H.O.P.E for AFRIKA is a nonprofit organization established in 2009 that provides healthcare, education, and poverty relief programs in Africa. It aims to improve access to healthcare and transform healthcare delivery on the continent. The organization's mission is to provide services that improve healthcare quality and outcomes for African populations. Some of its key programs include a patient-centered care model, increasing healthcare access, establishing rural health programs, and improving African healthcare systems. The organization focuses on vulnerable groups including those in impoverished regions, recently affected by disasters, and facing barriers to access international healthcare.
The document discusses the establishment of the Everybody's Business Sub-Committee (EBS) in Darwin, Australia to improve culturally sensitive sexual and reproductive health services for migrant and refugee communities. It describes the demographics of migrants in Darwin and key health issues identified for refugee women. The EBS was formed in 2010 with diverse members from government and non-profits. It conducted successful Somali community workshops on female genital cutting and developed a project plan and action plan to continue its work, though it struggles with limited funding and capacity as an informal group. The EBS aims to fill gaps, share resources, and holistically address the needs of Darwin's changing migrant population.
Nutrition is always a key concern in emergency management situations. Inadequate nutrition and infectious diseases can increase vulnerability to malnutrition. It is important to ensure the food and nutrition needs of affected populations are met in both relief and recovery phases. Major nutritional deficiency diseases include protein-energy malnutrition, iron-deficiency anemia, and vitamin A, iodine, and B deficiencies.
This document provides information about an organization called Help 4 Human Research & Development (H4HRD). It is an international non-profit organization with the mission of contributing to holistic human development and serving all humanity. Some of its key goals include improving quality of life, eliminating poverty, hunger and disease, promoting human rights, empowering marginalized groups, and promoting environmental protection. The organization has several initiatives or "missions" focused on areas like health, education, law and human rights, empowering women and children, crime prevention, and social justice. It aims to address issues like lack of access to healthcare and education, poverty, discrimination, and environmental degradation through advocacy, awareness campaigns, and community empowerment programs.
Tribal people in India suffer from a high burden of disease due to factors like poverty, poor hygiene, lack of access to healthcare, and nutritional deficiencies. They face both communicable diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and leprosy as well as non-communicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Improving tribal health requires ensuring access to healthcare infrastructure and services, implementing public health programs, increasing health education, and addressing social and economic barriers that prevent tribes from utilizing available care.
National Youth HIV& AIDS Awareness Day
April 10, 2015
Presentation by Jean A. Renaud/Jarhorseman
NonProfit Commons in Second Life
Todays young people are the first generation who has never known a world without HIV and AIDS. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010, young people ages 13 to 24 years old made up 17% of the US population, but accounted for an estimated 26% (12,200) of all new HIV infections (47,500) in the United States. 1 in 4 new HIV infections occurs in youth ages 13 to 24 years.
This document summarizes a research paper about how governments and international organizations in sub-Saharan Africa are using visual images to educate people and change behaviors regarding health issues. It discusses the major health disparities in the region such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, lack of access to healthcare, and cultural practices like female genital mutilation and child marriage. The importance of using images in billboards, posters, photos and illustrations to enlighten, encourage, create awareness, illustrate important health information, sensitize communities and discourage harmful individual behaviors is explained. Specific examples of visual materials addressing issues like breastfeeding, family planning, sanitation, and discouraging illicit brew consumption are also provided.
The summary provides an overview of the Global Health Corps annual report for 2014-2015. It discusses how Global Health Corps mobilizes young leaders to work in health organizations in Africa and the US to promote health equity. Over 1,000 fellows were placed in nearly 600 positions across 6 countries. Fellows strengthened health systems through projects in various areas like communications, policy, architecture, and more. Global Health Corps also works to build a community of fellows and alumni to continue advancing health equity worldwide.
The document summarizes Humana People to People's activities in 2015 to promote health and fight diseases in Botswana. It describes several key programs:
1) The HOPE Humana program which operates community health centers providing HIV/AIDS services including testing and counseling. It focuses on preventing new infections and supporting those affected.
2) A partnership with FHI360 to work towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals of diagnosing, treating, and sustaining viral suppression in people with HIV.
3) The Communities Acting Together to Control HIV program which empowers communities to identify challenges and devise their own solutions to reduce new HIV infections.
The document summarizes research on population aging and intergenerational relationships in Nigeria within the context of HIV/AIDS. It identifies two major challenges: 1) the need to strengthen and increase social pension schemes for elderly women caring for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS, and 2) for Nigeria to develop a comprehensive aging policy that protects elderly women. The document recommends disaggregated data collection, community-based research, and expanding social transfer programs to better support elderly female-headed households in the context of HIV/AIDS and population aging in Nigeria.
Lara Villar of Catholic Medical Mission Board describes the organization's CHAMPS (CHildren And Mothers Partnerships) model for improving the health of vulnerable women and children. The program addresses the leading causes of maternal and child death and seeks proven solutions through encouraging partnerships.
The document discusses malnutrition in India and proposes a plan called MTSPAM (Mother Teresa Sustainable Plan Against Malnutrition) to address it. It first defines malnutrition and its causes. It then notes that over one third of the world's malnourished children live in India, with the highest prevalence of underweight children. It proposes MTSPAM, which would recruit members in each district to improve implementation of existing government plans, ensure resources reach those in need, and act as intermediaries between communities and authorities. The plan aims to reduce malnutrition levels in India through improved access to nutrition, healthcare, and financial support.
This document is a policy brief about unsafe water and inadequate sanitation. It discusses how over 800 million people lack access to clean water, despite it being recognized as a basic human right. It outlines the health issues caused by unclean water, including diseases that kill more people than war. While some progress has been made through organizations working to increase access, more efforts are needed from governments and groups collaborating to solve this global problem.
Urbanization is increasing rapidly in India, leading to a growth in urban slum populations. Women living in urban slums face numerous health challenges. They have poor access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare facilities. Social determinants like gender inequality, poverty, and lack of education negatively impact slum women's health. Common health issues for these women include anemia, poor reproductive and maternal health, malnutrition, and infectious diseases. Improving living conditions, empowering women, and ensuring access to medical services are needed to address the many health issues faced by women in India's urban slums.
How Africa turned AIDS around By Michel Sidib辿 Celebrating 50 Years of Africa...DrLendySpires
Michel Sidib辿 Executive Director UNAIDS At the May 2013 African Union Summit celebrating the 50 years of African unity, a new commission will be launched to explore HIV and global health in the post-2015 debate. The UNAIDS and Lancet commission: from AIDS to sustainable health will be co-chaired by Malawi President Joyce Banda, African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Director Peter Piot.
The pace of progress is quickening in Africa. Nowhere have we seen this more clearly than in the AIDS response. Fewer people are dying from AIDS. The number of HIV infections is coming down, with young Africans leading the prevention revolution. There is true hope that in a matter of years, Africa will reach an AIDS-free generation. It has taken a massive shift in how we work together. It has required leaders to show immense courage, passion and action from all sectors. It has taken a united Africa. I am not saying it has been easy but it has happened. We have a shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.
And today there is an African Union endorsement of a new Roadmap to accelerate progress in HIV, Tuberculosis and Malariathrough shared responsibility and global solidarity. Given the extraordinary history of the AIDS response in Africain terms of both galvanizing political support and mobilizing resources and communitiesthe Roadmap sees AIDS as a pathfinder for tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases affecting the continent that require African-sourced solutions. Leadership, it turns out, was that elusive magic bullet. It is the disruptive innovation that has irrevocably changed the course of AIDS and now can do even more. As we look to our future goals, I am confident that African leadership can be UNAIDS | Special report with vision and action we can change the world
The Global Health Corps (GHC) has grown significantly in its first 5 years, expanding from 22 fellows in its first class to over 100 current fellows. GHC places fellows in year-long paid positions with high-impact health organizations to address issues like HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and chronic diseases. Through training programs, community building activities, and professional development opportunities, GHC equips fellows with the skills to be leaders in the global health field and make measurable impacts on health in communities around the world.
The document summarizes the seminar presentation on the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) and its social welfare activities. It provides background on FPAI, including that it was established in 1949 and has 40 branches across India. It details FPAI's vision, mission, activities like operating family planning clinics and camps, and strategic plan with a focus on access, advocacy, adolescents, AIDS, abortion, and supporting strategies like leadership training. The document also discusses FPAI's Parivar Pragathi Pariyojana project and its community action and social welfare programs.
The document discusses women's attitudes toward and roles regarding hygiene. Some key points:
- Women are more concerned about hygiene than men, spend more time on it, and are the main buyers of hygiene products for their families.
- Personal hygiene is considered the most important lesson parents teach children, and children turn to their mothers first for hygiene advice.
- As economies develop, people spend more time on hygiene and see it as more of an assumed right. Women drive improvements in hygiene standards as standards of living rise.
- Hygiene is tied to human dignity and identity. It is a higher priority for women than other aspects of life like clothing, food, and homes
This document summarizes healthcare challenges in South Africa. It notes that while South Africa has made efforts to provide universal healthcare since 1994, key health indicators have stagnated or declined. South Africa faces a major challenge from HIV/AIDS, with the highest prevalence in the world. Nearly half of TB cases are co-infected with HIV. Other issues include high infant, child, and maternal mortality rates. The document calls for integrated primary healthcare services that address the needs of vulnerable populations and achieving health-related UN Millennium Development Goals.
The document summarizes four major voluntary health agencies in India - the Indian Council for Child Welfare, Family Planning Association of India, Tuberculosis Association of India, and Indian Red Cross Society. It describes their aims, objectives, activities and services provided. The ICCW works on child welfare programs. FPAI promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights. TAI focuses on prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. IRCS provides humanitarian assistance during disasters and promotes health in communities.
Philip and Oko-Offoboche- Partnership and collaboration: sexual reproductive ...IFLA_InfolitRef
The document discusses a project conducted by Dreamboat Theatre for Development Foundation to improve sexual and reproductive health literacy among women in Ediba, Nigeria through participatory theater workshops. Over several weeks, the project used theater, discussions, and information sessions to educate women on topics like HIV/AIDS, female genital cutting, family planning, and teenage pregnancy. Surveys conducted before and after the workshops found that the women's attitudes and knowledge improved significantly on all topics. The project leaders concluded that theater is an effective tool for communicating health information and advocating for social changes, especially in rural communities.
The annual report summarizes Global Health Corps' (GHC) activities and impact from 2015-2016. It provides an overview of GHC's mission to mobilize emerging leaders to build the health equity movement. In 2015-2016, GHC placed 140 fellows across 66 organizations in East and Southern Africa and the US. The report highlights the ongoing impact of GHC alumni, 90% of whom remain in global health or social justice in positions of influence. It also features success stories of current and past fellows delivering impact in their host countries and organizations.
Female foeticide, or the killing of female fetuses, is a major issue in India. It is driven by social preferences for sons over daughters and enabled by technology like ultrasounds. This has led to unnatural increases in the male to female sex ratio, with 108.8 males for every 100 females according to the 2011 census. The government has tried to address this through acts banning sex-selective abortions, but enforcement has been a challenge due to social attitudes.
The Global Network of People Living with HIV and The World AIDS Campaign have coordinated the development of a set of advocacy messages that speak specifically to the needs of young people living with HIV and how these needs must be recognised in the new UN General Assembly Special Session on AIDS Declaration that will be endorsed by UN member states, in June, 2011.
Ensuring mothers are provided appropriate antenatal and delivery care, and offering the proper information and services for mothers to time and space their pregnancies are essential to building healthy families. World Vision will describe their work with religious leaders in Garba Tulla, Kenya to help pregnant moms thrive during their childbearing years.
Grandmothers in poor households in South Africa often act as primary caregivers for their grandchildren. This role greatly impacts their ability to realize their own right to adequate food. As primary caregivers, the grandmothers' pension grants are not enough to meet the basic needs of the large households they support. They report having to sacrifice their own food needs to feed their grandchildren. Living with and caring for grandchildren is identified as the biggest constraint on grandmothers' access to adequate food for themselves.
This document discusses the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. [1] It begins in Africa but affects all people regardless of attributes. [2] Understanding how HIV/AIDS impacts different nations can help create worldwide solutions. [3] The main sections examine what kind of people/communities exist, how the epidemic has progressed to the current state, and what can be done going forward.
Participatory Community Health DevelopmentSteven Reames
Dr. Julius Kavuludi, in country director of MAP interiational, delivers this message at the Faith Hope and Charity Dinner of Genesis World Mission in Garden City Idaho, March 6, 2011.
The document summarizes Humana People to People's activities in 2015 to promote health and fight diseases in Botswana. It describes several key programs:
1) The HOPE Humana program which operates community health centers providing HIV/AIDS services including testing and counseling. It focuses on preventing new infections and supporting those affected.
2) A partnership with FHI360 to work towards the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals of diagnosing, treating, and sustaining viral suppression in people with HIV.
3) The Communities Acting Together to Control HIV program which empowers communities to identify challenges and devise their own solutions to reduce new HIV infections.
The document summarizes research on population aging and intergenerational relationships in Nigeria within the context of HIV/AIDS. It identifies two major challenges: 1) the need to strengthen and increase social pension schemes for elderly women caring for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS, and 2) for Nigeria to develop a comprehensive aging policy that protects elderly women. The document recommends disaggregated data collection, community-based research, and expanding social transfer programs to better support elderly female-headed households in the context of HIV/AIDS and population aging in Nigeria.
Lara Villar of Catholic Medical Mission Board describes the organization's CHAMPS (CHildren And Mothers Partnerships) model for improving the health of vulnerable women and children. The program addresses the leading causes of maternal and child death and seeks proven solutions through encouraging partnerships.
The document discusses malnutrition in India and proposes a plan called MTSPAM (Mother Teresa Sustainable Plan Against Malnutrition) to address it. It first defines malnutrition and its causes. It then notes that over one third of the world's malnourished children live in India, with the highest prevalence of underweight children. It proposes MTSPAM, which would recruit members in each district to improve implementation of existing government plans, ensure resources reach those in need, and act as intermediaries between communities and authorities. The plan aims to reduce malnutrition levels in India through improved access to nutrition, healthcare, and financial support.
This document is a policy brief about unsafe water and inadequate sanitation. It discusses how over 800 million people lack access to clean water, despite it being recognized as a basic human right. It outlines the health issues caused by unclean water, including diseases that kill more people than war. While some progress has been made through organizations working to increase access, more efforts are needed from governments and groups collaborating to solve this global problem.
Urbanization is increasing rapidly in India, leading to a growth in urban slum populations. Women living in urban slums face numerous health challenges. They have poor access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare facilities. Social determinants like gender inequality, poverty, and lack of education negatively impact slum women's health. Common health issues for these women include anemia, poor reproductive and maternal health, malnutrition, and infectious diseases. Improving living conditions, empowering women, and ensuring access to medical services are needed to address the many health issues faced by women in India's urban slums.
How Africa turned AIDS around By Michel Sidib辿 Celebrating 50 Years of Africa...DrLendySpires
Michel Sidib辿 Executive Director UNAIDS At the May 2013 African Union Summit celebrating the 50 years of African unity, a new commission will be launched to explore HIV and global health in the post-2015 debate. The UNAIDS and Lancet commission: from AIDS to sustainable health will be co-chaired by Malawi President Joyce Banda, African Union Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Director Peter Piot.
The pace of progress is quickening in Africa. Nowhere have we seen this more clearly than in the AIDS response. Fewer people are dying from AIDS. The number of HIV infections is coming down, with young Africans leading the prevention revolution. There is true hope that in a matter of years, Africa will reach an AIDS-free generation. It has taken a massive shift in how we work together. It has required leaders to show immense courage, passion and action from all sectors. It has taken a united Africa. I am not saying it has been easy but it has happened. We have a shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.
And today there is an African Union endorsement of a new Roadmap to accelerate progress in HIV, Tuberculosis and Malariathrough shared responsibility and global solidarity. Given the extraordinary history of the AIDS response in Africain terms of both galvanizing political support and mobilizing resources and communitiesthe Roadmap sees AIDS as a pathfinder for tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases affecting the continent that require African-sourced solutions. Leadership, it turns out, was that elusive magic bullet. It is the disruptive innovation that has irrevocably changed the course of AIDS and now can do even more. As we look to our future goals, I am confident that African leadership can be UNAIDS | Special report with vision and action we can change the world
The Global Health Corps (GHC) has grown significantly in its first 5 years, expanding from 22 fellows in its first class to over 100 current fellows. GHC places fellows in year-long paid positions with high-impact health organizations to address issues like HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and chronic diseases. Through training programs, community building activities, and professional development opportunities, GHC equips fellows with the skills to be leaders in the global health field and make measurable impacts on health in communities around the world.
The document summarizes the seminar presentation on the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI) and its social welfare activities. It provides background on FPAI, including that it was established in 1949 and has 40 branches across India. It details FPAI's vision, mission, activities like operating family planning clinics and camps, and strategic plan with a focus on access, advocacy, adolescents, AIDS, abortion, and supporting strategies like leadership training. The document also discusses FPAI's Parivar Pragathi Pariyojana project and its community action and social welfare programs.
The document discusses women's attitudes toward and roles regarding hygiene. Some key points:
- Women are more concerned about hygiene than men, spend more time on it, and are the main buyers of hygiene products for their families.
- Personal hygiene is considered the most important lesson parents teach children, and children turn to their mothers first for hygiene advice.
- As economies develop, people spend more time on hygiene and see it as more of an assumed right. Women drive improvements in hygiene standards as standards of living rise.
- Hygiene is tied to human dignity and identity. It is a higher priority for women than other aspects of life like clothing, food, and homes
This document summarizes healthcare challenges in South Africa. It notes that while South Africa has made efforts to provide universal healthcare since 1994, key health indicators have stagnated or declined. South Africa faces a major challenge from HIV/AIDS, with the highest prevalence in the world. Nearly half of TB cases are co-infected with HIV. Other issues include high infant, child, and maternal mortality rates. The document calls for integrated primary healthcare services that address the needs of vulnerable populations and achieving health-related UN Millennium Development Goals.
The document summarizes four major voluntary health agencies in India - the Indian Council for Child Welfare, Family Planning Association of India, Tuberculosis Association of India, and Indian Red Cross Society. It describes their aims, objectives, activities and services provided. The ICCW works on child welfare programs. FPAI promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights. TAI focuses on prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. IRCS provides humanitarian assistance during disasters and promotes health in communities.
Philip and Oko-Offoboche- Partnership and collaboration: sexual reproductive ...IFLA_InfolitRef
The document discusses a project conducted by Dreamboat Theatre for Development Foundation to improve sexual and reproductive health literacy among women in Ediba, Nigeria through participatory theater workshops. Over several weeks, the project used theater, discussions, and information sessions to educate women on topics like HIV/AIDS, female genital cutting, family planning, and teenage pregnancy. Surveys conducted before and after the workshops found that the women's attitudes and knowledge improved significantly on all topics. The project leaders concluded that theater is an effective tool for communicating health information and advocating for social changes, especially in rural communities.
The annual report summarizes Global Health Corps' (GHC) activities and impact from 2015-2016. It provides an overview of GHC's mission to mobilize emerging leaders to build the health equity movement. In 2015-2016, GHC placed 140 fellows across 66 organizations in East and Southern Africa and the US. The report highlights the ongoing impact of GHC alumni, 90% of whom remain in global health or social justice in positions of influence. It also features success stories of current and past fellows delivering impact in their host countries and organizations.
Female foeticide, or the killing of female fetuses, is a major issue in India. It is driven by social preferences for sons over daughters and enabled by technology like ultrasounds. This has led to unnatural increases in the male to female sex ratio, with 108.8 males for every 100 females according to the 2011 census. The government has tried to address this through acts banning sex-selective abortions, but enforcement has been a challenge due to social attitudes.
The Global Network of People Living with HIV and The World AIDS Campaign have coordinated the development of a set of advocacy messages that speak specifically to the needs of young people living with HIV and how these needs must be recognised in the new UN General Assembly Special Session on AIDS Declaration that will be endorsed by UN member states, in June, 2011.
Ensuring mothers are provided appropriate antenatal and delivery care, and offering the proper information and services for mothers to time and space their pregnancies are essential to building healthy families. World Vision will describe their work with religious leaders in Garba Tulla, Kenya to help pregnant moms thrive during their childbearing years.
Grandmothers in poor households in South Africa often act as primary caregivers for their grandchildren. This role greatly impacts their ability to realize their own right to adequate food. As primary caregivers, the grandmothers' pension grants are not enough to meet the basic needs of the large households they support. They report having to sacrifice their own food needs to feed their grandchildren. Living with and caring for grandchildren is identified as the biggest constraint on grandmothers' access to adequate food for themselves.
This document discusses the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. [1] It begins in Africa but affects all people regardless of attributes. [2] Understanding how HIV/AIDS impacts different nations can help create worldwide solutions. [3] The main sections examine what kind of people/communities exist, how the epidemic has progressed to the current state, and what can be done going forward.
Participatory Community Health DevelopmentSteven Reames
Dr. Julius Kavuludi, in country director of MAP interiational, delivers this message at the Faith Hope and Charity Dinner of Genesis World Mission in Garden City Idaho, March 6, 2011.
Maternal Health Care Availability In The Developing WorldCaitlin Mabe
Maternal mortality rates are significantly higher in developing countries compared to industrialized nations, with 1 in 76 pregnancies in developing areas ending in death versus 1 in 8,000 in industrialized countries. One of the Millennium Development Goals aims to reduce maternal mortality by 75% by 2015 through improving access to family planning, antenatal care, and empowering women's control of their reproductive health. However, factors like cultural practices, travel times to hospitals, wait times to see doctors, and lack of healthcare resources limit access to care, especially in rural areas. While urban populations have closer proximity to care, poverty still prevents many urban women from receiving adequate maternal healthcare. Expanding healthcare resources and making care culturally acceptable and
There is a shortage of dermatologists and skin clinics in Kenya. Each year, Africa Psoriasis Organization conducts free health camps to provide diagnosis and treatment for psoriasis and other skin diseases among poor children. To make the program more sustainable and benefit more people, APO is establishing a Psoriasis Treatment and Resource Center in Nairobi that will provide free diagnosis and care for children with psoriasis and train health workers. This will help address issues of misdiagnosis, lack of access to treatment, and limited data for research.
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1971 that provides medical assistance in areas affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or lack of healthcare access. With over 65,000 staff worldwide, MSF is guided by principles of medical ethics to ensure quality care, patient confidentiality, and prioritizing the patient's health. MSF operates numerous programs for medical services, research, logistics, and more to assist vulnerable populations around the world.
The document discusses primary healthcare (PHC) in Asia based on the principles of the 1978 Alma Ata Declaration. It outlines the paradoxes in Asia regarding health and development. While Asia faces issues like poverty, inequality, and inefficient health systems, it is also home to cutting-edge medicine and a large workforce. The document advocates for strengthening PHC in Asia to achieve "health for all" and addresses recommendations from young people and medical students to successfully implement PHC through community participation, meaningful youth involvement, integrated approaches, and a focus on marginalized groups.
Global nursing: the Dance between Health and DevelopmentMary Ellen Ciptak
Global Nursing and Healthcare Considerations
Chronic Noncommunicable disease
Global Health Bodies
Humanitarian, grassroots global organizations
International organizations
The Lalmba Association 2014 Annual Report summarizes Lalmba's mission to empower rural East African communities by addressing their needs for education, healthcare, economic opportunity, and nutrition. In 2014, Lalmba provided education to over 1,000 children, healthcare to nearly 50,000 people through its clinics, microloans to 52 individuals, and support for vulnerable children and elders. Lalmba assesses the success of its programs based on the emergence of similar community-led services, with the goal of eventually transitioning responsibilities over to local partners.
Dr. Kavuludi was well received by Boise area Rotary clubs who have helped support Genesis World Mission's efforts. The Burangi project already has an established connection to the Malindi Kenya Rotary.
Kissito Healthcare Presient and CEO, Tom Clarke, met with OB-GYN professionsals from Carillion Hospital on September 30th to discuss Kissito's international child and maternal healthcare operations in Uganda and Ethiopia.
CHERRI AFRICA is a non-profit organization that aims to provide health information and awareness resources to communities in Nigeria and Africa. It has a three phase project including launching a health information website, conducting monthly health seminars and conferences, and eventually establishing healthcare facilities in rural areas through partnerships. The organization currently has a staff of 5 medical professionals and works with 20 volunteers. It has partnered with other organizations and conducted various health outreach events and medical screenings reaching over 1000 people.
Dr. Kavuludi presented to Idaho State University Medical Students in more depth than the dinner address.
Warning: this presentation is a medical presentation and includes graphic pictures of the body that is not suitable for children or sensitive audiences.
Os cuidados de sa炭de prestados durante a gravidez salvaguardam o bem-estar da m達e e do feto e proporcionam um bom come巽o de vida aos beb棚s. Os custos financeiros de ter um beb棚 podem ser catastr坦ficos, impedindo as mulheres gr叩vidas de procurar servi巽os essenciais de sa炭de materna e colocando em risco a vida das m達es e de seus filhos.
De acordo com a an叩lise recentemente divulgada, estima-se que 5 milh探es de fam鱈lias vivendo na frica, sia, Am辿rica Latina e Caribe incorrer達o em grandes dificuldades financeiras a cada ano - ou gastos catastr坦ficos em sa炭de - devido a aus棚ncia de cuidados pr辿-natal e parto. Os gastos com sa炭de s達o considerados grandes se excederem 40% dos gastos n達o essenciais, n達o alimentares, de um domic鱈lio. Quase dois ter巽os dessas fam鱈lias, ou cerca de 3 milh探es de fam鱈lias, est達o na sia.
O documento aborda ainda, a epidemia de ces叩reas, o casamento infantil, a gravidez na adolesc棚ncia...
Obrigado e parab辿ns ao Unicef!
Prof. Marcus Renato de Carvalho
Paul Mikov, MA, Vice President of Institutional Partnerships with Catholic Medical Mission Board shares how CMMB partners with a variety of organizations to deliver care and strengthen health systems, including a program involving care by Catholic nuns.
The document summarizes a breast cancer awareness event held in Nigeria. It discusses that breast cancer is a leading cause of death in developing countries. The event was organized by Launch Out Foundation, Worldview Missions, and The Ordained Believer Assembly to increase awareness about breast cancer prevention and early detection. Speakers at the event emphasized the importance of early detection in increasing survival rates and reducing breast cancer mortality. The event aimed to educate the public and dispel myths about breast cancer.
Maternal Health Issues Vermont Giving Circle July 2011JodiBreckenridge
Partners in Health addresses maternal mortality through four key areas: 1) training specialized community health workers to provide skilled obstetric care and accompany women to clinics, 2) integrating family planning services into comprehensive healthcare, 3) preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV through counseling, testing and treatment, and 4) establishing maternal waiting houses and providing services to increase facility-based deliveries. Through these comprehensive programs in Haiti, Rwanda, Malawi and Lesotho, Partners in Health works to increase access to healthcare and virtual eliminate preventable maternal and infant deaths.
The document discusses reproductive health, population dynamics, and their interrelationship. It notes that everyone has a right to reproductive health and happy families. Population growth influences development, and the population of poor countries is expected to more than double by 2050. The document then covers topics like reproductive health problems, the Millennium Development Goals, pillars of reproductive health like responsible parenthood, and the Philippines' reproductive health realities and constitutional provisions.
The document discusses weaknesses in Africa's healthcare system, focusing on several key issues:
1) Lack of infrastructure, training facilities, and political instability have overwhelmed the system and exacerbated disease outbreaks like Ebola.
2) Education and training of healthcare workers is essential but often lacking, resulting in unsafe practices and inadequate prevention of diseases.
3) Factors like poverty, distance from care, and lack of funding limit access to healthcare for many Africans.
4) Disease outbreaks like Ebola further strain the fragile system and expose deficiencies, but also provide opportunities for organizations to help strengthen training and resources.
Introduction of Helping Society Nepal (HIV/AIDS) social NGOs since 9 yearGanesh Bahadur Gurung
The document introduces Helping Society Nepal, an organization established in 2007 to assist those affected by HIV/AIDS in Nepal. It aims to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and provide support services like education, healthcare, counseling, and job training. The organization operates in Kathmandu but plans to expand rural outreach. It has 12 volunteers and successfully organizes awareness campaigns, clinical services, counseling, and support for orphans and victims of disasters. The goal is to offer compassionate care, advocate for equal treatment, and train communities to support those living with HIV/AIDS.
The document introduces Helping Society Nepal, an organization established in 2007 to assist those affected by HIV/AIDS in Nepal. It aims to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and provide support services like education, healthcare, counseling, and job training. The organization operates in Kathmandu but plans to expand rural outreach. It has 12 volunteers and successfully organizes awareness campaigns, clinical services, counseling, and support for orphans and victims of disasters. The goal is to offer compassionate care, advocate for equal treatment, and train communities to support those living with HIV/AIDS.
H.O.P.E for AFRIKA is a humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to relieving suffering through
health care interventions, education and poverty reduction programs.
Established in 2009 by volunteer Dr. Jean Michel Kayumba, MD physician frustrated to reach
out only to those privileged who can get access to his air-conditioned consultation room leaving
out the large number exposed to hardship and poverty.
H.O.P.E for AFRIKA is a private, humanitarian, charitable, non-profit, nonpolitical, nonsectarian
To be the trusted leader in transforming healthcare landmarks delivery in Africa and services
into solutions that improve healthcare access, quality and population outcome in Africa.
Providing service, impacting lives and caring for people.
Cores Values:
We must always;
Act with integrity and treat others with respect.
2. To be fully accountable and execute project flawlessly.
To be committed to continuous improvement
Advocate for humanity, openness, peace and equality.
Foster innovation.
Nurture collaboration, learning, development, engagement, and recognize performance.
An estimated 1,606,190 African immigrants (2010 US Census) have fled to the United States
alone? Issues with the government and politics partnered with pure poverty drive millions of
Africans out of their homes and into countries like the USA and Canada. Repressive
governments cause violent turmoil and distress to rule over many peoples lives. Those who
come to the United States quickly build a better life for themselves, though they are vulnerable
and insecure for months after moving. Unfortunately, not all impoverished African citizens can
make their way to a better life. Its difficult to imagine, sometimes, what it would be like to live
with rash persecutions, brutal natural disasters, a crumbling economy, constant war, and
poverty. But for the citizens of many poor African countries, its a harsh reality.
Because Africa remains a devastatingly poor and underdeveloped continent, diseases like
HIV and Malaria run ramped through small villages and rural communities. The horrifying fact is
that many catastrophic issues in these communities remain untouched due to both the corrupt
African government and the remote location of many communities. Literacy levels are slowly
improving, (in 1990 the adult literacy rate was about 52 percent - in 2008 it was almost 63
percent) but are still ranked among the lowest in the world, as they have been for many years.
Literacy is important - a high quality education is the grounds for building a life of success-
however it is often ignored due to higher priorities. Because the ability to read and write is
considered inferior to other skills, one in three adults in sub-Saharan Africa cannot read; that
equates to about 176 million adults. Almost 21 million adolescents are not receiving a formal
education, and 47 million youths are illiterate. Poverty remains widespread and common. Lack
of an adequate water supply, frequent tribal conflicts, malnutrition, and generally poor health are
just a few of the heavy burdens weighing on thousands of peoples shoulders. Thats where
H.O.P.E steps in- we feel its our moral obligation to help lift that weight, and promote access to
health care for uninsured and devastated communities.
Often times in poor countries, the aftermaths of wars and horrendous natural disasters end
up being significantly more devastating than the original issue. Damaged, decaying, economies
and unlimited health problems are usually the results of destructive events. People are left
susceptibly weak and wrecked as they try and pick up the pieces. H.O.P.E wants to be there to
3. assist people in the arduous, fatiguing, and difficult process of fixing things back up, promote
affordable access to health care, clean water, and education in less-fortunate communities in
We are Humanity Openness Peace and Equality- We are a charitable, non-profit organization
set out to relieve the limits of health-care in impoverished areas around the world. We have a
key to unlocking the amazing potential knowledge and health just outside the reach of many
communities. With only a little bit of training, we can help indigent citizens of poverty-stricken
areas support themselves. After that, the ripple effect comes into play. Creative new ideas and
alternate methods shared with a few people eventually reach to the far corners of the world.
H.O.P.E was built on the fundamental belief that health care and education are basic rights, not
to be denied to anyone. We want to help enact a universal health care program providing quality
care that is affordable and culturally sensitive. Our ideas are cost-efficient and can be enacted
by businesses, consumers, and governments.
Our primary focus is on the most vulnerable people:
- Those in rural and impoverished region in Africa
- Those recently devastated by the destruction of wars and natural disasters (Droughts, floods,
famine, epidemic, and storms are among the many natural disasters occurring regularly in
- Those facing linguistic and cultural barriers as they try to access North American health
1.Patient centered care model program:
health care that establishes a partnership among practitioners, patients, and their families to
help ensure that decision respect patients wants and needs and that patients have the
education and support they need to make decisions and participate in their own care.
4. That is the definition of a new and revolutionary idea called patient centered care. It means
better coordination and collaboration between multiple health care delivery systems and select
communities, and more support for public education and outreach so that everyone understands
and comprehends facts and changes in their health policies and services. We want to
encourage as well as promote good health policies and the importance of education to the near
and far corners of the world, prominently in vulnerable places where such an education is
difficult to come by. By building a strong, better, and education now - we lay the ground work for
even greater education possibilities in the future- illuminating completely new and exciting
With a little hard work, we could go on to raise the literacy rate, create a sound and stable
infrastructure for water supply as well as health care, and almost completely eliminate
waterborne diseases. Clean and sanitary resources are of extreme value and are often times
difficult to find. Better sanitation means lower risk of Malaria, Tuberculosis, and AIDS, as well as
greatly decreased chances of infant mortality. It can be somewhat difficult, in impoverished
countries, to find the resources crucially needed to restore the health, the home, and the life of
those struggling to make things work. H.O.P.E has the high-caliber tools to necessary to help-
and we want to share them with the world!
We are aiming to conduct in depth preliminary studies and then develop, in close liaison
with local health authorities, an advanced, contemporary program designed to asses as well as
identify, the preferences and the needs of affected populations. If we provide the essential basic
training for health professionals and continue to promote all activities enabling the dissemination
of new skills, a bigger impact will be made than even thinkable. By providing medicine, health
training, and experience, and health care support, H.O.P.E makes an imprint. To be able to put
the plan into action, we will need to jumpstart a networking care system, so as to have a
backbone for the operation.
2.Healthcare access program
Health should be a right - not an option. Today in Africa 1 in every 16 women die in
childbirth, and every 1 in 5 children die under the age of 5- that shouldnt be a reality. Nigeria
has the second largest proportion of maternal deaths of all the countries in the world. More than
99% of all child-birth deaths occur in developing countries, and furthermore, more than one half
of these deaths transpire in sub-Saharan Africa. Respiratory infections, malaria, AIDS, and
measles shouldnt determine the course of someones life. Everyone is entitled to a future, yet
many dont get a chance to reach their full potential.
69% of all people living with HIV are found in Africa, and most of them dont live past 30. Sub-
Saharan Africa accounts for more than 70 percent of all HIV/AIDS deaths (as of 2011 data
reports) Dramas like this are preventable! Almost three quarters of deaths could be prevented
through better nutrition, monitoring of women during their pregnancies, and access to health
We have several programs running, each focusing on different things:
3. The Rural Health Program
This program was begun after observation of a contrast found in many African countries.
A high proportion of unemployed doctors in the city, and a lack of medical health in underserved
rural areas. We support countries as they build basic health infrastructure by encouraging young
5. physicians to settle near their communities and villages, providing them with the necessary tools
in their efforts to provide care for children, orphans, mentally disabled patients, and people in
great pain. The aim is to have physicians spread out over rural areas equally, leaving nowhere
untouched and uneducated about how to stay healthy. Medical staff could educate inhabitants
on nutrition, sanitation, how to reduce maternal mortality, and how to prevent the start and
spread of epidemics. Not only that, but the physician would play a huge role in the development
of the new generation.
4. Healthcare system Program
If we can improve the health care system, there are much better chances of getting
medical staff to treat patients in rural areas. There are several parts necessary to build a decent
health system. You need vaccinations, trained staff, clean environments, vitamins, and clean
and purified water. H.O.P.E is accumulating all the pieces to assemble an exceptional and
exemplary health program. With a stronger and more supportive backbone (infrastructure), the
health care system could become efficient and widespread.
5. Clean Water Program
Many diseases are waterborne, and spread very quickly. The epidemics are often difficult
to stop due to dehydration or malnutrition of African citizens. Water is difficult to come by, and is
usually not very clean or sanitary. There is no decent method to filtering the water, so infections
can spread incredibly quickly. Dehydration results in diarrhea, delirium, and a weakened
immune system. Malnutrition results in muscle/bone weakness, painfully swollen and bleeding
gums, stunted growth, and poor immune function. If not treated, these conditions can (and
unfortunately, often do) result in death.
6. Medical Surplus Recovery, Collection, and Redistribution Program
North American hospitals generate millions of tons of medical waste each year. Much off
that waste is made up of unused medical supplies and old medical devices. These items are
dismissed without a concern of an environmental footprint, or the cost endured by taxpayers.
Meanwhile, the World health Organization estimates that the mortality rate of children
under the age of 5 is 199 out of every 1000. The mortality rate for child bearing mothers is 670
out of every 1000. All of this because steps were not taken to prevent the spread of diseases
and conditions in areas where health care systems are poor or inexistent. H.O.P.E plays a major
role in facilitating the transfer of surplus medical supplies and medical equipment to the places
where they are most needed by using a safe and tested medical surplus recovery and
redistribution channel system.
There are three basic phases of the program:
1. Identify the plausible or confirmed hospital donors
- Assess their interests
- Explain the benefits and possibilities
- Deal with any barriers or myths concerning medical device donation
2. Asses the capacity for responsibility of the recipients
- Determine where the materials will be used correctly and responsibly
6. 3. Asses the donation recipients needs and values
- Determine where the donation will be the most productive, and of the most use
After working in Africa, we realized two major things:
A) The skills are there - many citizens of Africa have experience in medical fields, but are
unemployed. Others have chosen the path of exile, and have fled to alternate locations.
B) The most severe problem is the poor infrastructure of the health care system. Medical
supplies are scarce, medical equipment is near and far between.
Since being established in 2009, H.O.P.E has worked closely with partners to strengthen
both human and medical resources. We have also provided adequate training for medical staff,
and patched up some of the distinct holes in the crumbling infrastructure. With tools in hand,
weve started to build a better future for the inhabitants of distressed and destroyed
communities- changing the world a little at a time.
Join us:
Join us! Its absolutely necessary that we acquire new resources to fulfill the needs of
those who do not have what they are entitled to. Things like health care and home shouldnt be
negotiable ideals. Often times men, women, and children must walk up to 60 miles to reach a
health center where there is no medical equipment, no diagnostic labs, and no pharmacy.
Regrettably, usually when they arrive it is far too late. Emergency medical teams are necessary
to save lives in the event of disasters and everyday life. Besides financial support, we are also
looking for men and women who share our concerns, our values, and our beliefs, to join us.
Contact information:
Contact us!
We would love to hear from you. Questions, comments, or ideas? Email or call!
Were located at:
1056 Forest Avenue, Portland Maine 04103
Call us:
Email us:
7. info@hoppeforafrika.org
The Board of Directors:
Dr. Jean Michel Kayumba, MD.
Founder and Chairman
Dr. Jean Michel Kayumba is a respected physician, excellently in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, University of Kinshasa medical school alumni, where he acquired a
Bachelors Degree in Medicine. Immigrated to South Africa in 2000, where he practiced for 12
years and gained extensive experience in OB &GYN, Clinical and program management of
Tuberculosis. He has participated in several forums around the word on the issue of TB
elimination, and in the draft of the South American National Tuberculosis Program.
Dr. Kayumba is a researcher, a public health expert, with certifications in Multiple Drug
Resistance Tuberculosis, recognized by the World Health Organization. Because of his
incredible contribution to the management of multiple drugs resistance tuberculosis and the fight
against TB. His experience in clinical trial comes from his work as an investigator in phase III of
TMC 207, an antimicrobial molecule. Pro Bono consultant with the Maine Health Workforce
Forum and the Internationally Trained Professional Welcome Initiative. Worked as the State of
Maine refugee Health Program coordinator.