                                            - Strength through collective
                                              action and initiatives
                                            - Action to shape the future
                                              of an industry, and society!
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

Fundamental Marketing Questions

  What   is your business story?

  Do   you need a new brand or division?

  Who    are you going to sell to?

  Are   you going to need to hire someone?

  What   spells success or failure?
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

   What Product Categories Will You Provide?

Communication                                 Home Safety
 & Engagement                                 & Security
              Email                           Security
                          Ask yourself:
        Videophone                            PERS
       Mobile phone     What categories       Home monitoring
          Computer      will you provide?
                        Which are closest
                        to what you do?
        Health &        Will you generalize   Learning &
        Wellness          or specialize?      Contribution
           Telehealth                         Networking
Medication dispensing                         Legacy
         & reminders                          Education & learning
Disease management
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

        Understand the Continuum of Care

 are    Systems Integrator?                        Ask yourself:
                                         Where are the business
                                          opportunities here?
                                          Where are the clients?

                                         Source: The MetLife Report on Aging in Place 2.0
                                   in conjunction with Louis Tennenbaum, CAPS, CAASH
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

Fill in the blanks for your business:
 For (describe your customer) in need of (describe their need),
 (your business name here) is the (describe your type of product
 or business) that (describe your business value proposition).
 The reason isor how you do itis: (describe your value-add).
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

Fill in the blanks for your business:
  For (describe your customer) in need of (describe their need),
  (your business name here) is the (describe your type of product
  or business) that (describe your business value proposition).
  The reason isor how you do itis: (describe your value-add).

Heres an Example:
  For (family members who make decisions about the support and care of their aging
  parents) in need of (a simple, convenient, and cost-effective way to communicate
  with them), (Presto) is the (communications tool) that (seamlessly bridges the
  technology gap and redefines the way families can share their lives, conversations
  and information). The reason is that Presto uses a specially-designer printer & online
  service that allows the whole family to use the method of communication they each

Until you do this for your business, you cant build a marketing plan.
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

Heres an Example for an Integrator:
 For (family members who make decisions about the support

 and care of their aging parents) in need of (simple, convenient,

 and cost-effective ways to help them age safely in their own

 home), (AIP, Inc.) is (your local aging-in-place expert) who

 (analyzes your parents needs and then recommends and

 installs the right systems to help them live comfortably).

 The reason is that (AIP has learned how to integrate systems

 that are easy to live with and that provide the peace of mind

 that you, and your parents deserve).

               What is Your Business Value?
Technology Arena: Communication

Elder Socialization
   A means for socialization is an often forgotten element of aging.
   A sense of purpose is an important element in the will to live.
   Consistent communication is as effective as any medication.
     Email & photos for elders who use computers
     Also YouTube, Skype, and Facebook

   Installable solutions are now available.
     Integrated communication or monitoring systems:
      GrandCare, Telekin, Sonamba, Halo

     Computerless communication systems:                socialization solutions abound
      Tablet, Presto Mail, Celery

    Installing systems for family socialization is important
             plus an excellent business opportunity
The Approach: Peter Radsliff

              Starting a relationship, determining needs

     Example  socialization solutions: Which is right for your client?

GrandCare         Apple         Standard             PC with           MyGait              Presto
HomeBase          iPad             PC               Famililink       Go Computer      Computerless Email

                                 It depends on your clients
             abilities  desire  history  support  open-mindedness  life stage  budget

                                 This is your value-add!
The Installation: Jim Gleason

 FromConsultation to Installation
  Getting your foot in the door
  The Consultation
  The Pitch
  The Installation

From Consultation to Installation

   Family Consultation
       Discuss Needs
       Discuss Potential Solutions to Assist
       Client Interview (likes, hobbies, interests  to help with Communications)
       Go through full explanation  ensure Primary Caregiver/Responder & communicators

   Determine Model & Sensors
       Price & Payment Schedule (renting/buying?)
       Have client sign end user licensing agreement/hipaa agreement
       Appt to Survey the Home
           Verify Internet Connection
           Ensure there will be no signal /sensor placement troubles
           Verify exact sensors/placement
           Assess if router will be needed
       Set Installation Date

   Prep work for installation
       Family Orientation
           How to add more caregivers/users
           add communications before installation
           initial rules- train family on rules
       Preset Sensors/Network (if possible)
       Set up family Online with user names/passwords

   Perform Installation
       Better to not SECURE anything to walls until you KNOW its a good place for the sensor
       Rodeo Clown Theory (hit the explanation sweet spot  not over, not under)
       Set 2 week check-up with Family

   2 Week Check-up
       Assess information
       Are they getting what they want?
       Set Appropriate Rules
       Adjust sensors if needed
Getting Your Foot In The Door
 Customers   wont line up at your door!
 Existing Customer Base
 Local Networking
     Chamber of Commerce
     Local Independent/Assisted Living
     Groups/Companies that provide service to
     Lions, VFW, Legion.
     Partner with Non-technology providers
Im in!!                           Now What??
     Know the products that are out there and how
      they are applied!
     What are the needs and Wants?
           What technology will fit best?
           Do you need more than one technology?
           Make Recommendations.you are the experts!
           Dont Have a Solution? Ask your distributors.
       What is the budget?
           Can more than one person pay?
           Lease options
The Pitch
 Continue  to educate/consult
 Show savings compared to other options
 Include a service contract
      $10 ~ $20 / month
 Plan    multiple trips to close the deal!
      2 ~ 3 Trips to close
      Customers will want to see you!
 Ifyou cant help with an item, refer them
  to someone else
   Test your equipment
   Make Sure all needed items are in place
     Phone Lines (Remember DSL Filters!)
     Enough electrical outlets
     Extra Parts
     Accounts setup and users entered
   Documents ~ This is a fast changing market!
    Always have the latest.
     User manuals
     Sales Flyers
The install
 Plan   extra time!
     Older users take more time to absorb
     They may want to help
     They WILL want to talk
     Family training
     Web training for remote family
     remember, they can get you your
 next sale! Dont rush it!
Two week Follow-up
 Ensure  all needs are covered, do they
  need anything else
 Is the system doing what they wanted it to
 If need be, set or adjust rules for the
 Ask for referrals


       Thank You!
Home Health
Tech is Here to
StayAre You?

Thank You!
  - Laura Mitchell
   - Tom Morgan
  - Peter Radsliff
   - Jim Gleason

More Related Content

Home Health Tech Is Here To Stay Are You 2011 Final Rough Draft

  • 2. Home Health Tech is Here to StayAre You? In an economy where markets are drying up left and right, theres one market that we can guarantee will only grow: The Aging & Technology Industry. This year alone, 7000 boomers will turn 65 every day while demanding a NEW and sustainable AGING IN PLACE model of care. Delivered by a true integration expert, the solution combines standard home automation and smart home technologies complete with wireless tele-medicine, brain fitness and socialization features. Learn about the future of aging and technology, why you should get involved and how to start.
  • 3. Agenda The Opportunity The Technology Arena Why This is a Good Time to be involved Basic Overview of Technologies Available Marketing How to get started? Successful Marketing Campaigns Implementation Getting your foot in the door The Pitch The Installation/Follow-up Question/Answer Session
  • 4. About Your Moderator Laura Mitchell VP Marketing GrandCare Systems laura@grandcare.com 262-338-6147 Join our Online Communities! GC Website: www.grandcare.com GC Forums: http://dealerweb.grandcare.com GC Blog: http://grandcare.wordpress.com/ LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=2043956&trk=anet_ug_grppro Twitter: @grandcare Boomer Authority: GrandCare : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/GrandCare-Systems-Corporate-HQ/163121913734858 Squidoo: http://www.squidoo.com/grandcare-systems YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/gcsys Blog: http://grandcare.wordpress.com Convore: https://convore.com/grandcare-home-health-tech/ Digg: http://digg.com/grandcare Industry Aging/Tech Webinar: GrandCare hosts an industry-wide Aging/Technology Webinar (the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month) at 2pm Eastern Time (http://grandcaresystems.webex.com) for aging/technology industry participants, GrandCare Distributors, GC-Partners and other interested individuals. Its a free webinar and GrandCare staff is always available to field questions, take suggestions, offer answers, etc. This webinar has been available since 2008 and is thought of as a key aging/technology resource.
  • 5. Your Esteemed Panel Tom Morgan Peter Radsliff Jim Gleason
  • 6. The Opportunity What is the opportunity? The Opportunity Who is affected? Why this industry NEEDS YOU! Why this industry is GOOD for YOU!
  • 7. Disruptive Demographics For almost every Disruptive Demographic, there is almost always an enabling solution
  • 8. The Opportunity "I believe the seniors are our Future"
  • 9. What is the Opportunity 2/3 of all people that have ever lived to age 65 are ALIVE TODAY By 2050 there will be one million people over 100 years of age 90% of Americans believe caregiving is a family responsibility A Recent Study showed the majority of Seniors polled feared Nursing Homes worse than death More than 44 million Americans are family caregivers for a spouse, parent, relative or friend
  • 10. About Your Panel Tom Morgan CTO and VP Worthington University Worthington Distribution tom@worthdist.com 800-282-8864 Worthington Distribution Can Provide Product Competitive Pricing 200 Page Catalog Great Stocking Levels Tafton, PA Las Vegas, NV Knowledgeable, Helpful Staff Training Worthington University On-Line Knowledge Base Technical Support System Design Support
  • 11. Technology Arena: Overview RF Personal Emergency Activities of Daily Living Response (PERS) Sensors Fall Detection Wellness Monitoring Technology Objectives Safety Wellness Communication Communication
  • 12. Technology Arena: PERS PERS: Personal Emergency Response System A communication system which links an individual to emergency response even if that person is unable to use the telephone A transmitter causes a receiver to automatically dial a monitoring station. Personal Emergency A highly-trained emergency rescue Response (PERS) dispatcher is responsible for evaluating the situation and requesting the appropriate help. Fall Detection
  • 13. Technology Arena: ADL Monitoring ADL: Activities of Daily Living Monitoring Small, wireless electronic sensors are placed in strategic areas of the residence. These sensors monitor typical daily living activities of the occupant Both proprietary, and open standard RF technologies are used depending on the system An intelligent device monitors the Activities of Daily Living transmission and reports activity or the Sensors lack of activity to family members or a monitoring station Things to watch for Wandering Movement during day hours Everything is Ok Movement at night Sleep Walking Incontinence House Temperature Phone Calls to the home
  • 14. Technology Arena: Wellness Monitoring Medication The failure to take drugs on time in the dosages prescribed, is as dangerous and costly as many illnesses 3 Processes for medication management Manual Administration Personnel = Expensive Medication Reminders Self Administered Complete faith in the user ADL Monitored Self Administered Provides reminders to the users and notification to Caregivers for non-compliance Less expensive than manual administration with effective checks and balances Medication Dispensers
  • 15. Technology Arena: Wellness Monitoring Wellness Data If your company is going to be involved with personal medical data your company must be HIPAA compliant Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Chronic Disease: Early Detection is Important Blood Pressure Regular readings allows a patient to be viewed on a wider timeline showing trends Wellness data can be shared with physicians during regular vists Caregivers can view wellness data to look for trends Blood Oxygen The collecting wellness data shows the Loved one is adhering to the routine and is working to stay well Blood Glucose Weight
  • 16. Technology Arena: Communication Socialization Often the forgotten element of aging As sense of purpose is an important element in the will to live, constant communication is as effective as any medication E-mail Messages Not all Loved ones can run a computer: Presto PC Services You Tube, Skype, FaceBook, The Web, Photographs Communication Some Systems combined these into simple to use interfaces: GrandCare Keep the Loved one part of the family by including them in family life
  • 17. Technology Arena: Brain Fitness Brian fitness Every seventy-one seconds, another senior is diagnosed with Alzheimers disease* Researchers found that stimulating leisure activities were associated with a 50% reduction in risk of dementia** Among a subset of participants that developed dementia, researchers found that participant(s) who reported frequent participation in cognitive activities had accelerated decline delayed by 1.29 years*** The Solution: Stay mentally challenged Games Checkers, Chess, Solitaire, Sudoku, Etc. Activities Word Skills, Image Recognition, Memory Skills, Etc. * www.dakim.com ** Leisure activities and the risk of dementia in the elderly: The Three-City study (2009) *** Cognitive activities delay onset of memory decline in persons who develop dementia (2009)
  • 18. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Marketing What do you need to know? How to get started? Successful Marketing Campaigns Examples of Real Life Marketing Success
  • 19. About Your Panel Peter Radsliff CEO, Presto Services Inc. Chairman, Aging Technology Alliance peter.radsliff@presto.com 415.850.1971 Computerless Email ( Presto.com ) Your Aging Industry Trade Group - Proven product & service Promoting the awareness, benefits and value of member products & - Great door opener services for our aging society - Recurring revenue opportunity Member Benefits ( AgeTek.org ) - Access to like-minded business leaders - Strength through collective action and initiatives - Action to shape the future of an industry, and society!
  • 20. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Fundamental Marketing Questions What is your business story? Do you need a new brand or division? Who are you going to sell to? Are you going to need to hire someone? What spells success or failure?
  • 21. The Approach: Peter Radsliff What Product Categories Will You Provide? Communication Home Safety & Engagement & Security Email Security Ask yourself: Videophone PERS Mobile phone What categories Home monitoring Computer will you provide? Which are closest to what you do? Health & Will you generalize Learning & Wellness or specialize? Contribution Telehealth Networking Medication dispensing Legacy & reminders Education & learning Disease management Fitness
  • 22. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Understand the Continuum of Care Where are Systems Integrator? Ask yourself: you? Where are the business opportunities here? Where are the clients? Source: The MetLife Report on Aging in Place 2.0 in conjunction with Louis Tennenbaum, CAPS, CAASH
  • 23. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Fill in the blanks for your business: For (describe your customer) in need of (describe their need), (your business name here) is the (describe your type of product or business) that (describe your business value proposition). The reason isor how you do itis: (describe your value-add).
  • 24. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Fill in the blanks for your business: For (describe your customer) in need of (describe their need), (your business name here) is the (describe your type of product or business) that (describe your business value proposition). The reason isor how you do itis: (describe your value-add). Heres an Example: For (family members who make decisions about the support and care of their aging parents) in need of (a simple, convenient, and cost-effective way to communicate with them), (Presto) is the (communications tool) that (seamlessly bridges the technology gap and redefines the way families can share their lives, conversations and information). The reason is that Presto uses a specially-designer printer & online service that allows the whole family to use the method of communication they each prefer. Until you do this for your business, you cant build a marketing plan.
  • 25. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Heres an Example for an Integrator: For (family members who make decisions about the support and care of their aging parents) in need of (simple, convenient, and cost-effective ways to help them age safely in their own home), (AIP, Inc.) is (your local aging-in-place expert) who (analyzes your parents needs and then recommends and installs the right systems to help them live comfortably). The reason is that (AIP has learned how to integrate systems that are easy to live with and that provide the peace of mind that you, and your parents deserve). What is Your Business Value?
  • 26. Technology Arena: Communication Elder Socialization A means for socialization is an often forgotten element of aging. A sense of purpose is an important element in the will to live. Consistent communication is as effective as any medication. Email & photos for elders who use computers Also YouTube, Skype, and Facebook Installable solutions are now available. Integrated communication or monitoring systems: GrandCare, Telekin, Sonamba, Halo Computerless communication systems: socialization solutions abound Tablet, Presto Mail, Celery Installing systems for family socialization is important plus an excellent business opportunity
  • 27. The Approach: Peter Radsliff Starting a relationship, determining needs Example socialization solutions: Which is right for your client? GrandCare Apple Standard PC with MyGait Presto HomeBase iPad PC Famililink Go Computer Computerless Email It depends on your clients abilities desire history support open-mindedness life stage budget This is your value-add!
  • 28. The Installation: Jim Gleason FromConsultation to Installation Getting your foot in the door The Consultation The Pitch The Installation Pre-install work Assessment Follow-up
  • 29. From Consultation to Installation Family Consultation Discuss Needs Discuss Potential Solutions to Assist Client Interview (likes, hobbies, interests to help with Communications) Go through full explanation ensure Primary Caregiver/Responder & communicators Determine Model & Sensors Price & Payment Schedule (renting/buying?) Have client sign end user licensing agreement/hipaa agreement Appt to Survey the Home Verify Internet Connection Ensure there will be no signal /sensor placement troubles Verify exact sensors/placement Assess if router will be needed Set Installation Date Prep work for installation Family Orientation How to add more caregivers/users add communications before installation initial rules- train family on rules Preset Sensors/Network (if possible) Set up family Online with user names/passwords Perform Installation Better to not SECURE anything to walls until you KNOW its a good place for the sensor Rodeo Clown Theory (hit the explanation sweet spot not over, not under) Set 2 week check-up with Family 2 Week Check-up Assess information Are they getting what they want? Set Appropriate Rules Adjust sensors if needed
  • 30. Getting Your Foot In The Door Customers wont line up at your door! Existing Customer Base Local Networking Chamber of Commerce Local Independent/Assisted Living Groups/Companies that provide service to Disabled/Elderly Lions, VFW, Legion. Partner with Non-technology providers
  • 31. Im in!! Now What?? Consult! Know the products that are out there and how they are applied! What are the needs and Wants? What technology will fit best? Do you need more than one technology? Make Recommendations.you are the experts! Dont Have a Solution? Ask your distributors. What is the budget? Can more than one person pay? Lease options Rentals
  • 32. The Pitch Continue to educate/consult Show savings compared to other options Include a service contract $10 ~ $20 / month Plan multiple trips to close the deal! 2 ~ 3 Trips to close Customers will want to see you! Ifyou cant help with an item, refer them to someone else
  • 33. Pre-install Test your equipment Make Sure all needed items are in place Internet Phone Lines (Remember DSL Filters!) Enough electrical outlets Extra Parts Accounts setup and users entered Documents ~ This is a fast changing market! Always have the latest. User manuals Sales Flyers
  • 34. The install Plan extra time! Older users take more time to absorb technology They may want to help They WILL want to talk Family training Web training for remote family Just remember, they can get you your next sale! Dont rush it!
  • 35. Two week Follow-up Ensure all needs are covered, do they need anything else Is the system doing what they wanted it to do? If need be, set or adjust rules for the system Ask for referrals
  • 37. Home Health Tech is Here to StayAre You? Thank You! - Laura Mitchell - Tom Morgan - Peter Radsliff - Jim Gleason