The document provides information to help students who forget their homework assignments, including:
1) Homework is written on the board daily and should be copied in student agendas;
2) Students can sign up for Remind 101 text/email messages with daily assignments;
3) Students can email the teacher to ask about homework; and
4) Students can come in early before class to get assignments and help.
2. I cant remember the homework
Was is p. 218, #3-15, or
was it p. 315, # 2-18? I
cant remember!
3. Agenda
Homework is written on the board every day in
Copy it in your agenda as soon as you sit down.
Why didnt I
write down my
4. Remind 101
If you sign up for my Remind 101 service, the
homework assignments will be texted or
emailed to you every day
Handouts will be coming soon
I got one of those texting messages, just like the kids!
5. Email
Dont want a phone full of texts from your
teacher? Ask me via email.
Im usually online.
It looks like this, but without the friends.
7. Skype
You can set up a Skype meeting if you need
additional help with homework. (A parent will
need to be present.)
Username- lgmsgranger
Please set up meetings ahead of time. Dont just
I was playing Minesweeper!
8. Come in early
I arrive at school between 6:40 and 6:50 every
You can come in, get the assignment, and get
any help you need.
This is exactly how much homework I give on a daily basis.