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舒亳亠于舒 舒亶仍仂
亟亠仆从舒 4 从舒 亳亰亳从仂-
仄舒亠仄舒亳亠从仂亞仂 舒从仍亠舒
丕 亳仄. .弌.从亳仆舒
亠 2014
Pronounce a tongue-twister as fast as
possible. Firstly, do it all together.
Sounding by sound is a sound method of
sounding sounds.
How do you understand the following
There is no place like home.
Home is where the heart is.
Make up the sentences using these numbers and
your vocabulary.
For example: The number 5. There are five rooms in my flat.
Exercise 1. Read your friends letter.
Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and make
up 2 sentences.
Exercises 3. Find eight differences.
Exercise 4. Match the words.
1. electricity a) kitchen
2. key b) door
3. bathroom c) wall
4. refrigerator d) lamp
5. picture e) shampoo
6. book f) cooker
7. carpet g) shelf
8. gas h) floor
9. cupboard i) mouse
10. computer j) plate
Exercise 5. Where can we put such
Read and write down the new words.
arbor / arbour (BrE)  弍亠亠亟从舒
barn / shed  舒舒亶, 舒仄弍舒
court  仗仍仂舒亟从舒 亟仍 仗仂亳于仆 亳亞
cowshed [kaed ] - 从仂仂于仆亳从
flower bed  从仍仄弍舒
flower garden - 于亠仆亳从
garage [ 'g脱r: ] (BrE) / [ g'r: ] (AmE) - 亞舒舒亢
garden - 舒亟
garden plot  舒仂从 亰亠仄仍亳 仗仂亟 舒亟
hayloft - 亠仆仂于舒仍
hedge  亢亳于舒 亳亰亞仂仂亟, 仗仍亠亠仆
kennel [ 'kenl ]  仂弍舒 弍亟从舒
lawn [ 'l:n ]  仍亢舒亶从舒, 亞舒亰仂仆
orchard [ ':td ]  从仂于亶 舒亟
pigsty [ 'pigstai ] - 于亳仆舒仆亳从, 仍亠于
pond  仗亟
stable - 从仂仆ム仆
yard - 亟于仂
a barn
束The Lavrovs are happy to have such a nice flat損.
Read the words aloud and try to guess about the meaning.
 so-舒从, 舒从亳仄 仂弍舒亰仂仄
 after all - 于 从仂仆亠 从仂仆仂于
 nicely furnished - 仂仂仂 仂弍舒于仍亠仆仆亶
 water colour picture - 舒从于舒亠仍
 doorway - 亟于亠仆仂亶 仗仂亠仄
 bedside table  仄弍仂从舒, 仆仂仆仂亶 仂仍亳从
 just across the hall  从舒从 舒亰 仆舒仗仂亳于
 gas-cooker - 亞舒亰仂于舒 仗仍亳舒
 down the hall  仗仂 从仂亳亟仂
 lavatory  弍仂仆舒, 舒仍亠
 Do ex 2, 3 p. 131;
 Learn the new words by heart;
 Do ex 1, 2 from your hand-outs.
Thank you for the
舒亳亠于舒 舒亶仍仂
亟亠仆从舒 4 从舒 亳亰亳从仂-
仄舒亠仄舒亳亠从仂亞仂 舒从仍亠舒
丕 亳仄. .弌.从亳仆舒
亠 2014

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  • 1. HOME SWEET, HOME 舒亳亠于舒 舒亶仍仂 亟亠仆从舒 4 从舒 亳亰亳从仂- 仄舒亠仄舒亳亠从仂亞仂 舒从仍亠舒 丕 亳仄. .弌.从亳仆舒 亠 2014
  • 2. Pronounce a tongue-twister as fast as possible. Firstly, do it all together. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
  • 3. How do you understand the following proverbs? There is no place like home. Home is where the heart is.
  • 4. Make up the sentences using these numbers and your vocabulary. For example: The number 5. There are five rooms in my flat. 3rd
  • 5. Exercise 1. Read your friends letter.
  • 6. Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and make up 2 sentences.
  • 7. Exercises 3. Find eight differences. A B
  • 8. Exercise 4. Match the words. 1. electricity a) kitchen 2. key b) door 3. bathroom c) wall 4. refrigerator d) lamp 5. picture e) shampoo 6. book f) cooker 7. carpet g) shelf 8. gas h) floor 9. cupboard i) mouse 10. computer j) plate
  • 9. Exercise 5. Where can we put such furniture?
  • 10. Read and write down the new words. arbor / arbour (BrE) 弍亠亠亟从舒 barn / shed 舒舒亶, 舒仄弍舒 court 仗仍仂舒亟从舒 亟仍 仗仂亳于仆 亳亞 cowshed [kaed ] - 从仂仂于仆亳从 flower bed 从仍仄弍舒 flower garden - 于亠仆亳从 garage [ 'g脱r: ] (BrE) / [ g'r: ] (AmE) - 亞舒舒亢 garden - 舒亟 garden plot 舒仂从 亰亠仄仍亳 仗仂亟 舒亟 hayloft - 亠仆仂于舒仍 hedge 亢亳于舒 亳亰亞仂仂亟, 仗仍亠亠仆 kennel [ 'kenl ] 仂弍舒 弍亟从舒 lawn [ 'l:n ] 仍亢舒亶从舒, 亞舒亰仂仆 orchard [ ':td ] 从仂于亶 舒亟 pigsty [ 'pigstai ] - 于亳仆舒仆亳从, 仍亠于 pond 仗亟 stable - 从仂仆ム仆 yard - 亟于仂 a barn stable
  • 11. 束The Lavrovs are happy to have such a nice flat損. Read the words aloud and try to guess about the meaning. so-舒从, 舒从亳仄 仂弍舒亰仂仄 after all - 于 从仂仆亠 从仂仆仂于 nicely furnished - 仂仂仂 仂弍舒于仍亠仆仆亶 water colour picture - 舒从于舒亠仍 doorway - 亟于亠仆仂亶 仗仂亠仄 bedside table 仄弍仂从舒, 仆仂仆仂亶 仂仍亳从 just across the hall 从舒从 舒亰 仆舒仗仂亳于 gas-cooker - 亞舒亰仂于舒 仗仍亳舒 down the hall 仗仂 从仂亳亟仂 lavatory 弍仂仆舒, 舒仍亠
  • 12. Homework Do ex 2, 3 p. 131; Learn the new words by heart; Do ex 1, 2 from your hand-outs.
  • 13. Thank you for the lesson! 舒亳亠于舒 舒亶仍仂 亟亠仆从舒 4 从舒 亳亰亳从仂- 仄舒亠仄舒亳亠从仂亞仂 舒从仍亠舒 丕 亳仄. .弌.从亳仆舒 亠 2014