Provides extensive photos and information about move of the library at HoneyRock ( to a new space. Created for internal Wheaton College library staff as audience.
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HoneyRock Library Move
1. H O N E Y R O C K L I B R A R Y
J U N E 2 0 1 4
3. W H A T W E R E O U R T A S K S ?
Set up new shelving
Move ~3,200 books from the existing space to new,
climate-controlled space
Set up two new PCs, one for library administrator to
use for circulation (including new barcode scanner),
and one for users to look up items in the online catalog
or use other e-resources from Buswells website
4. W H A T W E R E O U R T A S K S ?
Train personnel in how to circulate (check in, check
out) books
Inventory whole collection to identify missing books,
ensure they were all in correct shelflist order, and pull
books needing mending or repair
Set up new library hours and figure out operational
5. The project was undertaken in support of a recently expanded
residential graduate student program (MA in Christian
Formation & Ministry, MA in Evangelism & Leadership), as well
as a new gap year program starting in 2015.
L-R: Shane and Hannah Seaton, Beth Lutz,
Hollie Clevenger, Karen Hess, and Grable Walls
8. The space was shared with a
classroom in the other half of
the building, through the door
on the right.
Existing space, including
installation of library shelving,
was configured in 2011.
Books were reshelved and
rearranged as a Wheaton
Passage service project in
August 2011.
9. The old card catalog can be seen here, as well as the
shelving arranged along each wall. Space was cramped
and difficult to maneuver in. The building is unlocked and
books were checked out on the honor system.
10. J O H N N Y A P P L E S E E D
The room is dominated by a large, boardroom-style
table and chairs. There is no a/c but a heater is
visible in the corner to the right.
12. The new space is in the
ground floor of the
Chateau, where the
administrative offices were
previously located.
Inside the main entrance, a
door to the left leads to a
computer lab with newer
A door to the right leads to
the new library space.
14. Floor plan of the new space.
The main entrance is in the
upper left. The computer lab is
in the upper right.
The group study spaces are in
the middle left; the main stacks
space and study carrels are in
the lower right.
The additional entry in the lower
left provides handicapped
accessibility but will otherwise
remain locked.
15. The Chalet is the new location for the administrative offices.
It is connected by tunnel on the ground floor to the Chateau
(visible to the left). Previously this was home to the person
in charge of maintenance for HoneyRock (HRC).
16. An aerial view of the central HRC campus, showing the
previous library space in the Education Building, and the
new space in the Chateau (a.k.a. Office)
17. Here you can see the space before shelving is
installed. The study carrels are visible along the walls.
New carpeting was laid just before we arrived. The
new space is fully climate-controlled.
18. This photo is taken from the opposite corner of the space,
showing the shelving installed and some of the books on
them already. This is the view users will first see as they
walk in. The door to the tunnel leading to the Chalet is
visible to the right.
19. View toward the main
entrance, with group study
rooms on the left.
A water fountain is just
visible down the hallway and
immediately opposite it (out
of view) is the front desk
where material will be
checked out and checked in.
Just beyond the water
fountain to the right is the
computer lab.
20. This photo shows that almost all of the books are
reshelved. About 30 shelves remain unfilled (by
design) to allow for plenty of expansion space.
21. The front desk where circulation activities will occur.
The main entrance door is in the middle and the
computer lab is on the right. There is a restroom in the
computer lab as well as a networked
photocopier/printer to which the library computers are
22. A second computer is set up in the general stacks
area for users to search the online catalog, etc. The
whole space also has wireless coverage.
23. This nice (and rather large 2-3 across) wolf spider
joined us in the new space to rid it of any insects.
24. W H A T W E R E W E A B L E T O
F I N I S H ?
Set up new shelving
Move ~3,200 books from the existing space to new,
climate-controlled space
Set up two new PCs, one for library administrator to
use for circulation (including new barcode scanner), and
one for users to look up items in the online catalog or use
other e-resources from Buswells website
25. W H A T W E R E W E A B L E T O
F I N I S H ?
Train personnel in how to circulate (check in, check
out) books
IN PROGRESS Inventory whole collection to identify
missing books, ensure they were all in correct shelflist
order, and pull books needing mending or repair
Set up new library hours and figure out operational
26. W H A T N E X T ?
Signs will be created for the ends of each shelving range
HRC staff are considering whether to add wooden endcaps for
each shelving range (made locally)
An open house for the new library and administrative office
spaces is being planned
HRC staff are thinking of approaches to provide an after hours
book return since new space will be locked when library is
An inventory of the whole collection will be completed
28. Dr. Muhia Karianjahi
Graduate Program and Global Initiatives Manager
Don Kearns
Site & Facilities Manager
John Welsh
Finance and Advancement Director
Dr. Rob Ribbe
HRC Director
Dan and Terri Jozwiak
29. Thanks are due to the many
helpers who made the project a
30. Whitley Grey (Facility Development), along with Bruce
Koenigsberg, for creating the new floorplan
Lisa and Connie for readily agreeing to provide used furniture and
shelving from library storage, support for minivan rental, and
selection of barcode scanner
Vonny for providing used boxes
Ron for configuring two used PCs for use in the HRC Library
The following students/staff: Shane Seaton, Daniel Ball, Jon
Jones, Blake Eiten, Daniel Yoon, and Mark Franklin for loading
furniture and shelving into vans to take to HRC
Beth for helping in many ways
31. Cheryl and David for quickly setting up things in Voyager to support
HRC circulation activities
Rob Ribbe and his staff (especially Don Kearns and John Welsh) for
enthusiastic support of everything including provision of needed
Most of all, thanks to my family including my parents-in-law Terri and
Dan Jozwiak, my wife Michele, and three younger kids (Tristan, Brinley,
and Cohen) who willingly and cheerfully assembled shelving, cleaned
and dusted, boxed up books, moved them, reordered them, and
reshelved them.
This would never have been done without everyones contributions!
32. L U P I N E S B Y T H E R O A D S I D E