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   LAW STAR                                                                                          www.lawcrossing.com     1. 800.973.1177

                             Hon. Elizabeth White: Judge, Superior Court of
                             California, County of Los Angeles
                             [By Charisse Dengler]
                             Judge Elizabeth White has her bases covered. Having worked as both a paralegal and an attorney, White is currently a
                             judge with the Los Angeles Superior Court’s South District, which includes Long Beach and San Pedro.

“I have what is called a general jurisdiction        As a paralegal at Loeb & Loeb, White            White’s advice comes from her own
civil assignment, which means I handle               worked in civil litigation on some pretty       experience. Upon completion of UCLA’s
cases which have in controversy $25,000              well-known cases, including the Jack Ryan       paralegal program, she accepted a
or more; so it could be a relatively small           vs. Mattel Toy Company litigation over the      temporary position indexing documents at
personal injury case, or it could be a large         rights to the Barbie doll.                      Loeb & Loeb. When the temporary time
construction dispute or a Jones Act case                                                             frame was up, she told one of the partners
dealing with a seaman who’s been injured or          When it comes to giving advice to paralegal     that she would like to stay with the firm
killed at sea,” she said. “[There are a] wide,       students, White said she thinks students        permanently. In her words, she “took the
wide, wide variety of civil suits.”                  should look for opportunities to get            bull by the horns and got the permanent job
                                                     experience while they are still in school       out of it.”
White completed the paralegal program at             and try to carry that experience over into
UCLA Extension in 1977 and went on to work           full-time jobs.                                 White went on to attend Loyola Law School
as a paralegal at Loeb & Loeb for a year                                                             in Los Angeles after getting her feet wet
and a half. She said the skills she learned          “My advice would be to take an opportunity      in the legal field as a paralegal. After
as a paralegal student and as a working              to participate in whatever internships          graduation in 1981, she practiced law until
paralegal have helped her greatly as both a          are offered so as to just get out there         she was appointed to the bench by Governor
lawyer and a judge.                                  and meet people and look at the different       Wilson in 1997.
                                                     environments-whether it’s a law firm,
“I don’t think I would’ve become a judge             whether it’s working for government-but         White applied for the judge position for two
had I not been a good litigator, and I don’t         don’t be afraid to have an unpaid internship    main reasons: she wanted to play a different
think I would’ve been a good litigator had           for a month or two and then try to transition   role in the legal process, and she wanted to
I not learned the organizational skills in           that into something that pays,” she said.       have more freedom in her schedule.
the paralegal program and working as a
paralegal,” she said. “The key to success in           Advice to Young Lawyers                       “I wanted to see what it was like, as opposed
litigation is not only presenting the document                                                       to being an advocate, being a more neutral
but being able to find it-having key pieces of          Judge Elizabeth White thinks                 observer but still playing a very active role,”
evidence at your disposal and organized in              paralegal training can be                    she said. “I had been doing significant
such a fashion that you can present them at             extremely beneficial to someone              numbers of trials, and so the demands on my
the appropriate time.”                                  thinking of pursuing a career as             time were very, very high; and I had a small
                                                                                                     child, so I wanted to find a way to be able to
                                                        an attorney.
She thinks paralegal training can be                                                                 stay in the courtroom but not have to do all of
extremely beneficial to someone thinking of             “I think it’s a good way to test             the homework that was involved.”
pursuing a career as an attorney.
                                                        the waters, a) so that you know
                                                                                                     Even though she admits there are challenges
                                                        whether you like the field and b)
“I think it’s a good way to test the waters, a)                                                      to being a judge, such as dealing with cases
so that you know whether you like the field             to get the kind of nuts and bolts            that are emotionally draining, White enjoys
and b) to get the kind of nuts and bolts skills         skills that most people don’t get            her job and her new role in the courtroom.
that most people don’t get in law school so             in law school so that you become
that you become a better lawyer once you’re             a better lawyer once you’re                  “I love the theater of the courtroom,” she
licensed,” she said.                                                                                 said. “I love a good case when it’s well
                                                        licensed,” she said.
                                                                                                     presented. I love to be able to ensure that

PAGE                                                                                                                              continued on back

   LAW STAR                                                                                    www.lawcrossing.com   1. 800.973.1177

the proceedings are fair, make the litigants      “I think that’s a good thing if people can   ON THE NET
feel like they’ve been heard, let them have       resolve their differences and move on with
their day in court. I like participating in the   their lives and not get entrenched in the    Loeb  Loeb
resolution process when asked-in other            process, but I don’t think that we need      www.loeb.com/Home.aspx
words, trying to resolve it so that somebody      to go so far as to say that trials are not
doesn’t have to put all the time and money        necessary,” she said. “Obviously, they are   UCLA Extension
into trying a case if they’re more inclined to    necessary. Not everything can be resolved,   www.uclaextension.edu/
try and resolve it.”                              and so judges need to be cognizant of the
                                                  fact that you’re not going to be able to     Loyola Law School
White said she feels that recently there has      settle every case. And some cases do have    www.lls.edu/
been a trend toward the resolution of cases       to go to trial.”
instead of the trial of cases, and she thinks
it’s a positive thing.


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Hon. Elizabeth White: Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles

  • 1. LAWCROSSING THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF LEGAL JOBS ON EARTH LAW STAR www.lawcrossing.com 1. 800.973.1177 Hon. Elizabeth White: Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles [By Charisse Dengler] Judge Elizabeth White has her bases covered. Having worked as both a paralegal and an attorney, White is currently a judge with the Los Angeles Superior Court’s South District, which includes Long Beach and San Pedro. “I have what is called a general jurisdiction As a paralegal at Loeb & Loeb, White White’s advice comes from her own civil assignment, which means I handle worked in civil litigation on some pretty experience. Upon completion of UCLA’s cases which have in controversy $25,000 well-known cases, including the Jack Ryan paralegal program, she accepted a or more; so it could be a relatively small vs. Mattel Toy Company litigation over the temporary position indexing documents at personal injury case, or it could be a large rights to the Barbie doll. Loeb & Loeb. When the temporary time construction dispute or a Jones Act case frame was up, she told one of the partners dealing with a seaman who’s been injured or When it comes to giving advice to paralegal that she would like to stay with the firm killed at sea,” she said. “[There are a] wide, students, White said she thinks students permanently. In her words, she “took the wide, wide variety of civil suits.” should look for opportunities to get bull by the horns and got the permanent job experience while they are still in school out of it.” White completed the paralegal program at and try to carry that experience over into UCLA Extension in 1977 and went on to work full-time jobs. White went on to attend Loyola Law School as a paralegal at Loeb & Loeb for a year in Los Angeles after getting her feet wet and a half. She said the skills she learned “My advice would be to take an opportunity in the legal field as a paralegal. After as a paralegal student and as a working to participate in whatever internships graduation in 1981, she practiced law until paralegal have helped her greatly as both a are offered so as to just get out there she was appointed to the bench by Governor lawyer and a judge. and meet people and look at the different Wilson in 1997. environments-whether it’s a law firm, “I don’t think I would’ve become a judge whether it’s working for government-but White applied for the judge position for two had I not been a good litigator, and I don’t don’t be afraid to have an unpaid internship main reasons: she wanted to play a different think I would’ve been a good litigator had for a month or two and then try to transition role in the legal process, and she wanted to I not learned the organizational skills in that into something that pays,” she said. have more freedom in her schedule. the paralegal program and working as a paralegal,” she said. “The key to success in Advice to Young Lawyers “I wanted to see what it was like, as opposed litigation is not only presenting the document to being an advocate, being a more neutral but being able to find it-having key pieces of Judge Elizabeth White thinks observer but still playing a very active role,” evidence at your disposal and organized in paralegal training can be she said. “I had been doing significant such a fashion that you can present them at extremely beneficial to someone numbers of trials, and so the demands on my the appropriate time.” thinking of pursuing a career as time were very, very high; and I had a small child, so I wanted to find a way to be able to an attorney. She thinks paralegal training can be stay in the courtroom but not have to do all of extremely beneficial to someone thinking of “I think it’s a good way to test the homework that was involved.” pursuing a career as an attorney. the waters, a) so that you know Even though she admits there are challenges whether you like the field and b) “I think it’s a good way to test the waters, a) to being a judge, such as dealing with cases so that you know whether you like the field to get the kind of nuts and bolts that are emotionally draining, White enjoys and b) to get the kind of nuts and bolts skills skills that most people don’t get her job and her new role in the courtroom. that most people don’t get in law school so in law school so that you become that you become a better lawyer once you’re a better lawyer once you’re “I love the theater of the courtroom,” she licensed,” she said. said. “I love a good case when it’s well licensed,” she said. presented. I love to be able to ensure that PAGE continued on back
  • 2. LAWCROSSING THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF LEGAL JOBS ON EARTH LAW STAR www.lawcrossing.com 1. 800.973.1177 the proceedings are fair, make the litigants “I think that’s a good thing if people can ON THE NET feel like they’ve been heard, let them have resolve their differences and move on with their day in court. I like participating in the their lives and not get entrenched in the Loeb Loeb resolution process when asked-in other process, but I don’t think that we need www.loeb.com/Home.aspx words, trying to resolve it so that somebody to go so far as to say that trials are not doesn’t have to put all the time and money necessary,” she said. “Obviously, they are UCLA Extension into trying a case if they’re more inclined to necessary. Not everything can be resolved, www.uclaextension.edu/ try and resolve it.” and so judges need to be cognizant of the fact that you’re not going to be able to Loyola Law School White said she feels that recently there has settle every case. And some cases do have www.lls.edu/ been a trend toward the resolution of cases to go to trial.” instead of the trial of cases, and she thinks it’s a positive thing. PAGE