A quick review of the East Lothian private rented sector. In East Lothian the private rented sector provides accommodation for a wide range of people, many of whom choose to live in a private tenancy because it suits their circumstances.
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Home lettings scotland east lothian private rented sector
1. What is the size and nature of East
Lothian’s private rented housing
market ?
2. Officially the sunniest area of Scotland,
with over 40 miles of magnificent
coastline, spectacular cliffs and rolling
countryside East Lothian combines the
best of Scotland in miniature.
3. The size and nature of the
local private rented housing
East Lothian’s private rented sector is
quite small and only accounts for
approximately 8% of the housing
available in the area.
11. although a significant proportion of
accommodation (47%) is concentrated
in the three ‘east’ areas of
• Haddington,
• Dunbar,
• North Berwick.
12. A further 22% private rented housing is
located in Musselburgh.
13. Average rental prices
A one-bedroom
property could be
rented in Tranent or
Prestonpans for less
than £450 per
14. Average rental prices
It is possible to rent
a 2 bed property in
Haddington, North
Berwick or Tranent
for less than £550.
15. Average rental prices
Whilst a 3 bed
property in Dunbar,
Musselburgh or
Prestonpans could
cost as much as
£800 per month.
16. Average rental prices
At the upper end
of the market,
renting a four-
bedroom house in
the County could
cost £1,500 per
18. East Lothian low income familes
The private rented
sector in East
Lothian can be an
option for low-
income families.
19. East Lothian low income familes
Single parents
(21%) are the most
household group to
rent in the private
20. East Lothian low income familes
94% of all single
parents receive
Housing Benefit to
help with housing
21. If you would like to know more about renting
your property in East Lothian,
please call us on;
0131 654 9563
Home Lettings Scotland
22. Big enough to manage
small enough to care
23. References and sources
• Google Images
• Wikipedia
• Visit Scotland
• Visit East Lothian
• East Lothian Council
• Flicker
• Scotsman – Lifestyle Images
• Cockenzie House and Garden