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The logo
     A Comenius 1 School Development Project
               financed by the EU

                 Tables of Contents in
           English, Slovak, Swedish, Italian,
             French, German and Czech                                                           The partner

              This project was carried out with the support of the EU Commission in the framework of the Socrates/LLP programme.
                   The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the EU, nor does it involve any responsibility
                                                                                                on the part of the European Community.
  Istituto Magistrale Statale            Althengstett  Germany
Elena Principessa di Napoli            www.rs-althengstett.de
          Rieti  Italy
        www.epnrieti.it               Soukrom叩 podipsk叩 stedn鱈 odborn叩
                                      邸kola a stedn鱈 odborn辿 uili邸t, o.p.s.
                                   Roudnice nad Labem - Czech Republic
       Lyc辿e Polyvalent
         Xavier Mallet
       Le Teil  France                             Stredn叩
   www.ac-grenoble.fr/xmallet                   Umeleck叩 kola
                                              v Pre邸ove  Slovakia

                 Lar旦ds skola
             Helsingborg  Sweden                                                Main
 www.helsingborg.se/kunskapsstaden/larodsskola                                   page
Some students are successful, others find it difficult to
  get good marks; many factors contribute to school
  success, many are personal, others are social; at
  school, anyway, you can doschool activities.
Teachers from six European schools asked
  themselves what they can do to improve school
The main problem they indicated is motivation to
  studying, which has been decreasing in the last
  years. So they decided to work on that.
                        MOTIVALUE                       3
How did
                          MOTIVALUE start?
Teachers met at a Comenius Seminar (The Learning
  Teacher Network) and started a School
  Development Project financed by the European
  Union in the Socrates (now LLP) Comenius 1
The title they gave to the project is the acronym of
  the value of motivation.
                       MOTIVALUE                    4
What were the aims
                               of MOTIVALUE?
The project aimed at enhancing motivation in the
  learning process, helping students to be more aware
  of their expectations, their goals, their learning
The teachers worked in            teams (national and
  international) to find strategies, apply them in the
  classes, reflect upon the results.
The project lasted 3 years.                       Main
                        MOTIVALUE                    5
The logo

Students from the partner schools were invited to
  invent a logo for MOTIVALUE
Each school presented one logo, then the
  international team chose the one presented by the
  French school.

                      MOTIVALUE                    6
The logo: who created it

The MOTIVALUE logo was worked on by 2 classes
  of vocational students with the help and guidance
  of their Applied Arts teacher. The students wanted
  to insist on the spirit of optimism, in fact they
  wanted to include an arrow moving upwards and to
  the right, but the idea was abandoned for technical,
  graphical reasons.                               Main
                        MOTIVALUE                      7
The logo: its symbolism

The blue circle symbolises the Earth and the
 colour was chosen in order to convey a sense of
 peacefulness and reassurance.
The stars represent the partners involved
 (7 schools). They are on the left and are
 ascending towards the sky and towards the right,
 which symbolises encouragement and optimism.
 The movement in that direction implies progress,
 a movement towards the future.           Main
                     MOTIVALUE            page   8
The logo: its symbolism

The group of students accentuates the idea that
 everything is possible since the stars depart from
 their silhouettes / figures.
The vertical bar adds a slight dimension of rigour
 (in the positive sense of the word: precision,
 exactness), and also of willpower and
 determination, as well as a methodical approach
 to work. Its colour orange was chosen as being
 complementary to the blue of the Earth. Main
                      MOTIVALUE             page   9
     Our experience
  All we have discovered about
carrying on a Comenius 1 project
Our experience
                    The first Project Meeting
At the beginning of a Comenius 1 School
  Development Project you have already stated the
  main goals in the application form, but the first
  Project Meeting is the moment when you have to
  transform the goals into actions to be carried out in
  classes: it takes time and effort, but at the same time
  its rewarding.                                    Main
                        MOTIVALUE                      11
Our experience
                 The first Project Meeting
Everybody has to tune in, share the goals in detail,
  find a common language, think about how
  everything can actually be put into practice within
  their own school and THEN take decisions which
  will affect their school life.

                       MOTIVALUE                     12
Our experience
                   The first Project Meeting
We started by telling the others about everyday reality in
 our schools keeping in mind the topic of the project,
 then everybody submitted their proposals to the
One of the proposals was adopted and adapted, going
 through it sentence by sentence, almost word by
 word, with teachers thinking about how their student
 and colleagues would react to it: the result was the
 smiley questionnaire.                        Main
                          MOTIVALUE              page   13
Our experience
                                 The results of the
It took quite a lot of work to put the results of the
   questionnaire in the six schools together, but in the
   end they encouraged us to go on: school remains an
   important point of reference for our students. We
   discussed the results with the students taking part in
   the project, so at the end everybody was aware of
   the general atmosphere in the classes.             Main
                         MOTIVALUE                       14
Our experience
                      From the questionnaire
                             to the Portfolio
We tried out a tool, a model for class discussion, but, as
  students were not involved personally, they tended not
  to be committed. Therefore we changed it and
  produced the Personal Portfolio of Motivation, which
  appears to work well.
It contains the points we had highlighted at the
  beginning as being the areas requiring attention: long
  and short term personal goals, personal learning styles.
                         MOTIVALUE               Main   15
Our experience
                                    the Portfolio
                                    of Motivation
We decided personal goals are very important for
 students. They should get used to setting and
 regularly revising their goals; teachers should guide
 them through discussions. During the dialogue with
 the teacher the student commits himself to reaching
 realistic short term goals and /or explores the
 reasons why he wasnt able to do it. Parents can be
 involved in the process, too.                     Main
                       MOTIVALUE                     16
Our experience
                                    the Portfolio
                                    of Motivation
Another important part dealt with in the Portfolio is
 the personal learning style.
Students wrote down their results of the ILS
  questionnaire, which enabled them to become aware
  of their own learning styles. They also noted down
  their strengths and the way they can compensate for
  their weaknesses.                               Main
                       MOTIVALUE                    17
Our experience
                                The sets of lessons

The obvious consequence of our work on motivation
  was to tailor our teaching to what we had discovered.
  We produced guidelines for teachers to prepare sets
  of lessons taking into account different learning
  styles. Again they were revised after experimentation
  to make them clearer and easier to use. You will find
  sample lessons in English and in the national
  languages in the dedicated sections.              Main
                         MOTIVALUE                     18
First Year
                     The year of investigation

We produced investigation tools to be used in the
 project by each national group.
We agreed about their content, format, and the
 procedure to follow when submitting the

                  MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year     19
The year of investigation
                                        the tools

The survey we produced is about students general
  attitude towards school, their short and long term
  goals.              Survey International Results

We decided to use an already existing on-line
  questionnaire on learning styles: the North Carolina
  State                                            University
  Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire by Barbara
  A. Soloman and Richard M. Felder.                      Main
                     MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year         20
The year of investigation
                                     the positive

teachers` involvement and dedication to the project,
   triggered by the meaningfulness of the topic and the
   opportunity to work together with colleagues from
   five other countries;
interest aroused in the students especially for the
   learning style questionnaire; they were eager to know
   more about themselves as learners and discuss about
   their learning environment;                        Main
                     MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year       21
The year of investigation
                                   the positive

the investigation tools gave us precious information
  which allowed us to define a common strategy for
  the years to come;
the project let teachers start a process of cooperative
  reflection upon their teaching style, roles in the
  classes, needs of the students;

                   MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year   page   22
The year of investigation
                                   the positive

it let students start a process of reflection upon their
   attitude towards school, personal goals, learning
it increased teachers` and students` awareness of their
    role in the teaching  learning process;
it enhanced teachers` team work at national and
   international level.
                   MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year   page   23
Second Year
                            The year of action
We implemented the strategy we had defined in the
 first year:
  A Portfolio of Motivation in seven languages
    was produced and experimented in the schools.

  Guidelines for sets of lessons taking into account
   learning styles were provided, and also guidance
   for documenting them.                          Main
                 MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year      24
The Portfolio
                                           of Motivation
The International project team of Motivalue produced
   and tested this tool to improve motivation in their
   students. It is the result of our work on the theme
   over a period of two years, debating, analysing and
   clarifying what we needed to reach our aims.
It contains four main parts which represent points to
   start with to understand what a person wants to do in
   her/his life: long term goals, short term goals, personal
   learning styles and decisions taken with the help of
   teachers.                                       Main
                     MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year   page   25
The Portfolio
                                         of Motivation
Students found it easy enough to speak about their long
  term goals;
Short-term goals were more difficult for them to define,
  as we already expected; they needed guidance and
  discussions with their classmates: they were reassured
  when we agreed that the point would be periodically
The advantage of the Portfolio must be seen in the
  process: students STARTED THINKING about what
  they do in terms of defining goals.          Main
                   MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year   page   26
The Portfolio
                                         of Motivation
Students liked the part about their learning styles: they
  showed curiosity and interest in discovering how
  they prefer working and what they should
When we suggested activities considering learning
 styles students were willing to experiment with
 themselves and get involved in different ways of
 doing things.                            Main
                   MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year   page   27
The Portfolio
                                         of Motivation
The size of the classes represented a difficulty: we
  tried to overcome it by dedicating time to individual
The schedule of the project did not often correspond
  to the requirements of the school year, so some
  teachers encountered difficulties in completing the
  activities and trying out the tools we produced: the
  problem can be solved by starting activities early in
  the school year.                                  Main
                   MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year      28
The Teachers Guidelines
                    for sets of lessons
We wanted to put into practice our work upon learning
  styles, and practice at school means lessons, classes,
There was no will nor need to revolutionize what
  teachers usually do in classes or the way they plan
  lessons: what we did in the project was what we
  usually do with an added awareness about learning,
  and teaching, styles.                      Main
                   MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year   page   29
The Teachers Guidelines
                 for sets of lessons
We needed a common scheme, so we produced:
   A Learner Type Information Sheet and
   Teachers lesson planning guidelines, which is
    supposed also to serve as a format for
    documenting the experience so as to allow
    others elsewhere to reproduce them.

                MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year   page   30
Third Year
                                Putting the strategy
                                        into practice
We went on using the Portfolio of Motivation.
The teachers in the different schools shared ideas,
 planned,      experimented       and  documented
 sets of lessons, which you can find in the English
 section and in the national sections.

                 MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year      31
                        brought about changes!

analysis of the changes determined by the actions
 carried out
  changes in the way schools are run (some
    changed the timetable, some adapted the
    curriculum to the needs of the project);
  increased involvement of management in the
  improvement of working relationships between
    staff and management;                      Main
                 MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year     32
                         brought about changes!

 analysis of the changes determined by the actions
  carried out
   changes in the way teachers see the planning of
     their work;
   changes in the way students perceive their
     learning (becoming aware of the changes, too);
   changes in the way teachers work together.
We started a process.                             Main
                  MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year      33

Documentation of the experience
  Documenting was a key point of the project,
   much effort has been made in defining a
   standard for participating teachers: we took care
   about usability, clarity and accuracy both in the
   products and in explaining the procedures.
                 MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year          34
The Mobilities

The partner schools feel that the mobilities connected to
  MOTIVALUE have had a very positive impact. They
  have been a development opportunity for staff to
  share good practice, to improve as professionals, to
  understand other educational systems, to broaden
  horizons and build relationships. There has also been
  an increase in awareness of having a shared European
  identity.                                     Main
                    MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year    page   35

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  • 1. Go to the sections: The logo MOTIVALUE IMPROVING MOTIVATION AND ATTITUDE TO LEARNING A Comenius 1 School Development Project financed by the EU Tables of Contents in English, Slovak, Swedish, Italian, French, German and Czech The partner schools This project was carried out with the support of the EU Commission in the framework of the Socrates/LLP programme. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the EU, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part of the European Community.
  • 2. Realschule Istituto Magistrale Statale Althengstett Germany Elena Principessa di Napoli www.rs-althengstett.de Rieti Italy www.epnrieti.it Soukrom叩 podipsk叩 stedn鱈 odborn叩 邸kola a stedn鱈 odborn辿 uili邸t, o.p.s. Roudnice nad Labem - Czech Republic www.podripskaskola.cz Lyc辿e Polyvalent Xavier Mallet Le Teil France Stredn叩 www.ac-grenoble.fr/xmallet Umeleck叩 kola v Pre邸ove Slovakia www.zsus-po.sk Lar旦ds skola Helsingborg Sweden Main www.helsingborg.se/kunskapsstaden/larodsskola page
  • 3. What is MOTIVALUE? Some students are successful, others find it difficult to get good marks; many factors contribute to school success, many are personal, others are social; at school, anyway, you can doschool activities. Teachers from six European schools asked themselves what they can do to improve school success. The main problem they indicated is motivation to studying, which has been decreasing in the last years. So they decided to work on that. Main page MOTIVALUE 3
  • 4. How did MOTIVALUE start? Teachers met at a Comenius Seminar (The Learning Teacher Network) and started a School Development Project financed by the European Union in the Socrates (now LLP) Comenius 1 Programme. The title they gave to the project is the acronym of the value of motivation. Main page MOTIVALUE 4
  • 5. What were the aims of MOTIVALUE? The project aimed at enhancing motivation in the learning process, helping students to be more aware of their expectations, their goals, their learning styles. The teachers worked in teams (national and international) to find strategies, apply them in the classes, reflect upon the results. The project lasted 3 years. Main page MOTIVALUE 5
  • 6. The logo Students from the partner schools were invited to invent a logo for MOTIVALUE Each school presented one logo, then the international team chose the one presented by the French school. Main page MOTIVALUE 6
  • 7. The logo: who created it The MOTIVALUE logo was worked on by 2 classes of vocational students with the help and guidance of their Applied Arts teacher. The students wanted to insist on the spirit of optimism, in fact they wanted to include an arrow moving upwards and to the right, but the idea was abandoned for technical, graphical reasons. Main page MOTIVALUE 7
  • 8. The logo: its symbolism The blue circle symbolises the Earth and the colour was chosen in order to convey a sense of peacefulness and reassurance. The stars represent the partners involved (7 schools). They are on the left and are ascending towards the sky and towards the right, which symbolises encouragement and optimism. The movement in that direction implies progress, a movement towards the future. Main MOTIVALUE page 8
  • 9. The logo: its symbolism The group of students accentuates the idea that everything is possible since the stars depart from their silhouettes / figures. The vertical bar adds a slight dimension of rigour (in the positive sense of the word: precision, exactness), and also of willpower and determination, as well as a methodical approach to work. Its colour orange was chosen as being complementary to the blue of the Earth. Main MOTIVALUE page 9
  • 10. MOTIVALUE Our experience All we have discovered about carrying on a Comenius 1 project Main page
  • 11. Our experience The first Project Meeting At the beginning of a Comenius 1 School Development Project you have already stated the main goals in the application form, but the first Project Meeting is the moment when you have to transform the goals into actions to be carried out in classes: it takes time and effort, but at the same time its rewarding. Main page MOTIVALUE 11
  • 12. Our experience The first Project Meeting Everybody has to tune in, share the goals in detail, find a common language, think about how everything can actually be put into practice within their own school and THEN take decisions which will affect their school life. Main page MOTIVALUE 12
  • 13. Our experience The first Project Meeting We started by telling the others about everyday reality in our schools keeping in mind the topic of the project, then everybody submitted their proposals to the others. One of the proposals was adopted and adapted, going through it sentence by sentence, almost word by word, with teachers thinking about how their student and colleagues would react to it: the result was the smiley questionnaire. Main MOTIVALUE page 13
  • 14. Our experience The results of the questionnaire It took quite a lot of work to put the results of the questionnaire in the six schools together, but in the end they encouraged us to go on: school remains an important point of reference for our students. We discussed the results with the students taking part in the project, so at the end everybody was aware of the general atmosphere in the classes. Main page MOTIVALUE 14
  • 15. Our experience From the questionnaire to the Portfolio We tried out a tool, a model for class discussion, but, as students were not involved personally, they tended not to be committed. Therefore we changed it and produced the Personal Portfolio of Motivation, which appears to work well. It contains the points we had highlighted at the beginning as being the areas requiring attention: long and short term personal goals, personal learning styles. MOTIVALUE Main 15 page
  • 16. Our experience the Portfolio of Motivation We decided personal goals are very important for students. They should get used to setting and regularly revising their goals; teachers should guide them through discussions. During the dialogue with the teacher the student commits himself to reaching realistic short term goals and /or explores the reasons why he wasnt able to do it. Parents can be involved in the process, too. Main page MOTIVALUE 16
  • 17. Our experience the Portfolio of Motivation Another important part dealt with in the Portfolio is the personal learning style. Students wrote down their results of the ILS questionnaire, which enabled them to become aware of their own learning styles. They also noted down their strengths and the way they can compensate for their weaknesses. Main page MOTIVALUE 17
  • 18. Our experience The sets of lessons The obvious consequence of our work on motivation was to tailor our teaching to what we had discovered. We produced guidelines for teachers to prepare sets of lessons taking into account different learning styles. Again they were revised after experimentation to make them clearer and easier to use. You will find sample lessons in English and in the national languages in the dedicated sections. Main page MOTIVALUE 18
  • 19. First Year The year of investigation We produced investigation tools to be used in the project by each national group. We agreed about their content, format, and the procedure to follow when submitting the questionnaires. Main page MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year 19
  • 20. The year of investigation the tools The survey we produced is about students general attitude towards school, their short and long term goals. Survey International Results We decided to use an already existing on-line questionnaire on learning styles: the North Carolina State University Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire by Barbara A. Soloman and Richard M. Felder. Main page MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year 20
  • 21. The year of investigation the positive teachers` involvement and dedication to the project, triggered by the meaningfulness of the topic and the opportunity to work together with colleagues from five other countries; interest aroused in the students especially for the learning style questionnaire; they were eager to know more about themselves as learners and discuss about their learning environment; Main page MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year 21
  • 22. The year of investigation the positive the investigation tools gave us precious information which allowed us to define a common strategy for the years to come; the project let teachers start a process of cooperative reflection upon their teaching style, roles in the classes, needs of the students; Main MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year page 22
  • 23. The year of investigation the positive it let students start a process of reflection upon their attitude towards school, personal goals, learning styles; it increased teachers` and students` awareness of their role in the teaching learning process; it enhanced teachers` team work at national and international level. Main MOTIVALUE 2006-07, first year page 23
  • 24. Second Year The year of action We implemented the strategy we had defined in the first year: A Portfolio of Motivation in seven languages was produced and experimented in the schools. Guidelines for sets of lessons taking into account learning styles were provided, and also guidance for documenting them. Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year 24
  • 25. The Portfolio of Motivation The International project team of Motivalue produced and tested this tool to improve motivation in their students. It is the result of our work on the theme over a period of two years, debating, analysing and clarifying what we needed to reach our aims. It contains four main parts which represent points to start with to understand what a person wants to do in her/his life: long term goals, short term goals, personal learning styles and decisions taken with the help of teachers. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year page 25
  • 26. The Portfolio of Motivation Students found it easy enough to speak about their long term goals; Short-term goals were more difficult for them to define, as we already expected; they needed guidance and discussions with their classmates: they were reassured when we agreed that the point would be periodically reviewed. The advantage of the Portfolio must be seen in the process: students STARTED THINKING about what they do in terms of defining goals. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year page 26
  • 27. The Portfolio of Motivation Students liked the part about their learning styles: they showed curiosity and interest in discovering how they prefer working and what they should compensate. When we suggested activities considering learning styles students were willing to experiment with themselves and get involved in different ways of doing things. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year page 27
  • 28. The Portfolio of Motivation The size of the classes represented a difficulty: we tried to overcome it by dedicating time to individual guidance. The schedule of the project did not often correspond to the requirements of the school year, so some teachers encountered difficulties in completing the activities and trying out the tools we produced: the problem can be solved by starting activities early in the school year. Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year 28
  • 29. The Teachers Guidelines for sets of lessons We wanted to put into practice our work upon learning styles, and practice at school means lessons, classes, didactics. There was no will nor need to revolutionize what teachers usually do in classes or the way they plan lessons: what we did in the project was what we usually do with an added awareness about learning, and teaching, styles. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year page 29
  • 30. The Teachers Guidelines for sets of lessons We needed a common scheme, so we produced: A Learner Type Information Sheet and Teachers lesson planning guidelines, which is supposed also to serve as a format for documenting the experience so as to allow others elsewhere to reproduce them. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, second year page 30
  • 31. Third Year Putting the strategy into practice We went on using the Portfolio of Motivation. The teachers in the different schools shared ideas, planned, experimented and documented sets of lessons, which you can find in the English section and in the national sections. Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year 31
  • 32. MOTIVALUE brought about changes! analysis of the changes determined by the actions carried out changes in the way schools are run (some changed the timetable, some adapted the curriculum to the needs of the project); increased involvement of management in the project; improvement of working relationships between staff and management; Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year 32
  • 33. MOTIVALUE brought about changes! analysis of the changes determined by the actions carried out changes in the way teachers see the planning of their work; changes in the way students perceive their learning (becoming aware of the changes, too); changes in the way teachers work together. We started a process. Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year 33
  • 34. The documentation Documentation of the experience Documenting was a key point of the project, much effort has been made in defining a standard for participating teachers: we took care about usability, clarity and accuracy both in the products and in explaining the procedures. Main page MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year 34
  • 35. The Mobilities The partner schools feel that the mobilities connected to MOTIVALUE have had a very positive impact. They have been a development opportunity for staff to share good practice, to improve as professionals, to understand other educational systems, to broaden horizons and build relationships. There has also been an increase in awareness of having a shared European identity. Main MOTIVALUE 2007-08, third year page 35